Instigator / Pro

THBT: Trans-people are, and ought to be treated, as the gender they identify as


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Trans - "used to describe someone who feels that they are not the same gender (= sex) as the physical body they were born with:" [A]
Gender - " the condition of being male, female, or neuter. In a human context, the distinction between gender and sex reflects the usage of these terms: Sex usually refers to the biological aspects of maleness or femaleness, whereas gender implies the psychological, behavioral, social, and cultural aspects of being male or female" [B]
Treat - "to behave toward someone or deal with something in a particular way:" [C]
Identify - "to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc. and to show that it exists:" [D]

[A] -
[B] -
[C] -
[D] -

General Rules:
1. No new arguments in the last round
2. Sources should be posted in the debate rounds, hyperlinked or otherwise
3. Burden of Proof is shared


Nani?!!! I thought you had to be at least Imabench/Mikal level of tricky to argue Con on this. (I doubt even Bluesteel/Raisor could argue Con side, you can't debate the opposition the normal way AFAIK) Even Intelligence/Benjamin hesitated to make a weird kritik of this topic. I'm eager to see what you have in store.


I'll certainly put an argument forward, good luck to you too


A two-week time for argument and a one-month voting period, could possibly take us to the next quarter, but what the heck? With the time allotted, I'm sure you'll put your best arguments forward. Good luck.


You were trying to make a point? Because without citations I give you no credibility, just someone whos making a claim


Failing to present? I am not debating you, obviously, so stop trying to illicit citable definitions. You earn no points in comments. Leave it for your arguments. Done.


Um... no - the APA realized that their was and is a historic precedent for gender referring to the psychological and social aspect; hell, that's a thing that's been apart of 1960s definitions of gender. Again - just because a thing came first doesn't mean its "better" you are deliberately ignoring other sources of the OXD which disagree while FAILING to actually present any evidence that what you say is true.

Also... what? are you being serious? Do you actually think that because something or someone changes their mind that means that their new position is wrong? You haven't been actually reading my posts - because I've brought up some points I didn't bring up before, you are just hand waving my positions away without actually reading them apparently - but anyway - no - picking the modern criteria of a thing over the past one does not make it "cherry picked" - that is ridiculous.


We are just going round and round on OED [don't recognize OXD] and Lexicon. The two are NOT synonymous. And, all your date citations of post #3, 1945 - 2007, plus your P&S all designate gender as equivalent to female and male. You have no citation other than your own claim via APA [Description [B]] - which has a guilty bias for disagreeing with their definition from the 60s - before your time - to bring up your neuter gender. No one else you've cited in your #3 say so. Why not?

So, who's cherry picking?


That was my intention yes

There is a large BoP here. As much as I'm tempted I'm swamped for time though.


Also- can you please drop the post ad hocs, just because something came before another thing, or because it was there longer does not make it superior to a thing that is late - for example: not enslaving people, that's the traditional way societies made money, yet we don't do that at all anymore - because we realize sometimes, that older things are outdated and WRONG - the OXD is great, but it only appeals to historic precedent, if a mathematician came up with a new definition for a math term - I am going to accept that term WAY before I accept the OXD appeal to history - sorry - that's just how that works


Oh look - your cherry picking:
" b. Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.). The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, rather than biological ones; the collective attributes or traits associated with a particular sex, or determined as a result of one's sex. Also: a (male or female) group characterized in this way.
1945 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. 58 228 In the grade-school years, too, gender (which is the socialized obverse of sex) is a fixed line of demarkation, the qualifying terms being ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’.
1950 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. 63 312 It [sc. Margaret Mead's Male and Female] informs the reader upon ‘gender’ as well as upon ‘sex’, upon masculine and feminine rôles as well as upon male and female and their reproductive functions.
1968 Life 21 June 89 When the separation of fashions according to gender began to vanish, retailers discovered a bonanza.
1978 D. Pearce in Urban & Social Change Rev. 11 i–ii. 35/1 The major implication for policy of both the feminization of poverty and the..labor-force participation of welfare mothers is that gender cannot be ignored.
1981 Heresies 3 67/3 Our ideology and practice of sex roles construct..two mutually exclusive categories, that is, genders.
2007 New Yorker 6 Aug. 13/2 There's no breaking news here—identity and gender have been on the contemporary-art docket for years."

"Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female."

Please quote and cite your oxford dictionary, otherwise I'm inclined to believe your lying.

If the definition of "Gender," as a genetic and not a grammatical construct, includes a neutered sense [it does not by genetic definition in the OED, whereas the grammatical definition is consistent with the neutered addition - and all life is not grammatical, but genetic], why are human gametes only male and female, even in the instance of a resulting aneuploid rather than euploid condition?
