Instigator / Pro

Capitalism Advanaces Society


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After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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No information

Round 1
Capitalism advances and helps move society forward. It makes society safer, healthier, wealthier, and thoroughly better.

Capitalism opens the door for innovation. Innovation makes healthcare more wholesome. It makes food and beverages safer. It makes the rich richer and makes the poor wealthier. The market, the invisible hand, and smarter business decisions, make prices for products cheaper, and more available. They will provide jobs and will build up the developing world. Capitalism is based in the belief that humanity is naturally somewhat selfish, and it does not try to paint that over. It is rooted in the bedrock of its founding and envisioning.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages...

-Adam Smith,  An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
The point of it is that because humanity is selfish, they will do whatever is in their power to make themselves richer and more powerful. Thus, they have to make good decisions to achieve that, but their contribution is led by an invisible hand to make an even larger one.

Capitalism has made lives of individuals everywhere in the world better. It has decentralized wealth from the government and its crony oligarchs. It has given and produced wealth for the people, through their own work. It has risen people out of poverty.

In 1820, over 90 percent of the world lived in extreme poverty. In 1990 around 30 percent of the world lived in extreme poverty. Today, less than 10 percent of the world's population lives in extreme poverty. 

-Redd, Ivey. “Capitalism, the Greatest Economic System Ever: Yip Institute (Opinion Article).” RSS, Institute for Youth in Policy, 6 Aug. 2022,
Economic inequality is inevitable, and is evidently immensly improved by the invisible hand. The difference is between a single man or body (the government) controlling all the wealth of a nation, or every having their own share which is distributed through exchange. 

Marx promised that classes would be leveled and universal equality would reign. In the USSR, it an inherently unfair system and exacerbated its problems. Joseph Stalin had wealth worth today upwards of seven trillion dollars to use to his liking.

Capitalism never promised a perfect society, nor preach its own perfection, yet it has, is, and will always be the most perfect economic system. Capitalism has always been at the forefront of making society better and the world safer.

The ideas of capitalism's father were raised in response to mercantilism and protectionism hindering free trade (remember, communism came after). Free and fair trade between nations has always been at the heart of capitalism. Tariffs and other forms of protectionism make a nation suffer. We have a global economy and the nations that contribute to it get even larger rewards.

Trade is central to ending global poverty. Countries that are open to international trade tend to grow faster, innovate, improve productivity and provide higher income and more opportunities to their people. Open trade also benefits lower-income households by offering consumers more affordable goods and services.       -“Stronger Open Trade Policies Enable Economic Growth for All.” World Bank,,more%20opportunities%20to%20their%20people.
Capitalism is the solution that has been ending poverty in all corners of the world and will continue to do so. It will squash political and economic inequality that have stood in the way of progress. It has and will keep the world more secure and connected. It has produced innovations like the Covid Vaccine which has saved millions of lives. It has proven that personal interest and self-love are truly guided by the invisible hand to advance change and enduring social progress, to make the world more peaceful, healthier, wealthier, better, and more equal.
“Advanaces” is not a word. It is possible my opponent meant ‘*advances.’

Capitalism- An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
Advance- Make or cause to make progress.
Society- The community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.

Since Pro is making the claim that “Capitalism advances society,” he is therefore required to provide proof of this claim. Whereas I only have to retort it. 


Capitalism is the solution that has been ending poverty in all corners of the world and will continue to do so. It will squash political and economic inequality that have stood in the way of progress. It has and will keep the world more secure and connected. It has produced innovations like the Covid Vaccine which has saved millions of lives. It has proven that personal interest and self-love are truly guided by the invisible hand to advance change and enduring social progress, to make the world more peaceful, healthier, wealthier, better, and more equal.
Capitalism is one of the biggest causes of unemployment and was the main contributor which brought us into The Great Depression. 

Capitalism never promised a perfect society, nor preach its own perfection, yet it has, is, and will always be the most perfect economic system. Capitalism has always been at the forefront of making society better and the world safer. 
It has thrived under the idea that “hard work makes you successful,” and yet it stands that Capitalism has armed businessman with the means to take advantage of their employees for their hard labor and then leave them underpaid. 

Capitalism opens the door for innovation. Innovation makes healthcare more wholesome. It makes food and beverages safer.
Companies like Nestle get away with operating without a permit in other countries in order to take all the clean water to supply their water plantation company, leaving poor villages to get sick by drinking contaminated water. 

Nestle has also infected customers with E Coli. All of this is made possible under Capitalism. 

Round 2
As a matter of fact, I did mean advances.

I never argued that capitalism was perfect.  Progression and advancement of society is not a simple, perfect, and straightforward process. It is not a magic spell that cures all the world's problems. It is impossible for poverty, hunger, thirst, and disease to just disappear in an instant.

I am not naive to the problems and issues of capitalism.

Though, the logical application of the contender's specific evidence is fallacious and questionable at best. How does ecoli in cookie dough prove that capitalism does not progress society? I never said capitalism was perfect and ensures absolute progress, the thesis was that capitalism advances society.

No matter what there are problems with any solution, and issues arise through the cracks. Saying cookie dough or drying of a water source by a company is proof that capitalism does not advance society is dubious.

To prove the point, here is some proof. While the contender argues that Nestlé using a water source up, capitalism has produced unrivaled innovation. This innovation includes desalination which has made the desert green and quench people's thirst. 

Another point is that there are more than one type of capitalism, and some forms of it have the capability of fixing the concerns given by the contender.

Our choices do not have to be one extreme or another, and frankly, they shouldn't.

Innovation is made possible by the afformentioned inherently selfishness of the human race. Capitalism makes this into solutions to fix problems. To cure diseases, to quench thirst, to feed the hungry. Through these advancements, all of these become cheaper.

As said earlier, there are different forms of capitalism, and regulation by the government is still able to fit into the framework. The government can push forward the economy and market and the invisible hand will let it fly.

The same economy which you pointed out had people unemployed, employs them. The same economy which can be unequal can become equal, the Kuznets Curve.

As the world became more industrialized, it became more unequal, but there are two sides to every coin and the curve proves it. Industrialization and innovation opens the door for better healthcare, safer food and water, and overall, higher standards of living. 

The best way to demonstrate how much capitalism has advanced society, is to look how a society can go backward. 

In Venezuela, the former richest country in South America, is now the poorest since embracing socialism. The people are now eating rats, drinking dirty water, or not drinking at all, and living in filth. While their leaders eat up resources and lives a luxurious lifestyle.

In China, the communist government took away the choice of its people to choose their employment, during the failed Great Leap Forward Program, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions. China under Deng Xiaoping became a modern country generating wealth and started to advance, which is now going backward under the leadership of Xi Jingping.

Capitalism was a liberal idea to give power to the people, to take control of their lives. Once countries became modern, they became more equal politically and economically, making it possible for a nobody to become rich and powerful.

By virtue, a freer society is a progressive one. A capitalist society which decentralizes the power of a hungry government is a progressive one. Innovation has made the world better, and that cannot be denied. The extent to which capitalism has made the world society more advanced is up for debate, but the overlying fact is that it has.

Maybe I am crazy, but in my book a society is more advanced when it is freer and the government leaves the people alone. When people can choose their place of employment and how they spend their money. A society is more advanced when it makes it possible to drag people out of poverty. It is more advanced when it makes food cheaper. It is more advanced when it can make water drinkable. It is undeniably more advanced when it can feed, clothe, and provide quality services for less, and the government does not spoil the good brought about by individual autonomy and freedom, which will bring about the progression of the entire world, of which has been fought for. Liberty is the best policy, and it will always be.

Though, the logical application of the contender's specific evidence is fallacious and questionable at best. How does ecoli in cookie dough prove that capitalism does not progress society? I never said capitalism was perfect and ensures absolute progress, the thesis was that capitalism advances society.
Fallacious, how? I realize Pro may have not said Capitalism is perfect, but there is evidence to the contrary when suggesting Capitalism advances society.
  • Nestle has a terrible reputation because it uses the privileges of Capitalism to do evil. 
  • E-Coli is just one of many examples of how a popular company can do harmful things under Capitalism.
  • Nestle also funded a chocolate plantation company that was trafficking children for labor. 
Another example of how Capitalism was used to commit evil is The Slave Trade and Colonialism

No matter what there are problems with any solution, and issues arise through the cracks. Saying cookie dough or drying of a water source by a company is proof that capitalism does not advance society is dubious.
A lot of people die every year from vaccine-preventable diseases, malaria, lack of clean water, and starvation. Statistically, the number of body counts is too significantly high for me to share Pro's optimistic appraisal of Capitalism. 

To prove the point, here is some proof. While the contender argues that Nestlé using a water source up, capitalism has produced unrivaled innovation. This innovation includes desalination which has made the desert green and quench people's thirst. 
Desalination is not well-known for being environmentally-friendly. 

  • "The State Water Resources Control Board estimates that open ocean intakes used by coastal power plants in California kill 70 billion fish larvae and other marine life on an annual basis. These same open ocean intakes are being proposed for use at desalination plants throughout California."
Innovation is made possible by the afformentioned inherently selfishness of the human race. Capitalism makes this into solutions to fix problems. To cure diseases, to quench thirst, to feed the hungry. Through these advancements, all of these become cheaper.
And it was through Capitalism by which people in power had the right to deny sick people the treatment they need. Some are simply unable to afford healthcare and we all know that in a Capitalistic society, you're only worth as much as you make.

The best way to demonstrate how much capitalism has advanced society, is to look how a society can go backward. 

In Venezuela, the former richest country in South America, is now the poorest since embracing socialism. The people are now eating rats, drinking dirty water, or not drinking at all, and living in filth. While their leaders eat up resources and lives a luxurious lifestyle.
Listing problems of other forms of government doesn't mean Capitalism is good, it just means those other systems are bad. 

Maybe I am crazy, but in my book a society is more advanced when it is freer and the government leaves the people alone. When people can choose their place of employment and how they spend their money. A society is more advanced when it makes it possible to drag people out of poverty. It is more advanced when it makes food cheaper. It is more advanced when it can make water drinkable. It is undeniably more advanced when it can feed, clothe, and provide quality services for less, and the government does not spoil the good brought about by individual autonomy and freedom, which will bring about the progression of the entire world, of which has been fought for. Liberty is the best policy, and it will always be.
Capitalism perpetuates factors that cause poverty. With privatized education, businessman can profit without the youth ever learning the skills to make one employable, thus being out of work and having to resort to crime just to be able to survive. In the Industrial Revolution, kids as young as age 12 were being forced to work in very dangerous conditions just to be able to support themselves and their family. All too often, injuries would lead to them losing their fingers, but they were unable to report their superiors because they risk being fired.

The heavy stress toll of the environment aged them prematurely and would cause irreversible health damage. Families in Europe used to have to go to labor camps if they did not make a sufficient amount. Kids suffering from illnesses could not afford enough to get the proper treatment they need. Overall, I'm more inclined to conclude that Capitalism does more harm than good.

                    The Slave Trade | National Archives