Point #1
Back in DP3, Vader made a big point about Luna being safe because he was with you. This does make some sense, but then Vader turns out to be scum, so why would they try to protect someone if they weren't on a team with him? Wouldn't you want the keep the options as open as possible if you were scum? But no, Vader specifically went to say that Luna was safe.
POE had you guys narrowed down since yesterday, all vader knew he could do was hope to get lynched instead of you so you could use your role tonight, as I am guessing you are the power role out of the two mafia members. Notice how he didnt even really try to defend himself or pin the lynch on you beside a cursory "vote for moozer"? You were the only one presenting a case for yourself. He was just hoping to get lynched tonight. My role tells me someone was interfered with so I know that you still have to have some decent kind of role here.
Point #2
This one is pretty simple, so I'll keep it short. I was the first so claim. You could argue that it was because I was new, but my scum partner definitely wouldn't have let me do that, and I would have listened to them, because I'm new.
Quite the contrary. Your scum partner would have told you to get ready to claim asap, because noobs always get pressured dp1. You claimed early and want a noob excuse for that, but you don't think you get a noob excuse for the absolutely attrocious way you used your role? You ENABLED someone who is now confirmed scum, and you threw away your protection willy nilly. You can't pick and choose what you get noobie excuses for. I am starting to doubt the noob thing at all actually. I think you have been playing calculated as hell, and it's honestly quite brilliant for how new you are. Props to your scum play so far.
My role makes sense with a lot of flipped roles.
Yeah, but you waited forever to claim, and I was right out the door with it. It makes sense that you’re claim fits, because you saw the other ones first.
I literally claimed the first time I was asked. I didn't really need to though because I was the one confirming pie when he was the most suspected.
I wouldn't have killed Savant dp1. That kill makes no sense to me.
I would argue that it makes sense, only because it doesn’t make sense. You used you’re kill to draw the attention away from you and bolster you’re argument with a somewhat unrelated kill.
Except I don't do that and never have done that. I target people who I deem the biggest role threat. And I was pivotal in keeping the power roles from claiming dp1, like they are prone to do in most games lately. I was the one advocating stopping after the three claims we had dp1. By POE, I would have known to go after someone like earth, whiteflame or barney based on POE. So again why the hell would I kill savant? Especially if you think my angle is to support pie heavily, pie would have eventually gone after savant because his policy of lynching all millers. Made 0 sense for me to kill savant.
I would argue that Vader makes total sense because they were saying you were fine, just because you allied with pie. Besides, this same argument could be used for me. How am I a better Match to Vader than you?
Because I have suspected vader publicly since day phase 1 and 2. I put him on blast and called him out for his flip flop on the joebob lynch. No one else did. You never called him out til it was forced for you to do so. You also enabled supa, the known mafia, with your role. You can't explain that one away.
Point #3
You said it yourself, lynching you would be the best move for me if I was scum, but Earth got lynched. For more details, refer back to my earlier statement, but in summary, Earth dying last night makes much more sense if Luna was scum, not me. And you can't really argue the reverse phycology side, because we're too late in the game to play that.
I would not have killed earth. It is pointless. His role was a day giving role, so killing him at night would literally do nothing. Also pie was town confirmed, in what world wouldn't I have killed him as scum? You were the one trying to appeal to him so hard last day phase, I think you hoped you could manipulate him by keeping him alive this day phase. I on the other hand have never once tried manipulating pie, I've known he was town since day one because of him visiting me at night.