Instigator / Pro

The CSA(Confederate States of America) was founded to protect slavery not states rights.


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After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Best.Korea's avatar
270 debates / 61 votes
Sir.Lancelot's avatar
182 debates / 79 votes
Savant's avatar
23 debates / 217 votes
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Time for argument
Three days
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Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

The American Civil War is a very controversial topic even today the origins and causes are not agreed on. here are the rules.

1. Pro must establish that the civil war was caused by slavery or that the CSA fought for slavery.
2. Con must prove that the Confederacy left the Union to protect states' rights instead of slavery or that the South's obsession with slavery is not the primary cause of the civil war.
3. Judges must base their decision on evidence and arguments provided and not on personal opinions.



The primary reason for the creation of the CSA was to preserve slavery because the wealth of the ruling class depended heavily on it. Slavery was long a point of contention since the birth of the US as a nation and for decades the US had fought to find a compromise.


"I am only interested in a serious and professional debate"

You won't get that debate by handcuffing your opponent to an opinion that no highschool graduate has. If you are confident they seceded because of a few Jews owning slaves than you should have no problem defending that position.


I understand that opinions vary regarding the cause of the war, and not everyone believes it was solely due to slavery. However, I am only interested in a serious and professional debate. Anyone with a basic education in history knows that the war started for one of two reasons: 1) The South feared that Lincoln's presidency threatened the institution of slavery, making it the central reason, or 2) Southern states felt the need to secede because they believed their states' rights were being oppressed by the Federal government. Any other view is not based on the history of the civil war and is thus ignorant.


What I am saying is that a lot of people think the war is not as simple as just saying it is about slavery.

That there was a myriad of reasons for the war and that slavery was the least of them. Nobody who says the war was not about slavery, argues it was about state's rights other than people dumbing down the reasons for rhetorical purposes.


I'm sorry that my rules do not allow for ignorant and baseless assertions to be argued on but I am not interested in hearing nonsense I am interested in debating in a serious and professional manner, Since that does not seem to be your criteria then the debate is not for you then simple as that.


No one has challenged it yet and the time in between arguments is three days apart so you should have plenty of time if you are interested in debating this.


"the slave trade in America was racially motivated"

Damn, I thought there might be some sort of financial motive to have free labor but I guess not.

"If you believe the South left to protect its states' rights or that slavery was not the cause then challenge the debate."

Your 2nd rule for the debate only allows con to argue it was for state's rights. So if I think it's because Lincoln was a faggot and southerners didn't want to associate with fags, I would automatically lose the debate for breaking rule number 2.

Damn, I would have loved to debate this if I had time


If you believe the South left to protect its states' rights or that slavery was not the cause then challenge the debate.


Your claim is illogical, as the slave trade in America was racially motivated and not related to Jewish matters. Furthermore, the primary debate surrounding the American Civil War for the past century has been whether slavery was the main cause or if it was due to the federal government forcing the South to secede in defense of its rights. Consequently, I am perplexed by your expectation for me to create a narrative that is not only false but also historically inaccurate, just as you are uncertain about why I should make Con argue that the Confederacy fought for states' rights instead of slavery.

you are arguing the south fought to preserve the jewish slave trade than argue it, not sure why you are forcing your opponent to argue they were fighting for states rights though