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6-year-old girl has a right to do whatever she wants to her body


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According to the teachings of a great leader Kim Jong Il, all people have right to independence.

My argument is that a 6 year old girl has a right to independence as long as she is not harming the independence of others.

For example, if she had sex with an adult man and they both wanted it, other people should not interfere. It didnt harm anyones independence.

The teachings of a dear leader say that all people have right to independence and that no one should violate the independence of others.

But why do people violate the independence of 6 year old girl by forbidding her to make decisions about her body? She is the owner of her body, nobody else.

You have no right to tell others what to do with their body.

Little 6 year old girl maybe doesnt know everything, but that doesnt mean you are allowed to tell her what to do with her body. Her body is hers. You dont own her. The opposite case would be slavery.

I dont understand why people think they have right to forbid children from having sex, watching porn, masturbating...ect.

Children are not slaves. Their bodies belong to them. If they want to have sex every day, thats their choice. It doesnt violate anyones independence.

Now, there are some people who say that childs independence is not important. To those I say: Are you saying your independence is not important either? In the same way you violate childs independence, you give an excuse for others to violate your independence.

I have a dream that one day we will live in a society where children are free and where everyone is free. But that is hard due to the american imperialism.


This was my attempt to mock and troll, but sadly the opponent didnt even respond and mods warned me about this kind of topics, so its a no no anymore.

The problems with these sorts of arguments os that they do not take into consideration that a 6-year-old's mind is nowhere near developed enough yet to make many complicated decisions.


The parents sometimes make bad decisions and the child pays the price.

Bad decisions of parents are very hard to prevent since parents usually assume they are right simply because they are parents.

Adults should of course listen to their child no matter their age
but if their children's decision will affect their lives in the long term , they shouldn't accpet it
and the aldults' arguments shouldn't be 'No , i can't accept what you said because you are still young "
But it should be " what you are going to do is going to affect your life in the long term and as you can regret it in the future , i won't allow it '
I think this depends in what the child wants ( a life changing thing or not ) but especially in the manner adults would announce either their acceptance or not .


Think of it as a defense of human rights. In the same way children need to be defended from circumcision, they need to be defended from other forms of violations sponsored by imperialism.


In that case, This is the WORST argument I have seen to prove a truism.


Actually, thats the wrong question. As soon as you give yourself the right to meddle in other peoples
private lives, you pretty much open the box of utilitarianism. The reason why you meddle becomes the general reason for meddling. For example, if you meddle to prevent harm, that means I can meddle in your life to prevent whatever harm I can think of. This goes from forbidding you to watch porn, to actually forcing you to masturbate every day to increase your life span. Meddling was invented by imperialism to negate the personal choice and force onto others "the greater good". The examples of this "greater good" can be found all over the world. From forced circumcisions, to mother killing her children so that they could "be in heaven and live a better life than this Earthly life". Meddling becomes linked to "greater good". "Greater good" or whatever the person considers as "greater good" becomes reason for meddling. Hitler, Bush, Obama...ect. all of them used the greater good as an excuse to kill millions. The fact that utilitarianism has been misused by billions of people just goes to show how easy it is to misuse it.



The real question is that: should we? We never are unable to murder, it is just that the law discouraged that. People shouldn’t kill themselves on average.

Almost no one asks the question that you do. You are quite literally trapping by leaving it out in the open.

I genuinely can't tell if this is a troll or a severely mentally handicapped creature. This site truly attracts the best of humanity.


My desires were created by someone. I was created by someone. Does that mean desires dont belong to me and that they should be violated? Under those same conditions, one can violate any law and any human right.
However, there are certain facts in life:
1) I exist
2) I think
3) I feel
4) I observe
From these 4 facts, one further learns:
5) Unrealized desires hurt if there are too many of them
From these facts, I learn that I must work according to my desires to avoid pain. It doesnt matter if my desires are not self made. I cant allow them to be violated. Hence, the need for independence.
Then one learns that desires have borders, since so many people have desires. Within your borders, you are allowed to do whatever you want. Within mine, you are not allowed to do what I dont want.


Since one owns his body, he has a right to destroy it. Or else he doesnt own it.


We born as animals , A baby got birth then have maximum sexual hormonal to mother ... The way it is taught ethical and moral to city-jungle of civilization , and we are at bottom animals and after accepting it we have to rise up , not to jump-die in hormonal jumps ...

-Did you desire your desire ?
If Yes , then how you desried to desire it yes ! It's not your choice



Ah yes, everyone has the right to kill themselves.