Instigator / Con

American men cutting dick


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After 6 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
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Voting system
Contender / Pro

Dick is not bad thing that need to be cut. It can be good thing. If I had dick I would keep it.

One of my friends who marry American guy says he cut dick . This not something should be done.

Round 1
My English is not so good. Please forgive.


Circumcision is a common in America.  Apparently men cut their dick at birth. They seem to have very cruel mothers. 

1. Cut dicks do not fell good for men

The pee pee apparently does not feel as good when cut, so my blow job's are less effective on American men. They really miss out.

2. Cut penis looks weird

American women are fat and ugly. Maybe cut penis looks good to them but russian women are prettier, and we are used to real men who have their entire penis still with them. If you want fat American woman good for you but I say you should strive to be with pretty girls like me. 

3. Accidents happen

Sometimes when doctors cut penis they over cut. You can lose the penis and not be able to satisfy future wife.

4. Kids should not be harmed without consent

Maybe if kid becomes adult they can choose to cut off their penis and become girl or just cut off part of penis and have an ugly dick that makes them inferior sexual partners, but kids should be able to keep entire penis and not have to worry about parents cutting it off. 


I want to mostly talk about circumcision as you call it, but men cutting off penises to become girl is also unnatural and weird. 

I like to have an entire penis when I get married one day. 
Not all circumcision is on minors.  However bodily mutilation for religious purposes is common.

We have Self-flagellation in Shia Islam where Shia Muslims practice self-flagellation during the holy month of Muharram.  Coptic Christianity and body piercing: In certain sects of Coptic Christianity, particularly in Egypt occurs when some individuals practice body piercing as an act of penance or devotion. Piercing may involve inserting small skewers or hooks through the skin, usually on the back, as a form of self-mortification

If we look at Thaipusam in Hinduism which involves a festival celebrated mainly by Tamil communities. Self mutilators demonstrate their devotion to the deity Murugan by engaging in acts of self-mortification including piercing the skin, cheeks, tongue, or back with skewers or hooks.  They also can carry an elaborate kavadi (ornate structures) attached to their bodies using hooks and spears

The Kayan Lahwi tribe, also known as the "Long Neck" tribe, practices the tradition of wearing brass coils around the necks of women from a young age. All in the name of culture and religion.

The individual right to mutilate their bodies int he name of a belief or religion is a cornerstone of individual humanity.  If I get a name of my children tattooed or burn scarred into my body, that is OK.  Nowhere in the description or resolution does is this argument restricted to children.    

I urge Con to concede for the above reasons.

Round 2
Pro arguing that all men dick should be cut. He conceded that it is not for some men, this is a forfeit.

He say because some people have silly superstitions that dick cutting is good thing. 

All of my arguments are dropped. 

Pro drops. Cut dicks ugly

Pro drops that cut dicks do not appreciate my blow job's as much

Pro drops the issues with consent and all of my points and then focuses on superstitious peoples believing cutting dick is good thing.

If Muslim, Jewish or Christian cut dick, that is their choice but it is not good choice.

Superstitious people also have been known to throw babies into fire to sacrifice to moloch. Some superstitions say women should have clitoris cut.

Pro has not made argument for why this superstitious beliefs should be used instead of logic, reason and science. 

I tell the Abraham's. If God say you should sacrifice son, then maybe take medicine instead of hoping he sends a lamb at last second. 

If God tells you to cut dick, maybe show skepticism. If God is real (LOL), than he gave you faculties of mind to make use of logic and reason. 
Con is confused on how a debate works.  the first round is to set your arguments.  Later rounds are to address your counterparts.

In round 1.  Con states:

1. Cut dicks do not fell good for men

People do a lot of things that don't feel good, like implants, tattoos,  piercings, getting a hangover, working out too hard.  "not feel good" on itself is insufficient reasons to justify an outright cultural ban.

Con says:

2. Cut penis looks weird
and then admits that circumcision should be a choice

If you want fat American woman good for you

Con says:

3. Accidents happen
Yes they do.  Cooking food can cause a burn.  Do we cancel it?  Cars cause deaths.  Do we ban cars?  Accidents are not independently justified to ban.

Con says:
4. Kids should not be harmed without consent

I dont think you need consent to say that kids should not be harmed.  I agree with you there.  The question is, in the greater good, is a circumcision harm.  Con has only said that it hurts, and does not look good.  That does not qualify as "harm" to the level that would meet the burden of proof on this debate.

Con says

If Muslim, Jewish or Christian cut dick, that is their choice but it is not good choice.
I have shown above that sometimes it IS a good choice because it is medically necessary.  

My issue with Con is the blanket statement it should not happen, and then accepting that it is someones choice.  If Con accepts that it may be a choice, and can see there are medically needed times for those who cannot consent, and a pure right to mutilate your body for those who can give consent, then Con has failed to meet a BOP, through pure contradiction.

It is the right for anyone to modify their bodies.  We do it physically, we do it through eating exercise, laziness, and drinking, we do it through drugs, and vaccines, and we do it with tattoos, piercings, and implants.  

All other arguments extended.

Round 3

Thank you pro for having this debate with me. I think that pro does not realize I put myself as Con so he would have the burden of proof to show why American men should cut dick. 

There is 2 possible interpretation of this resolution.

1. The most normal interpretation in debate is that ro should prove why all men should cut dick.

Pro concedes that cutting dick is not for all men as he points to exceptions to rule. 

2. Interpretation of the debate in the next case at best would be that pro must show that usually men should cut dick.  

Pro does not argue this should be usually done and this for all practical effects should be dropped. 

Jury should accept the first interpretation but even with second interpretation of resolution than jury is obligated to vote me as pro only argues that superstitious people should cut dick.

Witchy Woman

In pro's first round he argue that since superstitious people sometimes cut dick that means it is good ideal to cut dick. 

I respond that superstitious people if made by God (LOL) like they assume than God also makes mind to be used for logic.

Pro drops arguement that mind is superior than superstitions for figuring out will of God.

This really is only argument pro makes for cutting dick, that invisible sky fairy told him to cut his dick. 

R2 rebuttals

1. Cut dick results in less sensation for men so they can not experience my superior peepee sucking skills as much as they should. 

Pro responds

"People do a lot of things that don't feel good, like implants, tattoos,  piercings, getting a hangover, working out too hard.  "not feel good" on itself is insufficient reasons to justify an outright cultural ban"

I am arguing people should not cut dick. I never argue for ban. Pro is acting like he has no burden here, this is incorrect. If I give that it reduces pleasure as argument he needs to explain why that cost is not True or why benefits of cutting peepee outweigh the costs. Instead he drops my argument. 

I assume he is male because no woman could justify a man cutting perfectly good penis. 

2. Cut penis looks weird 

"and then admits that circumcision should be a choice"

I think smoking should be choice also but not good ideal. Pro is mistaken to think debate is about a ban. Nobody mention ban. If I argue pineapples do not belong on pizza, would pro assume I mean that people who put pineapples on pizza should go to prison? This is silly. The debate title does not say ban. Nowhere do I argue for ban. Pro is arguing outside scope of debate.

3. Accidents happen

Pro drops my argument that accidents can happen when taking knife to penis. This is important to know there is risk before deciding to start putting sharp objects around penis, but pro does not acknowledge I made this argument. 

4. Kids should not be harmed without consent

Pro says

"I dont think you need consent to say that kids should not be harmed.  I agree with you there.  The question is, in the greater good, is a circumcision harm.  Con has only said that it hurts, and does not look good.  That does not qualify as "harm" to the level that would meet the burden of proof on this debate."

This is not what I argued at all. I say that in other words if irreparable harm can be done to child when penis is cut off, maybe he should have some say in cutting penis when he can better understand risks vs rewards. 

I have not argued that cutting dick hurts either. This is strawman. I argued it can do irreversible damage such as accidental removal, loss of sensation etc and that it is unethical to remove parts of dick on kids since it is mostly cosmetic surgery and they are not old enough to consent.

It is important to notice that pro makes new argument this round by quoting source saying there are medical necessary reasons to cut dick. 

But source just lists some extremely rare problems and even says these problems are avoidable its proper care. Here is direct quote.

"The risks of not being circumcised, however, are not only rare, but avoidable with proper care of the penis"

The article does not specifically state any medical need to cut dick beyond an inability to retract foreskin, but this problem is extremely rare. So no need to cut the dicks of millions of children if it is only going to affect a few. We can just cut dick of the few it affects. 


Pro has not upheld their burden of proof that all men (most for lenient judges) should have dick cut. 

Pro has wasted time of this court ignoring resolution of debate in the title and focusing on offhand opi ion irrelevant to debate. 

Vote pro, vote to save the dicks . It is worthwhile cause.
Final Round

Con has used the last round to try to reframe the burden of proof. As no clear BoP had been established, the judges will look to the words of the resolution, and use the description as supporting evidence.

The description says:

 This not something should be done.
I have shown why :"cutting a dick"is justifiable for reasons such as:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Religious
  3. Cosmetic
  4. Personal, and
  5. Health
We have five reasons why a "dick cutting" could/should be done, and is a direct contradiction to Pro's claim.

Should Not versus Ban

In fairness to Con, at no point was a ban purported by them.  The problem here is that it appears the Con is arguing with respect to their preferences of penile care and mutilation.  The problem with Con's contention is that there is nothing in the resolution or description that clearly shows a personal reference point rather than a broad one.  I remind all of Con's quote.

 This not something should be done.
The Judges will clearly see that Con never inferred this debate was supposed to be based on a personal preference, which is what Con is trying to establish in the last round.  Con's own comments referencing friends and general statements show that the debate is based on the social interpretation, not the personal. 


The language of the resolution and description are clear.  I have shown a number of reasons the justify the genital modification actions articulated.    At no point does Con prove:

1. Spiritual purposes should not encompass male genital modification
2. Religious reasons should not encompass male genital modification
3. Cosmetic purposes should not encompass male genital modification
4. Personal purposes should not encompass male genital modification
5. Health reasons should not encompass male genital modification

Con set the resolution, the description, and went first.  They could have framed the debate in a different way, and they did not.

I have met the deduced BoP.  Thank you for your time.