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You have went through a worm hole and entered a new dimension, known as the religion forum. If anyone is interested in Pie's mafia game it can be found here;


LUNATIC- You are Big Red. You can defeat the patriarchy by telling people to STFU. Therefore you are the silencer. You win with town


1. savant
2. ilikepie
3. whiteflame
4. casey
5. Joebob
6. Disc
7. Austin

With 9 players alive it take 5 vote to lynch. DP ends in 72 hours

33 7
Welcome to time traveler rants mafia. There is no discernible theme split. Get ready for time travel and rants. Day periods last approximately 72 hours and nights last approximately 24 hours.

There are 10 players this DP and it takes 6 votes to lynch

1. savant
2. ilikepie
3. whiteflame
4. lunatic
6. Joebob
7. Disc
8. Austin

Forum games
292 11

**Mafia Game Sign-Ups**

Welcome to the next exciting Mafia game! We have three unique themes for you to choose from. Each of the 9 players will sign up and select their preferred theme. The theme with the most votes will be the one we play. Here are your options:

1. **Unhinged Rants Mafia** 

   Embrace the chaos and unpredictability as players unleash their wildest rants. Expect unexpected twists and outrageous claims!

2. **Time Travel Mafia** 

   Journey through different eras and timelines. Players will navigate the complexities of past, present, and future, trying to alter events and outsmart each other.

3. **Heaven vs Hell Mafia** 

   The ultimate battle between good and evil. Choose your side and fight for supremacy as celestial beings and demonic forces clash in an epic struggle.

Sign up below and indicate your preferred theme. Let's see which world we'll dive into for this game!


Forum games
30 12
With the mafia at parity with the town...



  • Whiteflame - You are Kazuma Asogi! You’re a star student at Yumei University and an all-around cool dude, though you’re a bit on the edgy side. You always carry around a katana called Karuma. You are the Ninja. If you carry out the factional Night Kill, it will be invisible to any investigative roles. You win with the Mafia.
  • Moozer [Replaced by Earth before the start of the game] - You are Ryunosuke Naruhodo! You traveled to London, the capital of the British Empire, where you practiced law in the legendary Old Bailey courthouse and became the great ace attorney! You do good things… but you’re still a lawyer in the end, and you know all those lawyer jokes, right? You are the Mafia JOAT - 1x Lawyer, 1x Redirector, 1x Roleblocker, 1x Stalker, 1x Janitor. You may use one or two of your abilities on any night, but you cannot use any ability more than once. You win with the Mafia.
    • Lawyer - You may target yourself or your mafia partner. The one you target will investigate as innocent for that night only
    • Redirector - You may redirect any and all actions directed at one player towards another instead.
    • Roleblocker - You may block a player from using any actions during the night you use this ability.
    • Stalker - You may learn the character and role of any player.
    • Janitor - If the player you target dies during the night you target them, only the mafia will learn their character and role.

  • Mharman - You are Phoenix Wright! You are the famous bluffing defense attorney who always finds a way to win, even when all seems hopeless. You’ve saved many clients over the years, including ones who likely would have received the death penalty if found guilty. You are the 2x Doctor. Once per night, you may choose to save someone. That player cannot be killed that NP. You may only use this ability twice in total. You win with the Town.
  • Savant - You are Athena Cykes! You were born with super sensitive hearing that allows you to hear the discord in people’s hearts. When you were young, a friend of yours confessed to a terrible crime, but you knew he was innocent. It’s one of the things that inspired you to become a defense attorney. You are the 1x Magistrate. Once per game, you may visit someone during the night. That player cannot be lynched the following DP. You win with the Town.
  • Luna - You are Ema Skye! You were raised primarily by your older sister, a police detective. Her job caused you to become interested in forensic science from a young age. It became your dream to grow up to be a forensic investigator. You are the Tracker. Once per night, you may choose to track someone. You will learn who that player visited that night. You win with the Town.
  • Wylted - You are Mia Fey, a lawyer and a mentor to Phoenix Wright! Unfortunately, you die very shortly after being introduced. Fortunately, you grew up in a clan of spirit mediums, and your younger sister and cousin channel your spirit whenever Phoenix needs help. You are the Restless Spirit. If you die, you may still vote the following DP. You may not send any messages, and you may only Unvote once. You win with the Town.
  • Austin - You are Maya Fey! The younger sister of Phoenix Wright’s mentor, Mia, you become Wright’s close companion. It’s good for you that you become close friends with a defense attorney, because you get falsely accused of murder several times. Seriously, it happens a lot, to the point that it’s a meme among the fandom that you probably are guilty of some actual murder since you keep getting accused of it. You are the Odd-night Miller. You investigate as guilty on odd-numbered night phases. You win with the Town.
  • Owen - You are Pearl Fey! You’re a spirit channeling prodigy, as well as being just a sweet, adorable little kid. You are the DP4 Innocent Child. If you survive to the start of DP4, your affiliation will be mod-confirmed. You win with the Town.
  • JoeBob - You are the Judge! He’s never given an actual name, but everyone knows him. He’s an old geezer who can be a bit naive at times, but he always makes the right decision in the end. You are the 1x Justice. Once per game, you may choose two players to visit at night. You will learn whether the two players you investigated have the same alignment or two different alignments. You win with the Town.

Forum games
48 10
Let's see if this site remains up long enough for us to finish this game. If not, we can finish it on Discord.

Deceased players:
  • Owen_T - Lynched DP1 - Pearl Fey - DP4 Innocent Child
  • JoeBob - Killed NP1 - Judge - 1x Justice
  • Mharman - Lynched DP2 - You are Phoenix Wright! You are the famous bluffing defense attorney who always finds a way to win, even when all seems hopeless. You’ve saved many clients over the years, including ones who likely would have received the death penalty if found guilty. You are the 2x Doctor. Once per night, you may choose to save someone. That player cannot be killed that NP. You may only use this ability twice in total. You win with the Town.
  • Lunatic - Killed NP2 - You are Ema Skye! You were raised primarily by your older sister, a police detective. Her job caused you to become interested in forensic science from a young age. It became your dream to grow up to be a forensic investigator. You are the Tracker. Once per night, you may choose to track someone. You will learn who that player visited that night. You win with the Town
Living players:
  1. whiteflame
  2. Savant
  3. AustinL0926
  4. WyIted
  5. Earth
With five living players, it takes three votes to reach a majority.

"To your future career in the circus."
-- Lord Barok van Zieks
Forum games
6 4
Court is back in session! This DP thread will last 72 hours again. it will end on July 17th at 2:00 PM EDT.

Deceased players:
  • Owen_T - Lynched DP1 - You are Pearl Fey! You’re a spirit channeling prodigy, as well as being just a sweet, adorable little kid. You are the DP4 Innocent Child. If you survive to the start of DP4, your affiliation will be mod-confirmed. You win with the Town.
  • JoeBob - Killed NP1 - You are the Judge! He’s never given an actual name, but everyone knows him. He’s an old geezer who can be a bit naive at times, but he always makes the right decision in the end. You are the 1x Justice. Once per game, you may choose two players to visit at night. You will learn whether the two players you investigated have the same alignment or two different alignments. You win with the Town.
Living players:
  1. Mharman
  2. whiteflame
  3. Savant
  4. AustinL0926
  5. WyIted
  6. Earth
  7. Lunatic
With seven living players, it takes four votes to reach a majority.

Additional information:
  • Whiteflame may not be lynched today.
"Exactly, Your Honor! I would like to cross-examine the witness's pet parrot!"
-- Phoenix Wright
Forum games
446 9
Court is now in session for Day Phase 1 of Ace Attorney Mafia. Let the trial begin!

Some information about this particular game (some of this is included specifically for the benefit of our new player):

  • This is a 9-player game with 2 mafia players. It is also a 'role madness' game, meaning that every player has a role and there are no vanillas.
  • Every character is from the Ace Attorney franchise. There is also a theme split, meaning that all the mafia characters share a certain commonality that is not shared by any of the town characters.
  • Before the start of this game, the mafia players were given the opportunity to ask if two characters and two roles are in the game.
  • Moozer unfortunately had to drop out of this game. Earth has agreed to take his place.
Standard rules apply:
  1. No copy-pasting your role PM, pretending to do so, or giving a version of it which is almost not changed at all. 
  2. No editing or deleting posts. 
  3. No conversing about the game outside of the DP threads or any approved chats. 
Living players:
  1. Mharman
  2. whiteflame
  3. Savant
  4. Owen_T
  5. JoeBob
  6. AustinL0926
  7. WyIted
  8. Earth
  9. Lunatic
With nine living players, it takes five players to reach a majority vote. 

I-I've gotta find someone to pin this on... Someone like... him! I'll make it look like HE did it!
-- Frank Sahwit, making it clear that he is the villain of the tutorial case, in case the visual of him holding the bloody murder weapon in front of the victim wasn't enough 
Forum games
884 11
Winners: Mafia (Pie and Casey)


Lynched D1:

Savant – you are the Joker! You win with the town. 

Smooth Criminal (Active, x1 per game) – Despite various attempts by Batman to bring you to justice, you always seem to get away with it. As such, one night per game, you may choose to become bulletproof. 

Agent of Chaos (Active, x1 per game) - You love nothing more than to watch the world burn. One day per game, you may choose to steal a player’s vote, allowing you to use it for yourself. You may not use this ability at MYLO or LYLO. 

Lynched D2:

Joebob – you are Erno Rubik! You win with the town.

Creative Inventor (Active, x1 per day) – you are known for inventing the Rubik’s cube, one of the most popular toys ever made. Each day, you may give a Rubik’s cube to another player. They can either [Scramble] or [Solve] the cube, which are the following abilities:

Scramble: Commute, being immune to all actions for that night.

Solve: Self-strengthen, having their ability be immune to interference that night.

Lynched D3:

Casey – you are “Un Chien Andalou.” You win with the mafia.

Meaning? What Meaning? (Passive) - I’m sure that there’s some deep meaning behind your movie... but good luck figuring it out. Any players targeting you will have their action fail.

Critical Reception (Passive) – You were enormously popular for your time and considered a landmark in surrealist cinema. You take one more vote to lynch than normal. This ability is disabled at MYLO and LYLO.

Killed N3:

Earth – you are the “Rohirrim charge at Pelennor Fields.” You win with the town.

Inspiring Speech (Active, x1 per game) – Your scene is famous for being prefaced by a passionate battle speech. One night per game, you may select two players, and you will be put in a private communication topic with them for the rest of the game. This action cannot be interfered with, and non-town players can also be recruited.

CHARGEEEE! (Active, x1 per game) - Your battle is probably one of the most beautiful, bloody scenes ever put to cinema. If you and the two players you selected in [Inspiring Speech] unanimously agree on a target, then you will may use a 1-shot vigilante kill.

Moozer – You are Bart Simpson! You win with the town.

No Respect for Authority (Active, x1 per night) - Over the course of the show, you’ve done some stuff that should really get you arrested. Each night, you may commit one crime on another player. Once you’ve committed a crime, you cannot commit it again.

-Grand Theft Auto: The act of illegally stealing a vehicle. You may target a player and roleblock them for the night, preventing them from taking any actions.

-Vandalism: The act of unlawfully defacing property. You may target a player and rolestop them for the night, preventing them from being affected by any actions.

-Stalking: The act of unlawfully following another person. You may target a player and learn who they visited that night.

Too Cute by Half (Passive, D3) - Despite being generally mischievious, most people in Springfield still treat you like a good kid. If you have not committed any crimes by the start of day 3, then you will be revealed as town-aligned.

Lynched D4:

Wylted – you are "You are a piece of shit for even asking me for my character claim, fuck you. Now I think you are scum and we should lynch you faggot." You win with the town.

Fuck off, you’re not getting my claim (Passive, x1 per game) - No way are these idiots getting your claim! The first time you are put at L – 1, all votes on you will be removed and you will become unvotable for the rest of the day. This ability will not activate at MYLO or LYLO.

Who the fuck do you think you are? (Active, x1 per night) - Anyone voting you is scum. Duh. Each night, you may investigate one player who was voting for you at the end of the previous day to learn their alignment.


Barney – You are RSVLTS! You win with the town.

Fashionable! (Active, x1 per day) – Your clothing brand is bold and daring. Each day, you may give a shirt to another player. If the player accepts, then this player will be protected from all lethal actions that night but will lose any active actions. You will not be informed on whether they accepted the shirt.

Limited Edition (Active, x1 per game) - You have a limited edition collectable shirt that’s going to sell for big money. One day per game, you may publicly auction a shirt. The bidding mechanism works as follows:
-Players may bid by voting for the shirt (same as voting to lynch)
-The number of votes to hammer the shirt will be a number randomly selected between 2 and the number of living players excluding yourself.
-You may not bid for your own shirt.
-The player that bids the hammering vote will receive the shirt.
-The shirt will grant a 1-shot vigilante kill ability.
-The day will continue after the bidding ends.

Lunatic – you are “if a bear farts in the forest, but no one is around to smell it, does it still stink?”

Yes, it does (Active, x1 per game) - You believe that the world is an objective truth. One night per game, you may activate this ability, and be informed of how many players acted that night. This ability is mutually exclusive with [No, it doesn’t], meaning that you may not use that ability once you use this one.

No, it doesn’t (Active, x1 per game) - You believe that the world is formed by perception and observation. One night per game, you may activate this ability, and be informed of how many actions were performed in total that night. This ability is mutually exclusive with [Yes, it does], meaning that you may not use that ability once you use this one.

Pie – you are “Donald J. Trump." You win with the mafia.

LOCK HER UP (Active, x1 per night) – You really don’t like Hillary Clinton. In fact, you would rather see her in jail. Each night, you may Jailkeep another player, protecting and roleblocking them for the night.

STOP THE COUNT (Active, x1 per game) - During the 2020 election, you tried various quasi-legal methods to overturn the result. One night per game, you may choose a player to become unlynchable for the next day. This player cannot be you or your partner. This ability cannot be used at MYLO or LYLO.

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (Passive, x1 per game) - Your famous reelection campaign slogan. If you or your partner gets lynched, then the following night the factional kill will be unstoppable and undetectable.

Forum games
47 10
Welcome to UPick Mafia! Have fun!


Lynched D1:

Savant – you are the Joker! You win with the town. 

Smooth Criminal (Active, x1 per game) – Despite various attempts by Batman to bring you to justice, you always seem to get away with it. As such, one night per game, you may choose to become bulletproof. 

Agent of Chaos (Active, x1 per game) - You love nothing more than to watch the world burn. One day per game, you may choose to steal a player’s vote, allowing you to use it for yourself. You may not use this ability at MYLO or LYLO. 

Lynched D2:

Joebob – you are Erno Rubik! You win with the town.

Creative Inventor (Active, x1 per day) – you are known for inventing the Rubik’s cube, one of the most popular toys ever made. Each day, you may give a Rubik’s cube to another player. They can either [Scramble] or [Solve] the cube, which are the following abilities:

Scramble: Commute, being immune to all actions for that night.

Solve: Self-strengthen, having their ability be immune to interference that night.

Lynched D3:

Casey – you are “Un Chien Andalou.” You win with the mafia.

Meaning? What Meaning? (Passive) - I’m sure that there’s some deep meaning behind your movie... but good luck figuring it out. Any players targeting you will have their action fail.

Critical Reception (Passive) – You were enormously popular for your time and considered a landmark in surrealist cinema. You take one more vote to lynch than normal. This ability is disabled at MYLO and LYLO.

Killed N3:

Earth – you are the “Rohirrim charge at Pelennor Fields.” You win with the town.

Inspiring Speech (Active, x1 per game) – Your scene is famous for being prefaced by a passionate battle speech. One night per game, you may select two players, and you will be put in a private communication topic with them for the rest of the game. This action cannot be interfered with, and non-town players can also be recruited.

CHARGEEEE! (Active, x1 per game) - Your battle is probably one of the most beautiful, bloody scenes ever put to cinema. If you and the two players you selected in [Inspiring Speech] unanimously agree on a target, then you will may use a 1-shot vigilante kill.

Moozer – You are Bart Simpson! You win with the town.

No Respect for Authority (Active, x1 per night) - Over the course of the show, you’ve done some stuff that should really get you arrested. Each night, you may commit one crime on another player. Once you’ve committed a crime, you cannot commit it again.

-Grand Theft Auto: The act of illegally stealing a vehicle. You may target a player and roleblock them for the night, preventing them from taking any actions.

-Vandalism: The act of unlawfully defacing property. You may target a player and rolestop them for the night, preventing them from being affected by any actions.

-Stalking: The act of unlawfully following another person. You may target a player and learn who they visited that night.

Too Cute by Half (Passive, D3) - Despite being generally mischievious, most people in Springfield still treat you like a good kid. If you have not committed any crimes by the start of day 3, then you will be revealed as town-aligned.

Living Players:

1. Wylted
2. Barney
3. Pie
4. Lunatic


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.

Additional Info:

For the purposes of abilities, today is considered MYLO.
Forum games
262 5
Welcome to UPick Mafia! Have fun!


Lynched D1:

Savant – you are the Joker! You win with the town. 

Smooth Criminal (Active, x1 per game) – Despite various attempts by Batman to bring you to justice, you always seem to get away with it. As such, one night per game, you may choose to become bulletproof. 

Agent of Chaos (Active, x1 per game) - You love nothing more than to watch the world burn. One day per game, you may choose to steal a player’s vote, allowing you to use it for yourself. You may not use this ability at MYLO or LYLO. 

Lynched D2:

Joebob – you are Erno Rubik! You win with the town.

Creative Inventor (Active, x1 per day) – you are known for inventing the Rubik’s cube, one of the most popular toys ever made. Each day, you may give a Rubik’s cube to another player. They can either [Scramble] or [Solve] the cube, which are the following abilities:

Scramble: Commute, being immune to all actions for that night.

Solve: Self-strengthen, having their ability be immune to interference that night.

Living Players:

1. Wylted
2. Barney
3. Pie
4. Casey
5. Moozer
6. Lunatic
7. Earth


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.

Additional Info:

Moozer is innocent.

Forum games
117 8
Welcome to UPick Mafia! Have fun!


Savant – you are the Joker! You win with the town. 

Smooth Criminal (Active, x1 per game) – Despite various attempts by Batman to bring you to justice, you always seem to get away with it. As such, one night per game, you may choose to become bulletproof. 

Agent of Chaos (Active, x1 per game) - You love nothing more than to watch the world burn. One day per game, you may choose to steal a player’s vote, allowing you to use it for yourself. You may not use this ability at MYLO or LYLO. 

Living Players:

1. Wylted
2. Barney
3. Pie
4. Joebob
5. Casey
6. Moozer
7. Lunatic
8. Earth


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.

Additional Info:

Lunatic may not be voted today.
Forum games
326 9
Welcome to UPick Mafia! I put a lot of time, effort, and passion into this game, so I really hope it works out well.


1. Do not copy-paste your role PM or pretend to do so.
2. Do not edit or delete posts.
3. Do not communicate outside of the thread or approved chats (cryptography counts).
4. Respect the site rules. Some banter is fine, but don't derail things with personal attacks.
5. Follow the spirit of the rules and the game.
6. I did not send all the role PMs at the same time, and they don't all have the exact same format. Do not discuss the timing or precise structure of your role PM.

Also, a modkill on town will end the DP immediately. Don't try it.

Setup Info:

1. The setup is role madness - all players have at least one custom ability.
2. Many of the roles have been custom-made by mishmashing various other roles and mechanics.
3. Majority voting is in effect.
4. 72 hour DP, 24 hour NP.
5. Setup is standard 2v7.
6. I reviewed this setup with two of my mafia-playing friends. One of them said it was townsided, the other said it was scumsided, so I'm going to call it balanced :D


I will not answer questions in-thread.

If you have a question, PM me. I will only answer questions about your own role or a flipped role.

Living Players:

1. Wylted
2. Barney
3. Savant
4. Pie
5. Joebob
6. Casey
7. Moozer
8. Lunatic
9. Earth


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in the thread.

Forum games
675 10
I have a few mafia theme ideas floating around, figured I'd let the players choose this time (I think this used to be more common on DART but sadly the tradition has been lost). 
When you sign up, just choose whichever game you're most interested in playing. Plurality vote.  
1. OG Dart Players Mafia 
Game themed around old mafia players who used to play here but have since retired or quit. Probably the most traditional one out of the bunch, just a normal thematic game with a few twists. 
2. Somewhat Bastard Mafia 
For those who don't know, a bastard game is pretty much any game that messes with the players for fun (e.g. ridiculous voting mechanics).

When it's done right, a bastard game is fun for everyone. When it's done wrong, the players blacklist the mod afterwards. I'll try to make my game the former option :D 
3. UPick Mafia 

This type of mafia is really fun and I've seen it on some other sites. Basically, each player, before the game starts, sends in their "pick" to the moderator - this pick can be anything (e.g. "Don Corleone", "the concept of being wrong", "335"). I then create a custom role from these picks.

Forum games
134 11
Scum Wins!

To speak frankly, WOW! I did not see that one coming. I thought that I had screwed the mafia over in the first DP when Best.Korea Basically solved the game. Unfortunate for the town, Korea started overthinking themselves too much. 

Korea realized that if the mafia hadn’t been given fake claims that were among the main 6 characters, you could narrow it down to 3 possibilities. I was freaking out, because one of those three was easily confirmable, and I was sure that I had screwed up bad.

I wasn’t planning on giving the mafia fake char-claims, but seeing the dire straights I was in, I thought it only fair. I figured that they would still have to come up with the fitting roles. I had wanted to put either, Impa, Purah, or Robbie in the game, but couldn’t think up good roles, so I gave scum the opportunity to claim those ones. Also, I thought it was probable that they would have already thought to do that, seeing as they knew some roles already, and these three were the only ones left to claim based on what scum knew by then. 

It was some really impressive playing on the part of scum, and this one is definitely going down in the history books. Anyways, I’ll just give you all the play by play with some added comments real quick.


* Joebob- You are Link, Knight protector of Zelda, and the one with the Master sword. You serve your kingdom with unmatched loyalty. When you are almost defeated you are sealed away to heal for 100 years and you come back to face Ganon. You are a Soldier, and are immune to one Mafia kill. You win with the town.
* Barney - You are Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, and the one vested with the power of the goddess Hylia, if only you could unlock your sacred sealing power. So you are a 1x Mafia roleblocker, sort of. Once per game, you can visit two players, and if one of them is mafia, their action is roleblocked. If both are mafia, the. The lethal action is blocked. If none are mafia, nothing gets blocked, but you are not told if your action was successful or not. You win with the town.
* Whiteflame - You are Daruk, Champion of the Gorons. You have the ability to protect yourself and others with a phantom shield. So you are a 100% succes bodyguard, sort of. You can choose to use your ability any NP, and if you do, the mafias kill is redirected on to you. You win with the town
* Best.Korea - You are Mipha, Champion of the Zora. You are gifted with ability to heal any wounds. Thus you are the 2x doctor. Two nights per game you choose one person, and they are immune to any Mafia lethal actions that night. You win with the town.
* Casey_Risk - You are Urbosa, Champion of the Gerudo, and a great fighter. You can also be a bit of a loose canon, and so you are a granny. If anyone visits you throughout the night, they automatically are killed. You win with the town. Tip: I recommend claiming early unless you want to cause total havoc
* Earth - You are Revali, champion of the Rito. Rito are a race of birdlike people who can fly. You also have a keen sense of sight, so you are a 2x Cop. Two nights per game you visit one player and I will tell you if they are guilty or not. You win with the town.
* Lunatic - You are King Roham, ruler of Hyrule. That’s pretty self explanatory I think. You are obviously the King, so once per game, you can throw caution to the wind and disregard all VTL’s to Lynch one person of your choosing. You win with the town.


* Austin - You are Ganon, the reincarnation of Ganondorf, and master of the dark arts. You appear at a random time throughout the game, and catch everyone by surprise. Thus you are a 1x Total Role Blocker. On one night per game, you choose to activate your role, and then everyone in the game gets roleblocked. You win with the Mafia, and your fellow mafia man is Savant who’s character is Master Koga (It was so funny watching you guys try to figure out why so many people got roleblocked! You were like chickens with their heads cut off)
* Savant - You are Master Koga, the Leader of the Yiga Clan, and master of disguise. You can change your appearance at will, and use this power to impersonate people. Thus, you are the Stalker. Each night you visit one person and you will find their role and character by impersonating someone close to them. You may also use this power twice at the beginning of the game, as to inform your kills and claims. You win with the Mafia, and your fellow mafia man is Austin whose Character is Ganon. (I really liked the eye of Sauron mechanic from the last game, so I decided to keep it, and honestly, I think it worked pretty well, and could be even better with some tweaking)

DP 1 Actions:

Savant: Role/Char Cop on Whiteflame and Barney

NP 1 Actions:

Savant: Role/Char Cop on Korea

Austin: Total Roleblock and NK Earth

Best.Korea: Protect Earth

Earth: Cop on Joebob

Whiteflame: Used Action

DP 2: 

Lunatic: Used Action

NP 2:

Savant: Role/Char Cop Joebob

Austin: NK Whiteflame

Whiteflame: Used Role

Anyways, thanks for putting up with me for being a first time mod. I hope that everyone had fun, and that I wasn’t so bad that I’m banned from modding forever.

Forum games
51 11
Lynched DP1: No one

Killed NP2: Earth - You are Revali, champion of the Rito. Rito are a race of birdlike people who can fly. You also have a keen sense of sight, so you are a 2x Cop. Two nights per game you visit one player and I will tell you if they are guilty or not. You win with the town.

Lynched DP2:  Best.Korea - You are Mipha, Champion of the Zora. You are gifted with ability to heal any wounds. Thus you are the 2x doctor. Two nights per game you choose one person, and they are immune to any Mafia lethal actions that night. You win with the town.

Killed NP2: Whiteflame - Daruk - You are Daruk, Champion of the Gorons. You have the ability to protect yourself and others with a phantom shield. So you are a 100% succes bodyguard, sort of. You can choose to use your ability any NP, and if you do, the mafias kill is redirected on to you. You win with the town

Remaining Players:
1. Barney
2. Savant
3. Austin
4. Casey_Risk
5. Joebob
6. Lunatic

With 6 players remaining it takes 4 votes to lynch? 

This DP ends 1:00 PM PDT

"The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of the Calamity Ganon; a primal evil that has endured over the ages."

Forum games
57 7
Lynched DP1: No one

Killed NP2: Earth - You are Revali, champion of the Rito. Rito are a race of birdlike people who can fly. You also have a keen sense of sight, so you are a 2x Cop. Two nights per game you visit one player and I will tell you if they are guilty or not. You win with the town.

Remaining Players:
1. Barney
2. Savant
3. Best.Korea
4. Austin
5. Whiteflame
6. Casey_Risk
7. Joebob
8. Lunatic

With 8 players remaining it takes 4 votes to lynch? (Tell me if I’m wrong)

“Open your eyes..."
—Princess Zelda

Forum games
202 9
Welcome everyone to my first Mafia game. Let's hope I don't screw it up too badly. There are NO VANILLAS, and two Mafia. 

I think you guys are all pretty clear on the rules by now, so just know, if it seems like cheating, it probably is. I'm instituting a strict, "Don't be a Jerk" policy, and violators will be eternally shamed. If you need any more clarification, I'm always available for a PM. Also, tag me if you want a time check or a vote count.

Remaining Players: 
1. Savant
3. Earth
4. Whiteflame
5. Lunatic
6. Casey_Risk
7. Barney
8. Best.Korea
9. Joebob

All roles are randomly assigned, so don't get mad at me if something you don't like come out, and don't base your lynches on who you think I would pick.

With 9 remaining it takes 5 votes to Lynch. Dp's are 72 hours, and NP's are 24, unless you guys get done faster. This one ends at 8:00 June 3 PDT. I know the world runs on EDT, but I'm the mod, so I'm making you all have a headache trying to figure out what time It is, not me. 

let the games begin!

Gimli: Faithless is he who turns back when the road darkens

Elrond: Maybe, but let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall. For nothing is evil in the beginning.

- The Fellowship of the Ring

Forum games
108 11
I received an invitation for the annual Mafia Championship tournament. Apologies for not getting this out sooner, but it looks like we'll have to select someone by April 20th, assuming there is someone that wants to participate. If you're interested, information about the tournament can be found in the link below.

Forum games
10 7

Vader - You are Anatoly Karpov! You are a former World Champion, and an incredibly strong one at that. You are known for your unique style called “prophylaxis”, which involves predicting the other player’s plans and then preventing them. In addition, you are still widely admired in the chess world despite being a Putin bootlicker. Thus, you are the Godfather Predictive Role Thief. If you are investigated by a cop, you will be investigated as innocent. Each night, you may choose two players. If either of these players are lynched the next day, then you will steal the remaining player’s role for the night, allowing you to use it and blocking them from using it. You win with the mafia. 
Lunatic - You are Magnus Carlsen! You are widely considered to be one of the greatest world champions of all time. You have a powerful, universal style as well as incredible memory and calculation skills. In addition, you are especially strong in the endgame (the last phase of a chess game). Thus, you are the Progressive Super-JOAT. You can use as many abilities each night as the current night number: N1 = 1 ability, N2 = 2 abilities, N3 = 3 abilities, N4 and above = 4 abilities.  
You can use the same ability on multiple nights, but you cannot choose two abilities from the same list on the same night.  

List 1: Lawyer (innocent when guilty), Framer (guilty when innocent), Tailor (flip inv results) 
List 2: Scout (track who a player visits), Lookout (watch who visited a player), Voyeur (see what actions were performed on a player) 
List 3: Strongman (kill cannot be stopped by protective roles), Ninja (kill can’t be seen by watchers/trackers), Strengthened (kill cannot be roleblocked) 
List 4: Redirector (redirect Player A’s action to Player B), Bus Driver (redirect actions performed on Player A to Player B, and vice versa), Deflector (redirect actions performed on Player A to player B) 

You win with the mafia. 
Pie - You are! You are a free online chess server run by a self-described communist programmer. Everybody loves you. Due to your nonprofit nature, you rely entirely on donations for funding. Thus, you are the Donation-Dependent Innocent Child. Each DAY, you may select a player to solicit for donations. You must PM a choice to me before the flip (you can change your choice as many times as you want before then). As a day action, this will not interact with any night actions performed by other players. The following night, that player will receive the following PM:

“A player has asked you for a small donation. If you choose to donate, you will forfeit any night actions as if roleblocked. Do you choose to donate?” 

You will be informed on whether you successfully received a donation. Once you receive two donations, you will be revealed as the Innocent Child.  

You win with the town. 
Joebob- You are algebraic notation! You’re a type of encoding system used to record the moves of chess games so that they can be reviewed, watched, and shared even after the game ends. This recording system involves tracking a piece to a square it moves to using an intricate coordinate grid. Thus, you are the Flipped Tracker. Each night, you can track a player, which will record which players they visited, if any. If/when you die, this notation sheet will be revealed with your flip. You win with the town. 
Barney - You are the pin! You are a type of tactic – a pattern involving a certain configuration of pieces. It occurs when a less valuable piece cannot easily move due to that exposing a more valuable piece to attack. Thus, you are the Conditional Roleblocker. Each night, you may choose a “minor player” and a “major player”. If the minor player does not move, nothing will happen. If the minor player moves, then you will follow the minor player (finding out who received a visit from them that night), and roleblock the major player (preventing them from carrying out any night actions). You win with the town. 
Whiteflame - You are the draw offer! The draw offer is a unique aspect of chess. A player can offer a draw to their opponent in any position, which can either be accepted or declined. A draw offer is often used to gain a tactical advantage. Thus, you are the Offering Gladiator. Once per game, you can “offer a draw” to another player during a day phase (this is done by saying [I offer a draw to (player)] and tagging me). I will then post the following message: 

“whiteflame has offered a draw to [Player]! [Player] can choose to either accept or decline the draw offer. If [Player] accepts, then [Player] will forfeit his night action as if roleblocked, while whiteflame will be protected for the night. If [Player] declines, then votes will be reset and only whiteflame and [Player] will be votable for the rest of the day phase.” 

You win with the town. 
Earth - You are Stockfish! You are the strongest chess engine in the world – a type of program that analyzes a chess position and then calculates the best continuation. While most players use you for learning and studying, some players use you to cheat. At the end of the day, you’re a tool that can be used for good or for evil. Thus, you are the Controllable Cop. Each DAY, you may select a player to use you. You must PM a choice to me before the flip (you can change your choice as many times as you want before then). As a day action, this will not interact with any night actions performed by other players. 

During the night, this player will receive the following message: 

“You have been given the opportunity to use a chess engine to find the best move. You may input the name of a player and receive their alignment. If you choose to use it, then you will forfeit any night actions as if roleblocked. Do you accept?” 

You will not be informed on whether an investigation was carried out, or the result/target of the investigation. 

You win with the town. 
Moozer - You are castling! This is a special move that allows two pieces – the king and a rook - to move in a single turn. This typically helps protect the king and activate the rook. It can only be done twice per game (once by each player). Thus, you are the two-shot Doctor-Strengthener. Two nights per game, you may select one player as a “king” and another player as a “rook.” The “king” will be protected from any lethal night actions, while the “rook” will have any active actions be unable to be tampered with. You win with the town. 
Savant - You are the Pawn! The pawn is the least powerful piece in chess, capable only of moving one square at a time. Beginners tend not to value pawns very much, which is a shame. Pawns have a special ability to promote to a queen (the strongest piece) when they reach the final row of the board. Thus, you are the Miller Soldier. If you are investigated by a cop, you will be investigated as guilty. If at any point you are the last surviving town member, then town will automatically win the game. You win with the town. 

Forum games
38 9
Post theme ideas for others to use here, or ideas you want to see someone make! Heck, you could post a new idea every time you take one from here!

I'll start with 5 ideas.

Hygiene Mafia (a reminder to your average internet poster to take a shower- on the daily)
Super Mario Mafia (based on enemies/characters from the Super Mario series)
Transformers Mafia (using G1 will be easiest)
The GOATs Mafia (game using once-in-a-generation elite-level athletes from a variety of sports leagues)
Italian Foods Mafia (bonus points if you make the Americanized foods scum)

I also have a bonus idea which I may or may not have taken from Discord.

Mafiaverse of Madness (based off the latest Marvel Movie, maybe even all of Stage 4 of the MCU)

Forum games
34 13

Lynched DP1: Joebob, Algebraic Notation, Flipped Tracker

Killed NP1: Savant, Pawn, Miller Soldier

Lynched DP2: Barney, Pin, Conditional Roleblocker

Killed NP2: whiteflame, Draw Offer, Offering Gladiator

Lynched DP3:

Vader - You are Anatoly Karpov! You are a former World Champion, and an incredibly strong one at that. You are known for your unique style called “prophylaxis”, which involves predicting the other player’s plans and then preventing them. In addition, you are still widely admired in the chess world despite being a Putin bootlicker. Thus, you are the Godfather Predictive Role Thief. If you are investigated by a cop, you will be investigated as innocent. Each night, you may choose two players. If either of these players are lynched the next day, then you will steal the remaining player’s role for the night, allowing you to use it and blocking them from using it. You win with the mafia. 

Killed NP3:

Earth - You are Stockfish! You are the strongest chess engine in the world – a type of program that analyzes a chess position and then calculates the best continuation. While most players use you for learning and studying, some players use you to cheat. At the end of the day, you’re a tool that can be used for good or for evil. Thus, you are the Controllable Cop. Each DAY, you may select a player to use you. You must PM a choice to me before the flip (you can change your choice as many times as you want before then). As a day action, this will not interact with any night actions performed by other players. 

During the night, this player will receive the following message: 

“You have been given the opportunity to use a chess engine to find the best move. You may input the name of a player and receive their alignment. If you choose to use it, then you will forfeit any night actions as if roleblocked. Do you accept?” 

You will not be informed on whether an investigation was carried out, or the result/target of the investigation. 

You win with the town. 

Living Players:

1. Pie
2. Moozer
3. Lunatic


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.

Additional Info:

Good luck!

Forum games
78 6

Lynched DP1: Joebob - Algebraic Notation, Flipped Tracker

Killed NP1: Savant - Pawn, Miller Soldier

Lynched DP2:

Barney - You are the pin! You are a type of tactic – a pattern involving a certain configuration of pieces. It occurs when a less valuable piece cannot easily move due to that exposing a more valuable piece to attack. Thus, you are the Conditional Roleblocker. Each night, you may choose a “minor player” and a “major player”. If the minor player does not move, nothing will happen. If the minor player moves, then you will follow the minor player (finding out who received a visit from them that night), and roleblock the major player (preventing them from carrying out any night actions). You win with the town. 
Killed NP2:

Whiteflame - You are the draw offer! The draw offer is a unique aspect of chess. A player can offer a draw to their opponent in any position, which can either be accepted or declined. A draw offer is often used to gain a tactical advantage. Thus, you are the Offering Gladiator. Once per game, you can “offer a draw” to another player during a day phase (this is done by saying [I offer a draw to (player)] and tagging me). I will then post the following message:

“whiteflame has offered a draw to [Player]! [Player] can choose to either accept or decline the draw offer. If [Player] accepts, then [Player] will forfeit his night action as if roleblocked, while whiteflame will be protected for the night. If [Player] declines, then votes will be reset and only whiteflame and [Player] will be votable for the rest of the day phase.” 

You win with the town. 

Living Players:

1. Pie
2. Moozer
3. Lunatic
4. Vader
5. Earth


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.

Additional Info:

Forum games
100 6

Lynched DP1:

Joebob- You are algebraic notation! You’re a type of encoding system used to record the moves of chess games so that they can be reviewed, watched, and shared even after the game ends. This recording system involves tracking a piece to a square it moves to using an intricate coordinate grid. Thus, you are the Flipped Tracker. Each night, you can track a player, which will record which players they visited, if any. If/when you die, this notation sheet will be revealed with your flip. You win with the town. 

Joebob's Notation Sheet:

None recorded.

Killed NP1:

Savant - You are the Pawn! The pawn is the least powerful piece in chess, capable only of moving one square at a time. Beginners tend not to value pawns very much, which is a shame. Pawns have a special ability to promote to a queen (the strongest piece) when they reach the final row of the board. Thus, you are the Miller Soldier. If you are investigated by a cop, you will be investigated as guilty. If at any point you are the last surviving town member, then town will automatically win the game. You win with the town. 

Living Players:

1. Pie
2. whiteflame
3. Moozer
4. Lunatic
5. Vader
6. Barney
7. Earth


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.

Forum games
435 8
Welcome to chess mafia! Chess is love, chess is life. Have fun!


1. Don't copy-paste your role PM or pretend to do so.
2. Do not edit or delete posts.
3. Do not communicate outside of the thread or approved chats (cryptography counts).
4. Respect the site rules. Some banter is fine, but don't derail things with personal attacks.
5. Follow the spirit of the rules and the game.

Also, a modkill on town will end the DP immediately. Don't try it.

Setup Info:

1. The setup is role madness - there are no vanillas.
2. Many of the roles have been custom-made by mishmashing various other roles and mechanics.

3. There is a themesplit.
4. Mafia have not been given fakeclaims.

5. Majority voting is in effect.
6. 72 hour DP, 24 hour NP.

7. Setup is standard 2v7.

8. Be ready for swing.


I will not answer questions in-thread.

If you have a question, PM me. I will (probably) answer questions about your own role, flipped roles, or hypothetical roles.

Living Players:

1. Savant
2. Pie
3. whiteflame
4. Moozer
5. Joebob
6. Lunatic
7. Vader
8. Barney
9. Earth


The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in the thread.

Forum games
304 10
The debate season is winding down, and so is school... so I figured I'd host a fun mafia game.

Standard rules, there will be a themesplit, and it will be role madness. I have a few creative mechanics I've been wanting to use for a while. Hoping for 9 players.

Forum games
65 18
Well, this was one heck of a game - and it had quite a bit. I'll go through the setup, theme, night actions, and then my personal analysis.


Mafia Faction 1: 

FAKECLAIMS: Jailkeeper, Miller

ijb1 - You are Hydra! You are considered the best flipper bot in Battlebots, and are capable of launching opposing bots up to 15 feet in the air. You carefully choose your opportunities before you strike. Because of this, you are the Odd-Night Stalker. You may target one player per odd night to learn their role, but not alignment, flavor, or modifiers. You may also perform a factional kill on even nights ONLY on the player that you personally stalked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated: 
You may stalk on any night. You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player. However, you cannot do both on the same night. 
Wylted - You are Fusion! You have two powerful weapons and an unfortunate tendency to catch on fire after big hits. You’re also popular for your entertaining fights. As such, you are the 1-shot Godfather JOAT. You will investigate as innocent to cops. You may use one of the following abilities once per game:

-Ninja (don’t show up on investigative reports) 
-Strongman (can’t be protected against) 
-Roleblocker (target can’t perform night actions) 

On odd nights, you may visit a player. You may perform a factional kill on even nights ONLY on the player that you personally visited the previous night. 

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated:  
You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player.   

Mafia Faction 2: 

FAKECLAIMS: Motivator, Hider

whiteflame - You are Whiplash! You are known for being one of the greatest control bots, being able to ram, and generally bully opposing bots to the point where they can barely land a hit on you. Once you’ve taken disabled the opposing bot, you flip them over to knock them out. You are an Even-Night Roleblocker. You may target one player per non-killing night to block active actions (but not factional kills). You may also perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally roleblocked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated: You may roleblock on any night. You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player. However, you cannot do both on the same night.

JoeBob - You are Minotaur! You are small, durable, and hit like a truck. Because of your compact design, you will keep on fighting right up until a KO, regardless of how much damage you’ve taken. Because of this, you are the Ascetic. You are immune to all non-lethal night actions. On even nights, you may visit a player. You may perform a factional kill on odd nights ONLY on the player that you personally visited the previous night.

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated: 
You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player. 


Greyparrot – You are Black Dragon! You’re the definition of mid offense, godly defense. On several occasions, you have survived to the end of the match on fire and upside down. However, you usually lose the judge’s decision afterwards. Because of this, you are the Bleeder. If you are targeted during the night, you will die at the end of the next DP.  You will not be informed that you are bleeding. You win with the town. 

Lunatic – You are Witch Doctor! Your ability is the same as your name – you are a Doctor! You are the Nonconsecutive Doctor. Each night, you can target a player, including yourself. This player will be protected from kills during the night. You may not protect the same player twice in a row. You win with the town.  

Vader/Barney – You are Chomp! You are known for a stunning upset victory over the undisputed GOAT of Battlebots, Bite Force. This victory was achieved with an ingenious LIDAR system that allowed you to track the opposing bot’s movement and fire your hammer at them accordingly. Thus, you are the Tracker. Each night, you may choose to track a player, finding out who they visited for the night. You win with the town. 

RationalMadman - You are Shatter! You are (in)famous for an incident in which you accused another team of modifying their bot after the pre-match weight check, an accusation that was eventually found to be true. Because of this investigation, you are the Cop. Each night, you may investigate another player, and will receive a “guilty” or “innocent” result. You win with the town. 

7000series – You are speed – I mean, Hypershock! You are one of the fastest bots in Battlebots, and no one is a match for your maneuverability. Unfortunately, you’re too fast even for your driver, and tend to slam into the wall half the time. Because of this, you are the Even-night Commuter. On even nights, you may choose to be immune to any and all night actions. You win with the town.

Best.Korea - You are Duck! You’re my favorite bot, despite the fact you’re basically a 250-pound brick on wheels. Your strategy is to ram into the other bot until it breaks, letting nothing, not even the laws of physics, get in your way. And because of how durable you are, this works a surprising amount of the time. You are the 1-shot Bulletproof Vigilante. During any NP, you may message me to become a bulletproof vigilante the next NP ONLY. You will be immune to night kills, and can choose one player of your choice to kill. You win with the town. 


-Each faction gets a single bulletproof which will remain until it is used.
-Factional kills behave as mentioned in the role - not like usual mafia.


All three factions had a themesplit, but I intentionally made the town one less obvious.

-For Mafia Faction 1, the themesplit was "bots from teams with multiple bots." This one's pretty self-explanatory.
-For Mafia Faction 2, the themesplit was "bots with non-traditional spinning weapons." Whiplash has a blade combined with a lifter, Minotaur has a wide drum, and HUGE has a blade literally as big as its wheels.
-For Town, the themesplit was "bots with a large fanbase."

Night actions:


-ijb1 stalks Joebob
-Wylted visits whiteflame
-Joebob NKs Greyparrot (stopped by factional bulletproof)
-Lunatic forfeits action
-Vader tracks Lunatic (randomized)
-RationalMadman cops whiteflame
-Best.Korea activates vig


-ijb1 NKs Joebob (stopped by factional bulletproof)
-Joebob visits Lunatic
-RationalMadman cops ijb1
-Wylted roleblocks RationalMadman
-Lunatic protects RationalMadman
-Barney tracks Best.Korea
-Best.Korea vigs Wylted (stopped by factional bulletproof)


-ijb1 stalks RationalMadman
-RationalMadman cops Barney
-Barney tracks ijb1
-Lunatic protects Barney
-Joebob NKs Lunatic


-RationalMadman cops Joebob
-Barney tracks Best.Korea
-Joebob NKs Barney
Forum games
112 12
Welcome to Battlebots Mafia! This will be themed around Battlebots, a popular reality TV show which will get us in trouble with our future AI overlords. Have fun! 


Lynched DP1: 

7000series – You are speed – I mean, Hypershock. You are one of the fastest bots in Battlebots, and no one is a match for your maneuverability. Unfortunately, you’re too fast even for your driver, and tend to slam into the wall half the time. Because of this, you are the Even-Night Commuter. On even nights, you may choose to be immune to any and all night actions. You win with the town.

Died NP1:  

(no one) 

Lynched DP2:

whiteflame - You are Whiplash! You are known for being one of the greatest control bots, being able to ram, and generally bully opposing bots to the point where they can barely land a hit on you. Once you’ve taken disabled the opposing bot, you flip them over to knock them out. You are a Roleblocker. You may target one player per non-killing night to block active actions (but not factional kills). You may also perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally roleblocked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Died NP2:

(no one)

Lynched DP3:

Wylted - You are Fusion! You have two powerful weapons and an unfortunate tendency to catch on fire after big hits. You’re also popular for your entertaining fights. As such, you are the Godfather 1-shot JOAT. You will investigate as innocent to cops. Additionally, you may use one of the following abilities once per game: Ninja, Strongman, Roleblocker. On non-killing nights, you may visit a player. You may perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally visited the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.

Died NP3:

Lunatic: You are Witch Doctor! Your ability is the same as your name – you are the (Nonconsecutive) Doctor. Each night, you can target a player, including yourself. This player will be protected from kills during the night. You may not protect the same player twice in a row. You win with the town.  

Lynched DP4:

ijb1: You are Hydra! You are considered the best flipper bot in Battlebots, and are capable of launching opposing bots up to 15 feet in the air. You carefully choose your opportunities before you strike. Because of this, you are the Stalker. You may target one player per non-killing night to learn their role, but not alignment, flavor, or modifiers. You may also perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally stalked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Died NP4:

Vader/Barney – You are Chomp! You are known for a stunning upset victory over the undisputed GOAT of Battlebots, Bite Force. This victory was achieved with an ingenious LIDAR system that allowed you to track the opposing bot’s movement and fire your hammer at them accordingly. Thus, you are the Tracker. Each night, you may choose to track a player, finding out who they visited for the night. You win with the town. 

Mechanics Information: 

Everything from the first DP still applies.

  1. Don’t CP from PM’s or pretend to do so. 
  2. Cease posting when you are dead. 
  3. Do not contact other players outside of the thread or approved chats. 
  4. Respect the site rules, and other players. 
  5. Do not edit or delete posts. 
  6. Don’t do anything else that gives you an unfair advantage, even if it’s not explicitly stated in the rules. It won’t make you clever, but it will get you modkilled. 
 Living Players:
1. Best.Korea 
2. Greyparrot 
3. RationalMadman 
4. Joebob 

This DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread. 

Forum games
260 7
Welcome to Battlebots Mafia! This will be themed around Battlebots, a popular reality TV show which will get us in trouble with our future AI overlords. Have fun! 


Lynched DP1: 

7000series – You are speed – I mean, Hypershock. You are one of the fastest bots in Battlebots, and no one is a match for your maneuverability. Unfortunately, you’re too fast even for your driver, and tend to slam into the wall half the time. Because of this, you are the Even-Night Commuter. On even nights, you may choose to be immune to any and all night actions. You win with the town.

Died NP1:  

(no one) 

Lynched DP2:

whiteflame - You are Whiplash! You are known for being one of the greatest control bots, being able to ram, and generally bully opposing bots to the point where they can barely land a hit on you. Once you’ve taken disabled the opposing bot, you flip them over to knock them out. You are a Roleblocker. You may target one player per non-killing night to block active actions (but not factional kills). You may also perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally roleblocked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Died NP2:

(no one)

Lynched DP3:

Wylted - You are Fusion! You have two powerful weapons and an unfortunate tendency to catch on fire after big hits. You’re also popular for your entertaining fights. As such, you are the Godfather 1-shot JOAT. You will investigate as innocent to cops. Additionally, you may use one of the following abilities once per game: Ninja, Strongman, Roleblocker. On non-killing nights, you may visit a player. You may perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally visited the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.

Died NP3:

Lunatic: You are Witch Doctor! Your ability is the same as your name – you are the (Nonconsecutive) Doctor. Each night, you can target a player, including yourself. This player will be protected from kills during the night. You may not protect the same player twice in a row. You win with the town.  

Mechanics Information: 

Everything from the first DP still applies.

  1. Don’t CP from PM’s or pretend to do so. 
  2. Cease posting when you are dead. 
  3. Do not contact other players outside of the thread or approved chats. 
  4. Respect the site rules, and other players. 
  5. Do not edit or delete posts. 
  6. Don’t do anything else that gives you an unfair advantage, even if it’s not explicitly stated in the rules. It won’t make you clever, but it will get you modkilled. 
 Living Players:
1. Best.Korea 
2. Greyparrot 
3. RationalMadman 
4. Joebob 
5. ijb1 
6. Barney

This DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread. 

Forum games
97 6
Welcome to Battlebots Mafia! This will be themed around Battlebots, a popular reality TV show which will get us in trouble with our future AI overlords. Have fun! 


Lynched DP1: 

7000series – You are speed – I mean, Hypershock. You are one of the fastest bots in Battlebots, and no one is a match for your maneuverability. Unfortunately, you’re too fast even for your driver, and tend to slam into the wall half the time. Because of this, you are the Even-Night Commuter. On even nights, you may choose to be immune to any and all night actions. 

Died NP1:  

(no one) 

Lynched DP2:

whiteflame - You are Whiplash! You are known for being one of the greatest control bots, being able to ram, and generally bully opposing bots to the point where they can barely land a hit on you. Once you’ve taken disabled the opposing bot, you flip them over to knock them out. You are a Roleblocker. You may target one player per non-killing night to block active actions (but not factional kills). You may also perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally roleblocked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Died NP2:

(no one)

Mechanics Information: 

Everything from the first DP still applies.

  1. Don’t CP from PM’s or pretend to do so. 
  2. Cease posting when you are dead. 
  3. Do not contact other players outside of the thread or approved chats. 
  4. Respect the site rules, and other players. 
  5. Do not edit or delete posts. 
  6. Don’t do anything else that gives you an unfair advantage, even if it’s not explicitly stated in the rules. It won’t make you clever, but it will get you modkilled. 
 Living Players:
1. Best.Korea 
2. Greyparrot 
3. Wylted 
4. RationalMadman 
5. Joebob 
6. ijb1 
7. Lunatic 
8. Barney

This DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread. 

Forum games
413 9
Welcome to Battlebots Mafia! This will be themed around Battlebots, a popular reality TV show which will get us in trouble with our future AI overlords. Have fun! 


Lynched DP1: 

7000series – You are speed – I mean, Hypershock. You are one of the fastest bots in Battlebots, and no one is a match for your maneuverability. Unfortunately, you’re too fast even for your driver, and tend to slam into the wall half the time. Because of this, you are the Even-Night Commuter. On even nights, you may choose to be immune to any and all night actions. 

Died NP1:  

(no one) 


-If you have a question pertaining to how a role or mechanic works, I will answer it hypothetically in the thread or in PMs. For example: 

“If a Hated Miller were in the game, would the Hated go away at MYLO?” 
“Hypothetically, if this role was in the game, Hated would not go away at MYLO.” 

I reserve the right to not answer questions that I believe are trying to get an unfair insight into the setup beyond what was intended. 

Mechanics Information: 

-Everything from the first DP still applies, except the DP period. This DP, and future ones, will last 72 hours at maximum, with extensions given on a case-to-case basis. 

  1. Don’t CP from PM’s or pretend to do so. 
  2. Cease posting when you are dead. 
  3. Do not contact other players outside of the thread or approved chats. 
  4. Respect the site rules, and other players. 
  5. Do not edit or delete posts. 
  6. Don’t do anything else that gives you an unfair advantage, even if it’s not explicitly stated in the rules. It won’t make you clever, but it will get you modkilled. 
 Living Players:
1. whiteflame 
2. Best.Korea 
3. Greyparrot 
4. Wylted 
5.  RationalMadman 
6 Joebob 
7. ijb1 
8. Lunatic 
9. Vader 

This DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread. 
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482 10
Welcome to Battlebots Mafia! This will be themed around Battlebots, a popular reality TV show which will get us in trouble with our future AI overlords. Have fun! 

Suggested resources: 
R/battlebots subreddit 
Battlebots fights on Youtube 
Battlebots fandom wiki 

Mechanics Information: 

-The first DP will be 48 hours long. Subsequent DPs will be 72 hours long. I will grant extensions as I see fit. 
-All NP’s will be 24 hours long. There will be no extensions unless you inform me in advance that you will be gone. 
-Majority voting will be in effect (defined as being more than 50% of living players.) If there is no majority reached by the deadline AND there are enough non-voting players to potentially reach a majority, I will use plurality voting to resolve. Ties will be broken by the first player to be voted. 
-There are two mafia factions, each of which are attempting to be the last ones standing. They can and will kill each other. 
-One faction gets to kill on the odd nights, and the other on the even nights. If one faction is entirely eliminated, the other faction will receive their factional kill for subsequent nights. 
-Faction 1, Faction 2, and the town have a single x1 factional bulletproof. (This is the balance change I made for 10 players instead of 11 or 12). Any protective roles will take priority over the factional bulletproof being used. For example, if Faction 1 targets town on NP1, town will lose its factional bulletproof, and be vulnerable to Faction 2.
-Alignment flips will be posted after hammer, role flips will be posted the next DP. Role flips will not specify which mafia faction the player was a part of. 
-This is role madness.  
-Scum has been given fakeclaims.
-I have semi-randomized the wording of the PM's.

Endgame conditions: 

-The game will end when one of the following conditions are met: 
-One faction has reached parity or greater with the town, and the other faction is eliminated 
-All factions have been eliminated and there is at least one townie left 

  1. Don’t CP from PM’s or pretend to do so. 
  2. Cease posting when you are dead. 
  3. Do not contact other players outside of the thread or approved chats. 
  4. Respect the site rules, and other players. 
  5. Don’t do anything else that gives you an unfair advantage, even if it’s not explicitly stated in the rules. It won’t make you clever, but it will get you modkilled. 
Living Players: 
1. whiteflame 
2. 7000series 
3. Best.Korea 
4. Greyparrot 
5. Wylted 
6.  RationalMadman 
7. Joebob 
8. ijb1 
9. Lunatic 
10. Vader 
This DP will end 48 hours from this post.

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583 11
I have no idea what I'm doing but I have a few weeks to mess around before school gets hectic again... so might as well.


The theme here is Battlebots, objectively the best sports show ever made. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the following videos (you won't regret it):

Each player will receive a character based on an existing Battlebot, and their role will be based off of it. All Battlebots chosen will be reasonably well-known.

There will be a themesplit. Each faction will have their own themesplit.


This is a multiball setup. There are two mafia factions. One will kill on odd nights, and the other will kill on even nights.

To balance this out, town will have some stronger power roles than normal.

The game will end when:

-1 faction reaches parity with town, and the other faction is eliminated (faction win)
-2 factions reach parity with each other, and town is eliminated (draw between factions)
-2 factions are eliminated, and town is still alive (town win)
-Everyone kills each other (everyone loses)

Mafia will have daytalk throughout the game.

If you have a question about a setup, I can answer it hypothetically.

Rules and Modding

Don't C/P PM's, don't communicate out-of-thread, don't talk after you're dead, don't violate site rules. Don't do anything scummy that's not on this list or a modkill will probably result.

Other than that, have fun. This is my first game I'm modding, so I hope it will go well for everyone.

List (12 preferred, 11 will work as well):


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Mafia wins!

MVP: ILikePie5

The theme split was games that are currently indie vs. games that were once indie but got bought out by much bigger studios.



ILikePie5 - You are Minecraft. One of the things you can do in Minecraft is explore. Thus, you are a Stalker. Once per night, you may select a player and “explore” available information about them: Specifically, their role. You win with the mafia.

Greyparrot - You are Five Nights at Freddy’s. A recurring game mechanic in the series is shutting doors to block animatronics from entering your office (and frontal lobe!). Thus, you are a Roleblocker. One per night, you may choose any player. Their night actions will be blocked. You win with the mafia.

Fake claim hint: I’m not going to tell you the theme split, but I’ll give you a hint about what to fake claim: Indie games that are similar to your game.


Wylted - You are Undertale. In this game, you can spare every monster you come across, rather than fight them. However, some antagonists will despise you for quite some time, despite this. Thus, you are a Miller. When investigated, you will appear guilty. You win with the town.

Whiteflame - You are Papers, Please. In this game, you sift through information on various potential immigrants, solving puzzles to deny any potential terrorists entry into your nation. Thus, you are a Cop. Once per night, you may investigate someone and learn if they are innocent or guilty. You win with the town.

Best.Korea - You are Ori and the Blind Forest. In this game, you play as Ori, a forest spirit who is desperately trying to save the forest. Thus, you are a Doctor. Once per night, you may choose someone other than yourself to protect. That player cannot be killed in the night. You win with the town.

AustinL0926 - You are Aimlabs. In this game, you train your aim for other shooter games. Thus, you are a Town PR Enabler. While you are alive, all town players with power roles can perform their actions successfully. If you die, all town PRs will no longer work, because they’ve become washed. You win with the town.

7000series - You are Untitled Goose Game. In this game, you play as a goose that causes mild inconveniences to humans. Thus, you are a vanilla, because you do not have a PR to “majorly inconvenience” the mafia team.

JoeBob - You are Coffee Talk. In this game, you do nothing but talk to customers. Thus, you are a vanilla. You have no PR, but you can talk in the DP thread. You win with the town.

Bullish - You are Among Us. In this game, you play mafia… which is what you’re doing right now. Thus, you are a vanilla. You have no PR, but you can help “sus” out the scum team. You win with the town.


No mod analysis today cause I've got other things I want to do.

Thanks for playing!
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Log back into Steam town, were in DP3!

Lynched last DP:

Wylted - You are Undertale. In this game, you can spare every monster you come across, rather than fight them. However, some antagonists will despise you for quite some time, despite this. Thus, you are a Miller. When investigated, you will appear guilty. You win with the town.

Died in the night:

AustinL0926 - You are Aimlabs. In this game, you train your aim for other shooter games. Thus, you are a Town PR Enabler. While you are alive, all town players with power roles can perform their actions successfully. If you die, all town PRs will no longer work, because they’ve become washed. You win with the town.

Previously dead:

7000series - Untitled Goose Game - Town Vanilla
Whitleflame - Papers, Please - Town Cop


1. Best.Korea
2. Greyparrot
3. ILikePie5
4. Bullish
5. JoeBob


1. Vader

With 5 alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch. The DP ends on Tuesday, March 19 at 1:00 pm (EST).
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Welcome to DP2.

Lynched last DP:
7000series - You are Untitled Goose Game. In this game, you play as a goose that causes mild inconveniences to humans. Thus, you are a vanilla, because you do not have a PR to “majorly inconvenience” the mafia team.

Died in the night:
Whiteflame - You are Papers, Please. In this game, you sift through information on various potential immigrants, solving puzzles to deny any potential terrorists entry into your nation. Thus, you are a Cop. Once per night, you may investigate someone and learn if they are innocent or guilty. You win with the town.


1. Best.Korea
2. Greyparrot
3. ILikePie5
4. Wylted
5. Bullish
6. AustinL0926
7. JoeBob


1. Vader

With 7 alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch. The DP ends on Sunday, March 17 at 2:00 pm (EST).
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Hello all, and welcome to Indie Games Mafia!

This game is a 9-player setup that is based on indie games. Each player will be given an indie game as a character that represents their power role, and will involve a theme split. There is no Jester, or Third Party.

Rules: (Expect a lot of obvious mafia game rules that you already know about here.)

Players may not contact each other about the game aside from in-thread and game-approved PMs. Dead players contacting the living players to better spectate the game is acceptable as long as no information is revealed or hints/tips are given to the living player. However, I strongly prefer dead players contact me for information if they want to spectate. Dead players may contact other dead players.

Spectating players may not reveal information about this game (roles, characters, etc.) since all players can see it. Any players given inside information still relevant to the game cannot replace other players.

If a player is replaced out, they may not reveal information about this game (see above) unless I specifically allow them to replace someone in the game. Mafia players cannot become replacements. If a Town player replaces a Mafia player, their former player slot no longer wins with the Town.

Once a player is dead they may not communicate in-thread. They may still communicate in game approved PMs, however. Also, players may not talk after the DP has ended. During twilight it is fine to talk, but not after final vote count and flip are posted.

No players may C/P their role PM or fake doing so. If you post your role PM to claim, it must be paraphrased. Violators will be modkilled.

All questions to me about the game will be answered wherever they were posted as long as they can be answered without ruining the game. I can and will answer all hypotheticals, but cannot answer questions about unrevealed information, with a few exceptions that will already be specified at the start of the game without the need for players to ask about. Example: If a player asks if there is a cop in the game, I cannot confirm or deny that. I can, however, answer questions about how a cop would work if it were to be in the game, since that is a hypothetical.

The role a player gets will be the role that player gets. Do not ask me to have you swapped for something else, please. I will deny the request in all circumstances.

Please respect the other players around you. If violated, penalties may vary, but I will always give a warning first. This will be loosely enforced; I will only step in on the worst of circumstances, so don't expect me to do anything if someone merely mocks or teases you a little bit.

List: (no one yet lol)



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Sup town. I'll repeat this from sign-ups:

This game is a 9-player setup that is based on indie games. Each player will be given an indie game as a character that represents their power role, and will involve a theme split. There is no Jester, or Third Party.

Rules: (Expect a lot of obvious mafia game rules that you already know about here.)

Players may not contact each other about the game aside from in-thread and game-approved PMs. Dead players contacting the living players to better spectate the game is acceptable as long as no information is revealed or hints/tips are given to the living player. However, I strongly prefer dead players contact me for information if they want to spectate. Dead players may contact other dead players.

Spectating players may not reveal information about this game (roles, characters, etc.) since all players can see it. Any players given inside information still relevant to the game cannot replace other players.

If a player is replaced out, they may not reveal information about this game (see above) unless I specifically allow them to replace someone in the game. Mafia players cannot become replacements. If a Town player replaces a Mafia player, their former player slot no longer wins with the Town.

Once a player is dead they may not communicate in-thread. They may still communicate in game approved PMs, however. Also, players may not talk after the DP has ended. During twilight it is fine to talk, but not after final vote count and flip are posted.

No players may C/P their role PM or fake doing so. If you post your role PM to claim, it must be paraphrased. Violators will be modkilled.

DO NOT edit your posts in DP threads. Violators will be modkilled.

All questions to me about the game will be answered wherever they were posted as long as they can be answered without ruining the game. I can and will answer all hypotheticals, but cannot answer questions about unrevealed information, with a few exceptions that will already be specified at the start of the game without the need for players to ask about. Example: If a player asks if there is a cop in the game, I cannot confirm or deny that. I can, however, answer questions about how a cop would work if it were to be in the game, since that is a hypothetical.

The role a player gets will be the role that player gets. Do not ask me to have you swapped for something else, please. I will deny the request in all circumstances.

Please respect the other players around you. If violated, penalties may vary, but I will always give a warning first. This will be loosely enforced; I will only step in on the worst of circumstances, so don't expect me to do anything if someone merely mocks or teases you a little bit.


1. Whiteflame
2. Best.Korea
3. Greyparrot
4. ILikePie5
5. Wylted
6. Bullish
7. AustinL0926
8. JoeBob
9. 7000series


1. Vader

With 9 alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch. The DP ends on Sunday, March 17 at 1:00 pm (EST).


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GP wasn't dumb. Austin was in a position where he naturally would end up voting a scum member regardless and thought GP was dumb for voting the scummier one.

Pie was actually throwing at first on purpose for me to win the vote-off but as soon as we realised Austin wasn't bodyguard and that Austin sussed me more, we decided to make it an equal fight to the end.

The slips from Pie were authentic, he was barely paying attention until part way through DP2. I picked up on his slip @ing me, I read Earth's interactions as PR hiding in the background, I led a lot of this game in ways you don't realise but Pie was a very skilled partner and played the bus relationship off in a decently skilled manner but do not insult, degrade or assume GP fucked up hard other than outing what he did.

Mafia were not sent PMs without roles, we were sent PMs with 0 role descriptions, I asked Wylted to give an idea what he sent to town as in did he sent more, he didn't answer me and told me 'you win with town, link to game' type reply. I never ever would have guessed he didn't mean he sent the role on top of that to the vanillas. Scum couldn't have guessed that, it was insane.

I played well, Pie played well, GP didn't play well but read in a far more rational way than Austin did. Austin assumed I'd ever in a million years buddy my partner that hard that obviously, I'd only do that as a double bluff to experienced users who'd assume I never would.

Joebob's reasoning for voting me was ridiculous, Pie and I both were so utterly confused.

GG guys, you got wrecked. Admit it. Do not blame GP. Do not just get furious. You got demolished and Austin is also to blame as he didn't properly stick to his guns saying Pie and I were bussing each other. He blamed GP as a cop-out for his own mess up randomly assuming GP buddying me and vice versa meant we were scum together (who would be that obvious? lmao).

7000Series LVP
Other than me, Pie MVP.
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16 5
Welcome to DP3

dead players


Earth died in the night. Earth was watcher
Joebob died in the night. Joebob was the bodyguard
7000 was eliminated on DP1 by a vote and was a vanilla


1. Rational madman was voted out he was scum

Remaining Players

1.    Ilikepie
4.    Greyparrot
5.    Austin316

We are going to use majority vote this DP. As soon as a majority vote is reached it will end the DP. I would refrain from voting until you are certain about your option. The DP ends at 4:15pm eastern time on March 12th.

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23 5
Welcome to DP2

dead players

Earth died in the night. Earth was watcher
7000 was eliminated on DP1 by a vote and was a vanilla

Remaining Players

1.    Ilikepie
 2.  Rational madman
 3.   Joebob
4.    Greyparrot
5.    Austin316

You are at Mylo so a mislynch or no lynch today will end the game

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235 6
Title: Welcome to Mafia Open Setup - Plurality Lynch
Welcome to the Mafia Open Setup game! Here's how it works:

Game Description: This is an open setup game where the town knows how many mafia members exist and what roles the town has. Plurality lynching is in effect, meaning whoever receives the most votes at the end of the day period will be voted out, regardless of whether a majority of votes is reached.

  1. Day periods last for 48 hours, and night periods last for 24 hours.
  2. Players must follow the rules of conduct and refrain from sharing game-related information outside of the game thread.
  3. Players must not edit or delete their posts. Double posting is not allowed.
  4. Once a player is eliminated, they are no longer allowed to participate in the game discussion.
  5. Please respect other players and their contributions to the game.
  • Mafia (2 members): Work together to eliminate town members during the night.
  • Town:
    • Bodyguard: Can protect one player each night. If the player they protect is targeted by the mafia, the bodyguard dies instead.
    • Watcher: Can observe one player each night to see who visits them.
Remember, the key to success in this game is strategy and communication. Use your investigative abilities wisely to root out the mafia members and protect the town!
Let the game begin!

You have until 9:00am eastern time on 3/7//2024 or if you are not American 7/3/24

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103 8
Hey everyone!

Those in the know may recall that we've been involved in an inter-website mafia championship in previous years, and it looks like another one is just around the corner. The link for it is given below, and the tournament is supposed to start on April 22nd. We've participated before and I hope someone will step up to the challenge and join the competition this year. Note that the Google Doc details some of the requirements, including a good amount of activity in a forum mafia game on a daily basis. Let me know if you have any questions and I can relay them.

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11 person setup that can be cut down to 10 if needed.
Vader's Rule and Regulations
  • No editing or deleting posts of any kind
  • No outside communication of mafia game (private PMs, other forum chats, other members) unless designated to do so
  • There will 72hr day phases and, 24hr night phases unless there is activity level that below 75-125 posts within this time frame. From there, 24hrs extensions will be given ONCE and ONCE only for the DP. 
  • To contact SupaDudz about anything, private message me or ping me in game (if you wanna make my life easier ping me when you vote)
  • If I mess up a vote count, please let me know asap so I can correct it. If I mess up anything within the game, please let me know. Humans are not perfect
  • Follow the basic CoC rules (no doxxing, attempt to doxx, etc.)
  • Do not copy and paste PM.
Failing to do any of these things will result in a warn or modkill under my discretion


I have no rules when it comes to calling people using foul language. I believe freedom of speech is important to moderating a game, especially when emotions get high. If someone is making attacks on you, they are just ruining their own character. However, very rarely will I intervene and will only intervene when the feud and obscenities become so excessive that it derails a game. You will not be modkilled for this, but a hard warning will be in place. I have a high tolerance for those feuds and have no problems with them, but don't be so excessive to the point of ruining the game.

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46 16
I should've said this in the endgame thread, but no one will read it if I put it in there now.

DP1 of Conspiracy Theory Mafia was a complete mess and I wish I saw how ugly that DP was getting before I ended it. I took plenty of time out of my day to design and host that game, but I couldn't take anymore time to do more than skim the DP and update the vote counts. I simply do not have the time to sit in front of a mafia game all day, watching everything going on. So with that being said, please ping me if something like this ever happens again. I will do something about it. I want my games to be fun for people, not rage-inducing to them. I can't stop endgame thread salt, but I can at least try to keep players from distracting the whole DP and angering everyone during the game.

Anyways, RM clearly had a problem controlling his temper here, and it distracted everyone. I'd like to think he's getting better with this, and maybe his is overall, but I cannot trust him at this moment in time to stay chill during what is just a forum game. I understand why it is harder for him than everyone else to stay calm during a mafia game, and I have been turning the other cheek for him more than I would for anyone else on this site because of it. However, that is not an excuse for what he did in this game. He has done this repeatedly in other people's games as well. I know it may be hard when being egged on by others (more on that later), but at the end of the day RM exploded far beyond what anyone was doing him in that thread. As such, RM is banned from the next game I host.

Now, to be fair, Pie had no business egging him on in that thread. I'm okay with banter, but Pie was clearly trying to bait RM into exploding whilst knowing full well that RM would do so. All he did was anger himself and everyone else in the process. You can call it a mafia strategy all you want; I don't care. If your strategy as a mafioso is to push everyone to the point where they've had it, then you need to find a new one. As such, Pie has received a warning for my future games.

I don't like doing this because it's not fun for me, but I am doing this because I want my games to be fun for everyone playing in them. Say what you will, but I think we can all agree that the next game of mine will be more fun without two players flaming each other constantly.

I hope this thread doesn't constitute being a call-out thread, as my intention was to let people know what I am doing about what happened back there. Mods, if it is, sorry. This needed to be said.
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16 4
Pie is the MVP of this game.

The theme split was "Globalism vs. All Else." I'm sure all these have been said to be part of a globalist conspiracy by conspiracy theorists, but the New World Order is the only one where it's explicit.


ILikePie5 - You are the New World Order conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe the world’s governments are working together in a secret society to create a single totalitarian regime.

“The Illuminati controls everything, man.”

Because of this, you are a 1x Recruiter. Once per game in the night, you may recruit an opposing player into your affiliation, which would be mafia in this case.

In addition, you are also a Godfather. You will appear innocent on all affiliation investigations.

You win with the Mafia. Since you are from the Mafia, you may submit a night kill each night. For this game, you may not use your night kill on the same night you recruit someone.

There’s a whole world of conspiracy theories out there, man. Thus, you will not be getting any fake claims.

Advice for this game: Use your recruitment ability ASAP!

Barney (formerly RationalMadman) - You are the Michael Obama conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe former FLOTUS Michelle Obama is secretly transgender. 

“Tell me she doesn’t look like a man!”

Because of this, you are a 1x Vanillizer. Once per game at night, you may select another player and “transition” them to Vanilla. This ability will be used up even if the target is already a Vanilla.

You win with the Town (recruited to Mafia NP1).


Whiteflame - You are the Alternative Therapy Suppression conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe the FDA suppresses natural cures for diseases to support the medical industry.

“They have a cure for cancer. They’re just hiding it.”

Because of this, you are a Doctor. Each night, you may target another player to protect them from any lethal night actions targeting them.

You win with the Town.

Greyparrot - You are the Israeli Animal Espionage conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe the Israeli government uses animals for espionage on people and governments whilst disguising it as migration tracking.

“The Mossad throwing the shark toward Egypt is not out of the question.”

Because of this, you are a Cop. Each night, you may investigate another player. Their affiliation will be made known to you, in the form of “guilty” for anti-town affiliations or “innocent” for pro-town or neutral affiliations.

You win with the Town.

Supa - You are the Sandy Hook Crisis Actors conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe that no one died at Sandy Hook and that the whole incident was made up to promote gun control.

“It’s synthetic, completely fake with actors.”

Because of this, you are a Vanilla. You have no powers. 

You win with the Town.

Earth - You are the Bush Did 9/11 conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe former POTUS George W. Bush made up a terrorist attack in what was a controlled demolition of the Twin Towers to promote an oil war.

“That was actually a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon.”

Because of this, you are a Vanilla. You have no powers. 

You win with the Town.

That2 - You are the Holocaust Never Happened conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe the Holocaust was made up to promote Jewish immigration to the United States.

“I don’t know, man. Six million seems kind of high.”

Because of this, you are a Vanilla. You have no powers. 

You win with the Town.


Town - lynch Supa (Voted for Supa: Whiteflame, Greyparrot, That2, Pie; Voted for Pie: RM; VTNL'd: Supa)

Pie - Recruit Ragnar
Barney - Vanillaize Pie
Greyparrot - Investigate Whiteflame
Whiteflame - Protect Barney

Town - lynch Earth (Voted for Earth: That2, Whiteflame, Pie, Greyparrot; Voted for That2: Earth)

Pie - Kill That2
Greyparrot - Investigate Pie
Whiteflame - Protect Whiteflame


I'd say this setup turned out to be scum-sided. It wasn't egregiously so, but I feel like I could've done better. The idea was to load town up with power and then provide a single mafioso to the chance to recruit one of them so they could use it for themselves. Looking back, I probably should've added an eighth player slot (preferably a Town Watcher or Clairvoyant) to give the Town one more guaranteed DP. That would've made this setup truly balanced, in my opinion. I'll give town at least three guaranteed DPs my future games.

In DP1, RM had a great idea to use his vanillaizer to confirm himself as Town, but he made a mistake outting that plan DP1. His gut read was right on Pie too, but he wasn't able to build a good case for it. Pie did a good job refuting the case without slipping up, and Town backed off on their inquiries of him. He didn't have to do an amazing job, either; RM was so hell-bent on proving Pie to be scum that he pushed town away from his correct read. RM did have a good idea asking the Town about the political wing their theory was on, though. It was off the mark, but it wouldn't have hurt. If anything, it would've limited Pie's fake claim choices. Unfortunately, RM went too far by asking everyone to out their character for his theories, and no one listened to him on theme split theories after that. Greyparrot made a mistake outting his character so easily, but he got away with it. Earth's character claim was fine because they were a Vanilla. Town made a mistake pressuring Whiteflame into claiming, and Pie took advantage and added to the pressure. I don't blame Whiteflame for claiming, given the pressure. Pie's fake character claim was mid, but it didn't matter. I'm not sure why the Town was sussing Supa, but he was lynched regardless.

NP1, Pie correctly speculated that Greyparrot was the Cop and that Whiteflame was the Doctor, but he took Barney instead. I think he should've taken Greyparrot, but whatever. Greyparrot's investigation into Whiteflame was a waste in my eyes, given that Whiteflame was a claimed Doctor. Whiteflame's protection of Barney was the right play from the information he had, but it ultimately didn't matter. I think Barney's vanillaization of Pie was ok, given he had little to lose in doing so.

DP2, Town had a bloc that included everyone but That2, Earth, and Pie; Barney didn't have to do much to hide in that bloc. I'm just confused by the defenses That2 and Earth put up, as neither were sufficient. If both had put up a better defense, the Town would've probably looked at Pie a bit more. Neither did, and the Town chose Earth. Pie's VIP claim was okay. Greyparrot definitely hammered too early when there was plenty of the DP left.

NP2, Greyparrot had the right idea to investigate Pie, and Whiteflame's self-protection wasn't a bad idea either. Unfortunately for the Town, Pie saw it coming, so he decided to kill That2.

GG, everyone.
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63 10
Hello, and welcome to DP2!


Barney has replaced in for RationalMadman.

Silenced by the Secret Service:

Lynched DP1 - Supa - You are the Sandy Hook Crisis Actors conspiracy theory. Proponents of this theory believe that no one died at Sandy Hook and that the whole incident was made up to promote gun control.

“It’s synthetic, completely fake with actors.”

Because of this, you are a Vanilla. You have no powers. 

You win with the Town.

Targeted Individuals:

1. Pie
2. Whiteflame
3. That2
4. Earth
5. Barney (formerly RationalMadman)
6. Greyparrot

With 6 alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch. The Day Phase ends Saturday, October 29, @ 2:00 PM EST.

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111 7
Hello, everyone! Get your tin foil hats on; this is DP1!

Mod Confirmations:

There is no Jester.

There is no third party.

Rules (C/P'd from sign-ups):

Players may not contact each other about the game aside from in-thread and game-approved PMs. Dead players contacting the living players to better spectate the game is acceptable as long as no information is revealed or hints/tips are given to the living player. However, I strongly prefer dead players contact me for information if they want to spectate. Dead players may contact other dead players.

Spectating players may not reveal information about this game (roles, characters, etc.) since all players can see it. Any players given inside information still relevant to the game cannot replace other players.

If a player is replaced out, they may not reveal information about this game (see above) unless I specifically allow them to replace someone in the game. Mafia players cannot become replacements. If a Town player replaces a Mafia player, their former player slot no longer wins with the Town.

Once a player is dead they may not communicate in-thread. They may still communicate in game approved PMs, however. Also, players may not talk after the DP has ended. During twilight it is fine to talk, but not after final vote count and flip are posted.

No players may C/P their role PM or fake doing so. All role PMs must be paraphrased.

All questions to me about the game will be answered wherever they were posted as long as they can be answered without ruining the game. I can and will answer all hypotheticals, but cannot answer questions about unrevealed information, with a few exceptions that will already be specified at the start of the game without the need for players to ask about. Example: If a player asks if there is a cop in the game, I cannot confirm or deny that. I can, however, answer questions about how a cop would work if it were to be in the game, since that is a hypothetical.

The role a player gets will be the role that player gets. Do not ask me to have you swapped for something else, please. I will deny the request in all circumstances.

Silenced by the Secret Service:

None yet

Targeted Individuals:
1. Pie
2. Supa
3. Whiteflame
4. That2
5. Earth
6. RationalMadman
7. Greyparrot

With 7 alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch. The Day Phase ends Tuesday, October 25, @ 2:00 PM EST

Good luck, and have fun!
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582 8
The theme split is going to be:

Tried to hide their autism (whether directly or indirectly) as the Town trait  with Not known to have actively hidden autism as Mafia trait

This clearly has nothing to do with good vs evil, it's a themesplit to increase awareness of asperger's and autism. More autistic people, until very recently, were 'in the closet' than weren't. That is the reality of it and what I also want to highlight.

Being known for one's Autistic Specturm Disorder and hiding it in the time period before it was seriously known about has nothing to do with hiding the name, instead it has to do with masking well in society or not.

This is to allow there to be flexibility to Mafia to both get away with a real claim and choose to research well and pick a good fakeclaim.

Mafia will not be given a fake-claim pool as I predict a small player pool with what you claim being a large way to catch people out.

I will try my best to balance the setup well.
Forum games
29 9
Welcome to DP1!

Here are the possible roles for each affiliation, with all roles having an equal chance in their pool:

Mafia: 3x Roleblocker, 2x Redirector, Janitor, Ninja, Strongman, Lookout

Town: 1x Bulletproof, Tracker, 2x Doctor, Watcher, 3x Roleblocker, Bodyguard, Popular (gone in MYLO/LYLO),  1x Gunsmith, 1x Commuter, 1x Weak Cop

The game will be a 2v7.

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to lynch.

1. Whiteflame
2. Incel-Chud
3. Supadudz
4. Oromagi
5. Mikal
6. Pie
7. Earth
8. Badger
9. Greyparrot

Good luck to all participants!
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29 8