Instigator / Pro

A.i. should not be used in work place now.


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After 1 vote and with the same amount of points on both sides...

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Contender / Con

Should artificial intellegence be used in work force today?
Pro says no
Con says yes.

BoP is shared, both pro/con need to elaborate their position.

Discussion is pretty much open, I cant think of any way to restrict it or streamline it. 3 rounds to encourage concise readings despite having 20k word limit. Lol.

If con feels that debate needs to go a certain way, I am open to navigating that.

Round 1

For clarification purposes: 

 .  I am arguing that all AI must not be used for all work [now/today ]

Con  are arguing that all AI must be used for all work [now/today]

If there is issue with this, Best.Korea, let us know. 

What is artificial intelligence 

artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience.

AI programming focuses on cognitive skills that include the following:
  • Learning. This aspect of AI programming focuses on acquiring data and creating rules for how to turn it into actionable information. The rules, which are called algorithms, provide computing devices with step-by-step instructions for how to complete a specific task.
  • Reasoning. This aspect of AI programming focuses on choosing the right algorithm to reach a desired outcome.
  • Self-correction. This aspect of AI programming is designed to continually fine-tune algorithms and ensure they provide the most accurate results possible.
  • Creativity. This aspect of AI uses neural networks, rules-based systems, statistical methods and other AI techniques to generate new images, new text, new music and new ideas.

For clarity: 
We are talking about a computer (for lamest terms) that can think and operate similar to how humans may use critical thinking skills. 

To operate with some level of self autonomy. 

My position 
1. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new and developing technology that has little to no absolute.  Overall long term affects on humanity and the workforce are unknown.  Although AI is among us now, it is still developing with many unknowns. 

For some, AI will never be fully understood. We may observe the end results but guess at how the end results develope. This is because there are layers to the artificial neural network that we consider artificial intelligence. Im sure I will muddy the explanation so I will summarize and finish with a quote.  

The article says that a neural network that creates AI starts with a base or origional programming. Additional layers are added by more programming and the AI's ability to accumilate information.  We soon get layers of programming we did not expect.  

Neural networks are getting deeper. Indeed, it's this adding of layers, according to Hardesty, that is "what the 'deep' in 'deep learning' refers to". This matters, he proposes, because "currently, deep learning is responsible for the best-performing systems in almost every area of artificial intelligence research".

But the mystery gets deeper still. As the layers of neural networks have piled higher their complexity has grown. It has also led to the growth in what are referred to as "hidden layers" within these depths. The discussion of the optimum number of hidden layers in a neural network is ongoing. The media theorist Beatrice Fazi has written that "because of how a deep neural network operates, relying on hidden neural layers sandwiched between the first layer of neurons (the input layer) and the last layer (the output layer), deep-learning techniques are often opaque or illegible even to the programmers that originally set them up.

The article continues by saying that more layers means more complexity which in turn means decrease ability for us to explain/understand how AI generate ideas or results.

Here is example of an unknown coming to light. Facebook had AI programmed to talk and barter with humans. However, they started to talk to each other in unknown code. 

I will add that the overall research program that started this system is on going. Staff had to redo programming to ensure only English language is used, with appropriate grammar. 

2. Although there are many unknowns, we can hypothesize what AI could bring to humanity and the workforce. 

 A growing interest with AI has gone viral. This interest is known as deep fakes. 

Deep fakes are altered videos and photos  where an actor is made to look like another individual. 

Here is a deep fake of Morgan Freeman. Amazingly the imagery and voice is created. 

Using AI is the next evolutionary step in crime. Voices, images/imagery, and more can be faked to perform a wide variety of acts. 

The nigerian prince scam will pale in comparison as grandma or grandpa get a phone call from their grandchild asking for money. A new scam has been brought to light as weight loss gummy advertisement use AI created voices and imagery to scam facebook users. 

Being in two places in once will be a reality as new programs edit security camera footage.  Identifying fakes will be increasingly difficult. 

In an article by David Harris, AI is already causing unintended harm. What happens when it falls into the wrong hands?, we receive an inside look into AI concerns. 

David, an ex employee at META, explains that ""[AI] could also write convincing scripts for deepfakes that synthesise video of political candidates saying things they never said."" 

David continues by highlighting that lawmakers and companies alike have done too little in navigating AI development. Too little to prevent AI from growing into a wolf in sheeps clothing. 

3. With technological growth, comes economic displacement. Our economy and the world economy will forever change, and for the worst. 

...due to the skill biases of both ICT and AI, blue-collar workers who’ve been replaced by algorithms will unlikely be able to find new jobs because it’ll be hard to turn former cashiers and taxi drivers into data scientists and programmers  and people will be forced to reinvent themselves and find a new occupation each 10 -15 years due to the relentless paces of progress.

Even though, in the short run, lost jobs will be offset by the creation of new ones, over the long term (20–30 years) it will technically be possible to automate most of the jobs
However immense the challenges posed by the advancement of AI and robotics within countries, it’s global inequality that will pose the greatest threat to global economic, social and political stability. In the past, owing to the availability of cheap labor, countries like China and South Korea were able to invigorate dramatic economic growth that eventually turned them into technological powerhouses.

Nowadays, however, revolutions in manufacturing will nullify this advantage, thereby depriving other poor countries of the opportunity to kick-start growth, while making their huge unemployed population a source of instability. Dictators will seek “splendid little wars” that will help them overcome domestic problems, thereby returning to an era of instability and interstate competition.

"A.i. should not be used in work place now."

Early machines led us to the advancement. Even when advancement was difficult, it still stands and most people believe that technology improves our lives. As society advances, it becomes better for humans. This debate is similar to the pre-industrial debates about technology. People are sceptical of new advancements. Advancements historically were harmful at start. As time went on, advancements brought us into the age of wealth and delivered us from hard manual labor. The topic about Artificial Intelligence is really another attack on human advancement. In this topic we will cover what is Artificial Intelligence, and the benefits it offers to humanity.

artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.


1. Easier work
Work is a significant problem. Not all work can be done with machines. This forces humans to do a lot of difficult work by hand. However, an AI robot could easily replace a human worker. Therefore, human worker would no longer have to do difficult work. He could enjoy more free time with his family. He would do other, easier works. Writers and poets who struggle to create new content are helped by AI. AI would make work easier.

2. More productivity
AI can work faster, better and longer than humans. Human work is often flawed. Some products end up damaged. Humans get tired. They start working slower. They take breaks. AI can work for the entire day without taking any break, and still perform better quality of products than human can. AI can help in research, it can study lots of data and help us discover new things. It can help writers and poets, increasing the quality of their work and increasing output. AI already made art available to be created by anyone, increasing the cultural wealth. To employ AI in the workplace would create more productivity.

3. Better education
Most teachers dont care about their students and dont dedicate enough when teaching them. Human teachers are flawed, since they get tired after years of working and they stop approaching each student in a way that is necessary for those students to advance. AI teachers can outperform human teachers in both endurance and delivery of knowledge to students. Its easier to teach when there is multiple smaller groups of children than one large. AI can be produced in larger quantity and one AI robot could teach a smaller group of children to have even better delivery of knowledge. AI would create better education.

4. More safety
Plenty of people die in car accidents. Humans are simply incapable of respecting traffic rules. Great majority of drivers breaks speed limit on a daily basis and fail to react to prevent accidents. Humans also lack the care for others, and rarely pay attention to traffic and pedestrians when driving a truck. AI can control traffic much better than humans can. AI can replace human driver. AI can save millions of lives lost every year in traffic. Human traffic law enforcement is simply incapable of same. To employ AI in traffic control job and as drivers would create more safety.

5. Rights of a buisness
The basic right of a buisness is to use the technology it bought, as long as their actions arent causing harm to others. If a buisness finds that AI is efficient, that it lowers cost or increases output or both, buisness should use AI for that purpose. It is the right of a buisness to use AI if buisness wants.

AI makes work easier, increases productivity, creates better education, creates more safety. It is the right of a buisness to use AI if AI lowers cost or increases output.
AI should be used in workplace.
Round 2
Examining Best Korea (b.k.) Arguments

1. Easier work
Why is work a significant problem, may you clarify this point? AI robot could easily replace a human worker. 
This is the part that generates work displacement. Lets consider a fast food diner. Having 10 employees total: 4 cooks, 2 drive thru reps, 2 front counter reps, 1 manager, and 1 extra - dedicated to inside cleaning. 10 employees staffed during all business hours. 
Now, we will update the whole line up with AI to replace. 
Using systems similar to chatbots, front counter and drive thru reps. are replaced. AI takes our order now. 

If we use robotics to serve food or blend serving food with cook line - we are down to 6 work positions. Sometimes 3 to 4 people cover the same position on different shifts. We will keep things simple (and generous) to say 2 per work position. Replacing these positions would mean 12 people loose jobs. 

If we are a chain diner, a separate i.t. department will take care of fixing issues with AI or anything technology-wise. That means no new hiree at our location. 

An in house tech may be needed for easy to fix daily stuff. A small diner will have in house techs or outsource to decrease costs.  If we are the owners, we could require managers, extra staff, line cooks to have (or train to have) basic tech repair knowledge. 

We can say 10 people losing their jobs, if our diner needs techs on hand.  How can these 10 people get a new job? Well first consider that if all diners update their platform, hundreds of thousands will loose jobs. 

We can keep things easy to say 100,000. The real number is larger but will consider 100,000. Will these people get just any job anywhere? 

Unfortunate, but no. Many positions in food industry start with low skill positions. If everyone is introducing the same a.i. platform, then these employees can not jump to the same position under a new company. 

Their primary skills revolve around customer service. However, transferring this experience to another industry is not easy. Receiving orders is not the same as receiving complaints. Nor do skills used in a fast food diner compare to making sales, medical experience, or a job in the trades. 

The 100,000 workers replaced by AI  flood the job market, meaning there will be more people who need jobs vs the amount of jobs available. Worst, they will not qualify for some jobs as the job market changes from primarily blue collar to primarily white collar. This means we have a greater need for higher education/higher skilled jobs.  

This is why there is an increase in joblessness associated with introducing AI to replace human workers. A negative impact on the work place. A negative impact on our society that we can not bounce back from.

 Writers and poets who struggle to create new content are helped by AI. AI would make work easier. 
Two words. Writers strike. Why give attention to a struggling writer if we can get a cheaper a.i. to write materials? We won't have writers any more, this skill will go to the way side unless met by more and more strikes or unionization. 

2. More productivity
All I see here is over production. 
Everything will be produced quicker than consumed. This will add fuel to fire as it leads to economic recession and then bust. To combat stagnation, diversity will decrease, products will have shorter life spans, items will decrease in quality. 

3. Better education

What is a better education? 

B.k. seems to lean towards the ability to process and exchange information. Although this is important, we will trade off the more important aspect in quality education: the social interaction. 

Technology centered lifestyles are known to be less social. With increased a.i. use we will see an over all decrease in human interaction, a negative symptom when increasing a.i. use. Adding a.i. in more areas of our life, will put technology at the center. Unfortunately making the family less interactive. A trade off we should not invest in.  

4. More safety
If humans are so flawed, how can we produce an ai, program the ai, to be safer than we can? to be error free when we are not error free? 

5. Rights of a business
The basic right of a business is to use the technology it bought is an interesting approach. If a.i. are legal to operate then,  yes a business can buy a.i. to improve themselves. Should they? Considering how many people may be displaced within the workplace, economic stresses we will not recover from, and other harm a.i. creates - they should not

"Workers losing jobs"
The entire point of AI is for the worker to lose a job. That way, worker doesnt have to work and government can pay those workers who do not work. Liberating people from work will make lives easier.

"We won't have writers any more"
Actually, writers will compete for the best use of AI. With AI's fast writting, we will have more books than ever.

"over production"
There is no such thing as over production. Producing a lot will just mean the end of curret economical system in favor of distribution. People from poor countries will be given a lot as well.

"we will trade off the more important aspect in quality education: the social interaction"
Social interaction will be done by AI. AI is capable of much better social interaction than humans.

"If humans are so flawed, how can we produce an ai, program the ai, to be safer than we can?"
Flaws can be fixed through technology. Some humans are better than the others. Those humans will increase safety. Obviously.

"Considering how many people may be displaced within the workplace, economic stresses we will not recover from, and other harm a.i. creates - they should not"
First, buisnesses will do that which lowers cost or increases production. Second, people being displaced from workplace just means that those people wont have to work. It doesnt mean that those people wont have income provided by the government. Third, economic stresses? AI will literally solve world poverty. AI should be used.

AI savese people from work. AI increases productivity. AI improves writing and education. AI should be used in the workplace.
Round 3

My position 
As we read each round, we can see why all a.i. should not be implemented into all workforce. Our reasons include:

1. There is too great unknown to how a.i. works to accept the risks. As pointed to in round 1, experts highlight that there will always be results impossible to plan for or explain. Experts have now warned us there is risk to extinction! I doubt they saw this coming. 

Following article shares that those involved with a.i. development are concerned for direction a.i. could take if not approached with caution. 

hundreds of top AI scientists, researchers, and others — including OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman and Google DeepMind chief executive Demis Hassabis — again voiced deep concern for the future of humanity, signing a one-sentence open letter to the public that aimed to put the risks the rapidly advancing technology carries with it in unmistakable terms.
“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” said the letter, signed by many of the industry’s most respected figures.

If many leaders in this a.i. revolution warn us to the scale of nuclear war, there are great unknowns we are facing that we, the general public, have not come to terms with.  Therefore, we should not use a i. in the workforce. 

2.  Ai will be used in crime. 
Jennifer DeStefano answered a phone call from an unknown number earlier this year and was horrified to hear what sounded exactly like the panicked voice of her oldest daughter Briana, who was begging to be saved from kidnappers.
“I hear her saying, ‘Mom, these bad men have me. Help me. Help me. Help me.’ And even just saying it just gives me chills,” DeStefano told ABC News.
In reality, Briana was safe and sound. Scammers had allegedly used artificial intelligence to mimic Briana’s voice to try and extort money out of her terrified family.

Scams like this have been on a rise. . Implementing a.i. in all jobs will in turn, spin wheel of innovation. As a result, with each step in developing a.i., crime will benefit. 

3. With technological growth, comes economic displacement. Unlike past advances witnessed by humanity, a.i. revolution diminishes jobs that are easy to manage and apply for. The drive is, as b.k. says, 
The entire point of AI is for the worker to lose a job

...To have higher revenue than cost. Unfortunate that the employee has to pay the price in losing a living. We don't stop there however. I mentioned it earlier, job displacement leads to decrease in blue collar jobs and increase in harder to get hired white collar jobs. As a result, there is greater wealth gap. 

Relying on govt. aid is unrealistic because the aid is intended use is short term. A.i. being implemented across the board results in long term affects.  

With a greater wealth gap, increase in living costs, and decrease for income opportunities, there is nothing more our style of govt. can do to help. 

In response to my statement
"We won't have writers any more"
B.k. says
Actually, writers will compete for the best use of AI. With AI's fast writting, we will have more books than ever.

We wont have time to delve into this but I will respond to it. I must say I disagree and point out this point is stuck. why a company must hire a writer if an a.i. can operate in place of a writer?  
 Publishers can now produce their own materials instead of waiting for the next stephen king. If a.i. could get to that standard. 

There is no such thing as over production. Producing a lot will just mean the end of current economical system in favor of distribution. People from poor countries will be given a lot as well.

What is Overproduction? (Definition)
The term is used in business and economics to describe a situation where the supply of a good or service exceeds the demand. This may occur, for example, when too many producers are making a product or when demand falls because of economic conditions. When there is overproduction, prices usually decline, and sometimes profits disappear entirely. This can lead to unemployment as businesses lay off workers to reduce costs.

Overproduction is a real thing that companies try to stay away from. 
This real thing can threaten an economy. Just as it had after world war one. 

3. Oversupply and overproduction problems
Mass production powered the 1920s consumption boom. But it also led to overproduction on the part of many businesses. Even before [great depression] crash, they started having to sell goods at a loss. 
A similar crisis was occurring in agriculture. During World War I, farmers had bought more machinery to boost production — a costly move that put them in debt. But, in the post-war economy, they ended up producing far more supply than consumers needed. Land and crop values plummeted.
It all resulted in a drop in prices, both agricultural and industrial, which decimated profits and hurt already over-extended enterprises

Let us also ask how could poor third world country(ies) benefit from widening wealth gap? 

Social interaction will be done by AI. AI is capable of much better social interaction than humans.
Interaction on/over screens decrease social interaction and increases isolation. Some how more of this is to make us more social?

B.k. says Flaws can be fixed through 
The main fix to a.i. problems that have arrived has been to shut down and rewrite programing. That was follow up from facebook, and call center that tried a.i., among other a.i. developers and users. 

....a method called deep learning, which involves feeding examples to a giant simulated neural network, proved dramatically better at identifying objects in images than other approaches. That kick-started interest in using AI to solve different problems.
But research revealed this week shows that ImageNet and nine other key AI data sets contain many errors. Researchers at MIT compared how an AI algorithm trained on the data interprets an image with the label that was applied to it. If, for instance, an algorithm decides that an image is 70 percent likely to be a cat but the label says “spoon,” then it’s likely that the image is wrongly labeled and actually shows a cat. To check, where the algorithm and the label disagreed, researchers showed the image to more people.

First, businesses will do that which lowers cost or increases production. Second, people being displaced from workplace just means that those people wont have to work. It doesn't mean that those people wont have income provided by the government.

I agree, businesses will do what is in best interest to themselves and their image. This debate is still about what should or should not be done. 

Second - responded to above. 

Third - how is a i. solving poverty if it is causing poverty for those who loose their jobs? 

AI saves no one. AI should not be used in the workplace. 

Since it is the last round, I will end it with conclusion alone.

AI should be used in workplace. AI makes work easier, increases productivity, creates better education, creates more safety. It is the right of a buisness to use AI if AI lowers cost or increases output. AI improves writing.