Instigator / Pro

On balance, The U.S. Government should raise taxes to fund the Source Code Project


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Source Code is an experimental machine that reconstructs the past using the dead passengers' residual collective memories of eight minutes before their deaths, as like in the movie with Jake Gyllenhaal.

The device should be used somewhere in Washington D.C., accessible only to the CIA and S.S. for terrorism and high-profile assassinations. It can be used for the FBI, but they would need approval from a supreme court.


Can’t tell if it’s a reference to the MCU or the Simpsons, but I’m going with the latter.


This was a pretty good line.:

“President Kang would disagree but he’s not the one casting a vote in this universe.”


Thanks for voting! I’ll add it to the pile of shows I plan to watch.


I need to google whether or not they made a video game version of the movie.

You two need to watch Person of Interest!


Point taken, though there's the question of whether this evidence comes from police directly or from a less reliable source and simply being presented by police. Didn't end up taking that point very far anyway, but I appreciate the insight.


Police testimony is treated like evidence in the court of law. Me personally I was a juror and viewed them as skeptically as anyone else, particularly since they held the interrogation in a room without cameras and refused to do any gun powder residue testing, but I think most jurors are not like me and will actually obey jury instructions


I think that the realistic offers more questions about what could happen, i.e. the mechanics of how the technology performs, whereas the theoretical offers more discussion about whether it should happen, since we can better define what the technology is and how it works as a baseline. I think both have their benefits. I don’t mind doing either one, but this is what we went with and this is what we are debating.

If you want to discuss the limits of existing tech, that might be a good basis for a debate, but I’m not sure how you’d define the parameters for it.

you would rather debate a theoretical rather than the realistic?

the description says "as like" so i understood that as any machine that could collect 8 minutes of thought before death.

be it on a quantum computer to a 2023 macbook.

heck the chip has analog to digital converter using binary code. scrap the 2023 macbook we could watch it on tv or a windows xp. the hardest part is converting the info to video.


The literal title of this debate and the description involves technology from the movie, so that’s the focus of our discussion. It might be interesting to explore the ideas you’re discussing based on existing tech, but that’s not what we’re doing in this debate.

i would hesitate before saying its not possible. musk has been working hard on technology that transmits thoughts.

he already has animals playing pong with their brain and is doing human testing.

why is this debate turned into multiverse theory and quantum mechanics? there is no need to have theoretical arguements about something that is possible without applying these ideas.

the chip put in a human mind can transmit thoughts, the data processed from the brain to the chip can be stored and transmitted to a database. as long as there is an electrical impulse.
or it can be retrieved from the corpse and recompile the thoughts during/preceding its death. this will not negate or dismiss criminal investigation but rather make it more cohesive on depositions.

forget the movie. focus on the benefits/failings of recompiling last thoughts of someone who died.


I've seen the movie, just didn't realize that's what it was until I read the description.


It’s like one of those movies or stories where a person’s consciousness is transferred into the main character of a video game and interacts with the NPC’s, except based in time simulation.


This does look interesting. When I first read the title, I thought this was in reference to open-source codes and I got excited for serious policy debates, though this seems just as interesting.


You guys will enjoy this one.

This looks like a fun read unless whiteflame takes it too seriously.