Instigator / Pro

Society should evolve to Communism


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After 4 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Communism - Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.

Round 1
Every time you own something, it means that someone else doesnt.

Every time you own something, you steal it from someone else.

Property is all about who came first.

Your ancestors came first on the land. It must be their land then, no?


Land cannot be private property since every human  needs land to live. Giving it all to few humans would deny all others of it.

This is why we need Communism.

Private property has already destroyed all noble ideas from the past. It has degraded human to a mere animal who works only to satisfy most basic urges.

If you look at countries like North Korea, where people dont have lots of private property, we see all the old values of being loyal, being humble, living a simple life come into play. 

People are not greedy by nature. They are only greedy if you convince them that they can own property.

First, we all die, so obviously we cannot eternally own property.

Second, owning property creates class society of those who have and those who have not. Those who are cherished from the start and those who are harmed from the start.

Reality is, the less you own, the better.

The more you own, the more you wish to own that which you dont.

If you saw a starving man, would you give him some food? Yes, of course.

However, is it your duty to give him food? It is.

So food is not your property. Food belongs to the hungry.

How about a house. Do you own your house? No, you dont.

If your son was out in the street homeless, would you invite him in your house? Of course you would.

Now, how about some homeless man who is not your son?

Now you say no?

But he is someone's son. So he should have home.

So no, your house doesnt belong to you alone.

Your money, does your money belong to you? Of course it doesnt.

If your child was dying, and you had to pay 5000 dollars to save him, it would be your duty to do so.

And your child is not more valuable than some child who isnt yours.

So in reality, you own nothing except your body. Property cannot be owned. That would be theft.

“Every time you own something, it means that someone else doesnt.”

This is ludicrous. You are arguing from an assumption of scarcity, while I argue from an assumption of abundance.  If I buy a loaf of bread from a bakery that has one hundred loaves, there are still 99 for the next buyer. Even if that bakery sells out, there is another across the street. No one loses. In fact about one percent of bread produced ends up as surplus that is “recycled” into other products. Therefore there is an abundance of bread and not a scarcity. (1)

Pro needs to show how my owning the loaf of bread necessarily takes a loaf from someone else.

“Every time you own something, you steal it from someone else.”

I own an automobile. From whom did I steal it?  There were hundreds of cars at the dealership,  and I only bought one. Everyone along the line got paid including the salesman, the dealer, the manufacturer, and even the government. There was no theft involved. 

Pro needs to show how my owning the car is an act of theft.

“Land cannot be private property since every human  needs land to live. Giving it all to few humans would deny all others of it.”

In reality only about 10% of the available land is actually inhabited by humans.(2) Therefore it is again abundance vs scarcity.  There is still an abundance of land available.

“Private property has already destroyed all noble ideas from the past.”

What are these  noble ideas? It appears that the advancement of the individual is directly linked to owning private property. Compare the feudal sharecropper to the modern landowning farmer. (3) Oddly the feudal sharecropper’s situation is very close to one’s life under communism. 

It has degraded human to a mere animal who works only to satisfy most basic urges.”

Under communism, everyone works to satisfy those most basic  needs, Communism is “a political theory….in which each person works” (4)

“If you look at countries like North Korea, where people dont have lots of private property, we see all the old values of being loyal, being humble, living a simple life come into play. “

Yes. Let’s look at North Korea. Is it a communist paradise?  “North Korea in 2020 remained one of the most repressive countries in the world.” (5)
Additionally “The government continued to sharply curtail all basic liberties, including freedom of expression, religion and conscience, assembly, and association, and ban political opposition, independent media, civil society, and trade unions.” (6). And “The government systematically extracts forced, unpaid labor from its citizens  (7)

Therefore it is shown that
A      Ownership doesn't prevent others from owning something else.
B      Ownership is not theft
C      Abundance is better than scarcity
D     Feudalism, much like communism is not good.
E     Communism produces scarcity, not abundance
F     North Korea is a good example of communism, but a bad example of a government

I feel I have addressed enough for this round.

  4. Dictionary of Oxford Languages 
  6. Ibid
  7. ibid

Round 2
There are multiple concepts of property that contradict each other. Thats why property is always theft.

Contradiction cannot be resolved due to different and opposite ideas of property.

For example, food belongs to the hungry, and taking food for yourself would steal it from the hungry

If your son was hungry, you would share the food with him. So still not your food.

And your son is not more valuable than other poor people, by any moral standard. So same standard that you use to share with your son, you must use to share with other poor people. Also, if your son was baby, he would get food for free. So it is not your food. You have duty to share it. Now apply same to education. You would want for your child to go to the best school. By that standard, all children must have best education and you must pay for it, since your child is not more important than other children.

Smart people should not be exploited by the rich.

Its not your food because you have duty to share. The only thing that can be yours is that which you have no duty to share. Parents have duty to feed their children. You as baby were fed, so it would be illogical to think that you as baby were more important than some other baby who is hungry now. Since you were not more important, it is your duty to share with those equally important as you.

 If you cannot watch your child being hungry, how can you watch some other child being hungry? 

 Logically talking, from advanced human perspective, your child has:
1. Same needs as other children
2. Same pain as other children.
3. Same desire for happiness as other children.

So your child is not in any way more important than some other child, from moral point of view.

If you have enough food to provide for some other child who is not yours, you would not provide food. You would let such child starve just because you dont consider such child as important or as yours. That is wrong. Each child deserves to be happy and be provided for, irrelevant of if it is your child or not your child.

Plus, such logic can justify any other horrible crime too, so it is obviously inconsistent logic that should not be used by anyone.

I guess this is what is meant by saying "Society must either evolve to Communism, or sink to barbarism.

You should provide even for those children who are not yours. From a moral perspective, that is the best thing to do.

If your child is important to you, and lets say you die. You would wish for others to help your child, give him best education, best chance, no? You would wish it was their duty, no?

Or what if you were the hungry child? You would wish for others to help you, no?

So yes, even from selfish point of view, society is best modeled if everyone is treated like the family member.

USA and China have highest GDP and they both have lots of socialist policies. They also have strongest militaries. Is there some country without socialist policies that you can show us that is doing well? Or is country without socialist policies impossible? Just where is that capitalism that was supposed to work well, but for some reason no strong country is capitalist? Awkward.

Neither USA nor China are capitalist countries nor have capitalist economy. High taxes are not capitalism. Free healthcare is not capitalism. Minimum wage law is not capitalism. Social security is not capitalism. Social welfare is not capitalism. Government mass interference and regulation of buisness is not capitalism. No. All that is Communism, as by definition given in description. We live in government regulated economy, where government redistributes wealth to those lacking it.

You are arguing from an assumption of scarcity, while I argue from an assumption of abundance.  If I buy a loaf of bread from a bakery that has one hundred loaves, there are still 99 for the next buyer. Even if that bakery sells out, there is another across the street. No one loses. In fact about one percent of bread produced ends up as surplus that is “recycled” into other products. Therefore there is an abundance of bread and not a scarcity. (1)
Pro needs to show how my owning the loaf of bread necessarily takes a loaf from someone else.
People who have no money to buy enough food, from them you steal, by not giving food. Many are homeless, denied healthcare, denied education, denied enough food, denied clean water, denied proper clothes.

I own an automobile. From whom did I steal it?  There were hundreds of cars at the dealership,  and I only bought one. Everyone along the line got paid including the salesman, the dealer, the manufacturer, and even the government. There was no theft involved.
Pro needs to show how my owning the car is an act of theft.
Cars have nothing to do with the topic, since Communism is not about redistribution of cars, as explained in description.

In reality only about 10% of the available land is actually inhabited by humans.(2) Therefore it is again abundance vs scarcity.  There is still an abundance of land available.
And yet many are homeless. So obviously not. Not everyone can own the non-inhabited land, since it is not free for taking, nor able to live on it.

What are these  noble ideas? It appears that the advancement of the individual is directly linked to owning private property. Compare the feudal sharecropper to the modern landowning farmer. (3) Oddly the feudal sharecropper’s situation is very close to one’s life under communism
I think you are confused. No one here said that individual should not own private property. Also, I see that you are unfamiliar with noble ideas of the ancient world. Its the mass private property that sent children as young as 5 to work in factories for 12 hours a day. Then the government (Communism) interfered and saved those children from hard labor.

Under communism, everyone works to satisfy those most basic  needs, Communism is “a political theory….in which each person works”
I think you are confused. The definition of Communism in description is:
Communism - Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.

So yes, Communism restores noble ideas of helping and sharing.

Yes. Let’s look at North Korea. Is it a communist paradise?
I am surprised that you mention North Korea. Countries like Canada, Sweden, Japan and USA are mostly Communist, maybe even more so than North Korea. Its the capitalism that doesnt work anywhere, since unregulated economy is a bad economy. Regulated economy is the best.

Ownership doesn't prevent others from owning something else.
It was already explained why this is false. If I need money for education, but I dont have it, however you do, as long as you dont give me money I wont get education. Same goes for food, medicine, clothes, drinking water and housing. Since the rich have a lot, they must pay to those who have very little so that everyone can prosper. Each child deserves good life, not just the rich kids.

C      Abundance is better than scarcity
Only if abundance is properly shared.

D     Feudalism, much like communism is not good.
Feudalism is irrelevant to this topic and has nothing to do with Communism.

E     Communism produces scarcity, not abundance
Actually, no. The two countries with highest GDP are China and USA. Both are regulated economies that are Communist, since USA has free healthcare for those lacking it, free food for those lacking it, free clothes for those lacking it, welfare policies for those in need, shelters for homeless, free or semi-free education. The only thing that USA needs now is small houses for the homeless and free higher education for the poor. Therefore, we see that USA is very close to Communism, much closer to Communism than capitalism. USA also has high taxes for the rich and president Biden did many things to help those in need.

If we take a look at countries like Sweden and Finland that are Communist, we see that Sweden is one of safest countries to live in.

And Finland is solving homelessness.

"In 2008, the Northern European nation introduced the “Housing First” policy. The concept is simple: everyone is entitled to a small apartment, even those with mental health and financial issues. Since then, the number of homeless people has fallen drastically, and continues to decline.
Like most countries, Finland previously provided short-term shelters for the homeless, but found that the quick fix didn’t help people to get back on their feet permanently and build a stable life. Affordable rental housing providers such as Y-Foundation began renovating old flats, and the NGO even turned former emergency shelters into apartments in order to offer long-term housing."

"Not only does the country now provide shelter to anyone that needs it, but the government also helps support people to integrate into their community. Social workers are available for counseling and to help people apply for social benefits. The extra support helps encourage people to find a job and become financially independent, as well as to take care of their physical and mental health"

Canada and Japan have free healthcare:

"Canada has a universal health care system funded through taxes. This means that any Canadian citizen or permanent resident can apply for public health insurance."

"The standard of medical treatment in Japan is extremely high. People born in Japan have the longest life expectancy of any country in the world. Although not many Japanese practice medicine (studying medicine in Japan can be very expensive), Japan has excellent hospitals and clinics, and because it is the world's leading country in technology, offers highly technical, state-of-the-art equipment. Students can be confident in the proficiency of medical treatment in Japan.
Hospitals are required by law to be run as non-profit and to be managed by physicians.".

Communism still wins.

 You failed to prove that all property is “stolen”. Perhaps you need to explain from whom said property is stolen, and how.

Then you say “ food belongs to the hungry” without proof. It appears that food belongs to the producer of the food.

Further you say “ Parents have duty to feed their children.” Do they then have a duty to “steal” the food? Perhaps it is not “theft” if it is for your family?

Next you state “ "Society must either evolve to Communism, or sink to barbarism.”  I can think of few acts of barbarism worse than what Stalin ( a communist ruling a communist nation ) did by murdering millions. (1)

Or Mao when he oversaw the murdering of 40 to 80 million. (2)

Additionally, purges in Cambodia, Ethiopia, North Korea, Romania,and Yugoslavia killed millions of people. 

It would be difficult to find the utility of  “evolving ” into mass murder.

Now you assert that “for some reason no strong country is capitalist? ” Here is a list of very strong and very capitalist countries…..
The United States of America, Canada, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan and on and on (3)

Next you state “Neither USA nor China are capitalist countries nor have capitalist economy.”  Here is the truth…" The United States is a capitalist, market economy.” (4)  Further proof  is “WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Gallup finds 61% of Americans….. own stock. ” (5) As for China, they are economically capitalist, even though they are politically communist (6)

You categorized Sweden and Finland as being communist when they are in fact capitalist in the Nordic Model (7)

Your definition of “communism” is incorrect.Here is a correction ..“
Communism is a political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating instead for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.” (8)

Another definition is that it is simply a country ruled by its communist party. That has frightening implications. “Communist party rule has been criticized as authoritarian or totalitarian for suppressing and killing political dissidents and social classes (so-called "enemies of the people"), religious persecution, ethnic cleansing, forced collectivization, and use of forced labor in concentration camps.  “ (10)

You extolled the virtues of Finland, Canada and Japan, but failed to notice these are all capitalist countries.

Your concept of communism is more in line with socialism or so called “cuddly capitalism”.

Communism Loses


Round 3
I think you misunderstand how debating works.

When you accepted the debate, you agreed to definition as given in description:

"Communism - Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them."

Therefore, you do not get to change the definition now.

By this definition, USA, Canada, Finland and other "capitalist countries" you listed are all Communist or mostly Communist.

Capitalism by definition from dictionary would be economy regulated by private buisnesses. However, that does not happen, since government not only redistributes great amount of their wealth (around 40%), but also places regulations that buisnesses must follow. So that is obviously not economy completely regulated by private buisnesses, as private buisness doesnt have a choice in paying high taxes or obeying regulations. It is economy regulated by government.

European Union and many other countries and places engage in price limits and controls. This further proves that capitalism doesnt exist anymore. Also, high taxes mean that market is not free market nor capitalist market, but government regulated market. Many laws about employment and workplace prove that capitalism is non-existent in today's markets.

Countries that give each citizen education are countries that are more advanced, since the more educated the people are, the better the country is with more available researchers, inventors, educators and rational thinkers.

Countries that give each citizen healthcare are countries that have healthier citizens, which results in better mental health as well, causing more innovation as a result, and reducing crime.

Countries that give each citizen food and clean water are countries where compassion is being taught, which further reduces violence in society.

Countries that give each citizen a house are countries where each citizen lives with more comfort and a sense he is being cared for and being treated as important.

Countries that do all this and care about their citizens become the best countries to live in, which causes people to further cherish their country, causing sense of unity and cooperation towards common goal.

You cannot have democracy without Communism since majority wants for rich people to pay for society's improvement. Democracy is the path to Communism.

"Gallup finds 61% of Americans….. own stock"
Nothing prevents people in Communism from owning stock. However, as explained, you have to pay taxes so those less fortunate ones are helped too. We have already seen that USA has very high taxes, welfare policies, food stamps, government paid healthcare, homeless shelters, and somewhat free education. So yes, USA is already close to Communism. Canada, Finland and Japan are even closer, as explained before.

Communism still wins.

Pro asserts that Con cannot change the definition of communism, and must accept what Pro has done.

Con rejects this idea because Pro used the word “communism”, which is a term in common usage, but Pro has attempted to define the term in an unacceptable manner.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." (1)

Or to paraphrase “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own definition”

Indeed the definition of the term “communism” is the centerpiece of the debate.  Con has given multiple authoritative definitions of the term. Con demands that Pro provides an authoritative source that supports Pro’ definition of communism.

Additionally and logically if;

A = B and B=C. then A=C

In this case:

A =

”Society should evolve to Communism”

And B =

”Communism =  Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.”

Then by substituting terms we get C = 

”Society should evolve to……  Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.”

Therefore it is shown that the use of  “Communism” is irrelevant in this sense. ( i.e. any term could have been used,  thus ….”Society should evolve to applesauce, where applesauce equals  Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.”And by substituting terms “Society should evolve to  Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.” )

Had Pro used a “nonsense term” such as “xerpzqq”, Pro might have had a point….although a meaningless one.

Then Pro asserts

“USA, Canada, Finland and other "capitalist countries" you listed are all Communist or mostly Communist.”

Con has given multiple authoritative sources that disagree with Pro. Con demands that Pro provide an authoritative source in support.

Next Pro makes many unsupported assertions. Con demands that Pro provide authoritative sources in support.

Then Pro states

“You cannot have democracy without Communism since majority wants for rich people to pay for society's improvement. Democracy is the path to Communism.

Con demands that Pro provide an authoritative source in support.


“Nothing prevents people in Communism from owning stock. “

Con demands that Pro provide an authoritative source in support.

Con counters with this ....

"A stock market was a no-no in the Soviet Union and other communist countries. Under communism, ownership of land, factories, companies … belonged to the state or, as the leaders liked to put it, the people. There was no share of ownership to be bought and sold, and hence, no stock market. There was not even a market for meat, vegetables, clothing, machinery, equipment and capital goods. In short, there was no need for money and exchange." (2)

And finally

“ USA is already close to Communism. Canada, Finland and Japan are even closer”

Con has given multiple authoritative sources that disagree with Pro. Con demands that Pro provide an authoritative source in support.


Both communism and applesauce lose.

(1)   O'Toole, Garson (March 17, 2020). "People Are Entitled To Their Own Opinions But Not To Their Own Facts". Quote Investigator. 

Round 4
Hey if you dont wanna debate by definition given in description, then dont accept the debate. That concludes it.
Pro says
Hey if you dont wanna debate by definition given in description, then dont accept the debate. That concludes it.”
CON rejects this notion. Every assertion is open to debate. Both the title and the description are assertions, and therefore debatable.

Con has asked for sources that support Pro’s argument, but none have been shown.

The description, which is offered as a definition, is a false definition, to wit, here is a definition of false definition;

“False Definition ….Untrue; erroneous; deceitful; contrived or calculated to deceive and injure.Unlawful. In law, this word means something more than untrue; it means something designedly untrue and deceitful, and implies an intention to perpetrate some treachery or fraud. Hatcher v. Dunn, 102 Iowa, 411, 71 N. W. 343, 30 L. It. A. GS9; Mason v.Association, 18 U. C. C. P. 19; Batterman v. Ingalls, 48 Ohio St. 408. 28 N. 10. 108.” (1)

There is an additional problem. Had Con accepted Pro’s definition, both Pro and Con would be committing the fallacy of false dilemma (2).

As an example, had Pro used as a  description “ The moon is made of green cheese” and Con has accepted the false description, then the debate would have had no value. Zero. Nadda. Null Set.

  The “fallacy of false dilemma” is AKA  the “fallacy of false dichotomy” and the “fallacy of false definition.”  Inasmuch as Con rejects the dilemma, only Pro is putting forth a logical fallacy.

Additionally if  Pro’s position is

“.”Society should evolve to……  Society where people have duty to, if able, help others who are lacking of food, water, education, medicine, clothes and housing, by producing and providing those things to them.”,

Then why has Pro not supported this assertion?

Why has Pro not even argued this assertion?

So that concludes it. 

Applesauce loses.

Green cheese moon loses.

Communism Loses.


Round 5
Pro said in round 4.......

“Hey if you dont wanna debate by definition given in description, then dont accept the debate. That concludes it.”

Then Pro concludes in round 5 with...


Con responds” Hey. If you didn’t want to debate, why did you post the topic?”

Con has cited many sources.  Pro ….NONE

Con has produced definitions of terms from authoritative sources. Pro ……used common terms with unsubstantiated definitions.

Pro has failed to prove that owning something is “theft”

Con said in round one…

“Therefore it is shown that
A      Ownership doesn't prevent others from owning something else.
B      Ownership is not theft
C      Abundance is better than scarcity
D     Feudalism, much like communism is not good.
E     Communism produces scarcity, not abundance
F     North Korea is a good example of communism, but a bad example of a government”

Pro failed to refute any of these points.

Pro stated....

“For example, food belongs to the hungry, and taking food for yourself would steal it from thehungry”

Pro had no source for this opinion. Pro could have quoted several religious sources, but did not do so.

Pro said

“ Countries like Canada, Sweden, Japan and USA are mostly Communist, maybe even more so than North Korea”

Con countered with authoritative sources that  Canada, Sweden, Japan and USA are clearly NOT “‘mostly communist”.

Con asked again and again for Pro to explain certain opinions. Pro did not do so.

Then came the ultimate opinion.....

Hey if you dont wanna debate by definition given in description, then dont accept the debate. That concludes it.

Con showed this to be a logical fallacy.

In addition Pro NEVER argued that “Society should evolve to Communism”, and that was the topic of the debate.

Then came the ultimate forfeit in round 5 when Pro said only

Thus concludes this “debate


Communism loses.