Trans maxing is the solution for societal decay
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In this debate I will be arguing that approximately half of all men should become trannies and that the other half of us should fuck them instead of women as a strategy to punish women for societal decay and maybe get them back in the kitchen or something.
1. Best.korea is not allowed to accept the debate
3. No kritiks. You may not challenge the assumption that societal decay is happening.
4. My opponent may not use the word "the" in the debate at all and if he does, it is an automatic loss
Other important information
There is no rule number 2
Round 1
"Trans maxing" or whatever how you wish to say it is the opposite of the solution in societal decay.
The decay is coming from multiple directions.
The fluidity of sexuality, destruction of the family, losing the importance of having a father and mother and not treating men and women marriages seriously are setting in the decomposition.
These things have to be restored back to order for society to have any remaining of composure.
Not dwindling the birth rate but engaging in healthy proper sexual activity not deviating into all sorts of perverse things.
Now we can look at the diet and physical activity.
The physical activity in daily life has been compromised and de-prioritized. The diet particularly in the northwestern hemisphere of the world has been neglected lacking nutrition.
In a system of monetary supremacy which will add to the decay, what will sell is what will sell. So if that means compromising nutrition, so be it.
Round 2
I concede to clearly superior logic. Well done
My apologies on the one error I made. I failed to remember the specific technicality.
But yes it doesn't change the validity of the arguments , I agree.
But yes it doesn't change the validity of the arguments , I agree.
Round 3
Another valid case closed.
->If you mean we live in a cooperative society and have to occasionally trust others to relay the science to us correctly then fine, but it is still up to you to weigh the pros and cons.
Ok, so then we are sheep either to doctors or to podcasters. I prefer to be a sheep to the people with PhDs.
->For example you could take 90k now or go for a 1 in 10 chance to win 1 million dollars. The mathematically correct choice is to take the million and yet most people will take the 90k as they have a different way to weigh the exact same pros and cons.
If all you value is the expected value of X(E(X), then you are correct. But what if it was $100 million or a .1% chance of $1 trillion? The 2nd option has the higher E(X), but if you pick the 2nd option, you almost certainly will get nothing. I would pick the 1st option because it has less risk / Standard deviation (S).
The Sharpe Ratio is the E(X)/S. It's why portfolios have stocks (higher E(X) than bonds and high S) and bonds (low E(X) and low S); it's because yes, E(X) should be high, but also S should be low. Me personally, I don't own any bonds; all of my stocks have high E(X) and a beta >1 (beta=1 is 1x as risky as the stock market), but even I diversify my portfolio to reduce S.
->Also FYI, Joe Rogan is not activax. It's not a big deal if he is, but that is literally a libtard narrative that is a lie because he has kept an open mind towards vaccine skeptics.
If Joe Rogan wants to have anti-vaxxers on, then fine. Just give them pushback if you have them on if you disagree.
->This just hot retarded. We were talking about what happens after an unplanned pregnancy not what strategies can be used to avoid one.
Prevention is the best cure.
->For example Double R has no clue the person advocating for a change in the status quo has the BOP and when I proved what was wrong with it he tried to shift the BOP to me by claiming it's possible to work without those problems so we should do it, without giving a realistic plan to achieve it the way he would like.
Keep the RCV opinions on a RCV thread.
"You can; but if you believe the cons (or pros) of the COVID shot, then you are inheritely following someone else's advice"
If you mean we live in a cooperative society and have to occasionally trust others to relay the science to us correctly than fine, but it is still ip to you to weigh the pros and cons. 2 people can have the same pros and cons and weigh them differently. For example you could take 90k now or go for a 1 in 10 chance to win 1 million dollars.
The mathematically correct choice is to take the million and yet most people will take the 90k as they have a different way to weigh the exact same pros and cons.
Also FYI, Joe Rogan is not activax. It's not a big deal if he is, but that is literally a libtard narrative that is a lie because he has kept an open mind towards vaccine skeptics .
"The balancing act would be the dude getting the vasectomy, but men don't want to do that because, "their body, their choice"."
This just hot retarded. We were talking about what happens after an unplanned pregnancy not what strategies can be used to avoid one.
"Pull out game isn't 100% effective."
I am aware it isn't 100% effective, I said I was fine assuming the increased risk.
"Then don't frame the debate as something you seemed to believe in. Like if I make the debate title, "Rape should be legal" and I pick pro (which I can play Devils Advocate for), that is off limits I think unless you clearly state that it's devils advocate (which you did not)."
No, because my opinion is completely irrelevant to the actual debate, and including it could bias the judges against me "even he doesn't believe his arguments".
In fact even in the forums my opinion is not important. I am not here to proselytizing. When I argue it is strictly to learn, even RVS I am looking to be proven wrong in that thread, it just hasn't occurred yet, and likely won't.
For example Double R has no clue the person advocating for a change in the status quo has the BOP and when I proved what was wrong with it he tried to shift the BOP to me by claiming it's possible to work without those problems so we should do it, without giving a realistic plan to achieve it the way he would like.
This site is not for proselytizing
->"But back to the subject at hand; lets say you have less testosterone than at least 50% of men (which for you, is more plausible than you would like to admit". That's rude
It's not; it's merely being objective. You MIGHT have higher than median testosterone level. But it's not certain. That's true for me too. Facts don't care about feelings.
->No you don't you can weigh the pros and cons yourself
You can; but if you believe the cons (or pros) of the COVID shot, then you are inheritely following someone else's advice. I merely prefer to follow the doctors vs the podcasters. Rogan can go to medical school, then I will take him seriously (and I've met anti vax doctors before). A doctor tells me to not get the vax, I respect their opinion. A podcastor tells me not to do it; what does he know?
->I think the child should have some amount of bodily autonomy as well so there needs to be a balancing act.
The balancing act would be the dude getting the vasectomy, but men don't want to do that because, "their body, their choice".
->Neither of those things are true. I don't want her to get pregnant so I pull out and if she gets pregnant that is on God and I am okay with that.
Pull out game isn't 100% effective. You are sounding like hood gangsters; "Naw man; I'm gonna pull out; you feel me bro?!?!" You sound like uneducated deadbeat dads from the inner cities and the trailer parks.
->Are you so stupid as to not realize I am quite obviously arguing devil's advocate here
Then don't frame the debate as something you seemed to believe in. Like if I make the debate title, "Rape should be legal" and I pick pro (which I can play Devils Advocate for), that is off limits I think unless you clearly state that it's devils advocate (which you did not).
"But back to the subject at hand; lets say you have less testosterone than at least 50% of men (which for you, is more plausible than you would like to admit"
That's rude
"The uncomfterable truth is you have to follow someone wrt the COVID vaccine. I trust the doctors and their degrees over the podcasters and their vibes."
No you don't you can weigh the pros and cons yourself
"So not unconditionally for consensual sex, presumably because you believe the right to not get murdered outweighs the right to bodily autonomy.'
I think the child should have some amount of bodily autonomy as well so there needs to be a balancing act.
"This means one of the 2 things are true:"
Neither of those things are true. I don't want her to get pregnant so I pull out and if she gets pregnant that is on God and I am okay with that.
"Are you willing to surgically transition and be the trans woman in your kid's life and would your wife be fine with that?"
Are you so stupid as to not realize I am quite obviously arguing devil's advocate here
->Are you kidding me. The people who rejected the pressure from the white house, the media, their family, their jobs to avoid the jab are followers?
The unvaccinated aren't followers of the white house, but they are followers of Tucker Carlson and the anti vaxxers. The uncomfterable truth is you have to follow someone wrt the COVID vaccine. I trust the doctors and their degrees over the podcasters and their vibes.
->Only if they in collaboration with their doctor decide that continuing the pregnancy would harm the life or health of the mother, if the baby is going to be severely handicapped or the child is unlikely to survive the pregnancy. Also children should be allowed abortions as well. Those are the only exceptions I support
So not unconditionally for consensual sex, presumably because you believe the right to not get murdered outweighs the right to bodily autonomy.
->No I am not. If I don't want her to get pregnant I will just stop fucking her.
This means one of the 2 things are true:
1. You are fucking her and you want her to be pregnant. So fine; you want to reproduce.
2. You don't want her to be pregnant, so you aren't having sex with your wife, ie you will get a vasectomy before you have recreational sex again (defined as sex without the intention to reproduce).
You said you don't want a vasectomy, so if you want to conceive, then fine. I'm willing to wait until marriage. However, most people don't wait until marriage.
->If she didn't than she would take birth control and I would wear condoms and if it still happened anyway then we would just raise another child.
->Besides she wants another baby anyway. If she didn't than she would take birth control and I would wear condoms and if it still happened anyway then we would just raise another child.
Then it looks like you can't have sex with your wife unless it's for reproduction.
But back to the subject at hand; lets say you have less testosterone than at least 50% of men (which for you, is more plausible than you would like to admit; I'm not saying it's certain or that it's even an over 50% chance; but it's certainly plausible). Are you willing to surgically transition and be the trans woman in your kid's life and would your wife be fine with that?
"1. Do you support the right of a woman to get an abortion?"
Only if they in collaboration with their doctor decide that continuing the pregnancy would harm the life or health of the mother, if the baby is going to be severely handicapped or the child is unlikely to survive the pregnancy. Also children should be allowed abortions as well. Those are the only exceptions I support
"2. Are you willing to get a vasectomy before you have sex again to prevent your girlfriend/wife from needing an abortion if you can store pre vasectomy sperm in a hospital freezer if you ever want kids again?"
No I am not. If I don't want her to get pregnant I will just stop fucking her. Besides she wants another baby anyway. If she didn't than she would take birth control and I would wear condoms and if it still happened anyway then we would just raise another child.
"That's just following the pack; it's not really alpha male. An alpha male thinks about if they should back a policy before they do. They don't just accept party narraitves like a beta does."
Are you kidding me. The people who rejected the pressure from the white house, the media, their family, their jobs to avoid the jab are followers?
->"Why? Is it because it's what the conservative camp tried to do?" Yes
That's just following the pack; it's not really alpha male. An alpha male thinks about if they should back a policy before they do. They don't just accept party narraitves like a beta does.
->"Are you transgender or something? Because no cisgender dude would make a statement like that." I actually no what straight men like because i am not a faggot so fucking straight men should cum easy
Your answer was a dodge. Are you transgender? There is nothing wrong with being transgender if you are upfront about it. You can be trans while also knowing what straight men like. You actually have an easier time because you used to (or still do) have a penis.
You didn't address my abortion take. I don't inherently believe you are misogynistic, but I also got to call a spade a spade.
1. Do you support the right of a woman to get an abortion?
2. Are you willing to get a vasectomy before you have sex again to prevent your girlfriend/wife from needing an abortion if you can store pre vasectomy sperm in a hospital freezer if you ever want kids again?
If both answers are yes, that's fine. Same thing if there is only one yes. 2 No's is misogyny. I have 2 yes answers (although I occasionally have #1 be a No answer).
"complains about women being 304s while prude shaming them for refusing to have sex with him, claims that men are providers while complaining about women being gold diggers, and so on. They are overweight while wanting their women to be very good looking."
Women like the 1st man; not the 2nd
1. First off, you know how I look. I have no issue getting laid, and I suspect you do. Ask yourself why?
Maybe it's because women just aren't attracted to men who would fuck trannies and would neuter themselves because they put pussy on a pedastool.
Secondly . I have never once bitched about gold diggers. If a guy cannot get laid that is 100% his fault. I have never shown entitlement towards vaginas. Stop projecting
"wants to force women to be in 9 months of pregnancy pain while unwilling to endure 3 days of vasectomy pain because, "my body, my choice","
Wrong. First wrong that it's 9 months of pain.
Second wrong because obviously murdering somebody Is off the table even if that person's existence inconveniences you. The exception would be if there is a serious threat to your health and well being.
"They don't judge women for having high body counts if the man has a higher body count (I think it's ok to require a virgin on your wedding day as long as you aren't a hypocrite here)."
They can have a high body count if they want. I just won't wife them up
". They want a woman that is either a trad wife and therefore accepts them being a gold digger, or doesn't want a gold digger, and therefore doesn't want a TRAD wife. They may care about their woman looking good, but only if they try and look good as well."
There nothing wrong with being a gold digger. We agree.
Also yes you have an obligation to look good if you are a male as well
"A masculine man that is not misogynistic goes to the gym and does 500 pushups in an hour while either being pro choice or getting a vasectomy before they have sex because they at least care more about 9 months of a woman's bodily autonomy than 3 days of their own"
Keep telling yourself that. Also I am fat and I can do 500 push-ups in an area.
I like lifting I just also like eating
"Why? Is it because it's what the conservative camp tried to do?"
"Are you transgender or something? Because no cisgender dude would make a statement like that."
I actually no what straight men like because i am not a faggot so fucking straight men should cum easy
-> Refusing the test after mandates is enough to be considered high test
Why? Is it because it's what the conservative camp tried to do?
->I would make a very fuckable woman
Are you transgender or something? Because no cisgender dude would make a statement like that.
->Women love misogynistic men, they just don't give a shit about politics unless they are a leftard. And even leftard women's pussy gets wet when seeing a masculine male such as myself
Masculine man /=/ misogynistic man. A masculine man that is not misogynistic goes to the gym and does 500 pushups in an hour while either being pro choice or getting a vasectomy before they have sex because they at least care more about 9 months of a woman's bodily autonomy than 3 days of their own. They don't judge women for having high body counts if the man has a higher body count (I think it's ok to require a virgin on your wedding day as long as you aren't a hypocrite here). They want a woman that is either a trad wife and therefore accepts them being a gold digger, or doesn't want a gold digger, and therefore doesn't want a TRAD wife. They may care about their woman looking good, but only if they try and look good as well.
A misogynistic man that is not masculine is very overweight, wants to force women to be in 9 months of pregnancy pain while unwilling to endure 3 days of vasectomy pain because, "my body, my choice", complains about women being 304s while prude shaming them for refusing to have sex with him, claims that men are providers while complaining about women being gold diggers, and so on. They are overweight while wanting their women to be very good looking.
Women like the 1st man; not the 2nd.
That is a lot to respond to but some quick things
1. Refusing the test after mandates is enough to be considered high test
2. I would make a very fuckable woman
3. "But there was this dating site for conservative men. Men had to pay; women didn't. The site got virtually no women on there. This is because young women (due to their emotional minds) are prone to stereotypes that many conservative men are misogynistic due to their strong support for entities like Andrew Tate"
Women love misogynistic men, they just don't give a shit about politics unless they are a leftard. And even leftard women's pussy gets wet when seeing a masculine male such as myself
@ WyIted
Clevelandclinic says that you need blood work done. If you can't convince 30% of the country to get vaccinated because, "my body, my choice", then how are you going to convince everyone to corporate with a blood test? I would also argue testosterone levels change.
->Then I will embrace my destiny as a woman
And who would fuck you? Most straight dudes are unwilling to fuck transwomen.
->you are willing to have sex with men as indicated by your statement in this thread admitting it so
The closest thing I said here was I would be cool with dating transwomen. But to be honest, you said that you want to date transwomen too (otherwise what's the point of 50% of dudes transitioning)? The difference is I believe they are women (so by my standards, I'm not gay) but you believe they are men (so by YOUR standards, you are gay).
->you are also a democrat and higher testosterone is associated with conservatism https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/155441/version/V1/view
I would admit I've become more left wing as time has gone on, but Lebron James endorsed Biden(https://www.cleveland.com/election/2020/11/lebron-james-officially-endorses-joe-biden-for-president.html). So do you believe a professional basketball player has low testosterone or what?
But the article states, "When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). ". In other words, far left democrats have lower testosterone levels than center left democrats. If I became a democrat tomorrow (I'm registered republican), then I certainly would not be the most left wing in the party. I don't like Affirmitive Action; I want to expand gun rights. I think murderers and rapists should be killed. I like nuclear energy. To claim I'm an ideological clone of Jill Stein is crazy; I'm more like Kyle Kulinski or Bill Clinton.
It's possible that center left people have more testosterone than far left people while also center right people have more testosterone than far right people. If you think Christain Walker in 2022 had high testosterone levels, then I don't know what to tell you.
I can do one arm pushups with ease and I can do 500 pushups in an hour reliably. To claim that I'm weak because I have some left wing beliefs and to claim I have less testosterone than the median man is loony.
But there was this dating site for conservative men. Men had to pay; women didn't. The site got virtually no women on there. This is because young women (due to their emotional minds) are prone to stereotypes that many conservative men are misogynistic due to their strong support for entities like Andrew Tate. Even most women that are Trump supporters hate Andrew Tate (I read something that said 40% of women back Trump and 6% of women back Andrew Tate). Women don't want emotional men; and any conservative man a woman dates will assume, "He's one of the conservative men that don't like Tate". Once she finds out you do like Tate, either she will change your mind (at least what you say to her face) or she will break up with you.
->Bruh you seen my videos. I am a little fat, its an issue that needs dealt with but I am not starring on 600 pound life any time soon
Virtually nobody weighs 600 lbs. How much do you weigh and how tall are you? We will see if you are fat or not.
"How can you tell testosterone levels?"
"And what if you are in the bottom 50%? Be honest; "
Then I will embrace my destiny as a woman
"do you think my testosterone levels are in the top or bottom 50% for men? "
you are willing to have sex with men as indicated by your statement in this thread admitting it so... https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/491546
you are also a democrat and higher testosterone is associated with conservatism https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/155441/version/V1/view
"Please provide evidence. What makes you think you are in the top 50%? You are fat; high T men are in good shape."
Bruh you seen my videos. I am a little fat, its an issue that needs dealt with but I am not starring on 600 pound life any time soon
->It doesn't matter. I don't feel like waking up early for work, but I do it because it's my duty
Most men and women do this if needed.
->The ones we pick to trans will obviously be picked based on levels of testosterone.
How can you tell testosterone levels? And what if you are in the bottom 50%? Be honest; do you think my testosterone levels are in the top or bottom 50% for men? Please provide evidence. What makes you think you are in the top 50%? You are fat; high T men are in good shape.
-> I am trying to be reasonable here
Nothing says you are being reasonable than forcing half the population to cut their dicks off. Wasn't like you saying 2 years ago or so if a kid wants to get their dick cut off, then they shouldn't be allowed to because of possible regret? Now, you are saying even if the guy doesn't want to lose their dick, FORCE them to do genital mutilation? That's one of the least reasonable things I have ever read in my life.
I believe it is worse to force a dude to get his dick chopped off than is for a woman to get raped. You can recover from a rape to at least some level; a forced bloke is unhealable.
According to the left, a woman and man is anyone that identifies as a woman/man. According to the right, it's based on chromosomes. If a man with XY chromosomes loses their dick, then they will still identity as men; so you having sex with them would be gay (because both of their chromosomes and how they identify).
Your belief here is just stupid, and coming from me; that's a lot. Someone says abortion from rape should be punished with death/life imprisonment, that's not stupid to me; it's fringe and unrealistic; but not stupid. Someone saying women should be housewives, that's not stupid to me. Saying 50% of dudes should be forced to have their dicks removed so you could have sex with them; that's in a category by its self.
What about transitioning half of men but still allowing ment to pursue heterosexual women, but maybe forcing them to be licensed to discourage that sort of thing. That way the option is still there for people not to be gay but it will be discouraged.
I cannot even get past your first argument/premise. I'm just literally disgusted by your proposal.
Not all women are bad, no more than not all men are bad. I am not one of the bad ones.
Cannot help but feel a tad insulted by the proposal of this debate. Ick!
"Ask 100 dudes, "Hey; would you like to transition and lose your penis?" None of them would agree to that."
It doesn't matter. I don't feel like waking up early for work, but I do it because it's my duty
"You want half of men to transition? You 1st"
The ones we pick to trans will obviously be picked based on levels of testosterone. High test guys like me do not have to cut our dicks off. I am trying to be reasonable here
"How did people find out you were a pedophille anyways?"
I told it here before, I went to prison.
Hey look; you are trans; that’s out of your control but 8% if dudes don’t care. Look better, pass better, if you ask 30 straight dudes out in person if they don’t have a girlfriend, then there is an 8% chance they all turn you down.
Then you would no longer be a pedophille which would cause society to view you better.
How did people find out you were a pedophille anyways?
Well, I am rather certain that I am ugly, I dont have girl's face.
I guess its my punishment from Jesus because I had sex with the Bible.
As one of the few dudes who is fine with dating transwomen, I don’t believe in premarital sex. The transwoman also have to be extremely passable, which I’m not sure if you are. Post op, they have to sound like a girl. Stuff like that.
"You want half of men to transition? You 1st"
I already transitioned. I have very long hair which you can pull while you fuck my ass.
"Best.korea is not allowed to accept the debate"
I am not "Best.korea".
I am "Best.Korea".
But fine, I wont be a grammar asshole.
Ask 100 dudes, "Hey; would you like to transition and lose your penis?" None of them would agree to that.
You want half of men to transition? You 1st.