Instigator / Pro

THBT: On balance, the majority of Light Yagami's killings in Death Note were unjustified


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

Original resolution:
You choose the topic

Agreed resolution:
THBT: On balance, the majority of Light Yagami's killings in Death Note were unjustified


Death Note:


No worries!


Sorry, I don't think I'm going to be able to get to your vote in time. If you want feedback, reach out to me via DM and I'll tell you what I think.


There was a decent live action trilogy. If memory serves, the first movie focused much on Light murdering police. The second wrapped things up in a much smarter way than the manga (L willingly sacrificed himself to win). The third was an extension of that ending, sharing nothing but themes with the original work.

There was also a terrible Netflix film, which might as well be called Emo Note.


Thanks for voting!


Thanks for voting.


I cant really get myself to watch anime.


If ever arguing this again, I suggest focusing on motives. Those people being saved was not the goal, being worshipped was. He was a religious terrorist.

Also, watching at least one episode would help a lot.


Sure, I've got no problem with that


I am okay with that.


Would you like the title and description changed to reflect the agreed upon resolution?


The current vote can be considered something to complain about. It reveals ideas about the debate as well.


You could write that you were verbose in the "vote" section. It's very established, not very constructive.


I prefer not to attack votes.

I dont see the point in debating if I am going to make myself debate voters as well.

Plus, my arguments in debate were kinda saying that voters can vote in any way they choose due to arbitrary standard, so whats there to complain about?


So your criticism is that I’m verbose? Good note. Very constructive.


The problem that I have got from "whiteflame's vote" is the yapathon you've created.

I have stated it.


If you’ve got a problem with my vote, then state it. I’m not interested in whatever this is.

For some reason, Savant has a jedi-supported forcefield around his votes.. the "council of debaters" have gathered around the pearl that Savant lies within.. his jedi-supported forcefield around his votes that he has always specified or almost always specified.. allows him to empower the "debate ratio force" up to maximum potential.. leaving Savant.. invincible.

Whiteflame appears to have professionally created a yapping documentary within the "votes" section.


If it were me on the Pro side here, I'd argue either deontology (not a big fan of it, but there are some workable arguments) or gone more along the lines of "absolute power corrupts," the latter of which is more in line with how the show goes. The kind of deification Light eventually takes on, both in the eyes of others and in his own eyes, is dangerous and could have gotten far worse if he hadn't been taken out. I think focusing on the long term implications of how this power would have molded society in the Death Note universe and how it would twist other Death Note users and their actions were strong directions to take, but they required reading into the material in some detail.


Thanks for voting!


Thank you for the vote.

If any of you wonder why I went with selfishness and arbitrary morality, its because none of the popular moral systems were working in my favor, except one.

Human rights system worked for my opponent, since most people agree that its justified to violate rights of criminals to protect innocents.

Justice system worked for my opponent.

Consequentialism, if focused on saving lives or reducing pain, both worked for my opponent.

The survival of the nation system also worked for my opponent.

There was just one moral system that is popular and that worked for me, but I didnt go for it.

I could have used the pacifist approach, and say that "all killings are wrong" or "we shouldnt kill anyone". So killing criminals too would be wrong.
However, that would force me to defend many uncomfortable positions, such as that it was wrong to fight against Hitler in WW2, that we shouldnt imprison criminals, that self defense is wrong, and many more.

So despite my choice in debate being strange, I dont see what other options could have worked for me.

Also, I did google about the anime. While I found many opinions that Light was evil, I found no explanation as to why his killings were evil. In fact, the only explanations I found were the ones justifying killings.

So yeah, maybe I should have focused more on violent anime causing violence in real life, but overall it was a good debate regardless.

The debate seems to me that Best.Korea is logically forcing Savant to ride his flaming "Circular logic" warding.
Point is that Best.Korea is making more logical sense than Savant in this debate.


5 days left! All votes are appreciated.




Should be good to do it. Just remind me in a week.


You are good I am going to accept in a moment. I just wanted to make sure I spend quality time with my wife on her day off. Good to take a break from a screen once in a while. I am about to accept!


Plz vote if you get the chance!


"with a time limit of at least two days"

Well, I can put any time limit you want. If its standard debate and not rated, time limit can be up to two weeks.

How do you want the character limit?


If you want you can start tomorrow with a time limit of at least two days. I am sorry I am late on this, I wanted to close out my last debate before this and your opponent for this debate accepted before me lol!


Do you want me to make the debate "The Bible is Stupid and wrong"?

Are you available to debate it right now or do we debate later?


Yes. I am Pro for any topic you choose.


Yes, I would debate that.


Nonetheless, I will give you the topic so you can start in the first round...

"THBT: On balance, the majority of Light Yagami's killings in Death Note were unjustified."

Best.Korea is PRO. I am CON.


I assume you are arguing as Pro and I am arguing as Con for whatever resolution I pick?


Would you debate the topic on “The Bible is Stupid and wrong”? I’ve seen you debate this a few times and would be interested in this challenge.