Instigator / Pro

Islam is not a bad religion


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After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Islam is not a bad religion


Do you dress like a pirate with a colander on your head every Friday? No?! You just disrespected the pastafarians!

While that is a joke, religious offense can be crazy. Within your own religion, how many of the faithful insulted Allah by rioting over some cartoons of him?

To some conservatives on the USA, it’s offensive to call Jesus the son of God when prophecy was obviously about Donald Trump (I seriously wish I was making this one up).

To some Odinists whom I have the misfortune to be related, it’s a crime against the Norse gods that black people are allowed to use the highways.

Religious offense tends to be pretty crazy, so it becomes a fools errand to try to regulate.


But surely that is just disrespectful. I know he said he stopped, and I appreciate that, however I think a rule should be made that anyone who disrespects a religion must have some sort of suspended account for like a week. And you may call me soft and a 'Karen' but it is a real issue that can lead to some sort of offense, and the offender may incorporate some racism in it as well. I am not saying just for best Korea, but for all that disrespect someone's faith. It is a debating website after all, not an insults one.


Going from calling you “stinky pigs offspring” and whatever else, that is indeed improvement.

And yes, while you are protected from stalking, this isn’t some safe space where people aren’t allowed to disagree with your belief system.

The FSM, God, and Allah are not protected members of this site. Therefore, endless insults may be leveled against them. Just as endless insults may be leveled against any of our nations.

I stopped with that. What more do you want?


'Thank you for the noteworthy improvement. As Allah is not a member of this site, he or she has no protection from insults or otherwise.'

That was a response to this,

'I have every right to insult your p** Allah. You may say that Allah is a nice p**, but I dont believe it. Being a child of muslim parents, I know how horrible muslims are by direct experience.'

That was 3 days ago. I was warned. I said I wont use insults anymore. I dont think I insulted anyone in the past 2 days. So it is a great progress. I dont know, what more do you want?

'I have every right to insult your p** Allah. You may say that Allah is a nice p**, but I dont believe it. Being a child of muslim parents, I know how horrible muslims are by direct experience.'

You literally said this after you said you won't.

Well, I did say I wont use insults anymore. I kept the word. So what more do you want?


And look at best Korea comments. Nothing will happen though, not even a speaking to, because the Muslim agenda is real


-> "Really? Is that all he gets?"

First offense situation. Further, I resigned from full authority awhile back (not that I think we need to jump to banning everyone, but even if I wanted to, I would be overstepping). And speaking of which...

-> "Time is ticking mate, 40 years left, that is only if you die of natural causes :)"

Dude, seriously? Just imagine that in person for a moment; it's bordering close to 'what a lovely book shop you have, but books are so flammable, it'd be a shame if anything happened 😁.' What if someone used your exact words to your sister to try to convert them to whatever religion you dislike...

I've probably said this a dozen times or more to other religious people in a host of ways, but in short: don't in any way behave as a damned terrorist. Saying 'My religion is best due to X' is fine (often highly fallacious, but still fine). Making an issue that you've got a friend who is going to torture everyone you dislike for as long as they possibly can unless they do whatever you want, is crossing so many obvious lines.


Thank you for the noteworthy improvement. As Allah is not a member of this site, he or she has no protection from insults or otherwise.


I have every right to insult your pig allah. You may say that allah is a nice pig, but I dont believe it. Being a child of muslim parents, I know how horrible muslims are by direct experience.


What the fuck was the 40 years and natural causes remark about?

I am reporting that comment, seems a disgusting kind of mockery and death threat after trying to mock me because you pride yourself on being a sexist.


'Please refrain from accusing fellow debaters of being suicide risks. Likewise please refrain from accusing fellow debaters of targeting children.

This is not to say you must get along, merely that there are some very minimal etiquette expectations.

The Code of Conduct may be found at:
-Barney, assistant moderator'

Really? Is that all he gets? He has said every insult on the planet to me and the other 1.8 billion Muslims, plus insulted my religion to the point of no return, saying he wants to destroy Islam (which is ironic considering he said Islam is a terrorist religion), then proceeds to call me a 60 year old gay, and then lies and defames me, my religion, my community etc. And all he gets is a 'please refrain'? If I call someone the N word 10 times, I will surely get banned. However this guy has called me every name in the book, and gets a please?


Sexism is not always bad, I do agree with that. It is just the act of treating the genders unequally. Both are not treated equal however have their own set of rights. This is a response to VeryConfused.

Now lets move onto RationalMadman. Your point has been answered above. Have a great day. Time is ticking mate, 40 years left, that is only if you die of natural causes :)


You should see my other debates about islam. They are not any different than this one.


Sexism is central to Islamic and Sharia values. They refuse to aim for equality between the sexes (no point saying genders, they are anti-trans).


Both your arguments are flawed. ryahan16, you're completely blinded to the sexism in what you described, I don't believe Islam is a sexist religion, there's plenty of Muslims who aren't sexist and don't try to justify sexism with their religion, but what you're saying is clearly sexist. Best.Korea, you're just islamophobia and hateful and completely lack tact, I almost agreed with you at first and then you just got into the hate and it was clear your ideas are fueled by malice. I wouldn't be surprised if you said something like "death to muslims" or something extremely hateful like that.

Ultimately, gotta side with rayhan16 here, at least he's not a bigoted, hateful, malicious person from the looks of it.


>Reported Vote: Novice_II // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 to pro.
>Reason for Decision: See Votes Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The voter covers arguments given by both debaters and which arguments factored into his decision, as well as the reasons why others did not. That is sufficient to meet the voting standards on arguments. Conduct seems largely justified by pointing to the invectives against those who follow Islam, rather than the focus on the belief system specifically that the topic requires.

I need to read that code. I have many responses saved in the notes on my phone. Hence, I have plenty of materials to post, and I will simply exclude the ones that violate the code. There should be still plenty left after that.


Please refrain from accusing fellow debaters of being suicide risks. Likewise please refrain from accusing fellow debaters of targeting children.

This is not to say you must get along, merely that there are some very minimal etiquette expectations.

The Code of Conduct may be found at:
-Barney, assistant moderator

I have dedicated my life to opposing islamic radical ways with the will of steel denying islam of its sick rule over me.

You will never achieve your disgusting radical muslim society so you might as well stop trying.


How rent free am I living in your head? I did not even reply and you had to send another message for 'reassurance' lol. Calm down, stop acting up. You are a grown man, go to work

There are no words that could convince me how you are normal you stinky pigs offspring

Islamic scum will not save himself with his filthy lies for long.


Not only will I have the last laugh in the debate, I will also have the last laugh in life. I believe in Allah, Allah Hu Akbar

A scum like you could never possibly thrive over me. Your disgusting lies about the peaceful islam will not save you.


Just cus you lost the debate, no need to get salty.

Allah is a pig. Thats why Quran forbbids killing pigs.


Raping is haram in my religion but in Korea you eat dogs uno so go back there

You are cooked now you dirty scum. Go back to Sahara and rape goats.


Ok you are not welcome though in my country, so get out of my country before I impose sharia law on you. I do not want to go back to Ramadan, how about you get out of my country and go back to Korea you scum

When I fight against the dirty scum like you, I do what I am determined to do.


Let us resist the phobes and the bigots out there who are pushing this agenda to divide everyone to mine or yours and theirs and ours etc. Let us all become one instead of division. You however are not included, get out of my country you imbecile

Let us resist the islamic agression with inspiring courage.


Your point of view is wrong, as I said I will have the last laugh and I will get the more votes. Now cry in your postered room in front of your dusty keyboard. Absolute imbecile, get out of my country, we do not like people like you.

From my point of view, no matter how many votes you get I have won the debate.
And where were you today? Went to circumcise some baby boys I assume...
You enjoy circumcising baby boys, dont you
Its in your violent nature.


First vote for me , your ego hurt?

Secondly don't worry, 50 years you'll be dead, if there is a 50 years, we will see what happens next

Maybe you didnt realize it by now. I cannot be persuaded by words. No words, arguments or logic can affect my will. Its not possible. Its because my will is being protected by some force, force that seems not to give such protection to everyone.


You need to accept other religions. It's like saying, "Oh, you're xxxxxx? Well, we DON'T want you here, so you can go leave." It's irrational.

This muslim asked me what is my religion and what do I follow, so here is my answer.
I dont follow any religion.
I belive in the existence of the first creator, but that should not be confused with the belief in all powerful eternal god.

Anyway, the debate has been long. Maybe I will have to do additional explanations about the problem of islam, but that is the task for the tommorow.

You shouldnt side with muslims. You know that they are filthy animals.

I am not a muslim, if thats what you are asking.


Are you mentally okay?

My opponent begs you to vote for him, so please do. He clearly lost the debate, but he says he is just 16 so let him have this one. He asked several times for votes. I am afraid he might commit suicide.

Oh my...


The best way I can say it is like this.

If you aren't Muslim and are not planning on being a Muslim, then just carry on. If you don't believe in Islam then it doesn't affect you. (Not you only but all non believers). To the ones that believe, we sin. If we repent then our sins get forgiven. This shows how forgiving and merciful God is. But if you don't believe in God in our perspective then its not fair for you to judge the situation.


I'm sorry but that's just not convincing to most people. You once more just say "free will" without explaining why its so valuable. You also once more say life is a gift and a test, without explaining why. I don't think this life is a gift if the Abrahamic God in the form of Islam and Catholicism is real. Its pure misery for the vast vast majority of people LITERALLY. I don't know how you can say that's a good reality, when from a utilitarian perspective its the worst hell imaginable. From a deontological perspective God goes against all deontological moral maxims, he is a bit of a madman, or we would say he were such if he were a human. We would literally say you were the craziest most evil person of all time, if someone literally thought like the Abrahamic God. Hitler looks tame in comparison, and i don't intent to be offensive while saying that, but that is how non religious people feel about it with the existence of Hell.


People getting murdered is not down to God. It is down to the murderer and God knows the person will make that choice, to murder. But honestly this life is just a test. It is more of a test to those who are suffering more. The natural disasters again a test. Some people will pass and some will fail. The gift of life is much better than not being born. I would certainly take being born and suffering than not being born and not experiencing things. It's different opinions tbh. God is not punishing people right now to the max , imagine what it will be like in hell. God knows that a person will be ignorant like this guy that I debated with. He will hopefully get karma but if not in this life then the next.