Instigator / Pro

Instant Loss Due to Forfeiture Feature


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After 2 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

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Two days
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One month
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Contender / Con

In edeb8, there's an interesting feature where you can let the debate loser be the person who forfeits first (if it occurs).

I will be supporting this feature to implement on DART, assuming zero economic costs. Con will argue that it should not be implemented.


Completely understandable, and while I do disagree that one forfeit should result in autoloss - I would say that if your opponent forfeited a *majority* of the rounds, then that should be an auto loss - for example - if someone forfeited 1 out of 2 rounds, 2 out of 3 rounds, 3 out of 4 rounds, 3 out of 5 rounds, 4 out of 6 rounds, and so on and so forth - which would stop the problem AND give people who are honestly just unavailable the time they need.

I think I misunderstood the idea coz I just quickly read about it on the go, I will properly dive into it and we can discuss it later, sorry for the confusion.


course not. Would be pretty embarrassing if I managed to beat you lol


I don't intend to lose this debate Selidora


I think this is a terrible idea. For multiple reasons - this isn't a live debate - and the comparisons to it aren't cogent.


Consider my attention captured.

Quite awhile ago I had a debate proposing a similar system:

While I'm way too busy for active debating these days, I would argue a default auto-loss is preferable to an instant loss. As much as when the margin of forfeiture increases, there would be some gain in not having such a debate sit around in the voting window.


It would be ironic if someone forfeit this debate. If I had time, I’d take this debate. I think the person who forfeits first shouldn’t always lose. If a 5v5 basketball game occurs and one of the players from team A misses the game, it’s still possible for team A to win; it’s just harder.

I was guilty of several forfeitures last year and I rightfully lost. It would be a scandal if I did not.
If I forfeit a round then there should be some kind of penalty. If it is instant loss, so be it.
It is not fair I get any advantage out of forfeiting and that was an opportunity for my opponent to get me on the ropes lost.
If I have to leave to go to work then it is my fault for having taken on the debate in the first place.
But if I forfeit it could also mean I was simply too slow, especially if it is a two hour quickfire debate. The whole point of setting the timer to 2 hours or 1 day is to make it more difficult for the opponent and it is not within the nature of sport to think it is ok to let them off because they were too slow or did not have enough time for corrections.
But a forfeiture feature suits me to the ground as I always play quickfire even if I am involved in a two week debate. I rarely spend much time fixing errors and I feel I am cheating if I do.

This should apply to full forfeits though, why should it apply to just one round of forfeit?

Looks like DebateArt has taken the challenge out of the "debate."

I strongly advocate forfeit=auto loss. No real world debate would move on after one debater has failed to show.


Why would anyone want the forfeiter to win? Implementing this is almost equivalent to auto-loss at forfeit.

It's not a problem to implement it and I will


Or perhaps a Forfeiture ruling within the Parameters with a choice of either Instant win/loss, or 1 point per round, per vote, penalty.


This is the 3000th debate...


The biggest reason to justify it's not worth implementing is ruled out in your debate description.