Instigator / Pro

The justice system is not racist


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After 4 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two hours
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
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Voting system
Contender / Con

This debate is over whether or not the justice system is actually racist

I’ll debate you, Novice.
But I know your ego is too fragile to allow you to lose to me.


Yeah, you already know I don't like my time being wasted.
I offered you three potential resolutions. Yes or no, are you going to debate me on them.

I will give you 3 tries to answer once again. If I don't get a yes/no, then I will just repeat the question. If you think I am going to get into some back and forth with you, you must be mistaken, because I not 10 years old. Feel free to keep running, or answer the question. If you just keep dodging...I mean, whatever.


---> tangents and rants about various personal problems and/or theories about me following him to his house
--> As I dislike being lied about and I insist you are lying, I'll happily accept a debate challenge from you on if that actually occurred on this site instead of merely inside your imagination.
-> Happy to debate Barney anytime, unfortunately it seems as if he is still running from me.

If you're not batshit insane, I'm still offering you a free win. But if you'd rather keep telling everyone who will listen that I'm "running" from you as evidenced by your inability to debate, then by all means keep at it.

We already have him making the claim that the Death Penalty is "[o]ccasionally necessary but misused." We can just debate a resolution along the lines of "The death penalty should be used in the United States, where I take a con position. We can also do a Gender Wage Gap topic (as stated previously) or the resolution "Being agnostic is more reasonable than being an Atheist," etc.


I see you mentioning your support of the death penalty, we could debate on that. If not, we could debate on some iterated topic from the gender pay gap -- a recent debate you did against some low hanging fruit. I am happy to make any of these debates happen.


Happy to debate Barney anytime, unfortunately it seems as if he is still running from me. To be honest, I don't even see him as serious competition anymore, but again, if he wants to debate I am available.


I agree with you about the causal relationship! All I was saying is the argument needed to be proven in the debate, rather than criticizing its truth out of round (for example, citing a study that controlled for income differences directly, or used a quasi-experimental approach). Trivially I wasn’t making the reverse causality claim in the RFD, just the omitted variables one.


-> "Con doesn’t explain why this debate has to be set in the United States"
This is true, I could have used almost anywhere. There just happened to be a few good examples from the USA which popped into my mind quickly.

-> "nor do they do much work in tying these disparities to racism in the justice system"
I did leave it as correlation without proving causation. I'll defend that correlation implies a causal relationship, and deductively it seems unlikely that their skin color is caused by mistreatment within the criminal justice system.

A confounding variable to that is of course wealth. Thankfully the large sample sizes allows us to statistically determine that it only partly explains the disparity.


Interestingly, we have a debate which heavily touched on this:

this could have been a good example of tautology. oh well.


You two should really push the as of late lacking quality of debates outside of its current state by debating this topic.


I do not think it should be outright mandatory even then. However, that would be a suitable time for it to be on the table.


So you think that anyone who is:

a. accused of multiple murders
b. proven to be guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt

should receive the DP? I could see a few problems with that...


Serial killers with no serious doubt as to their guilt.

E.g., someone caught shooting up a school should be put to death, O.J. Simpson should not due to there being /some/ doubt.


In what circumstances would it be necessary?


You've missed half the debate, but can still come back. At this point I do advise doing it as a rematch with a larger time window.

My arguments are setup to serve more as a sample of how to argue online. You could literally copy/paste and apply minimal editing, to switch them to be favoring the other side.


Occasionally necessary but misused.


What are your opinions on the death penalty, out of curiosity?


My R1 is ready. You should post yours soon, as you've made this a quickfire debate.