God's Achievements

Author: Salixes


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ethang5's avatar
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Didn't I tell you the loser would keep making sock puppets and spamming for longer than weeks?

To rationalize his compulsion, he's now going to delude himself into believing his sock puppetry is him campaigning tirelessly to expose those who use institutions to hide behind their weaknesses, prejudices and bigotry in order to manipulate others for their own nefarious, self-centered ends.

OCD is real, and it has real consequences
Stephen's avatar
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Also, he didn't create evil.

You obviously do not understand the word "everything" or what "all things" means either.

Colossians 1:16 English Standard Version (ESV)
16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. There are over 100 verses in the bible that claim that god, your god, created everything , that is to say, all things.

 The trouble I have found with all of  you devout Christians is that you won't take responsibility for your own outrageous contradictory claims or the vile and murderous actions of your god.  

God doesn't love you. It is debatable that he even loved any of HIS "chosen" considering he murdered most of them at the drop of an hat and for a wager. And Jesus was a Jew not a Christian, He was king of the J-E-W-S not king of the Christians. All hard facts to accept for many of you Christians I should imagine , but facts they are. Jesus himself didn't once refer to anyone as being his CHRISTIAN brother, sister, mother or father or friend.  Jesus would have been appalled at the fact that a whole demented and delusional ideology had sprung up in his name after he was killed.

You want it all ways! But let me tell you Christian, your own bible doesn't agree with most of the bullshit claims that you and other Christians here claim, as shown above.

God either created "everything" or he didn't and the bible is wrong. Suck it up sunshine. 



  1. 1.
    all things.

Which included the deadly  virus Covid19 from China
Ebola & Aids from Africa

RoderickSpode's avatar
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No, the all in the verse you quoted is not meant to include absolutely everything. The Greek word used is pas which refers to kinds, or types.

In fact, you get a clue of the context of what kinds the text is speaking of in the very verse you referenced.

in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities

The text is not talking about God making good, evil, or diseases. It gives us both a natural and spiritual geographical location where rulership exists. The text is letting us know that there is no existing authority apart from his creation that is not subject to His authority.

Vader's avatar
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Another billbatard
Stephen's avatar
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No, the all in the verse you quoted is not meant to include absolutely everything.

Stop lying.

The Greek word used is pas which refers to kinds, or types.

Ok so your god created all kinds and types of EVERYTHING and ALL things.  

The text is not talking about God making good, evil, or diseases.
Stop it. The bible makes it PERFECTLY clear that god created ALL things  ;

"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands . . . For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring."
Acts 17:24, 28 KJV

"But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him."
1 Corinthians 8:6, KJV

Colossians 1:16 English Standard Version (ESV)
16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. There are over 100 verses in the bible that claim that god, your god, created everything , that is to say, all things.

"The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil."
Proverbs 16:4, KJV

"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."
John 1:3, KJV

"And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein:"
Acts 14:15, KJV

So again I tell you, you want it all ways! But let me tell you Christian, your own bible doesn't agree with most of the bullshit claims that you and other Christians here claim, as shown above.

God either created "everything" or he didn't and the bible is wrong. Suck it up sunshine. 

RoderickSpode's avatar
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Stop lying.
Really? And what exactly is it that you think I'm lying about? The Greek word used for "all things"? Is it not "pas"? Is it something else? Or...do you actually think the Greek word pas actually does mean absolutely everything? I'll assume that you know that the Bible had to be translated from Hebrew and Greek to the English language. And that if you don't understand the original language meaning, you will misinterpret the text.

Ok so your god created all kinds and types of EVERYTHING and ALL things.  
When you heard someone say "A wonderful time was had by ALL", do you really think they meant everyone in the entire planet? I hope not. Because I hate to be the one to break it to, but what that person meant was ALL who were present at your family reunion.

When you heard someone say "ALL things considered", do you think they were considering the cat stuck in a tree in Lansing, MI? No! What they were considering was all things related to the issues being discussed.

When you heard someone say "EVERYTHING that could go wrong, did go wrong", do you really think they were telling you they were hit by a meteorite? No. What they were telling you was on their way to their cousin's wedding their tire went flat, they didn't have a spare, and since it was Sunday they couldn't find a roadside mechanic, and would have to wait until Monday to get it repaired. And thus missed the wedding.

Do you really think you can just ignore the Hebrew and Greek translations?

Stop it. The bible makes it PERFECTLY clear that god created ALL things  ;

"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands . . . For in him we
live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
Acts 17:24, 28 KJV

"But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him."
1 Corinthians 8:6, KJV

Colossians 1:16 English Standard Version (ESV)
16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. There are over 100 verses in the bible that claim that god, your god, created everything , that is to say, all things.

"The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil."
Proverbs 16:4, KJV

"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."
John 1:3, KJV

"And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein:"
Acts 14:15, KJV

So again I tell you, you want it all ways! But let me tell you Christian, your own bible doesn't agree with most of the bullshit claims that you and other Christians here claim, as shown above.

God either created "everything" or he didn't and the bible is wrong. Suck it up sunshine. 

Uhhhh...no. You're not going to divert from the real issue. How many verses there are pertaining to God creating everything is irrelevant. You think by trying to throw numerous scriptures together, and reference a quantity that somehow that's going to validate your claim to the specific text you quoted in Colossians. You quoted that specific text for a reason, right? I assume because you think that text text is meant to include absolutely
everything. Try reading that entire chapter.

Let's look at the first few verses before your reference:

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[e] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[f] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

***The Supremacy of the Son of God***

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

It's painfully clear Paul is encouraging them, and for a reason. He's stressing God's ultimate authority over their overseeing emperor, and over principalities that held them captive in sin.The Colossians couldn't care less whether or not God created baklava. It's absolutely irrelevant. It's completely out of context.

Now you were not wrong in placing the word "all" in underlined bold cap letters, because there's always a strong emphasis. That doesn't mean the word "all" is not focused to a context. When an employer puts up a sign at work saying "Make sure to close the refrigerator door in the break room. This means EVERYONE!" He's not talking about the cashier down the street at McDonald's.

And for the record, the angry atheist shtick doesn't work. And I'll tell you why. There are angry atheists who host call-in shows where they have the advantage of power of control. They can interrupt, talk-over, hang-up on the caller, and as a result can sometimes fluster the caller when he's trying
to make a point. Unfortunately, for you anyway, you don't have any of those advantages.

ethang5's avatar
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Do you really think you can just ignore the Hebrew and Greek translations?
Yes he does Rod. Stephen thinks when words are in the bible, they magically lose the ability all other words possess to have more than one meaning.

And for the record, the angry atheist shtick doesn't work.
Stephen, unlike the radio host, doesn't know he's an angry atheist. What you see is him, not a shtick.

Basically, he will simply repeat his angry post as if you didn't respond.

Unfortunately, for you anyway, you don't have any of those advantages.
He will still try to talk over you and shout you down with all bold, all caps and claims that you are "lying". But you're right. It doesn't work.

Good post.

Tyrano_R's avatar
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"Choice to ignore"?

What a load of utter nonsense; and you know very well it is.
It is very clear to anybody with objective, constructive and non-partisan thinking that your intention was clear right from the very start: to ban me.
And for no other reason than that my views are contrary  to that of yours and that of the site's honchos; and I quote from one of the original controllers (who deceptively posed as a member at the time)  when the site started,  ".....too many anti-religious posts" in explaining why I was bumped off without explanation, nor warning.

Things haven't changed, have they?

Nor have I. And I will continue to expose those who think they can get away with pushing their own biased agenda through trying to filter out free speech and the reasoned, informative and properly researched views of others who do not fall into line with your arrogant, blinkered concept of how the world should be.

Stephen's avatar
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Really? And what exactly is it that you think I'm lying about?

You are denying that God created all things when the bible, YOUR BIBLE, CLEARLY contradicts you.

Like I have said many times; you Christians want to have it all ways.. You are all born LIARS who simply cannot cope with the obvious truth that is written there in your scriptures for all to see.

Do you really think you can just ignore the Hebrew and Greek translations?
  Hahahahahhahahhaha, but you can ignore what suites you when it suites you, What a utter hypocrite!

Your god is a murderous psychopath who will murder anyone for any reason that suites him, which includes innocent women and children. And I know this because the bible says so. Would you like some examples of your gods handy work and willingness to kill for the sake of killing?

Get over it sunshine. You backing a god with serous mental issues.

RoderickSpode's avatar
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Good post.
Thanks Ethan.

He will still try to talk over you and shout you down with all bold, all caps and claims that you are "lying". But you're right. It doesn't work.
Does Stephen = Disgusted/Bulproof? Or possibly GoldTop?

It seems this Caligula character is a reoccurring role here.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Does Stephen = Disgusted/Bulproof? Or possibly GoldTop?
Stephen just came off a 15 day ban and seems not to have learned anything. He will probably leave soon.

Disgusted/Bulproof was just permanently banned. Goldtop is around but has seen the writing on the wall, so is tiptoes through the tulips.

It seems this Caligula character is a reoccurring role here.
Yes. But we now have a mod team that is simply not taking that nonsense anymore.

Willows was banned but as you know he is compulsive, so has been making sock puppets and spamming his usual stupidity till he is caught and the fake account deleted. Then he does it again with another sock puppet, all the while claiming he's on a crusade against Christianity.

Currently he's "Atroubledman", but he sometimes makes other sock puppets to spam encouragements to himself.

You should have been here for a character calling himself BrotherDThomas, he was hilarious till he got banned. If you ever have time to waste, look up his old posts.

Both Willows and the moron hari are still on DDO spamming and trolling themselves on the empty dead board.

I think there's a law that every site must have at least one Caligula character moron in residence. They take that stuff quite seriously.
Tyran_R's avatar
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Willows was banned but as you know he is compulsive, so has been making sock puppets and spamming his usual stupidity till he is caught and the fake account deleted. Then he does it again with another sock puppet, all the while claiming he's on a crusade against Christianity.

Currently he's "Atroubledman", but he sometimes makes other sock puppets to spam encouragements to himself.

And, if you were to believe even one minuscule of that nonsense, you would believe anything.

I think that Ethongs days of personal attacks, making blithering mistakes and outright lying are very numbered.
Barney's avatar
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Regarding allegations of slave-accounts:
Do not publicly accuse members of secretly being banned members; especially not without significant evidence.
Those worries are best directed to moderators via PM (Ragnar or Virtuoso). We have a few tools at our disposal for identifying the majority of such accounts, and promptly banning them.

Side note:
You should not be too trusting of anonymous peoples claims about themselves.
ethang5's avatar
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Profile is banned
Banned from: 04.05.2020 06:38AM
Banned until:  08.22.2047 06:38AM
Banned by: Ragnar
Ban reason: Alt of Willows.

... I do applaud the naming convention, full hand clap, which is something a T-Rex can't do.

Willows was banned but as you know he is compulsive, so has been making sock puppets and spamming his usual stupidity till he is caught and the fake account deleted. Then he does it again with another sock puppet, all the while claiming he's on a crusade against Christianity. - Ethan

I think that Ethongs days of ......[snip]...... making blithering mistakes and outright lying are very numbered. - Tyran_R, banned alt of Willows
Lol! First Hindu hari, then dee dee, then this. I must be doing something right.
T_Rocks's avatar
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Willows was banned but as you know he is compulsive, so has been making sock puppets and spamming his usual stupidity till he is caught and the fake account deleted. Then he does it again with another sock puppet, all the while claiming he's on a crusade against Christianity. - Ethan

I think it is time that you pull your head in a bit and actually make an attempt to listen to what others are trying to get accross to you.

I have told you quite succinctly whilst Ragnar indirectly and in a very veiled way (post #43) inferred that you have made some blithering mistakes and accusations that others may find (and have found) more than a tad offensive. Simply put, they have left.
And whilst I do not support the way this site is policed I do have sound ethics and morals and do not like seeing new members (who want to have their fair say) quiting in disgust from you directly bullying them with intimidating lies and accusations.

If you want to keep up your continued ill-tempered rantings, insults and abuse that's your business but, hurl it at me and keep innocent people (new members) out of it. I can take it and have taken your crap for years yet I can hurl it back with interest. But the way you are carrying on is the same as what finally precipitated the mass exodus of existing members and lack of new members from DDO.
I witnessed the whole thing happen with you and Harikari gratuitously exchanging some of the most revolting, offensive, bigoted, racist prose that could ever be written; to such an extent that no other member ever had a chance to make a post without an entire page of filth blocking them on a daily basis.

You are very fond of using the word "compulsive" and in that respect I suggest that you count the number of posts you have made in the past week (and their content) then take a good long, hard look at yourself.
For God's sake, sit up and listen to others for once.

ethang5's avatar
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T_Rocks? T_Rocks?

I do have sound ethics and morals...
Then why do you keep getting banned? And why do you keep violating the rules if you have sound ethics and morals? You're just a troll T_Rocks.

[ I ] do not like seeing new members (who want to have their fair say) quiting in disgust from you directly bullying them with intimidating lies and accusations.
Did you like them being banned as alts of Willows? Let's compare, how many new members have quit compared to how many of your sock puppets have been banned.

....hurl it at me and keep innocent people (new members) out of it.
OK. T_Rocks? T_Rocks? Every time I respond to one of your "new members", he's been banned as a alt of the ethical and moral Willows. Imagine if that loser troll was not ethical and moral?

You are very fond of using the word  "compulsive"...
Hey loser, you are posting this from like your 20th sock puppet! Buy a clue why don't cha! Lol. Oh, goodness, this is rich.

I witnessed the whole thing happen with you and Harikari gratuitously exchanging some of the most revolting, offensive, bigoted, racist prose that could ever be written;
You didn't just witness. You chimed in with your own racism, supporting the racist every step of the way.

But the way you are carrying on is the same as what finally precipitated the mass exodus of existing members and lack of new members from DDO.
It wasn't you and the moron hari attacking every poster to the religion forum with racist mono-topic nonsense? Really? You brought your stupidity here and was promptly banned. I'm still here.

Wait, I'm a disciple of the site, that explains it right? That explains why I'm here, but it doesn't explain why you keep making sock puppets after you get banned.

For God's sake, sit up and listen to others for once.
T_Rocks? T_Rocks? I think some one's trying to tell you something. Maybe you should follow your own advice and listen?

Compulsion is insidious.