Instigator / Pro

Rap battle for RationalMadman


The participant that receives the most points from the voters is declared a winner.

Voting will end in:

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

If RationalMadman wins this debate, I will reveal my alt account(s)
But if I win this debate, RationalMadman must create a forum topic titled "7000series is the best rapper on this site"


His self esteem couldnt be worse. The mods are the only thing protecting him, thats why he runs away to them all the time when he is in trouble. If he wants total war, so be it.

He will just run away from the site again. His problem is that he attacks, and then runs away. We dont even need mods to ban him. He bans himself for 5 months once his confidence is destroyed, then after he gains some confidence back he comes back again for it to get destroyed again.


It's more calling it like I see it than defending.

I agree that he's thin skinned, but his self-image and self esteem is actually better than yours in spite of it. That's just the way it is.


I dont see why would you defend him.

He intentionally fucked your rating to put you down and to give me the win because I was his friend.

He calls people stupid and morons, then runs away when people come after him.

If you want to defend him, sure, do so, but after years of my experience with him I would say there is not much worth to defend there.


You need to focus on attacking your own insecurities, you are a whole different kind of thin skinned.

RM needs to get over himself and you need to get yourself over your insecurities.


"RM is thin skinned"

He is gonna quit the site again in 2 months, after he can no longer handle whats coming, just like he did 2 times last year.

You dont ever see me running away, because unlike some people, I dont run away. I just attack in a different spot.


You and RM are both autistic, both prone to hate being trolled and take things literally etc.

The difference is that RM still takes himself very seriously, whereas you actually lost the long term war of attrition and accepted a self image that says you're a pathetic retarded loser.

You aren't actually thick skinned, you're just already defeated and numb to it. RM is thin skinned but he manages to have a good self-image anyway.

He is gonna lose the attrition war very quickly.

Apparently, imperialism and always attacking works in trolling too.

He might take the first 4 or 5 different attacks with some confidence, but after that he gets triggered quickly by almost anything and cries like a baby.


Can I go around quoting other users copy pasting what they say to troll them?


You are a smart man 7k. ;)

Others won't see it at first but you and I were symbiotic during this.

YAY. I feel like a child on Christmas morning.

"Veni, vidi, neglexi"


Sure, I'll vote on this. And don't worry I won't try to force a loss for you either.


Change description, that's BS, make it clear this so a rap battle in the Title and not a debate. Right now if I accept you can say I accepted the rap battle and can't be against it and that you are Pro the topic.


Change to 4k max and 3 Rounds.


If we do this will you vote for sure?

Barely anyone votes on these, these days

Or what

Don't act like you know Latin.

Veni, vidi, neglexi

I will be waiting.

This debate will be waiting.

Nobody votes on these anymore, I'm not interested and I've hit 10 debate max.

You don't have alt accounts. You are the alt.


Agreed, but that doesn't make RationalMadman any less of a wimp for not accepting this debate.

He is the second best rapper here besides me. I am the best rapper to ever join a debate site.

RationalMadan is a wimp.

You have to make it standard.

He wont accept this because he doesnt wanna lose rating, which he will lose a lot if he accepts.