Instigator / Pro

The majority of animal agriculture in the United States is slavery [for @Oromagi]


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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Better sources
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Better conduct

After 7 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
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Contender / Con

Is Animal Farming Slavery?

Full resolution: The majority of animal agriculture in the United States is slavery.

The burden of proof is shared:
Pro: The majority of Animal agriculture in the US is slavery.
Con: The majority of Animal agriculture in the US is not slavery.

Slavery: the state of being owned by another person.
Animal agriculture is the rearing of animals for resources/food consumption.

All rules, terms, and specifications of the debate are agreed upon by acceptance.
Only Oromagi or Barney can accept this debate. Anyone else accepting will result in an automatic loss.


There has already been an extremely misguided vote by Barney, so your statement is already proven true.

However, I always ultimately prefer to hate the game and not the player.

Really a toss-up... one misguided vote could change everything.

Pro's case is actually very excellently grown throughout the debate, after all if I don't come in with tabula rasa, Pro wins EVEN MORE so as he points out the personhood point. It was 100% identical and akin to how flimsy the 'person' definition is that led to whites dehumanising blacks and all the way from ancient egypt to now the way that one can easily say a group is not 'person' and therefore can be mistreated in any way one sees fit. It has absolutely no true link to being 'human' as even humans can be non-persons.

With tabula Rasa, the Round 2 rebuttal regarding personhood against Con's very dirty-play semantics, was phenomenal to watch.

Con comes in using an attack that Barney gave him the idea to in the comments section:

Not only does Con pretend this was 0% involved (which is possible, sure, if Con ignored the comments section) but to nitpick 'by another person' as a legitimate reason to disprove the entire resolution is just plain dirty play, already lost respect for Con from that moment as it was clear this was going to be semantic nitpicking from the get-go.

Con's primary points are as follows:

An animal is not a person, therefore it can't be enslaved even if it meets all the criteria of slavery because humans have a human-supermacist idea of personhood at the moment (similar to how whites did when blacks were slaves, I may note).

A disturbing notion that since farm animals may never have existed if not (as Pro would say 'enslaved') born into subjucation at the mercy or lack thereof, of the human farmers, that this justifies anything we do to the animal. This argument would be 100% akin to saying that if one makes one human slave breed with another, since that offspring wouldn't exist otherwise, one is entitled to treat them as they see fit.

I'll stop before addressing the Kritiks because I want to contrast this to Pro's core points.

Pro's core points are as follows:

Pro's definitional point is a zero-sum game after Round 1 as neither side has established if animals are able to be deemed 'person(s)' or not. This is key and crucial for Pro to address in Round 2 but at this point I already saw that rebuttal coming and as dirty play as it was, Con did at least initially negate it.

Pro's equivalence angle is far stronger and becomes even the way that Pro is able to rebuke the rebuttal to his/her/their definitional point.

"Proposition a: If we can clearly recognize the slavery of humans, we can recognize that treating humans the way we treat farm animals would be slavery.
Proposition b: If there is no ethically relevant distinction between humans and animals, the way we treat farm animals is slavery.
There are commonly many proposed distinctions, however, none of them are ethically relevant, and thus none of them showcase a justification for P2. "

The first distinction shown is that animals are less rational and intelligent (to me this is the same thing) (which is obviously unfair, we wouldn't support abusing the learning disabled or very young etc). In fact, this renders farming of animals as being akin to tyrannical eugenics.

The second distinction is species, which Pro essentially looks to future and prior comparisons to humans to explain is irrelevant. Something's species shouldn't determine if it can be treated like crap or not, unless Con can give a good reason for it.

Linked to the second angle, Pro draws the third distinction moot as unless we are psychopaths who would torture and/or enslave immigrants, we can't involve the citizenship and rights given to citizens as the reason to negate it being slavery.

Then comes sentience and consciousness (again it's the same point split into two, like intelligence and rationality but so be it). In short, Pro tells us that animals have feelings and consciousness too.

In Round 1, both sides are very iffy with their usage of sources. Pro's best source is using but despite being .org and exploring factory farming, which established that rougly 99 percent of animals are factory farmed (the most neglectful kind there is, with regards to their wellbeing, as for instance Pro explains they are cramped in small spaces). Pro's sources for animals being conscious were only Google searches of the words...

Both sides seem to be using sources only for definitions, fallacies and such but where Pro is different lies in Round 2 usage, whereas Con sticks to this strategy of only using basic layout sources with wikipedia pages and dictionaries, as well as 'fallacy wikis' being his go-tos.


Pro's Round 2 states this:

"In the same way that various groups, Black people, Jewish people, etc. are and were persons despite historically not being recognized as such, animals are persons despite not being recognized as such because they have a moral right to determine themselves. "

Which on its own would have destroyed Con's definitional dirty-play kritik but I do dislike that Pro never backs sentience of animals up with science, it would have been so easy and so brutal because Pro could have won the sources points just off of that since all Con uses sources for is definitions and wiki-pages for fallacies and overviews.

That said, the 'humaneleague' link was solid and used in Round 2 as well as in Round 1. In Round 2, Pro uses the humaneleague link to back up the point of factory farming happening on a large scale (this time dropping the 99%) and being inhumane. Other good examples of sourcing backing up points are in the 'essential' angle.

Pro negates the meat trade being essential for us humans despite us being capable of omnivorous diet by pointing out how much more sustainable and how equally capable a vegan (let alone vegetarian) diet are.

Pro does this as follows:
1. is used to explore is vs ought (.org, philosophy education link) and explaining that just because one is an omnivore doesn't mean one ought to necessarily do the meat-eating side of it.
2. uses .edu and (ac means academic, it's the UK version of educational URL) websites:

These back up that vegan alternatives to meat farming are both healthier, more sustainable even cheaper than meat farming today, rendering the essentiality of meat farming moot.

Con's rebuttal to this is some oldschool mantra about that the so-called natural place in the ecosystem for herbivores is to be eaten by creatures including us. This is a brand new idea that what is 'natural is good' so to speak (I am not quoting Con there) that Pro hasn't had a chance to rebuke yet.

Pro's Round 2 also explores how Con's points, especially the 4% meat-eating point, are appeals to popularity. I wish Pro had turned it against Con proving that more and more people at an exponential rate are turning vegan and vegetarian these days but Pro's defense was more 'pure defense' and I can respect that. The fact is that marital rape was socially accepted before, with many keeping 'hush hush' about it, this is linked also to the idea that back when slavery of blacks was done, it would be very easy to say 'this percent of whites own slaves, don't be so silly as to call it slavery' if we were to follow Con's logic. I like the parallels drawn and consider Pro's Round 2 a total obliteration of Con's Round 1 at the FUNDAMENTAL level even.


Con's Round 2 was subpar but to understand why, we need to revisit Con's Round 1 and see the Kritiks and how Pro responded.

Con's first Kritik is basically conceding that farm animals are enslaved but that to use the word 'slavery' is sensationalising and makes us panic more about it. Con would rather we use words that make us more comfortable with the way the animals are treated such as 'animal husbandry'.

Con's second Kritik is hilarious, absolutely so. Con cries that Pro set up a trap but all Con did was try to semantically entrap Pro into a dirty-play tautology of his own.

The problem is that these Kritiks already fall flat from how they are set up. Con literally cried about Pro attempting a trap that backfired and that Con is abusing, what is that about? As for the initial Kritik, Pro negated this in Round 2 with:

Con's points here are all immaterial if not irrelevant to my case, allowing them to be cleanly discarded. Firstly, I am describing animal agriculture as it is: the enslavement of persons. This is not loaded language but a proposition that I have argued for soundly.
Secondly, Con weirdly claims that my definition has a secret intended use (there is a mystery plot behind the scenes) seemingly contradicting everything he pointlessly argued for: a sole application to persons. Thus con's examples of objects that he believes are slaves do not influence my case, nor are they relevant to anything I have discussed. "

Which, while different to how I would have gone about it, is a solid enough rebuttal. It definitely seems strange that Con brought up examples of slavery as Pro is saying these are irrelevant to the case and I agree.

Con's Round 2 was basically substanceless.

Con even pointed out how we are actually unfairly mean to humans in some ways when we should respect them as animals... This was ABSURD for Con to have raised. Con said that we care more for a distressed sow than for a distressed human mother if both harm their respective offspring, especially fatally. This actually is supporting Pro!

It was raised to show that there are moral differences between animals and humans but Pro never once said that he/she/they agrees with such distinction and Con didn't even prove that there aren't asshole farmers who treat the sow without mercy in such instance and I'm certain there are plenty. As for the reason why they may try to comfirt the sow, it's probably primarily becasue the sow will be profitable if kept alive usually. I have no idea how this was fair to bring up in Round 2, considering that this forces Pro to bring up new points to rebuke the new point.

Then Con goes on a seemingly incoherent series of bullet-points-yet-rants regarding the fact that because he feels that animals have absolutely no value in moral equations or can't be morally concerned (which again, Pro could give so many examples of evil and good amongst animals, even sheep and chickens let alone cows and horses, of course dogs, dolphins and primates... though they aren't farmed in the western world, they are animals).

I have no idea what I am meant to take away from it, just because Con doesn't believe they matter morally has no impact on Pro's case!

I don't even understand what logical fallacies Con says Pro committed.

Pro literally sees animals as people and thinks it's human supremacist terminology limiting our comprehension of that, akin to how whites used to define blacks as non-persons and how many cultures, especially Nazi culture, did this to Jews in the past. Con never addresses this, he just kind of says it's an unfair exaggeration as he supports the human-supremacist semantics.

Pro won the debate already at the end of Con's Round 2, Round 3 was essentially reiteration, I see no way that Con won this debate as so much of Pro's case went untouched and ignored.


If we analyse Con's Round 1, there is a point where Con literally rallies us to utilise site rules to punish Pro for making what Con sees as a truism debate. This so-called unfair truism trap was made with the description explicitly limiting the debate to two of the highest rated, most difficult-to-beat opponents, the only addition Pro should have done would be to make it rating-restricted with the minimum being Barney's rating.

In fact, what Con attempted to do in this debate was turn it into a truism that favoured Con solely based on nitpicking 'another person', so Con is twofold the villain here:

1) Con engaged in a debate that the rules say shouldn't take place (according to Con)
2) Con was the one who debated that his side was a truism and that this even was a backfiring truism debate.

Combine this with Round 3:

"CON asks VOTERS to further consider PRO's abuse of loaded language to disguise a tautological trap when considering votes for conduct"

Meaning Con wanted to have an edge in conduct solely based on the fact that Pro asked two of the highest rated debaters on the website to engage him in a debate that clearly needed a definition of 'slavery' in the description to reduce semantic nitpicking... Which somehow didn't negate the nitpicking at all. Con took the debate seeing an 'easy win' in Con's eyes as Con could turn it into a tautologous truism where the word 'person' became the problem.

This is grandstanding, hypocrisy and going for sleazy point grabs even though Pro had good conduct all debate.

In fact the tautology being presented by Con is literally that an animal is not a person because the human supremacist definition makes it so. This would even win the debate for Con if proven correct, so what the fuck is it Con is complaining about? I cannot fathom it, all I see is hypocrisy.


While there was some so-called backfiring, the sole backfiring that I consider valid and genuine onto Pro was that a couple of Pro's sources had mixed messages where it established that currently people have a human-supremacist understanding of personhood, however all of Pro's sources backed the raw reasoning that Novice_II presented to us to justify this being wrong and invalid.

As I said in my previous RFD, the wikipedia source in particular definitely didn't overall backfire and had a quote explicitly backing Pro's position.

Meanwhile, Con had literally only used sources for definitions and framing what a certain logical fallacy is. The only time Con used a good source was to try and turn Pro's source against Pro...

There were literally like 17 opportunities for BOTH debaters but especially Con, to use more sources and back what was said. Every single time Con could use a source to give a fact or research backing what is said, we are instead linked to dictinaries, wiki page overviews etc. The most severe example was trying to prove that the killing of farm animals is ESSENTIAL, a necessary evil of sorts, to negate that it's slavery (even though essential/necessary slavery wouldn't negate the resolution). To negate this, Pro linked to several sources to establish that it is well establish in philosophy the difference between 'species X is omnivorous' and 'species X OUGHT to be omnivorous' (I didn't quote Pro there, I am explaining the is-ought):

Not only did Con give 0 sources proving a piss-easy-to-prove fact like that humans are omnivores but for SOURCES, this was clearly a glaring issue.

Pro's sourcing includes:


A well-respected animal rights '.org' source used to prove that the scope/severity of factory farming is 99% in Round 1 and for Round 2 is reiterated to prove that the default position would be that 99% of animals on farms are essentially enslaved. The problem of Pro not elaborating on factory farming too much didn't matter as Con never seemed to push on the idea that the animals are treated humanely. In fact, Con has no source backing anything that is said at all other than 'logical fallacy' type stuff'.


This combined with:

All four of which are non-profit organisations (.org, generally implies it's more for educating than profit), educationally renowned (.edu), or academically renowned ( sources.

These helped Pro prove that not only is it fallacious to assume we ought to be omnivorous but a vegetarian and even vegan diet is more sustainable, cheap and healthy than the omnivorous one most of us are currently accustomed to.

Beyond this, neither Pro nor Con used a source very well in the debate considering that we can say Pro's at least softly 'backfired' because they explored the idea that some use person to mean exclusively human persons, though all Pro's sources that Con says 'backfired' implied that alternatives were viable.

Con solely used dictionaries and wiki (can be edited by anyone) or .com 'fallacy' type stuff.

There are so many examples across the debate for both sides but 100% of Con's side, where statements are made regarding animals, personhood etc and instead of using science or research of any sort to back the idea that humans are perhaps more sentient, more self-aware or more worthy of being 'persons' or 'people', Con solely sticks to the narrative that we (humans that are human-supremacist) defined it that way. I am aware that I am using the term human supermacist where Pro didn't but it seems very intuitive considering that Pro's hugest point in Round 1 was that the things that separate us from animals are all ultimately negligible morally, since we wouldn't want to mistreat humans that were less sentient, less intelligent, non-citizens and also even if another species turned up, that point alone wouldn't matter.

Con keeps battling solely on dictionary sources and logical fallacy sources and the source for non-sequitur didn't at all back what Con was saying Pro did.

In fact, the only debater to use sources actually dedicated to the topic and with solid research on their side was Pro. As I said, these included Humane League, Stanford University Scope Blog, and Univeristy of Oxford research into sustainability, cost-effectiveness and health benefits of a vegetarian world/diet (it's a larger scale than just the individual so I say 'world') instead of just Oxford dictionary etc.

I am not 100% convinced on Barney's giving sources and conduct, but I do agree argument could have really gone either way. Pro was compelling in a different way from Con.

I would like for more people to vote on this debate given that there is approaching two days left.


How can you not see the relevance of abortion to this debate btw? Are you actually that daft?


Vote #2 has been reported. Please review it if you get a chance.


Alright, deleted per your request.


Delete my vote please. I have reconsidered something.


Pro continues digging into the personhood idea. He tells us about the abortion argument, and that the debate means there is unclear standard for personhood. He also repeats the idea of no distinction, and telling us that the humans can also do bad things. Such as oppressing racial groups, engineering holocaust, so on and so forth. So the Animal devouring baby being seen as somewhat usual by humans doesn't really cause a noticeable difference with level of agency.

Con continues adding on countless semantic arguments, but doesn't really make an argument compared to Abortion's standard for personhood. I think Con is just missing the point that the entire point is that the animals can/should be treated as persons, by pro's argument. That our standard should not be different because there is no true different of persons, thus giving animals "personhood" as moral agents.

If Con could just show the crucial source showing Animals are too instinctual to clearly think about their actions, he might have won the debate. But the end is very blurry. Con's best arguments showed that we treat animals kinder than we treat humans -- allowing them to eat their offspring, and attack us, while preventing us from attacking them or eating our own offspring. But Pro seems to be implying the animals' instincts might be mistakes too. Just as we kill each other and cause crimes, there doesn't seem to be an issue with their violent or immoral-by-human standards. I think Con forgot to make the case, that some things were allowable by animals big scale, while we mostly refute the conflicts -- or have a high cooperation ability. Our moral high ground, is what I believe Con was trying to show. Just one or two crucial sentences, and Con might have had it.

The winner is PRO.


Pro cleverly circumvents his own defeat by talking more closely about personhood rather than mere persons. He talks about that the farm animals are same as entities that have self determination. He also said that the humans were not considered persons, but should still be persons -- thus having ethical consequences when doing bad things to them. An excellent argument. He also points out that animal farming isn't essential, making it unnecessary, and also talks about con's popularity fallacy.

Con repeats on his semantic arguments, talking about "persuasive definition" which is supposed to be emotional instead. He points out that animals do not have the same autonomy to accord persons, and the Wikipedia definition of personhood clearly goes against pro's arguments. He also tells us that the pig mothers would devour the offspring, which is completely different from our own behavior. He also points out that the animals follow their instinct, so we do not fault them for harming us, or damaging their others. He also points out there's a clear difference from the human abstinence of meat and the animal slavery being way more vague.

The battle is quite close here, it's difficult for me to tell who is winning; Con clearly tells a lot of clear differences between humans and animals, especially the "agency" idea. The animal's culture and instinct -- at least, implied here, not stated outright -- show we can't judge them by human standards. A very well done argument.


So from the get go I already have an idea how this is gonna go down; Oromagi does not excel in Philosophy or Morals, rather the nitty gritty annoying small stuff like semantics, so I have a bad feeling about this especially when it comes down to framework. Alright, let's see what happens.

Pro starts strong with an easy show that agriculture enslaves the creatures for human consumption. He admits current society seems to treat animals and humans differently, however, states that there is no true ethnical difference. Intelligence is not it, due to disability, same for rationality. Further stating that species may not perhaps be the solution, since if humans evolved entirely differently, we would be able to enslave ourselves. Thus he concludes since there is no true difference; we must consider the animal enslavement virtually the same as Human enslavement.

Con of course, uses the easy way out of course with the semantics of "another person", thus stating that the animals cannot possibly be slaves. In addition, the 13th amendment tells us that the punishment should be delivered for slavery, but no officials are refuting the idea of eating meat. He strongly states the slavery only applies to people, further by saying even if the ownership of animal was non-permissible, it would not be the same as the "human slavery". Con also blabs on a bit about loaded language, further saying that the slavery definition was too broad. Otherwise, it would be a tautology. A curious argument... though it misses the point of Pro's ideas. Let's keep going.

Okay, I searched '99%' that is my bad but I personally don't think it sway the vote on sources (enough).

I do very much appreciate this vote.

I just wanted to note for clarity that the 99% statistic, it is stated in quote that "roughly 99 percent of animals in the US are raised on factory farms" ( under the subheading "Factory farming facts and statistics" in the source.

(RFD Part 1/4)

Pro's case is actually very excellently grown throughout the debate, after all if I don't come in with tabula rasa, Pro wins EVEN MORE so as he points out the personhood point. It was 100% identical and akin to how flimsy the 'person' definition is that led to whites dehumanising blacks and all the way from ancient egypt to now the way that one can easily say a group is not 'person' and therefore can be mistreated in any way one sees fit. It has absolutely no true link to being 'human' as even humans can be non-persons.

With tabula Rasa, the Round 2 rebuttal regarding personhood against Con's very dirty-play semantics, was phenomenal to watch.

Con comes in using an attack that Barney gave him the idea to in the comments section:

Not only does Con pretend this was 0% involved (which is possible, sure, if Con ignored the comments section) but to nitpick 'by another person' as a legitimate reason to disprove the entire resolution is just plain dirty play, already lost respect for Con from that moment as it was clear this was going to be semantic nitpicking from the get-go.

Con's primary points are as follows:

An animal is not a person, therefore it can't be enslaved even if it meets all the criteria of slavery because humans have a human-supermacist idea of personhood at the moment (similar to how whites did when blacks were slaves, I may note).

A disturbing notion that since farm animals may never have existed if not (as Pro would say 'enslaved') born into subjucation at the mercy or lack thereof, of the human farmers, that this justifies anything we do to the animal. This argument would be 100% akin to saying that if one makes one human slave breed with another, since that offspring wouldn't exist otherwise, one is entitled to treat them as they see fit.

I'll stop before addressing the Kritiks because I want to contrast this to Pro's core points.

Pro's core points are as follows:

Pro's definitional point is a zero-sum game after Round 1 as neither side has established if animals are able to be deemed 'person(s)' or not. This is key and crucial for Pro to address in Round 2 but at this point I already saw that rebuttal coming and as dirty play as it was, Con did at least initially negate it.

Pro's equivalence angle is far stronger and becomes even the way that Pro is able to rebuke the rebuttal to his/her/their definitional point.

"Proposition a: If we can clearly recognize the slavery of humans, we can recognize that treating humans the way we treat farm animals would be slavery.
Proposition b: If there is no ethically relevant distinction between humans and animals, the way we treat farm animals is slavery.
There are commonly many proposed distinctions, however, none of them are ethically relevant, and thus none of them showcase a justification for P2. "

The first distinction shown is that animals are less rational and intelligent (to me this is the same thing) (which is obviously unfair, we wouldn't support abusing the learning disabled or very young etc). In fact, this renders farming of animals as being akin to tyrannical eugenics.

The second distinction is species, which Pro essentially looks to future and prior comparisons to humans to explain is irrelevant. Something's species shouldn't determine if it can be treated like crap or not, unless Con can give a good reason for it.

Linked to the second angle, Pro draws the third distinction moot as unless we are psychopaths who would torture and/or enslave immigrants, we can't involve the citizenship and rights given to citizens as the reason to negate it being slavery.

Then comes sentience and consciousness (again it's the same point split into two, like intelligence and rationality but so be it). In short, Pro tells us that animals have feelings and consciousness too.

In Round 1, both sides are very iffy with their usage of sources. Pro's best source is using but despite being .org and exploring factory farming, I didn't see anywhere that it said 99%, meaning Pro either just lied to us or had read that elsewhere and mistaken the statistic for being on the source he hyperlinked to back the statement up with. Pro's sources for animals being conscious were only Google searches of the words...

Both sides seem to be using sources only for definitions, fallacies and such but where Pro is different lies in Round 2 usage, whereas Con sticks to this strategy of only using basic layout sources with wikipedia pages and dictionaries, as well as 'fallacy wikis' being his go-tos.

(RFD part 2/4)

Pro's Round 2 states this:

"In the same way that various groups, Black people, Jewish people, etc. are and were persons despite historically not being recognized as such, animals are persons despite not being recognized as such because they have a moral right to determine themselves. "

Which on its own would have destroyed Con's definitional dirty-play kritik but I do dislike that Pro never backs sentience of animals up with science, it would have been so easy and so brutal because Pro could have won the sources points just off of that since all Con uses sources for is definitions and wiki-pages for fallacies and overviews.

That said, the 'humaneleague' link was solid and used far better in Round 2 than Round 1. In Round 2, Pro uses the humaneleague link to back up the point of factory farming happening on a large scale (this time dropping the 99%) and being inhumane. Other good examples of sourcing backing up points are in the 'essential' angle.

Pro negates the meat trade being essential for us humans despite us being capable of omnivorous diet by pointing out how much more sustainable and how equally capable a vegan (let alone vegetarian) diet are.

Pro does this as follows:
1. is used to explore is vs ought (.org, philosophy education link) and explaining that just because one is an omnivore doesn't mean one ought to necessarily do the meat-eating side of it.
2. uses .edu and (ac means academic, it's the UK version of educational URL) websites:

These back up that vegan alternatives to meat farming are both healthier, more sustainable even cheaper than meat farming today, rendering the essentiality of meat farming moot.

Con's rebuttal to this is some oldschool mantra about that the so-called natural place in the ecosystem for herbivores is to be eaten by creatures including us. This is a brand new idea that what is 'natural is good' so to speak (I am not quoting Con there) that Pro hasn't had a chance to rebuke yet.

Pro's Round 2 also explores how Con's points, especially the 4% meat-eating point, are appeals to popularity. I wish Pro had turned it against Con proving that more and more people at an exponential rate are turning vegan and vegetarian these days but Pro's defense was more 'pure defense' and I can respect that. The fact is that marital rape was socially accepted before, with many keeping 'hush hush' about it, this is linked also to the idea that back when slavery of blacks was done, it would be very easy to say 'this percent of whites own slaves, don't be so silly as to call it slavery' if we were to follow Con's logic. I like the parallels drawn and consider Pro's Round 2 a total obliteration of Con's Round 1 at the FUNDAMENTAL level even.

(RFD part 3/4)

Con's Round 2 was subpar but to understand why, we need to revisit Con's Round 1 and see the Kritiks and how Pro responded.

Con's first Kritik is basically conceding that farm animals are enslaved but that to use the word 'slavery' is sensationalising and makes us panic more about it. Con would rather we use words that make us more comfortable with the way the animals are treated such as 'animal husbandry'.

Con's second Kritik is hilarious, absolutely so. Con cries that Pro set up a trap but all Con did was try to semantically entrap Pro into a dirty-play tautology of his own. Fortunately for Con, I don't see semantic trickery as conduct-worthy punishment so my vote stays neutral there, to me that's just part of debating, no matter how dishonorable. It is mercilessness to the opponent and both of these debaters are known for that, so really why should we be punishing that for conduct here? It's not like an amazing debater vs a noob where the noob is being toyed with, Novice and Oromagi both know about semantics and being a word-twisting trickster, it's just that in this debate Oromagi was the trickster and Novice ventured to be the more open and honest one. Perhaps that was necessitated by the fact that Con's side does inherently require hypocrisy to be pulled off.

The problem is that these Kritiks already fall flat from how they are set up. Con literally cried about Pro attempting a trap that backfired and that Con is abusing, what is that about? As for the initial Kritik, Pro negated this in Round 2 with:

Con's points here are all immaterial if not irrelevant to my case, allowing them to be cleanly discarded. Firstly, I am describing animal agriculture as it is: the enslavement of persons. This is not loaded language but a proposition that I have argued for soundly.
Secondly, Con weirdly claims that my definition has a secret intended use (there is a mystery plot behind the scenes) seemingly contradicting everything he pointlessly argued for: a sole application to persons. Thus con's examples of objects that he believes are slaves do not influence my case, nor are they relevant to anything I have discussed. "

Which, while different to how I would have gone about it, is a solid enough rebuttal. It definitely seems strange that Con brought up examples of slavery as Pro is saying these are irrelevant to the case and I agree.

Con's Round 2 was basically substanceless.

Con even pointed out how we are actually unfairly mean to humans in some ways when we should respect them as animals... This was ABSURD for Con to have raised. Con said that we care more for a distressed sow than for a distressed human mother if both harm their respective offspring, especially fatally. This actually is supporting Pro!

It was raised to show that there are moral differences between animals and humans but Pro never once said that he/she/they agrees with such distinction and Con didn't even prove that there aren't asshole farmers who treat the sow without mercy in such instance and I'm certain there are plenty. As for the reason why they may try to comfirt the sow, it's probably primarily becasue the sow will be profitable if kept alive usually. I have no idea how this was fair to bring up in Round 2, considering that this forces Pro to bring up new points to rebuke the new point.

Then Con goes on a seemingly incoherent series of bullet-points-yet-rants regarding the fact that because he feels that animals have absolutely no value in moral equations or can't be morally concerned (which again, Pro could give so many examples of evil and good amongst animals, even sheep and chickens let alone cows and horses, of course dogs, dolphins and primates... though they aren't farmed in the western world, they are animals).

I have no idea what I am meant to take away from it, just because Con doesn't believe they matter morally has no impact on Pro's case!

I don't even understand what logical fallacies Con says Pro committed.

Pro literally sees animals as people and thinks it's human supremacist terminology limiting our comprehension of that, akin to how whites used to define blacks as non-persons and how many cultures, especially Nazi culture, did this to Jews in the past. Con never addresses this, he just kind of says it's an unfair exaggeration as he supports the human-supremacist semantics.

(RFD part 4/4)

Con solely uses dictionaries, and wiki pages even used a wiki page for logical fallacies and the fallacy was a 'non-sequitur' that seemed to be irrelevant to the debate.

Con didn't even use science to prove animals lack sentience or use legal theory sources regarding why only humans are to be considered persons (there's plenty of abortion type academia articles to transcribe here for BOTH SIDES to use, surely).

Con's sources were continually simply definitions whereas Pro used humaneleague (wrongly in Round 1, correctly in Round 2) and educational/academic links to negate the entire 'popularity' angle of meat eating.

Con says that Pro's source backfires on him. The edu source does seem to have a quote that negates Pro's position, but Pro's third source, I went and read it, completely supports Pro's point and even specifically has a quote like:

"What is crucial about agents is that things matter to them. We thus cannot simply identify agents by a performance criterion, nor assimilate animals to machines... [likewise] there are matters of significance for human beings which are peculiarly human, and have no analogue with animals."

— Charles Taylor, "The Concept of a Person"

which negate the idea that just because some things are uniquely or peculiarly human doesn't allow us to identify agents capable of and experiencing personhood based on that.

Con did use an educational link solely to quote a person saying this:

"Of course, when it comes to animals there are serious moral constraints on how we may treat them. But we do not, in fact, give animals the same kind of autonomy that we accord persons"

Now, that does seem to be backfiring.

That renders the sourcing moot for both sides quite honestly. Con doesn't use any source brilliantly, since Con's backfiring only proved that we use 'person' in a way that doesn't necessarily apply to animals, it keeps failing to prove that we SHOULD be using it that way, whereas Pro gives many reasons why.

Therefore, I believe Pro won the debate.

Round 3 from both sides was just reiteration overall.


Votes are indeed needed here.

3 days left no votes



First, I saw that you (Bones) stated that he would be voting, so thanks for that. I just wanted to mention that there is only a week's time for voting, not very long. I know Ehyeh tends to vote more quickly on average.


Will be voting.

CON's ROUND1 SOURCES:,%20business,%20etc.

Should of set the argument time to two hours. get him in his sleep.

Novice uses google, we're going to have to get a conduct point deduction for that (issa joke).

"by another person"
Oro could take this one down within 500 characters.