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Arnold Schwarzenegger's physique is naturally achievable


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This is not a debate on whether Arnie was natty - as he was not natty and was never natty. This debate is about whether or not his peak physique is naturally achievable.

important terms:

natty: Someone whose muscle gains are natural and not aided by the use of anabolic steroids, HGH, insulin, clenbuterol, or any other anabolic PED.

This debate is split into 3 parts:
1. FFMI/Objective muscularity(how objectively muscular he was)
2. body shape(Arnie's exact body shape)
3. Exact proportions. (exact proportions/

Now I am pro, but this doesn't mean I'm gonna blindly defend my points and will likely concede

Also do not commit any logical fallacies.

Round 1

Arnold reached his peak in 1974. At this year he weighed 237 lbs. Arnie's height is 6'2[2] - this makes him the tallest Mr Olympia winner. The usual body fat of bodybuilders of his day was 6-8%[3]. I am going to assume the lowest value at 6%.

So these are the stats

weight: 237 lbs
height: 6'2
bodyfat: 6%

so lets plop them into the ffmi equation and we get a value of: 28.16

Now it is considered that an ffmi of about 25 is the the blurry natty limit and that going higher is likely impossible but bodybuilders from the silver era of bodybuilding(a time of which their is no evidence of steroid use as PED) have achieved similar FFMIs. Just look at Jack Deligner in the 1949 mr America here[1]. He managed to reach above 25 ffmi(28.0 to be specific) this is before the first use of Steroids as PEDs by the russian weight lifting team. Steroids did exist since 1935 but they were used and advertised to treat old men with urinary problems and men with depression(Something that a young healthy and strong man of the time - especially a bodybuilder - wouldn't take interest in)[4]. Their anabolic properties were not yet known very well. Steve Reeves nor any bodybuilder of the silver era ever claimed to use steroids[5].

Body shape:

This is about the body shape - not exact muscularity.

Any man can train to look like arnie he just has to:

* Put the heaviest emphasis on the chest
* Train the upper body more than the lower body.
* Have terrible traps and calves
* Train your arms heavily
* Barely train your waist
* Put mild emphasis on the abs
* go to a low body fat percentage
* Check your mirror and compare yourself to this photo:

Just like him, I have a naturally huge chest - so does most males in my family.

Exact proportions:

This is about trying to get at his exact proportions:

Well if you are as tall as arnie - as most men in my family are - well then tough luck as I don't know if this is possible. Jack Deligner was 5'6 - with less height, then there is less space to fill with muscle - this is why bodybuilders are usually short.

Arms: 22″ (56 cm)
Chest: 57″ (145 cm)
Waist: 34″ (86 cm)
Thighs: 28,5″ (72 cm)
Calves: 20″ (51 cm)

Arms: 22 inch arms aren't really that impossible. In the silver era, Leroy Colbert achieved 21 inch arms[7] And he existed before roids became popular in Bodybuilding.

Chest: Arnold's chest is 57 inches. If you have good chest genetics - like Arnold - getting near is much easier. Reeve's chest was 52 inches[6]. I don't know if this is naturally possible.

Waist: Aronld's waist was his biggest weakpoint. Steve Reeve's waist was 29 inches[6] - and he was also natural[5]. So not only can you get to Arnie's waist size naturally but you can do even better.

Calves: Again I don't know, but Steve Reeve's Calves were 18.5 inches. But modern training methods can allow someone to do even better than the silver era dudes.

Since we already know Arnold Schwarzenegger was on steroids during the year of 1974, then I suppose that part is irrelevant.

Most bodybuilders consider Arnold's 1974 physique to be the ultimate standard of perfection and most bodybuilders train in Good Faith for a lifetime and never reach it. (Training in Good Faith means they never cheat or abuse any illegal substance.) The fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger, someone who perhaps had one of the best genetics in terms of bodybuilding potential HAD to use steroids just to get to that level says all you need to know.

So if Arnold's physique is unattainable even for professional bodybuilders who are considered experts in their field, then that same logic probably applies to amateur or even non-competitive bodybuilders. And it is certainly true for the average person. It's possible that few may achieve it, but this requires an exception. An exception neither breaks nor changes the rules.

Resolution Kritik:
Despite what others say, Arnold's peak was not 1974. (In Competitive Bodybuilding perhaps.) His physical peak would not be at least for another decade.

In 1974, his hypertrophy/muscular development was the largest and his bodily proportions were the most symmetrical, but his peak year was 1981. The same year that Terminator 2 was filmed.

While Arnold may have had the best physique in 1974 and gotten less smaller over the years and had the worst physique in 80's. The year 1981 was when his strength and lifting ability was at its highest. So while Arnold's muscles atrophied, his strength developed significantly. So despite being smaller, he was actually a lot stronger than he was in 1974.

Round 2
"Most bodybuilders consider Arnold's 1974 physique to be the ultimate standard of perfection and most bodybuilders train in Good Faith for a lifetime and never reach it. (Training in Good Faith means they never cheat or abuse any illegal substance.) The fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger, someone who perhaps had one of the best genetics in terms of bodybuilding potential HAD to use steroids just to get to that level says all you need to know."

Arnold may have had the greatest physique, but I think saying he has the best genetics is going way too far. His waist was crap, his abs were crap - heck he had to find ways to distract attention from his abs. He had a waist of 34 inches(Stevie Reevie(Steve Reeves but this nickname is a joke) had a waist of 29 inches - and he was natural). Also just look at his abs - they suck. His legs are rather small. He has great genetics but not the best.  

"So if Arnold's physique is unattainable even for professional bodybuilders who are considered experts in their field, then that same logic probably applies to amateur or even non-competitive bodybuilders. And it is certainly true for the average person. It's possible that few may achieve it, but this requires an exception. An exception neither breaks nor changes the rules."

So you just conceded.
"Despite what others say, Arnold's peak was not 1974. (In Competitive Bodybuilding perhaps.) His physical peak would not be at least for another decade." Look at this source:,was%20Arnold's%20most%20impressive%20showing).

"In 1974, his hypertrophy/muscular development was the largest and his bodily proportions were the most symmetrical, but his peak year was 1981. The same year that Terminator 2 was filmed."
Technically he retired in 1980

"While Arnold may have had the best physique in 1974 and gotten less smaller over the years and had the worst physique in 80's. The year 1981 was when his strength and lifting ability was at its highest. So while Arnold's muscles atrophied, his strength developed significantly. So despite being smaller, he was actually a lot stronger than he was in 1974."

He may have been stronger but I think most men would rather want to live in his 1974 body. This debate is about muscularity, not necessarily strength.

You didn't really deal with any of my points and also what about Delinger - he was a genetic freak.

Arnold may have had the greatest physique, but I think saying he has the best genetics is going way too far. His waist was crap, his abs were crap - heck he had to find ways to distract attention from his abs. He had a waist of 34 inches(Stevie Reevie(Steve Reeves but this nickname is a joke) had a waist of 29 inches - and he was natural). Also just look at his abs - they suck. His legs are rather small. He has great genetics but not the best.  
He didn’t train each muscle group as much as he should’ve. 

The reason he was underdeveloped before touching a weight for the first time ever is because of inadequate nutrition. 

Categorically, most experts consider Schwarzenegger a Mesomorph.: 

  •  A human somatotype(physical type) that is marked by greater than average muscular development, as determined by the since-discredited physique-classification system developed in the 1940s by American psychologist W.H. Sheldon.