Instigator / Pro

Electronic Music Battle: The Tiebreaker


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 6 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One day
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

One song per round, all electronic songs. Whoever has the better songs in the voters' eyes is the victor.

I did two of these with RM years ago, and we split the series 1-1. This will break the tie (for now at least, it depends if RM wants to do more of these).


Ty for your vote.

I think you enjoy hypnotic vibes to a song in a song.

That's what the first 2 had less than the latter 3 from me.


> "You deleted my vote because you're a corrupt mod with anti-favoritism towards me and not because of the vote itself."

ill probs vote soon on this to break the tie

looks like me and grey parrot had the same exact wins for each round

well this is a crazy series of votes, whatever the hell has happened I didn't see coming.

I actually find it funny that Wylted who didn't share nearly any of my taste suddenly agreed with loving my Round 3.

I also find it funny how he didn't like my Round 4 but dug my Round 5 since they are both the pop-edm fusions but my Round 4 leaned drum n bass while my Round 5 leaned hardstyle and techno (which he didn't realise he liked).


Ur fine. Just be aware that there are some jokes you could make here that could actually land you in trouble.


Sorry. Bad joke.


If you are joking, I don't know why you would even joke about that.


If you have an alt account, ask the mods to close it and apologize. Multiaccounting is not to be tolerated here.

It would break the tie.

Should I vote on my alt account too?

I am just an idiot with bad taste in music who was asked to share his opinion and the chanting reminded me of a few beheading videos I watched.


how is my round 2 like Hamas chants?

Anyway ty for the vote.


If fish chaser prefers music that makes his chakras feel good that should be a reasonable vote.

Unfortunately RM had a decent song in round 5.

I am annoyed now that my recommended have likely been altered. I am also annoyed that I had to watch ads for RMs songs but not for mharmans.

I also hate techno and probably leaned towards songs that sound less techno and for that I apologize in advance but RM wins.

the 'degenerate' is the woman if anything, what nonsense are you even saying man like seriously

Mharman round 5. It sounds like the background music to a space shooter game. Very mid song. If rms song is shit mharman will win. If TMs song is good and he has only had 1 good song than RM wins.

If Rms song is mid also it comes down to who had the least gay song.

Rm round 4. The song is aboutbsimping and portrays some loser who is a drug addict or alcoholic or other sort of degenerate. I oppose both degeneracy and simping so the round goes to mharman

Mharman round 4. This is his first song I actually liked the sound of.

Rm round 3.

This is the first song u actually would consider adding to my Playlist so I have to give RM the point for round 3

Mharman round 3 is a song supporting biden by adapting his slogan of build back better

Rm round 2 sounds like the chants I heard from hamas when thy were raping an killing Israeli children.

I cannot support terrorism so round 2 goes to mharman

Mharman round 2 sounds like a sexy woman making sex noises. Erection officially lost now

RM song 1 sounds like a guy gargling on cock.

Round 1 goes to RM for making me hard

Mharman song 1 feels like a 90s intro to a goosebumps style show


Didn’t give much thought to scoring, honestly.


If you did scoring instead of round wins, would I still have lost?


What do you agree on


I agree with FishChaser on this one.


Not really dude. Your vote seems fake, go song by song give a score or feedback or round by round at least.

Then I can't get it removed even if you're trollvoting.


You targeted me only as a declaration of war.


I agree, remove the other 2 make everyone justify their vote


The only difference between my vote and the others is that I didn't go round for round. Referring to my "chakras" was just another way of saying I had a better feeling when listening to Mharman's picks.

You deleted my vote because you're a corrupt mod with anti-favoritism towards me and not because of the vote itself.


>Reported Vote: FishChaser // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 to pro
>Reason for Decision: "I got a better feeling in my chakras from Mharman's songs."
>Reason for Mod Action:

Even while this debate falls into a non-moderated category, there are occasionally exceptions.

Since neither debater mentions chakras, and AFAIK likewise with their songs, the vote ends up feeling like one cast without regard for the debate itself.

In essence, this vote was just too vague... This can be avoided in future by just commenting on the core contention (and the main counterpoint or the lack thereof), listing a single source you found important (if voting sources), saying what conduct violation distracted you (if voting conduct)... You need not write a thesis, but some minimal level of detail is required to verify knowledge of what you're grading.


My chakras never lie.

The votes are full of people just stating their opinions with no basis, because this is a subjective topic.


I report fishchaser's vote to a mod


Respectfully disagree. If Greyparrot's vote is legit, so is 7000series's vote. You can question FishChaser's vote to some mod if you want, although I doubt they'd remove it.


In my eyes we are 1-1 because GP and WF are the only real votes ATM.


I enjoyed listening to all of these, but I'll admit I don't listen to a lot of electronic music. There's only so many different kinds of taste in music you can account for with these.


The fact I won Round 4 against what I see as his best but lost against some I don't get of his tells me your taste were too different from the general Electronic fan for me to foresee.

I did predict someone like you showing up hence the 4 , 5 and 1 choices.

They were for the more chill palette to still enjoy while not being too severely chill.


You can use any system but don't just pick absolute best and vote for them if the other 4 were trash.

You can even just do rounds and make it best of 5.

Average score is preferred to voting best 1 song.

I might vote on this tommorrow when I find time to listen to all that.

I plan to listen it all at once, and I will rank songs in order of quality.

I am just wondering if I should vote for one who has one song better than all other songs, or if I should go by average points, because these two voting styles might affect the outcome and who gets the win.


I don't consider this a real loss.

This was bs.


hell yeah


I think you will absolutely love this shit:

watch it, don't just listen.


Bias is to be expected. Vote.


you are the only option to break the tie

I am not about to vote and be accused of bias unless I am the only option to break the tie

Alright, I'll get to this.