Instigator / Pro

THBT: On balance, the competitions in Squid Game (2021) are not an accurate representation of capitalism in South Korea [for @Sir.Lancelot]


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

On balance, the competitions in Squid Game (2021) are not an accurate representation of capitalism in South Korea [for @Sir.Lancelot]

BoP is shared. PRO argues that SG is not an accurate representation of capitalism in SK. CON argues that it is.

Accurate means “deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from a standard.”
Capitalism is “a system in which the voluntary exchange of goods and services is legal.”
South Korea is “an East Asian nation on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula.”
Squid Game is “a South Korean survival drama television series created by Hwang Dong-hyuk for Netflix.”

1. All specifications presented in the description are binding to both participants.
2. Only Sir.Lancelot may accept.


I really enjoyed debating this topic the first time.

Really creative, so it encouraged me to try it out a second time.

You got a knack for this kinda thing.

Thanks for the discussion.


That's right, I almost forgot. Thanks for voting, and thanks to SL for an engaging debate.


Thanks for the votes, guys!

I was getting nervous because the days' count was ticking zero.


check discord real quick, homie

The closest thing to a North-Korean game show I can find is MrBeast, because he cage lots of people up for fun. Joycamps. The most stark contrast is that he gives out money for people that won and do not keep sentencing people who cannot hold on to longer sessions of hard labor.


Thanks for the ping, though there's still time. Got another debate that needs voting before I can get to this one.


Plz vote if you get the chance.


Only a few days left to vote!

Imagine a game show representing the non-capitalism of North Korea. Oh wait, it is just a prison.

Thx whiteflame!


>Reported Vote: Pevensie // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 3 points to Pro (Arguments), 2 points to Con (Sources)
Although I appreciated Con's usage of direct quotes from the show, I found Pro's logical reasoning to be more compelling. Both Pro and Con acted civilly and communicated clearly.

>Reason for Mod Action:
The voter does not sufficiently explain either point allocation. For arguments, the voter has to compare specific points presented by both sides in the debate. It is not sufficient to state that one side used "logical reasoning" that the voter found "more compelling." For sources, the voter points to the "direct quotes from the show" given by Con, but doesn't address the sources presented by Pro nor how they compare.


If we do that, it might be good to have whiteflame or blamonkey as a judge as well, just so voters can see what a high-quality RFD looks like.


Would you be willing to do a test debate? (Slainte's idea. It's actually genius.)

Standard but with judges. The judges can be all the newbs who gained voting privileges recently, and it could be a way of helping them to vote on debates because the description would set expectations of what good voting standards are, and the experience may actually be helpful.


You should probably put more detailed reasoning for your vote in the comments, or it's likely to be removed by the mods. (Not to nitpick if it's your first vote here, but they do tend to be strict about that.)


Thanks homie!


i will get to it.


Would you guys like to judge?

Slainte, greyparrot, Athias, and TWS are reliable votes, however.

Slainte is a very neutral voter.
Greyparrot is a master of History, Economics, and Politics. (Also a neutral voter because they've voted against me before.)
Athias is also a master of this subject.
TWS has some kind of former education on foreign nations, I think? (Also a neutral voter because he judged against me in the past.)

If anyone does vote, please do so neutrally. I'm not sure what feuds are going on at the moment, but just evaluate arguments if you do choose to cast a vote.

Rational will grudge-vote against me because of some "pixel war."


All votes are appreciated!



I may vote on it once I've had time to look it over.


You may like voting on this.


>Reported Vote: Sting // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 point to Pro (Legibility)
>Reason for Decision:
neither convinced me but pro wrote better styling

>Reason for Mod Action:
The voter does not justify awarding legibility. It is unclear what he means by "better styling" or how that is sufficient under the voting standards. Please refer to the voting policy for the site and ensure that the basis for awarding legibility meets the listed standards:


This debate was just for fun.

Since your specialty/area of interest is politics/economics/policy debates, is this something you would enjoy reading and voting on?


I'm not sure I should vote on this. most of this debate on a cursory readthrough appeared to be centered on semantic arguments and less focused on meaty arguments. Whiteflame's much better at evaluating these types of debates.


All votes are appreciated!




Thank you!
This subject’s actually kinda fun.



Ready when you are