Instigator / Pro

Ramshutu vs RationalMadman Rap Battle


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 3 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

Full on Rap Battle. 4 rounds. No rules.

Insults are expected, this is a rap battle. Whoever has the bet rhymes, insults and flow will be declared the winner.

Good luck to both competitors.



I think if the flow was better you would have won


Thanks for taking the time and effort to vote, I appreciate the feedback. :)

ty for the vote and advice supa

I don't know if I can rap. Both did well.


I also know you’ve got better things to do, but if you did have time for your own critique, it would be appreciated.


I think Rationals done this enough that I’m sure I have no chance of beating him on those sorts of technical points - like I said I have almost 0 rap experience or even that much exposure - I was going for trying to be purely entertaining, smart and funny. I’m personally judging myself on how smart my insults were, as long as people appreciated them, and whether I entertained people who read them, that’s all I can really expect out of this.

Plus - having voted on 156 debates thus far - there is literally not a single person on this site I haven’t alienated, which doesn’t help my cause :)

“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize."
- Robert Hughes

I expect only to come back wiser and stronger later on.

I expect no mercy from voters who can't understand what I wrote or find it displeasing to their brains to read

that is fine, i will adapt to the stupidity of the readers as I endure defeats and am sure a more evolved style will fail to impress. Until then, I'll stick to this.

I didn't actually notice that. That's another reason why you should try to keep it a little more concise, there are 44 words between "might devote" and "buy some rope" which makes the rhyme quite imperceptible

might devote

buy some rope lycanthrope


they rhyme inside


I've only read the first rounds of this rap battle so far but Pro's disses are solid, I loved
"He’s gunna trying to make this into a dick waving contest.
Sorry bro, waving? you’ll just be jiggling at best."
"Forget mental heavyweights chumps like Einstein, newton or even Forrest fucking Gump.
If I wanted to find his equal, I’d pull my pants down and take a dump. "
But Con's got to work on his flow, solid considering that this is his first rap battle though, might read the rest later and leave some feedback.

I liked your pony with a saddle/your mother with a paddle line. However, you're sacrificing the flow by having lines that include more than 50 words like
"Is that your ambition is just fiction, you’re not on a mission but addiction and just might devote your whole life into being a bystander while your ass is handed to ya’ when you try penetrate my defences; drown in your own juice, pussy, how you like my Viking moat?" ryhmed with "Suck my blood? Dumbfuck, I appear to be a vampire, come and buy some rope, you didn’t suck your own kind, even the disguise you failed to fall for’s a lie but you’ll die as I’m a Lycanthrope". They're 88 words combined...


Thanks for you vote! Though I am mildly disgruntled at not getting a perfect 4/4 for diss :)

DDO is

Made a few S&G errors in R5 but I guess it's obvious, actually some words missed out together make each other flow better. missed a 'me' here and 'are' or something but whatever, it was a closing Round, the others shine through better that was just showing off flow and punchlines.


I did actually use 'is that' twice. whatever. Still dope enough.

"The thing" and "is that" are linked. It makes sense when you sit back and read it slower.

I realise it can be confusing where 'is that' came from in a faster reading.


You can insult me harsher, I will insult you better.

Rap is an art, not just a science. It's kind of like playing against a math genius in poker, you start to realise that they have tendencies and are assuming you do too. So you use their accurate reads against them by out-thinking the maths and entering psychology and how dumb they think you are.

You may be smarter than me, you may insult harsher than me, but your flow and metaphorical-stacking as well as just pure beauty of the punchlines and how the build-up to them was... It won't be as elegant as mine and that's why I'll win.

I don't care if you call me mentally ill, I agreed to 'no rules' in the debate description. I will win, regardless and match your style (and then counter it).


Any limits you want on disses and insults?