Instigator / Pro

Earth’s Age is More than 100,000 Years Old


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

A slight harder counter argument to YEC.

We are obviously talking about our plant Earth.

Burden of proof is shared. No quantum physics arguments allowed. No trolling. No semantic arguments. No kritiks.

RFD part 6

con round 2

I just want to quote con real quick to show his poisonous mindset that will likely end up losing him this debate.

Con “PRO ignores that if GOD wrote the Bible then its authority is far greater than that of science. PRO must debunk God or Christianity in order to win.”

I don’t believe pro is ignoring that. However it is not pro’s job to disprove God or Christianity. It is your job to prove that the bible is reliable to prove YEC. That would mean proving God and Christianity is not enough here, you would need to prove how them being true means the bible is actually the word of God. If the bible is the word of God, and you prove it. You win this debate. However if you merely prove God or christianity correct, than you have not done enough to win.
Another quote by Con “I don't need to. Without a sound philosophical foundation, PRO cannot claim science is a valid way to understand the world.”
This is a great seed to some rebuttals for pro’s scientific evidence. I like it. However it is too little too late. You needed to show in round one why science is a bad way to understand the world or to expand greatly on this argument on round 2. I think you have a good rebuttal for pro’s science based arguments here if you expand on this in a convincing manner. I suggest looking into solipsism for one way that would work at disproving the scientific method, though there are several ways to make this good argument, not just that one.
I like Con’s defense of fine tuning here. He is wrong that the phrase goldilocks zone can only be used in one context, but he explains that the gravitational constant being what it is, is beyond chance. Because the argument comes so late, pro will have a chance to offer a good rebuttal in the following round, but it is unlikely to matter because con really does a terrible job explaining why god created the world less than 100,000 years ago.
Con says “I have fulfilled that BoP by showing why God exists and why Christianity is the correct religion. You are just critiquing theological though, not Christianity.”

Con is correct in some respects. Pro conceded that the gospels were good historical evidence for not only the existence of Jesus but for the fact he performed miracles. I don’t have any arguments for why Jesus being real and performing miracles means that the bible’s assertion of a young Earth is true. We are assuming the bible does say that YEC is true because of Pro’s restrictions, but we need an argument for why the bible is true not for why God is real or whether the gospel accounts of Jesus are historically accurate or not.

I think Con finishes the round strong. He really drives home the point that pro concedes the historical accuracy of the gospels. Con brings up another new point though, and I think he should have brought up earlier. Con says that the Earth must look old, no matter when it was created. Con, please retry this debate with somebody else and take my suggestions, it could be great. Bring this up round 1. In this final round, you don’t expand on this bare assertion either. I was very curious at what the argument behind this is. You must do more than flatly state this. You must provide evidence for your position

RFD part 7

Conclusion and winner
The final rounds of the debate were pretty uninteresting. Pro is correct that he met his burden. He proved that geology, evolution and radiometric dating all agree with the fact that the earth is over 100,000 years old.
While con did prove that God was real and that the new testament accounts of Jesus were accurate, he did not explain how the Gospel of John (or any other gospel) proves that the rest of the bible is accurate. I think Con could have done this because of the constant references by Jesus to the old testament books, but con did not.
I am awarding pro argument points based on the above analysis. I would advise pro to stay away from gish gallop in the future and just focus on radiometric testing or if he is using radiometric testing and geology for example he chooses one example from each and expands on it as much as the character limit allows.

I advise Con to bring up all his arguments in round one and fully elaborate on them in the future, and not just hand wave his opponent’s arguments. He has the seeds from some great debating in the future.


I got you. Have vote written up but need to wait until I have 100 forum posts


This debate seemed to interest you. Would you mind casting a vote? I would appreciate it.

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What do you think about this debate. Do you have any tips or tricks I could have used or any suggestions about what I did good and what I should have changed?

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My real view is OEC. This debate makes for an interesting case where I am the devil's advocate and God's advocate at the same time ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)


Yes, I feel prepared to address any issue you have with those theories. After our Big Bang debate, maybe we'll argue Evolution in a formal debate.


We may have to do just that! And as I told Benjamin, I think some of these issues would make for a more beneficial debate by themselves. Then one could more adequately address the soft tissue issue!


I foresee a series of debates in our future.


Well evolution and the big bang are far from settled theories. There are plenty of dissenters who have found issues with those conclusions. Finding soft tissue on dinosaur fossils is a great example. Are we really supposed to believe that soft tissue was preserved in nature for hundreds of millions of years?


"""if the God has revealed that the Earth is young, then the natural data will point us to that conclusion"""

Ok. But which natural data points us to that conclusion? I could have used those.


Nice advice


I personally try to narrow the scope and focus of my arguments. So rather, than briefly commenting on many subjects (e.g. big bang, age of the earth, geology, radiometric dating, evolution, semantics, limits of science, authenticity of the Bible, existence of God, literal vs figurative Bible interpretation), I prefer to address a few key arguments more deeply. That includes answering my opponent's strongest arguments more fully, while sometimes only briefly commenting or ignoring arguments that stray too far from the debate topic. Obviously this is not always possible, but I feel like if you don't really dig into those key issues, voters may tend to just default to their presuppositions.

Practically speaking, I would limit many of those topics to their own debate. In a scientific debate about the age of the earth, I would probably refrain from trying to prove the existence of God and the validity of Christianity. Not because I don't believe that the Bible is authoritative in what it says, but because I am confident that if the God has revealed that the Earth is young, then the natural data will point us to that conclusion. So I agree with your conclusion that because God created the universe and gave us an eyewitness account, His testimony is sufficient. I just would have taken a different approach to this particular debate based on my desire to limit the scope of my argumentation. That's just my personal approach though, probably because I like to keep things simple.


What do you think of my conclusion (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) ?

Do you have any ideas on how I could improve my arguments?


I think you have identified some key problems with the "science" of the Big Bang Theory and an old earth. Trying to reconcile the Big Bang with the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, as well as promoting abiogenesis are two assumptions we are simply supposed to accept...because, you know, science.

It seems to me we have gotten so used to just accepting whatever scientists say that we have forgotten how to think critically. As you pointed out, PRO's statement about how the earth "says" it is old shows just how blindly people have placed their faith in science. "The earth said it so it must be true!" Sounds more like paganism than science. He made multiple statements about how old the rocks were, but never bothered explaining HOW someone determined the age, or the assumptions involved with their methodology.


Figured I would argue for the other side. What do you think of my argument?




The plant earth is less than 100.000 years. They are at most 10.000 years old.


What do you think it means? It can only mean inequality between two numbers. But I updated it in case it wasn’t clear


The age-old question is being discussed:


What does "Greater" mean in this context?


Yes, but I am very busy ATM. Would love to participate in something like this in about a week or so.


You still a young earth creationist?