Instigator / Pro

Electronic Music Battle: The Tiebreaker


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 6 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One day
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

One song per round, all electronic songs. Whoever has the better songs in the voters' eyes is the victor.

I did two of these with RM years ago, and we split the series 1-1. This will break the tie (for now at least, it depends if RM wants to do more of these).

I probably weighed words too heavily. I have a hard time with music so I focus almost entirely on lyrics

This is not how you end a tiebreaker.


all of that just for a tie



Makes sense. I wasn't sure, so I just judged each song as a whole since nothing in the description was telling me to give the instrumental more weight. The parenthetical included my thoughts as I was judging, but it didn't influence my final decision (since I already preferred Once Again as a whole). I think I also mentioned the vocals affecting my decision in other rounds.


The utilisation of vocals in Electronic music is completely part of it.

It wasn't just edm but all electronic music we were open to use.


Yeah, you’ve definitely given me some food for thought here BK.


Is what RM is saying below true?


No you didn't and fishchaser would admit it. He believed 7k and gp also votebombed. That was his deeper point.


Fuck man. That's actually a good point.




> "I disagree with the removal."

I will say it was such a minor removal to not go into the moderation log (how we denote a habit to build toward removing voting privileges). It was done in part to encourage greater (or in this case any) detail in future.

> "He was saying my songs made him feel better."

I don't know eastern spiritually to know that, nor was there enough context for me to figure it out. The vote was a little like Vickie's plan in The Good Place of "Needles!"

But yes, me not understanding the vote (at least one within this category), means I should have passed it onto another moderator. If there was then a joint "WTF is this even trying to say?" then removal would have been appropriate. Which is a long way to say: Yes I over moderated, and that was wrong of me. Sorry.


There is a lot of truth to what you said there, while some was exaggerated or too polarised. I've realised very similar in my life even outside here.


If you want to build relationship with anyone here, you will not get it through "being nice always" or "being enemies" or any such nonsense which you might be thinking right now.

From cartoons, I learned that every relationship is about "being nice" + "being enemies".

If you are always nice, relationship is boring.

If you are always enemies, you dont have a relationship.

But if you do both, if you switch between being nice and being enemies often enough, relationship can last much longer, maybe even for a life time.

The problem only rises when one type prevails over another, when you are too nice or too hostile.


Yeah a tiebreak would be good here


Ah yes, let's complain about other people's votes, and tell others they've lost your respect because they defend said votes you wanted to complain about. Then, when they tag people to vote the same way you did, let's say they are manipulative. Trying not to piss off some pussy isn't manipulation. It's exactly what I said it was- hoping that you'd eventually realize that you were being offended way too easily. I was hoping that if we ever had future conflict you'd understand I wasn't trying to offend (because I wasn't trying to offend by asking people to vote) because you know I don't try to start fights with others- but it looks like that didn't work. I knew the second you said I had lost your respect.

Ah yes, I'm the fake one for trying to make a friend out of someone who could get pissy at any moment over something stupid. Not the guy who thinks about manipulation so much that he thinks everyone around him is a snake or some bullshit.

You say everyone around you is fake, and then you cry to mods or to others, trying to get your way. That's bullshit. If anyone here is fake, it's you.


1 hour left to break the tie! Should be easy to vote on.

Love it when fake people blame you for their manipulation (apparently for years).


The offended drama queen between us was you in this.


Mharman wants you to break the toe by going song by song.

If you can do this instead of the chakra remark and listen to them all, it will not get the vote punished.


I disagree with the removal. He was saying my songs made him feel better. If he wants to be a whiney bitch baby and not revote, that can be on him. But it’s clear the vote didn’t violate any rules.

Sure, I suppose it’s possible that he was just votebombing, given that he hasn’t recorded, but idk. My big concern is that future debates between users will have votes removed erroneously, as now the line between votebombing and legit is starting to blur.

As for this debate, it’s unrated so whatevs. Obviously I still want to win, but if this ends as a tie or loss for me, oh well.


As has been mentioned before, FishChaser is welcome to revote. A single note beyond an eastern spiritually buzzword (which did not come up in the debate) would be plenty to improve it.

Were he to revote with literally the same vote, it would be an implicit appeal of the prior decision (especially given some of the comments), so another moderator would have to make the new determination.


It didn’t have to be this way… I’ve known and tried befriend you for years, hoping you’d come around and finally stop being so easily offended.

But honestly the hypocrisy of yours is ridiculous here, and I will not stand for it. Fuck walking on eggshells, trying not offend your bitchass. We can be enemies now, I’m down for that. Fuck you.


Idc about this debate. The response you gave told me enough, a bit like when at times I say bs in a mafia game and the response someone gives reveals a lot to me, or whatever.

Your crybully post and the overly dramatic unfriending told me enough. Just stop acting like you respect me remotely and we will be fine.

I prefer up front enemies.


Looks like you need more debates completed lol. My b, I didn’t realize people who voted in debates before the rule weren’t grandfathered in


Sure, every one is just votebombing I guess. I trust both 7000 and Grey. And when I said “I’ll give you that one” with regards to FishChaser, I’m admitting it’s possible he votebombed you. That being said, he could just easily be some whiner who thinks the mods are against him.


Savant could’ve easily voted your way too. As if your tagging of others is any different; who cares when it happens? I was gonna do it at the start too- I simply just cared about not pissing you off at the time. But now I don’t anymore.

I don’t care about your impression of me anymore either


You encouraged fishchaser to copy a votebomb.

GP felt bad and counter votebombed most likely.


This isn't for rating, I thought we wanted to win based on genuine crowd pleasing strategy not last second blitzkrieg voter garnering.

If you feel proud of this, good for you. Idk what to tell you.

Also, if you only pretend to respect me because you think I can't take it. That's even more vile than the impression I already had of you anyway.


FishChaser’s weird so that’s possible, I’ll give you that one. But let’s be real, the idea that I can ask others to vote and you can’t is BS, especially when you wanna go out of your way to complain about 7000’s vote while thanking Greyparrot for his



What standards exactly?

Fishchaser knew he votebombed me for a laugh, it's the exact reason he didn't revote.


@Joe I forgot about that rule my b

@Pie I heard alt+f4 can solve the problem. On a serious note, maybe you just gotta reload the site and try again lol

I haven’t done three matches so I can’t.

I can’t vote for some reason


Damn right it’s mutual. I don’t respect whiney crybullies who want to hold others to higher standards than they do themselves.


I am glad the loss of respect is mutual. Makes it easier to handle for both.


Would any one of you guys like to vote on this? Just pick whoever’s songs you liked more


Also RM, who are you to talk about “taking an L better?” You literally whined about both FishChaser’s vote and 7000’s vote, even getting Fish’s vote removed. I said what I said at the time to be more polite (also I was confident the mods would uphold it), but it’s pretty clear that’s gone out the window here.

Also, This is a debate about “whose songs did you like better.” Last I checked, there isn’t anything in the Code of Co duct that said you needed to provide a reason for liking someone’s songs. Fish’s vote should’ve stood.


If I lose, oh well. That doesn’t mean asking people to vote is wrong lol


You know exactly what you said to fishchaser.

You have your standards of respect, I have mine. Take an L better.

If I get votebombed last second here it won't surprise me either.


So you can invite people to vote but I can't? Keep in mind you told Fish he could revote too. As for 7k, you can not honestly tell me his vote was illegitimate while maintaining Greyparrot's was legit.

And I don't even know how Barney or Austin would vote but I still invited them to.

It's an unrated debate. Sure, winning is preferable, but even if I lose, yk what? It means I say "dang that sucks" and move on with my day. I don't know why you would care so much that you decide someone isn't worthy of respect, for doing the exact same things as you.


What you encouraged fishchaser to do and denying that 7k votebombed both made me lose respect for you btw.

yeah i think i lost rip


You wanna vote since ur here? Just listen along and pick who you think posted the better songs.


@Fish: I don't think your vote should've been deleted, but you could just revote instead of complaining. Literally just copy the format 7000series used and you'd be fine lol.

@Austin: As RM said, bias is expected; this whole debate has zero objectivity. That's why this debate is unrated. You can still vote lol.


lol. Bro could just revote if he’s so upset but he decides to whine instead


I will check them later.


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