Instigator / Pro

Abortion is wrong in all cases and should be illegal in all cases (no exceptions). Even miscarriages should be illegal.


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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Two weeks
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Contender / Con

My position is that it should be illegal to have abortions or miscarriages. In case of an abortion or a miscarriage, the baby died and someone has to pay for it.

Round 1
Abortion is murder. The baby is dead after abortion.
Abortion is wrong yes. But it should not be illegal. Take a woman who is in poverty, no money, no reliable source of income, no home, nothing. Now let's say this woman is raped. Do you really think it should be illegal for her to get rid of this child? A child she never wanted, a child who will live in poverty and a shameful life for all or most their childhood. Although abortion can be considered as murder, sometimes it is necessary. 

Allow me to give a description of murder. Murder is the legal term for the intentional killing of someone or the killing of someone as the result of a complete disregard for their life. A mother who does not want a child to be brought into this world because of her poor living environment and choices and decides to "kill" the baby is not a murder because a mother like this takes into consideration the life of the child. Now if a woman were to be recklessly having sex and gets pregnant, and then gets rid of the baby because she felt like it is truly a bad person and can be considered a murderer. I believe abortion should not be illegal because it is right in some cases, but wrong in others.
Round 2
Lets abort all children and see what happens.

Sorry, you say that if your father was rapist, then your mother has a right to kill you?

Well, surely all mothers should hate their children.

Being raped gives you license to kill? Well, thats new.

You kill your children to save them from poverty? That is an interesting tactic. Do you agree to kill poor people?

En garde!!!!
Sorry, you say that if your father was rapist, then your mother has a right to kill you?
No? What is your argument here? I stated if a woman is raped, she has the choice to not conceive the baby, not that it's because the father is a rapist, but because she did not want the child and it was forced onto her.

Well, surely all mothers should hate their children.
I genuinely do not know how you got to this idea from my argument.

Being raped gives you license to kill? Well, that's new.
I never specifically stated that being raped gives you the right to kill, I never said that just because a woman is raped, she can go brutally stab someone to death, did I?

You kill your children to save them from poverty? That is an interesting tactic. Do you agree to kill poor people?
You misunderstand. If a woman knows her living situation is unsuitable for a child, and that she cannot afford one, she has every right to get rid of the child because there is no way she can raise it in a lively manner. 

Allow me to quote what your argument is: My position is that it should be illegal to have abortions or miscarriages. In case of an abortion or a miscarriage, the baby died and someone has to pay for it.
You mention that you believe it should be illegal to have a miscarriage. What exactly is a miscarriage?

Miscarriage is when an embryo or fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy.
Now, what causes a miscarriage?
  • Chromosomal abnormalities due to genetic factors
  • Some drugs like NSAIDS, for example ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib, if taken during pregnancy
  • Abnormalities of the uterus
  • Medical conditions like thyroid diseases and diabetes
  • Certain infections which may spread to the reproductive system
  • Hormonal problems
  • Responses of immune system
  • Cervical insufficiency where the cervix is weak and cannot hold a pregnancy causes miscarriage in the second trimester

Causes of miscarriage are mostly natural. Are you trying to argue that something that can naturally happen that ends in a person's death should be illegal?
So, should we make natural disasters illegal, heart attacks illegal, strokes illegal, cancer? Unless you can back up the point that miscarriages should be illegal, I believe you will lose this debate.

Round 3
Abortion is not the death of the baby. Baby is alive after abortion and will still be born.

All rape victims should be allowed to beat people up. Being raped gives you license to cry and kill. Being raped means everyone should give you money and car so that you can kill your baby. "Mommy doesnt want you, so you have to die".

People should be forced to pay not only for abortions, but every person should give like 1000$ for rape victims.

Maybe our senate should be elected by rape victims.

That will make everything better.

And abortions should be mandatory for poor people. Like, you cant have a baby if you are poor.

No one should be responsible if so many babies die. Like, if a woman has a miscarriage, its obviously her fault, but she should not go to prison because she is a woman.

Lets all admire how great women are when they kill their babies.
Abortion is not the death of the baby. Baby is alive after abortion and will still be born.
Pro admits abortion is not murder, therefore throwing his whole case out of the window, this helps me to back up my point that abortion should not be illegal. 

Pro continues to not back up his point that miscarriages should be illegal

Round 4
Abortion is not murder. If fetuses dont survive, then humans will survive. Humans were never fetuses.

Miscarriage is not murder. Parents are not responsible for their children.
Pro continues not to back up his points.
Round 5
Pregnancy is not required for humans to exist.

I will conclude with this.

Thank you for the debate. You were a lot of fun.
Thank you for the debate as well. You had some pretty valid points I will say.