Instigator / Pro

Abortion is not Moral, and Should Be Illegal


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After 2 votes and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

This debate is about abortion.

Meriam Webster's definition of abortion:
the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: such as
a: spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation
b: induced expulsion of a human fetus
c: expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy [1]

As of this debate, only human abortion is to be debated. As a result, the (c) definition is irrelevant.

For Burden of Proof:

To be decided with-in the debate.

10,000 (ten thousand) characters are allowed in each round. Loopholes to violate the character limit, like writing your case in a word (or alike) file and posting its screenshot (or image file or something like that) are not allowed. Such attempts will result in automatic disqualification - voters should penalize the violaters (if any occurs).

Good luck

Round 1
This is my first time on DebateArt, so I am excited to get started! 

When talking about abortion, I think the first thing you need to establish, is when does life begin. I believe it begins at conception, therefore, I believe that having an abortion is killing a living human child. I think we should take away this so- called "choice" to kill a human. It's a baby you don't get to kill just because it's convenient for you. I think that getting an abortion is one of the most evil notions that a human can take, and that taking away a baby's life is immoral and evil.


BoP is on Aff because Aff wins by proving the resolution is true, so if the resolution has not been proven than default neg.

The resolution is absolute, simply saying that "it is not moral", meaning that no instance of abortion is moral, and it says that "[it] should be illegal" meaning that Aff must prove that all abortion is immoral and that all abortion should also be illegal. 

Their Case
1. BoP 
BoP clearly has not been met as the entire premise of my opponents case is that "life" begins at conception, however Aff says: "I believe [life] begins at conception, therefore, I believe that having an abortion is killing a living human child." No evidence logical, scientific, or otherwise is presented to support this.

2. Life vs. Humanity
Aff says that the first thing we need to establish is when "life" begins, however this is incorrect. Many things can be considered alive including trees, flies, cows, and various single cell organisms. The real question is determined by the moral assumption that taking a human life is wrong, so with this assumption the question should be to define the ontological human.

My Case
The concept of an ontological human is much simpler than many make it out to be. It is a very well known fact that pregnancy models evolution. [1] For this reason it seems logical to say that humanity in the ontological sense begins when a being has progressed to a human stage. Very early on in pregnancy, the fetus may be more close to a fish then a person for example, however as the pregnancy progresses it reaches a level of complexity unique to humans.

Specifically, at 8 weeks the fetus has reached a human level of complexity and no longer mirrors a fish. [2] Because of this I would set the limit around 8 weeks for abortion, however the specific date is irrelevant to proving the resolution false which simply says that all abortion is immoral. 

Round 2
So, there are a few things to unpack here...

1. I did provide logic for why I think abortion is killing a living human child, and that logic was that life begins at conception. If life begins at conception, then all abortions would be considered murder.

2. So you said that cows, flies and trees are also living, but I think that we can both agree that the life of a baby, or in your words, a fetus, has more value than that of a fly, tree, or cow. Also, according to Marriam Webster Dictionary, Ontological means that something, or (in this case) someone, is existing.  A fetus in the womb definitely exists. 

Your Case: So, you are saying that a fetus is a fish and not a human? That honestly makes no sense. According to the American Pregnancy Association, most
women find out they're pregnant during their fourth to seventh week of pregnancy. By that time, the baby already has a heartbeat, it is ten THOUSAND times
larger than the fertilized egg. The eyes, legs, and hands are formed. There are already brainwaves detectable, mouth and lips are present, and fingernails are forming. By week THREE the baby's backbone and spinal cord is forming, the nervous system is taking shape, the liver and kidneys and intestines are there, and by day 22, the child's heart is already beating with its own individual blood, not the mother's. 

It is an individual human being. If you kill that baby outside the womb, you get charged with first degree murder. You kill it in the womb we call it a basic
human right. So I believe all abortions are immoral because simply, life begins at conception, and if life begins at conception, then all abortions are killing a human life, and killing is immoral. Therefore, abortions are immoral.

Framing was dropped, so Aff has a BoP to prove all abortions are immoral and should be illegal.

Their Case
I did provide logic for why I think abortion is killing a living human child, and that logic was that life begins at conception. If life begins at conception, then all abortions would be considered murder.
What I said was that no evidence has been presented to show that life begins at conception. The problem is that Aff starts with: "that logic was life begins at conception," but as I point out Aff makes an assumption that a life starts out at conception with no evidence of this particular fact. 

2. Life vs. Humanity
First Aff says that we can probably both agree that a fetus has more value than a tree or a fly, but this is an oversimplification. At 12 weeks, a fetus is an ontological human, but on the first day of pregnancy the fetus is far less complex than a human or even a fly for that matter.

My whole point here is that we do not need to ask when life begins, but rather we should ask when it should be valued as human life. Simply saying we should agree on this is in no way a response. 

Next Aff gives a wild oversimplification of ontology, saying that it simply asks if something exists or does not exist. So an ontological human because it exists, but this is not what ontology is.  "Ontology concerns claims about the nature of being and existence." [1] Ontology can ask if something exists as a human with value, or if it is different. 

My Case
First Aff says that I am saying a fetus is a fish, but this is not what I am saying. I am saying before 8 weeks a fetus is no more complex than a fish, and has no more value than its physical state reflects. This is supported by science, and it is a well known fact that evolution mirrors development. A 5 week old fetus is no more developed than a fish.

The rest of the points have absolutely no relevance to my point that an early fetus is less developed than non-human species. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, most women find out they're pregnant during their fourth to seventh week of pregnancy.
When women find out has nothing to do with if an abortion is moral at that stage, or with the complexity of a child. 
By that time, the baby already has a heartbeat, it is ten THOUSAND times larger than the fertilized egg. The eyes, legs, and hands are formed. There are already brainwaves detectable, mouth and lips are present, and fingernails are forming. By week THREE the baby's backbone and spinal cord is forming, the nervous system is taking shape, the liver and kidneys and intestines are there, and by day 22, the child's heart is already beating with its own individual blood, not the mother's. 
A fish has a heartbeat, all mammals become larger than a fertilized egg, and so on. Even if you wanted to pick anyone of these things as a standard for value they are all after day 0, so abortion should still be fine before this. 

My standard of an ontological human is also better because it directly deals with the state of value that a fetus has at any given time, and is not completely arbitrary like choosing heart rate or a singular brainwave as the starting point of humanity.

Round 3
So, I definitely provided a source for life beginning at conception. It was this link: Definitely not an assumption. Good to know you didn't read the sources though.

Also, I think we can both agree that a fetus has more value than a fly. It's not an oversimplification because you said, " Many things can be considered alive including trees, flies, cows, and various single cell organisms. " You compared the baby's life to a fly. You can't deny that. I do understand what you are saying when you argue that the fetus isn't anything more than a fish, because it is an embryo until about the eighth week of pregnancy. And while true, this doesn't give the embryo any less value. Just because it is less complex doesn't mean you have the right to kill it. It's still a human.

It is a fact that life begins at conception, meaning that even as an embryo, the baby is alive and should be valued as such. You compared the life of a baby to the life of a single celled organism. Do you believe that it's okay to kill a single celled organism for no reason? What I'm getting at is it shouldn't matter what stage of growth and development a baby is at. it shouldn't be cast aside and discarded just because it is at a different stage in growth.

Physical state does not dictate value. A person in a coma is in a diminished physical state. Can you go up and stab them? No, that's not moral. It's considered murder. It doesn't matter how developed or what physical state the baby is in, it still should have value. 

When women find out does matter, because when you talk about the fetus being no more complex than a fish, that is before a woman will find out she is pregnant. So really, no abortions happen within the 1-3 weeks range. it is mostly the 4-8 week range. The moment the egg is fertilized, The baby has its own separate DNA. Nobody has the right to kill a baby. 

Round 4
Opponent forfeited 