Elect Joe Biden, your taxes are going up. Period

Author: fauxlaw


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You have entirely missed my whole point. The gov't regulates nothing in my work. 
I haven't missed your point, but you have missed mine apparently. They do regulate your work. You can't make products beneath certain standards. Assuming you work for a company, you can only work a certain number of hours. There are tons of examples of the government regulating how you can work, when you can work and what you can make. 

The rest of your post was pretty much your standard right wing "american dream!!!" bullshit. That kind of stuff is peddled to make sure that people don't see how the rich have rigged the game. As long as everyone keeps killing themselves trying to get rich, then the rich simply soak up more and more money. Just like the lottery. As long as people believe they will win, they keep buying lottery tickets. The main people getting rich are the people running the lottery though, not the people buying the tickets. The main people making money in the US economy are the millionaires and billionaires. But as long as they dangle the idea that you could be one some day, then people will keep funneling them money. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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Everyone in government will always be rich because you voted to give them more power every year.
No, there are ways we can get money out of politics. But reducing the power of the government only increases the power corporations have over you. The government are the only ones with the power to reign in corporations. 
What a laugh! What do you think the Democrats are doing? They are creating BIG government, government that dictates to you whatever they want it to. Those who rule control the agenda and with the Dems they are doing you no favours in their mad dash to power at all costs. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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You said:

"The rest of your post was pretty much your standard right wing "american dream!!!" bullshit. That kind of stuff is peddled to make sure that people don't see how the rich have rigged the game. As long as everyone keeps killing themselves trying to get rich, then the rich simply soak up more and more money. Just like the lottery. As long as people believe they will win, they keep buying lottery tickets. The main people getting rich are the people running the lottery though, not the people buying the tickets. The main people making money in the US economy are the millionaires and billionaires. But as long as they dangle the idea that you could be one some day, then people will keep funneling them money." 
What you have here is pretty much your standard left-wing BS. Your game is also rigged, but just like in George Orwells 1984, you are led into group-think by being fed a pill that is a placebo or mind altering. The ruling class of Dems, just like the ruling class in Russia, Cuba, China, and Venezula live rich at the expense of the rest. And to a large extent the Dems are running this fixed lottery through the media and educational centers. These Dems want to replace hard work and innovative ideas with free handouts for all, but they don't pay, you do. The people who do not pay are the Dems and those taking a free ride. So, why shouldn't we all take a free ride? What incentive is there to innovate? I'm not going to improve my standard of life in such a Democrat-run system of governance. Fine, play with the party that controls the Congress, controls the media, controls the educational system, controls the courts. Give them more power. Let them do more injustice; they are the culprits. The more they win the more you buy their spin as they get richer while confiscating your standard of living and denigrating to to the status of third-world. Let the riots, robbery, murder, and mayhem continue. Ask what the Dems have done that is good for you. What??? BLM? What about the lives these blacks are taking? What about the one-year-old killed in NY by other African Americans, and not the police? Did that life matter? What about the life of the father walking his daughter down the street? Did his life matter? Why is there little outrage of these and the hundreds of shootings taking place since George Floyd? Why would these people call for defunding and eliminating the police instead of weeding out the few that are corrupt? What kind of justice is this where people can go into neighbourhoods and destroy them, threaten those living there who do not agree with them, treat them inhumanely? Democrat values? What values? These people are hoodwinking you. Take the blinders off so you can see!
fauxlaw's avatar
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No, you don't get me at all. I don't work for somebody else. I am my company. Get it now? And my standards are higher than any government regulation. I AM NOT REGULATED to any degree higher than I regulate myself. I set the rules. I obey my own rules. Anybody with half a rod and half a brain with ambition, planning and execution can do it. Then there are those who complain tat the system is not fair to them. Make the system. You still don't get it, do you?
HistoryBuff's avatar
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No, you don't get me at all. I don't work for somebody else. I am my company. Get it now? And my standards are higher than any government regulation. I AM NOT REGULATED to any degree higher than I regulate myself. I set the rules. I obey my own rules. 
If that were true, you could choose to lower those standards to whatever you wanted. But then you would be arrested. You have the power to choose from the options the government allows you to pick. If you try to pick from one the government doesn't allow, you will be fined or arrested. 

Then there are those who complain tat the system is not fair to them. Make the system. 
oh believe me, we very much would like to make the system. But 1st we have to get the corrupt, right wing oligarchs out of power. 

fauxlaw's avatar
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If that were true, you could choose to lower those standards
I'll wager you're a fan of min wage. Low-ball goal, as this statement certainly supports. Why would I lower my standards for any reason? I choose to impose high standards on myself because I bear total responsibility to my customers for my production for them. Look, you probably also believe in the old quality standard that the producer defines quality, and the customer accepts it, or doesn't. NO! Bad policy. The customer defines quality. Always, always, always. Exceed their standards, always, always, always. So, if I have a customer who demands higher standards than I impose on myself, I either raise my standards, or refuse the work. Meanwhile, the gov't standard in down there somewhere under our feet.

But 1st we have to get the corrupt, right wing oligarchs out of power. 
More limitations you impose on yourself. Look, I didn't care that left wing oligarchs were sometimes in my way: Carter, Clinton, Oba'a. I worked through them and over them. It's not about your oligarch's of whatever stripe. It's about YOU. Get up, shut up, and get to work.
PGA2.0's avatar
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You won't find perfection. Would you rather live in a socialist country?
again, your argument appears to be that there are worse countries, so we should do nothing to address critical flaws in the way our economy is designed. That is an extremely weak argument.
No, I'm saying that you will never fix every problem and if you did it would never be to everyone's satisfaction. There would always be dissenters. So, I'm asking, would you rather live in a socialist state since that is the direction the Dems are guiding your country and economy. Their idea for power is open borders so that the USA is flooded by (no longer illegal) immigrants who will mostly vote Democrat so that the Dems will never again have to worry about losing the power they put above all else. These immigrants will be given free everything while you pay for it. For those who do not want topay for it, no worries, you can pay for them too as they watch from the side-lines.

That is the way you are going. Do you understand what socialism does?
democratic socialism is already widespread in modern countries. Places like Canada and the UK have been providing healthcare to their people for a long time and their economies are fine. Their democracies are still going strong. The idea that if the government provides services to it's people that communism is going to spring up is something no one should believe. 
It is a radical socialist revolution we are speaking of with the Democrat Party. Anyone who opposes this radicalism is opposed. Riots, destruction of history, vandalism, murder, is permitted for the "cause" but anyone standing against this lunacy to shamed and ostracized. That is the kind of government you are pushing for. There is little justice with such governance.  

The bigger the government "powers" and outreach the less freedom the citizens have. Our income tax in Canada are higher than yours. Our tax freedom day (when I worked before retirement) was August. That is when what we earned was ours to keep. Communism takes away freedom because the pleb must conform to the state. There is no freedom of speech. It is shut down just like the educational system does with conservative ideas. Conservatives are shouted down. 

There is a glaring difference between the policies of the two parties.
I'm curious what you think the difference is? I mean they are extremely similar on every point. the only real difference is culture war nonsense. On most issues that matter they totally agree (and not in a good way)
The cultural war is not nonsense but real. There is a big difference between the right and left. There is a battle of two ideologies vying for power and the one side cannot justify its means to power for they are unjust. Abortion, defund the police, allowing illegal immigration, open borders that promote drugs, sex-trafficking, gangs, crime. Open prisons, no penalty for crime, witch hunts, false allegations, lies, spin, corruption by the one side yet a different standard, for people are treated differently if they are not Democrats. Justice is unequal, therefore unjust. Mail in ballots that are easily manipulated. They want to suppress and manipulate the vote once again. This list goes on.

With the wrong person in office may cause irreparable damage.  
very true. But luckily he will be gone in a few months. Hopefully the damage can be undone though. 

Lucky, or foolish? If the Dems win watch what happens and four years later ask yourself if you are better off and how well did those Dems keep their promises?
HistoryBuff's avatar
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So, I'm asking, would you rather live in a socialist state since that is the direction the Dems are guiding your country and economy.
but your question makes no sense. The establishment dems have an almost identical economic policy to the republicans. Even the most left wing elected officials in america are suggesting plans that would be centrist on other modern western countries (Canada, the UK etc). The idea that the dems are "socialist" for trying to do what other modern countries do is a false narrative. 

Their idea for power is open borders so that the USA is flooded by (no longer illegal) immigrants who will mostly vote Democrat so that the Dems will never again have to worry about losing the power they put above all else.
again, a false narrative. The Obama deported record numbers of people. The dems are just slightly less delusional. The republicans understand that the US desperately needs immigrants to fuel it's economy, but they pretend like they are "stealing jobs" or some nonsense. The democrats just don't play the xenophobic games the republicans do. But their policies are pretty much the same on a fundamental level. 

It is a radical socialist revolution we are speaking of with the Democrat Party. Anyone who opposes this radicalism is opposed. 
who exactly are these radical socialists? The democratic party is filled with economically right wing people. The furthest left people like AOC or Sanders would be considered centrist in places like Canada or the UK. So where exactly are you seeing "radical socialists"?

The bigger the government "powers" and outreach the less freedom the citizens have.
this is also a false narritive. The idea that if the government is strong, then people have less freedom. When the government is weak you are just changing who has power over you. Instead of it being an elected official you have a say in selecting, it is now someone unelected who has the power to fuck with your life. 

The cultural war is not nonsense but real. There is a big difference between the right and left. There is a battle of two ideologies vying for power and the one side cannot justify its means to power for they are unjust. 
this is exactly how corruption has been able to spread. Both parties play up the culture war as much as they can. They get people so riled up about what bathroom a person uses, that they aren't paying attention to the corruption and corporatism taking over government. the culture was is bullshit because they use it to keep people from paying attention to the things that really matter. 

Lucky, or foolish? If the Dems win watch what happens and four years later ask yourself if you are better off and how well did those Dems keep their promises?
after 4 years of trump, i cannot imagine how Biden could do worse. Trump has flailed around for 4 years causing damage and getting nothing done. Now he is bungling a global crisis leading to the deaths of tons of people. Biden isn't a good candidate. I wouldn't be excited to go out and vote for him. Sanders was clearly the better option. But after watching trump's reaction to a crisis, there is no question any more. He cannot be trusted to be in charge. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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The reason why poor people flock to throw away their life savings on lotto tickets is because the rich people that paid for your "free" education system through political corruption WANT you to believe that you can't better yourself. The State teaches you helplessness at an early age.

Rich people don't want people like you competing, so they make sure you vote for the same people they purchased, like Bernie Sanders. They want you to believe the American Dream is dead. Rich people do NOT like competition. Why on earth would a rich person allow you for a moment to think you can change your lot in life?

Universities have college "educated" people so brainwashed and indoctrinated with Marxist propaganda against rich people at this point that the cattle they enroll willingly forks over 50,000 a year with no guarantee they will get a job, and then program those cattle to blame rich people, not the University. Some universities employ as many people as they enroll in college. Do the math on that one. Every student is paying the salary of an individual University employee.

It's no secret crony Marxism is something every rich person supports as a way to eliminate competition. Crony Marxism and Crony Capitalism both accomplish the same thing using different methods. It's why the rich donate to both parties.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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HistoryBuff's avatar
The reason why poor people flock to throw away their life savings on lotto tickets is because the rich people that paid for your "free" education system through political corruption WANT you to believe that you can't better yourself. The State teaches you helplessness at an early age.
no, they buy lottery tickets for the same reason they buy into the american dream. They have been taught that they can succeed as long they work hard. But it is a lie. Millions of hard working people struggle to feed their families and pay for health care because the system doesn't give a shit how hard you work. It is designed to squeeze as much money out of you as it can. 

Greyparrot's avatar
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They have been taught that they can succeed as long they work hard.

Buying lottery tickets is not working hard. They are taught the opposite.

Did you watch my 3-minute video on Learned Helplessness?

The Government of rich elites is represented by the rope in this video.
PGA2.0's avatar
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So, I'm asking, would you rather live in a socialist state since that is the direction the Dems are guiding your country and economy.
but your question makes no sense. The establishment dems have an almost identical economic policy to the republicans.
Then why not vote Republican?

Even the most left wing elected officials in america are suggesting plans that would be centrist on other modern western countries (Canada, the UK etc). The idea that the dems are "socialist" for trying to do what other modern countries do is a false narrative. 
As I said previously, the Dems are no longer moderates but leftists. They push Marxist ideology. 

Canada and the UK are big government and marginally socialist. I am now living off the taxpayer since I am retired. I can go to jail in Canada if my speech is considered hate speech and singles out a minority indiscriminately, which is reasonable. But my religious freedom is also somewhat limited. Thus, my freedom to say what I want is limited just as yours is but in your case it is the extent to which one Party is manipulating and influencing, in your country. A conservative on a liberal college or university is in danger of not only being bullied verbally but also risks physical danger and even their life is threatened, so the sharing of ideas is only permitted where the ideas coincide with what these liberal (mostly Democrats) believe. Several right-wing lecturers have been prevented from sharing their message to the point that riots have taken place to prevent this. Nine of ten proffesors are leftist leaning and many are Marxist. Thus, anyone who gets an education is overly exposed to a one-sided indoctrination.

Congressional Record - Communist Goals (1963):
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

Their idea for power is open borders so that the USA is flooded by (no longer illegal) immigrants who will mostly vote Democrat so that the Dems will never again have to worry about losing the power they put above all else.
again, a false narrative. The Obama deported record numbers of people. The dems are just slightly less delusional. The republicans understand that the US desperately needs immigrants to fuel it's economy, but they pretend like they are "stealing jobs" or some nonsense. The democrats just don't play the xenophobic games the republicans do. But their policies are pretty much the same on a fundamental level. 
False? The Dems oppose deportation. What was okay for Obama is not okay for Trump. Thus, the double standard. Not only this, the Dems has radically opposed any amendments, or deportations of illegal immigrants. Where are you getting your information from? (CNN - The Communist News Network)

It is a radical socialist revolution we are speaking of with the Democrat Party. Anyone who opposes this radicalism is opposed. 
who exactly are these radical socialists? The democratic party is filled with economically right wing people. The furthest left people like AOC or Sanders would be considered centrist in places like Canada or the UK. So where exactly are you seeing "radical socialists"?
No, AOC or Sanders would not be considered centrists but extremists. Even we do not have free colleges and universities, unlimited health care, a society that most earn a living, and qualifications for those who need social assistance. We are pro-environment to a greater extent than you are, IMO, but our politicians have not to my knowledge promoted no oil, no fossil fuels, just a cutting down on them. And no one is asinine enough to push for the elimination of cows here in Canada that I've heard of. 

The bigger the government "powers" and outreach the less freedom the citizens have.
this is also a false narritive. The idea that if the government is strong, then people have less freedom. When the government is weak you are just changing who has power over you. Instead of it being an elected official you have a say in selecting, it is now someone unelected who has the power to fuck with your life.
When the federal government is big and overreaching it takes away from the each state or province deciding what is best for its people and its particular environment. Thus, places with big populations get the attention while rural areas are overlooked and exploited. 

In a democracy each person has a say in who gets elected. It is governance of, by, and for the people, not those elitests who rule (supposedly on your behalf). When government gets too big the government is no longer for the people but for special interests of those in power. They decide your fate to a greater and greater extent. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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The cultural war is not nonsense but real. There is a big difference between the right and left. There is a battle of two ideologies vying for power and the one side cannot justify its means to power for they are unjust. 
this is exactly how corruption has been able to spread. Both parties play up the culture war as much as they can. They get people so riled up about what bathroom a person uses, that they aren't paying attention to the corruption and corporatism taking over government. the culture was is bullshit because they use it to keep people from paying attention to the things that really matter.
No, generally speaking, there is a real divide here of those who believe in a Creator and those who do not. That divide affects the way a people are governed. For those who have no absolute, ultimate authority as their standard the standard becomes whatever can be forced on others. Morality becomes personal preference and might makes right. What the battle for the hearts and minds of America is really about is this deeper cause. While those who deny or ignore God push for their own standards, what they like or can get away with, those standards have no anchor or foundation (is is shifting and cannot be bolted down) for justice except when they borrow from a believers worldview. 

During this Covid-19 pandemic the Dems Comrade Bill de Blasio decides those who protest are allowed to go throughout the streets without masks and in close proximity while barring church attendence. Again, a double-standard. Rioters okay, police no good.  

Think of what the Democrats are ignoring and turning a blind eye to. Would you feel the same way if it was your house, your wife, your property these people were violating and the Democrats ignoring. There is a double-standard with the Dems. The Dems are turning a blind eye to this destruction, actually promoting it with their silent complicity. At the moment, they are using a movement for their own political gain. That is just how dishonest and corrupt they are.

Lucky, or foolish? If the Dems win watch what happens and four years later ask yourself if you are better off and how well did those Dems keep their promises?
after 4 years of trump, i cannot imagine how Biden could do worse. Trump has flailed around for 4 years causing damage and getting nothing done. Now he is bungling a global crisis leading to the deaths of tons of people. Biden isn't a good candidate. I wouldn't be excited to go out and vote for him. Sanders was clearly the better option. But after watching trump's reaction to a crisis, there is no question any more. He cannot be trusted to be in charge. 

Let's hope you don't find out how worse Biden can do then! He will push your country to ruin and the point of no return if he implements what he has promised.

Trump did not fail. He has done more in four years than any other president in that time frame, IMO. He had incredible odds stacked against him. First the Russian hoax that monopolized two and a half years. Then the Muller Witch Hunt hoax, then the Impeachment hoax, then the BLM/police are evil hoax. Now they are working on three fronts, the Covid-19 fear mongering, the racist Republican fearmongering, the cripled economy fear mogering (as they promote and feed no one going back to work), as they fashion one manufactured crisis after another, just like they did for the last three years. And you Dems appear blind to all this. It just shows you the power of controlling the narrative through media and educational indoctrinaion.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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HistoryBuff's avatar
ok. I am going to wrap this conversation up as you just seem to be rambling about nonsense. Trump has done a shitty job as president. He has flailed around and accomplished very little. He has absolutely bungled the corona virus response which has now killed more than double the number of americans that died in the vietnam war. It has killed something along the lines of 44 times the number of people who died on 9/11. This is the worst crisis america has had in at least a decade, probably longer.

Trump's narcisism and selfishness have killed thousands, if not 10's of thousands of americans. Sadly, more people are going to die for trump's terrible leadership before he can be removed. But at this point, his removal is extremely likely because he is a completely useless president. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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ok. I am going to wrap this conversation up as you just seem to be rambling about nonsense. Trump has done a shitty job as president.
Overall, he has done a great job up until the Coronavirus, which he took serious long before the Dems, who were in a political witch hunt to impeach his and let everything else slide. It was the Dem governor and mayor in NY state and city that contributed to the early death toll and spread. Their incompetence and the Dem response is far worse. Each state is responsible for managing their population. The Federal government provides the needed resources, but the states direct and funnel the aid provided. Then if Trump had not restarted the economy we would have been having another crisis were people died due to starvation and suicides from losing everything, their homes through lack of payment, their jobs because the economy is shut down, some case their momentary sanity nd lawfulness, as demonstrated by the willful riots and destruction.  These protestors ran ramped throughout the streets in close proximity and largely unmasked. Others ignore the risk to others as they pursued their hedonism and flocked to the beaches, bars, and other public places because their particular age group was only slightly effected.  

He has flailed around and accomplished very little.
Actually, that is blantently false. His record is long and I'm not going to include it here.  

He has absolutely bungled the corona virus response which has now killed more than double the number of americans that died in the vietnam war. It has killed something along the lines of 44 times the number of people who died on 9/11. This is the worst crisis america has had in at least a decade, probably longer.
Considering the USA is the third larges populated nation on earth and has more flights going in and out of the USA than most countries, a population with many out of shape and having preexisting conditions, that is not surprising. What are you comparing the stats to and how?

Do you think the death toll in China is a true representation? Is not China to blame for covering up the virus and allowing a mass exodus from Wuhan province yet not to the rest of China. Wuhan was on lock down to the rest of China but not the world. What better way to disrupt the American economy!

Trump's narcisism and selfishness have killed thousands, if not 10's of thousands of americans. Sadly, more people are going to die for trump's terrible leadership before he can be removed. But at this point, his removal is extremely likely because he is a completely useless president. 
The incompetence of the governors who control each state have a lot to do with controlling the virus. 

See ya!
PGA2.0's avatar
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ok. I am going to wrap this conversation up as you just seem to be rambling about nonsense. 
Actually, Post 132, the 45 aims of the Congressional Record - Communist Goals (1963) is significant to what is happening today. The propaganda campaign has worked. I could go down the list citing how exactly what they spoke of has happened. 

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

Does anyone not recognize the mission has been accomplished?

9 days later

thett3's avatar
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Also most people in this thread have no idea where this economy is going. Andrew Yang was probably right about a high degree of automation resulting in tons of unemployment.

At the same time, the inheritance from the 1/3rd or so of boomers who saved and invested diligently their entire lives is set to be the biggest wealth transfer in history. America is going to become economically stratified like never before. If paying somewhat higher taxes prevents the  communist mob— which is likely have full control of this country for most of the next few decades so—from killing me and taking my stuff, sign me up. 

Greyparrot's avatar
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One thing I desperately wish the USA would adopt from the Nordic cultures is the belief that all people should be taxed, even if you are poor.

We have a gigantic voting block that doesn't give a crap because they don't give a tax.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Also most people in this thread have no idea where this economy is going. Andrew Yang was probably right about a high degree of automation resulting in tons of unemployment.

At the same time, the inheritance from the 1/3rd or so of boomers who saved and invested diligently their entire lives is set to be the biggest wealth transfer in history. America is going to become economically stratified like never before. If paying somewhat higher taxes prevents the  communist mob— which is likely have full control of this country for most of the next few decades so—from killing me and taking my stuff, sign me up. 
The Democrats have a huge hand in that. Your country needs an overwhelming win by Trump by gaining not only the House of Representatives but also the Senate. The Dems have tied Trump's hands. Give him four years without this continual obsticale around his neck and you might have a slim chance or altering the culture although I suspect not even that will help. When your academic institutions are controlled and indoctrinate the youth the hearts and minds will follow. The media is largely a spin-off of this instrument (academia) used by the gatekeepers of society.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
I find it irksome and bemusing how often you come to correct end-points in political views via warped reasoning.

Vader's avatar
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Vader's avatar
As someone from Chicago (the prime example of Trump's attacks overall on gun violence), I would have to tell you that the middle class live in a nightmare fueled state. The rates of taxes are lower for the poor than they are the middle class (which should be). The answer is to not increases taxes on the middle class. The middle class tax rate is already high, and an increase in tax for middle class would destroy SBO's. Most SBO's are middle class families, and they would ultimately be thrown into streets. Tax the wealthy all you want. I don't have a problem with that. Warren Buffet gives most of his money to charities anyway, he can pay a little extra in taxes. 

My concern comes with financial aid. People in Inglewood live dependently on unemployment checks and instead of using that for productive measure, they use to sell drugs, etc. Trust me, I've seen the cycle in person. The solution to deficits are not to increase the tax rate, but to cut certain areas of the government down. Let's start with a few

-(unemployment benefits should decrease abut 25%, and be cut off after a year)
-fund public renovation in impoverished areas by building businesses and factories for people to work, more low skilled places so people can have a steady income
-----with these jobs, we have business mandates, increase minimum wage, etc.
-defund abortion clinics and privatize them
-I could even argue cutting NASA's budget. It looks like space could be a privatized industry, and the need for NASA could be cut because of it
-cutting the military spending by like 5%

Small things that government can do to control the deficit will go the long way in a revival
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
You could tax the wealthy at 100%, "not just a little more," and on their tax increase, alone, the government could not be funded longer than six months per year, if that. That's at current spending. Increase spending for all the Dem hairbrained programs that amount to more entitlement, and the US goes broke, even if the middle class and the poor have taxes raised.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
One thing I desperately wish the USA would adopt from the Nordic cultures is the belief that all people should be taxed, even if you are poor.

We have a gigantic voting block that doesn't give a crap because they don't give a tax.
The US does a lot of things wrong, yea. The US way seems to be that once a generation or so you have a transformative president (FDR, LBJ, and arguably Reagan) that makes big changes and between those presidents basically nothing happens. I was hoping Trump would be another one of these, but it wasn’t meant to be
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
The Democrats have a huge hand in that. Your country needs an overwhelming win by Trump by gaining not only the House of Representatives but also the Senate. The Dems have tied Trump's hands. Give him four years without this continual obsticale around his neck and you might have a slim chance or altering the culture although I suspect not even that will help. When your academic institutions are controlled and indoctrinate the youth the hearts and minds will follow. The media is largely a spin-off of this instrument (academia) used by the gatekeepers of society.
The GOP had two years of undivided control and nothing got done. I will be voting for Trump in November but I have little hope that he wins, and if he does even less hope that he accomplishes anything other than another SCOTUS justice 
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
I find it irksome and bemusing how often you come to correct end-points in political views via warped reasoning.
Lol well my position isn’t just selfishly motivated. I’m just well aware how truly screwed a lot of people in my generation are. Most of the remaining well paying jobs require a college education (the trades are mostly a meme, sadly) and there are far more people that want these jobs than there are slots.

The median member of my generation has a life path that is leading right off of a cliff. At the same time there is a top third or so that is doing quite well. The economic stratification in the millennial generation seems to be a lot more severe than in previous generations and the inheritances that some will receive over the next 20-30 years will make things even more unequal. 
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
I don’t think taxes should be raised on the middle class—I just think it’s inevitable if changes aren’t made soon. I think tax increases should be targeted towards the wealthy, and we probably could claw some moderate spending decreases as some  form of compromise which would help, but it will never be enough. 

Want to talk about a tax on the middle class? Imagine what would happen if the US Dollar lost its status as the worlds reserve currency 
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
The Democrats have a huge hand in that. Your country needs an overwhelming win by Trump by gaining not only the House of Representatives but also the Senate. The Dems have tied Trump's hands. Give him four years without this continual obsticale around his neck and you might have a slim chance or altering the culture although I suspect not even that will help. When your academic institutions are controlled and indoctrinate the youth the hearts and minds will follow. The media is largely a spin-off of this instrument (academia) used by the gatekeepers of society.
The GOP had two years of undivided control and nothing got done. I will be voting for Trump in November but I have little hope that he wins, and if he does even less hope that he accomplishes anything other than another SCOTUS justice
My personal opinion is that some are Republican in name only. Take McCain as a for instance who killed eliminating Obama-Care. Romney is another. 

What I can't understand is anyone who does not vote Trump. In these big liberal run cities can they not understand what the Dems have done to their communities and continue to do while promising everything? Can they not understand the dangers threatening their country in Democrat hands? Are they not tired of liberal promises with no positive action taken. Everything the Dems do hurt your country. They are concerned with nothing but power at all costs. I've never seen the likes of their viciousness as has been exposed in the last four years. These people are corrupt and immoral. Anyone who votes them needs their head examined.

Trump has done so much more than just electing SCOTUS justices, and while under incredible odds. IMO, he has accomplished more than most other presidents in his first term of office while having his hands tied by these phony manufactured witch hunts. 

The motto this election should be "What do you have to lose - Everything." From an outsider looking in, I think your American way of life is under attack by leftists. Look what they are doing to your cities and look what the Dems are doing to stop it - nothing. The is no law and order here. The Dems are the ones throwing fuel onto the fire to ignite this explosive situation further. They are aided by the liberal mainstream media who is creating an indoctrination and propaganda campaign against Trump and everything Republican. These people are insane. 

I also think the Corona virus is an unprecedented situation that would have tied the hands of any president. Far more pressing is addressing the rising threat of the Chinese elitist government. It is a delicate situation that I thik Biden will bundle. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
The GOP had two years of undivided control and nothing got done.
They couldn’t because of Senate Democrats and the filibuster which requires 60 Senators for cloture. In 2008 Democrats had the 60 Senators and that’s why Obamacare was shoved down the throats of Americans.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
I think tax increases should be targeted towards the wealthy. 

That's doubling down on an already existing problem. A system where the ultra rich purchase exemptions through lobbies while the middle class pays more with the largest ratio of poor paying no taxes in the world. Not to mention confiscating the wealth of the rich might have been a feasable plan 50 years ago when assets were not internationally fungible. Nearly all of Europe gave up on that idea. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
I think tax increases should be targeted towards the wealthy. 

That's doubling down on an already existing problem. A system where the ultra rich purchase exemptions through lobbies while the middle class pays more with the largest ratio of poor paying no taxes in the world. Not to mention confiscating the wealth of the rich might have been a feasable plan 50 years ago when assets were not internationally fungible. Nearly all of Europe gave up on that idea. 

Funnily enough, the ultra rich you speak of that affect politics by buying influence are largely Democrats. The extremism is funded in part by such people as George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Warren Buffet, and others.   

Yes, you have reason to be concerned.