You really want to vote for Hidin’ Biden?

Author: fauxlaw


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First, thank you HistoryBuff for answering some of those strange Biden assumptions listed in the OP.

I would also like to remind Fauxlaw that Biden overcame a huge stuttering problem in his youth.  He has made mistakes (gaffs) like those mentioned in the OP, throughout his entire political career.  They are part of a problem he still struggles with (not making excuses here, just an explanation).  But as for your post, I would like to respond in kind.  YOU REALLY WANT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP?

  • Claimed to put "America First", but ended up eliminating all of our allies and turning us into  "America Alone".    
  • Has an absolute and complete deference for, and subjugation to, dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin
  • Withdrew from the Paris Accords and eliminated our ability to share and participate in Climate Change solutions with the rest of the world.
  • Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and jump-started the acceleration of their nuclear plans.
  • Is in court now, trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and its enforcement of health coverage for preexisting conditions --- IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC.
  • Withheld millions from Ukraine in the middle of a war with Russia  ---  contingent on getting dirt to hurt Biden's campaign.
  • Paid off multiple mistresses, most famously a porn star ---  using political campaign funds!
  • Is currently over 400 million dollars in debt --- which make him a National Security Threat!
  • Took children away from their mothers, hundreds of which, have never been returned because they got lost in the system.
  • Turned on the Kurds after they fought and died with the United States (in our fight against ISIS)  ---  allowing a dictator from Turkey to kill thousand of them.
  • Withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership that was created by the United States to screen countries like China, and force them to be more open and fair.
  • Withdrew from the World Health Organization in the middle of a Pandemic.
  • Made it possible for billionaires to pay NO TAXES.
  • Has been named as Individual 1 in a conviction, alongside Michael Cohen.
  • Called Africa a "shit-hole country".
  • Said "The blacks are too stupid to vote for me".
  • Cheated his own niece out of her dead father's inheritance.
  • Had someone else take his college SAT's for him.
  • Threatened to sue his college and high school if they ever released his transcripts.
  • Said it was okay to "grab 'em by the pus*y" if you're rich.
  • Told people to inject themselves with bleach to cure COVID-19.
  • Refuses to call out white supremacists.
  • Supports QANON and thier conspiracy theories (that democrats and Hollywood have an underground kiddie sex ring and are cannibals).
  • PUTS POLITICS ABOVE HEALTH and has abhorrently managed the world's biggest pandemic in decades!
  • The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
I just got tired of writing.  But this is just why I am NOT voting for Trump.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
  • Claimed to put "America First", but ended up eliminating all of our allies and turning us into  "America Alone".    
With "allies" like those, who needs enemies?

  • Has an absolute and complete deference for, and subjugation to, dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin
While imposing crippling sanctions on both countries. Speak stupidly and carry a big checkbook.

  • Withdrew from the Paris Accords and eliminated our ability to share and participate in Climate Change solutions with the rest of the world.
China de-facto withdrew from the Accords by not honoring their CO2 reduction commitments. In fact, China's CO2 levels have predictably risen while the USA's has fallen. China is now set to triple the USA in CO2 emissions. Why should the USA support China by carrying water for them?

  • Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and jump-started the acceleration of their nuclear plans.
If Iran can't afford to support Hamas Terrorism due to crippling sanctions, they can't afford to spin up their centrifuges either.

  • Is in court now, trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and its enforcement of health coverage for preexisting conditions --- IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC.
Pelosi and every democrat candidate supported eliminating and replacing Obamacare with medicare for all.

  • Withheld millions from Ukraine in the middle of a war with Russia  ---  contingent on getting dirt to hurt Biden's campaign.
Objectively false by President Zelinsky's own account.

  • Paid off multiple mistresses, most famously a porn star ---  using political campaign funds!
He used his own money, he doesn't need to pump rich people like Biden regularly does for money. Biden is set to outspend Trump 2 to 1 just like Hillary did because Biden is friends with Wall Street crony capitalists. Just like Hillary was. Party of the rich.

  • Is currently over 400 million dollars in debt --- which make him a National Security Threat!
That's ridiculous. He doesn't even take a salary.

  • Took children away from their mothers, hundreds of which, have never been returned because they got lost in the system.
Mothers got lost in the system because kids were being used as tickets to ride the American Express across the border.

  • Turned on the Kurds after they fought and died with the United States (in our fight against ISIS)  ---  allowing a dictator from Turkey to kill thousand of them.
Kurds are fine right now, and the Kurds asked for it when they tried to seize an oilfield and deny Turkey oil. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • Withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership that was created by the United States to screen countries like China, and force them to be more open and fair.
Signing the TPP would have been a disaster as multinational corporations would have taken advantage of unenforceable provisions. More outsourcing of American jobs to the Pacific Rim isn't what America needs right now.

  • Withdrew from the World Health Organization in the middle of a Pandemic.
WHO also says lockdowns should not be this long. They also said a lot of things China told them to say.

  • Made it possible for billionaires to pay NO TAXES.
That's been going on for 47 years thanks to Biden.

  • Has been named as Individual 1 in a conviction, alongside Michael Cohen.
It will definitely be thrown out of court. Cohen is an opportunistic criminal.

And vindicated in the Senate. 

  • Called Africa a "shit-hole country".
Many places are actual shitholes where people shit in the waterholes they use to bathe in and drink from.

  • Said "The blacks are too stupid to vote for me".
At least he didn't say they aint black. This is probably hearsay just like the "soldiers are losers" comment.

  • Cheated his own niece out of her dead father's inheritance.
Kids don't have a right to inheritance, especially bratty ones that are full of hatred and jealousy.

  • Had someone else take his college SAT's for him.
Very clever.

  • Threatened to sue his college and high school if they ever released his transcripts.

  • Said it was okay to "grab 'em by the pus*y" if you're rich.
Nah fam, he said some women LET HIM do it.

  • Told people to inject themselves with bleach to cure COVID-19.
Nah fam. CNN told you that was what Trump said. CNN hearsay is reliably unreliable.

  • Refuses to call out white supremacists.
He did so over 46 times since 2016.

  • Supports QANON and thier conspiracy theories (that democrats and Hollywood have an underground kiddie sex ring and are cannibals).
He doesn't even know who they are.

  • PUTS POLITICS ABOVE HEALTH and has abhorrently managed the world's biggest pandemic in decades!
That's assuming you know how many would have died with no Trump policy.

  • The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
And so will Trump's presidency.

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar

C'mon Man.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
  • Claimed to put "America First", but ended up eliminating all of our allies and turning us into  "America Alone".     
If other nations don’t like us, he’s putting America First, whether you like it or not.

  • Has an absolute and complete deference for, and subjugation to, dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin
Trump was supposed to start a war with North Korea, look how that turned out. Russian Collusion was proven to be hoax with the Mueller Investigation.

  • Withdrew from the Paris Accords and eliminated our ability to share and participate in Climate Change solutions with the rest of the world.
Funny enough Joe Biden supports the ending of fossil fuels altogether hence the reason why he’s against fracking. China and India’s emissions have skyrocketed.

  • Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and jump-started the acceleration of their nuclear plans.
Giving a state sponsor of 150 billion dollars in cash really was a great idea right? You’re naive enough to trust the Iranians, I’m not.

  • Is in court now, trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and its enforcement of health coverage for preexisting conditions --- IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC.
Another lie. Trump has supported pre-existing conditions since 2016. Maybe you should look up the concept of sevarability with regards to the courts.

  • Withheld millions from Ukraine in the middle of a war with Russia  ---  contingent on getting dirt to hurt Biden's campaign.
Another hoax. Impeachment backfired on the Democrats. Obstruction of Congress is unprecedented because notoriously Congress and President disagree. Abuse of Power is arbitrary. They didn’t even have the balls to impeach him for bribery which is what the topic is about.

  • Paid off multiple mistresses, most famously a porn star ---  using political campaign funds!
Political funds is a lie.

  • Is currently over 400 million dollars in debt --- which make him a National Security Threat!
Another lie. His net worth is in the billions. 

  • Took children away from their mothers, hundreds of which, have never been returned because they got lost in the system.
An Obama era policy.

  • Turned on the Kurds after they fought and died with the United States (in our fight against ISIS)  ---  allowing a dictator from Turkey to kill thousand of them.
Pulling troops out is good not bad.

  • Withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership that was created by the United States to screen countries like China, and force them to be more open and fair.
Even Hillary and Joe flip flopped on TPP lol. Bernie was notoriously against it which I applaud him for.

  • Withdrew from the World Health Organization in the middle of a Pandemic.
After it didn’t warn us about COVID doing China’s bidding.

  • Made it possible for billionaires to pay NO TAXES.
You clearly don’t understand how businesses work. May I suggest taking a Business Accounting Class first?

  • Has been named as Individual 1 in a conviction, alongside Michael Cohen.
I don’t even know what this means lol. Micheal Cohen admitted he perjured. Unreliable witness.

For Obstruction of Congress (unprecedented) and Abuse of Power (arbitrary). For both articles multiple Democrats voted against impeachment.

  • Called Africa a "shit-hole country".
I don’t know why factually calling something as what it is wrong. India for example is a shit hole country and notorious for it. Another example of your political correctness you admire.

  • Said "The blacks are too stupid to vote for me".
Quoted by Michael Cohen who committed perjury. Even then why did Trump fund Historically Black Universitities for the next 10 years which even Obama didn’t do. Why did he create opportunity zones?

  • Cheated his own niece out of her dead father's inheritance.
This is a first one lmao.

  • Had someone else take his college SAT's for him.
Said by a Trump-hater (his niece) without evidence of course.

  • Threatened to sue his college and high school if they ever released his transcripts.
Hussein didn’t release them either.

  • Said it was okay to "grab 'em by the pus*y" if you're rich.
Talking about groupies but ok.

  • Told people to inject themselves with bleach to cure COVID-19.

  • Refuses to call out white supremacists.

  • Supports QANON and thier conspiracy theories(that democrats and Hollywood have an underground kiddie sex ring and are cannibals).
Another lie. He said he doesn’t know much about them.

  • PUTS POLITICS ABOVE HEALTH and has abhorrently managed the world's biggest pandemic in decades!
He shutdown the nation from China against the advice of his advisers including Fauci. Fauci was the one who said don’t wear masks at the beginning.

  • The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
I’ll include a list of Biden now.
ILikePie5's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
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Lol, you put way more effort debunking the CNN teleprompter transcript of Orangemanbad.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Why you shouldn’t vote for Joe Biden.

Biden has repeatedly called for cutting Social Security and Medicare 

Biden takes money from Big Pharma

Lone Senator to vote against Child Tax Credits

Joe Biden opposed bussing

Called Storm Thurmond one of his “closest friends”

Said to black people that they’re not black if they don’t vote for him

Voted for the Iraq War

Obama DoD Secretary says Joe has been wrong on pretty much every foreign policy issue and says he doesn’t know whether he’d be an “effective” commander in chief

Wrote infamous Crime Bill that incarcerated thousands of African Americans

Smeared Tara Reade who accused him of sexual assault and said you shouldn’t vote for him if you believe Reade

In various instances has groped and fondled young girls and women - kinda a meme at this point. Lmk if you need a source.

Swims nude in front of Female Secret Service Agents

Dropped out in the 1988 Presidential race after plagiarizing and lying about his academic record

Voted for NAFTA which shipped our jobs to China and supported the TPP which would’ve done the same

Said he wouldn’t want his kids attending a racial jungle if schools were desegregated

Said poor kids are just as smart as white kids

He would repeal the Trump tax cuts that gave 65% of American some form of a tax cut 

That’s just to name a few. Lemme know if you need more:)

ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Lol, you put way more effort debunking the CNN teleprompter transcript of Orangemanbad.
Every argument from a liberal is Orangemanbad, not by Joe is better
Greyparrot's avatar
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Liberals that can quote CNN by heart are unoriginal.

Will Hunting would have voted for Trump.

lady3keys's avatar
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lady3keys's avatar
  • Told people to inject themselves with bleach to cure COVID-19.
Nah fam. CNN told you that was what Trump said. CNN hearsay is reliably unreliable.
Sorry Guys.  I watched this press conf. myself.  I heard exactly what he said.

  • Had someone else take his college SAT's for him.
Said by a Trump-hater (his niece) without evidence of course.
Wrong again.  Trump's niece gave the press a tape of Trump's sister (her aunt) saying that Trump didn't take his own SATs.

  • Supports QANON and thier conspiracy theories(that democrats and Hollywood have an underground kiddie sex ring and are cannibals).
Another lie. He said he doesn’t know much about them.
The "latest" thing he said his that he doesn't know much about them.  He has made several statements about them, specifically that he likes them because he heard they like him.  He also put in an endorsement for a QANON candidate running for the House of Reps.

  • Claimed to put "America First", but ended up eliminating all of our allies and turning us into  "America Alone".    
With "allies" like those, who needs enemies?
WE NEED ALLIES.  Without them, we lose leverage, we lose political AND financial influence all over the WORLD!

  • Has been named as Individual 1 in a conviction, alongside Michael Cohen.
I don’t even know what this means lol. Micheal Cohen admitted he perjured. Unreliable witness.
It means that Michael Cohen went to prison for doing something ILLEGAL FOR TRUMP.  I'm not defending Cohen.  He's an asshole.  But the money was for Trump's mistress.  And Cohen only perjured himself to protect Trump.  At any rate, Cohen deserved what he got because he "aided and abetted", but the real criminal was Trump!
I don't have time to answer everything you guys both said in your posts.  Suffice to say, most of what you said was (TO ME ONLY) either incorrect or largely subjective.  HERE IS THE TRUTH FOR ME:  I want to recognize my country again.  I want America to stop being pitied, to be respected again.  I want the US to have influence around the world again.  Right now I am deeply embarrassed.  DEEPLY. 

I want Trump's reckless disregard for life to be a thing of the past.  I want democrats and republicans to respect each other again.  I want a president who serves ALL OF AMERICA, not just the states with republican governors.  I want Putin to stay out of our American elections!  I want my democracy back!  I know you two disagree with me, but there it is. 

I still have PTSD from 2016, so who knows who will win.  But I pray to the Multiverses (lol) that it is Biden!
Greyparrot's avatar
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Sorry Guys.  I watched this press conf. myself.  I heard exactly what he said.

Politifact rates you as FALSE.

stated on July 9, 2020 in a speech:
On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”

"And when it comes to COVID-19, after months of doing nothing, other than predicting the virus would disappear, or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay, Trump has simply given up," said Biden, who delivered his remarks at a metalworks factory near his hometown of Scranton on Thursday.

Trump spoke about the role he thought disinfectants could play in tackling an infection caused by the virus during a now-infamous April 23 briefing.

But he didn’t say people should drink bleach.

It's easy to confuse CNN hearsay with actual facts.

I think it's far more likely you heard what you wanted to hear.

ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Sorry Guys.  I watched this press conf. myself.  I heard exactly what he said.
Maybe you’d be willing to quote it then?

Wrong again. Trump's niece gave the press a tape of Trump's sister (her aunt) saying that Trump didn't take his own SATs.
The wife of the dude who took it said he’d never do it and that he met Trump junior year well after Trump got in. Maybe you wanna get your story straight.

The "latest" thing he said his that he doesn't know much about them. He has made several statements about them, specifically that he likes them because he heard they like him.
You gonna provide a citation?

He also put in an endorsement for a QANON candidate running for the House of Reps.
Wow, nice mental gymnastics. Endorsing a congressional candidate =/=  endorsing QANON. Would Bernie endorsing Joe prove that Bernie is against Medicare for All? 

WE NEED ALLIES. Without them, we lose leverage, we lose political AND financial influence all over the WORLD!
You gonna name anything we have lost? As far as I know, NATO is still intact, we still have the most powerful military and we’re stopping Europe from ripping us off on trade deals. Of course with your method we’d let them continue putting tariffs on our goods while we just sit hear doing nothing.

It means that Michael Cohen went to prison for doing something ILLEGAL FOR TRUMP. I'm not defending Cohen. He's an asshole. But the money was for Trump's mistress. And Cohen only perjured himself to protect Trump. At any rate, Cohen deserved what he got because he "aided and abetted", but the real criminal was Trump!
He’s clearly against Trump, so why did he perjure in front of Congress lol. It’s on you to prove Trump ordered him to commit perjury, which he hasn’t said. Besides that he’s just an idiot.

HERE IS THE TRUTH FOR ME: I want to recognize my country again. I want America to stop being pitied, to be respected again. 
If respect means bending the knee to other nations, having China disrespect us, Russia crossing the red line without repercussions, EU ripping us off on trade, then I’m all with you. Being an idiotic nation will bring you the “respect” you want.

I want the US to have influence around the world again. Right now I am deeply embarrassed. DEEPLY.
In what way does the US not have influence right. We sanctioned Russia and NK. We shut down Iran. We’re holding peace talks in Afghanistan. Peace deals in the Middle East with Israel. ISIS is gone. Trump is the only modern President to not start a war.

I want Trump's reckless disregard for life to be a thing of the past.  I want democrats and republicans to respect each other again.
Trump didn’t start this game. The Democrats did in 2015. Trump is the one person who has the balls to fight back rather than bending the knee because it’s politically correct. You want a fighter? Trump is that fighter.

I want a president who serves ALL OF AMERICA, not just the states with republican governors. 
Fun fact, Obama oversaw the largest lost in governorships and state legislator seats in history. Democratic states are the ones stifling their economy for political purposes in PA and NC. You want a President who disregards the 10th Amendment entirely.

I want Putin to stay out of our American elections!  I want my democracy back!  I know you two disagree with me, but there it is.
I want the Chinese and Ukrainians out of it. Collusion was proven to be a lie by Saint Mueller: “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.” Joe Biden’s son Hunter, a crackhead who got kicked out of the military for drugs can get hired in a company with 80k salary a month in an industry he knows nothing about. Funny enough Joe Biden ends up pressuring the firing of the investigator of that company. Joe Biden claims he never talked about that company with his son. Who the hell do you think you’re fooling?

I still have PTSD from 2016, so who knows who will win.  But I pray to the Multiverses (lol) that it is Biden!
And I still recall my memories of liberal tears at 3AM and the sadness in the eyes of liberals at my school who shamed me for who I was supporting.
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
Thank you, lady3keys, for repeating the mantra of others’ talking points, without a single original thought. Try it, sometime. I know you will not.
America alone
Curious that your first point is actually a mantra of a conservative, Mark Steyn, from his 2006 published non-fiction of the same title, but expressing the regret of the unification of Europe and Asia, as if that world knows democracy better than do we. Not so, Steyn alleges, but one would have to read the volume, and you have not. Meanwhile, if our “European” allies have truly abandoned us, we must no longer have NATO, and they are not paying more for it than they ever have. Is that the case? “All our allies” is an obvious oversimplification. 

Deference to NoKo and Russia, Russia, Russia
That mantra has been debunked. Whikle Trump is the first President, including Truman, to have a face-to-face with NoKo, ever, and we are not at war with NoKo, as Hillaryous Balloon Girl alleged in 2016, before Trump ever met with NoKo rocketman, I’d say that mantra is debunked. Trump has repeatedly said that while he is President, we will not be a socialist country, which does not sound like a Putin-puppet to me. That you still claim it is signal tast you have never understood that the mantra is a creation, nay, a strategy employed by the Left. Get it?

Withdrew from Paris Accord, and Iran Nuclear Deal.
All the Paris Accord did was impose a tax on America to clean the clouds. It’s an indulgence as useless as the 14thCentury Catholic Church money-for-sins routine. Haven’t learned much from history, have you? Same with the IND, a tax to Iran that, within its words of the deal, allowed Iran to nuclearize, and they have been. It gave them ten years to delay their plans, and they have violate3d that and proceeded with their nuclear plans before the ink was dry. Some deal your Vietnam hero made.

Eliminate the ACA…
You ignore that the plan has always been to replace it it with a better, less expensive plan. McCain managed to screw that up, being a prog like the rest of you. Forget? I thought so. No prog has a memory lasting longer than the distance between a fly’s ears.

There is similar commentary for the rest, but, why bother?  As Biden is, so are his fans; numbered with one hand. He waves, after all, to empty fields. Notice the cameras on the hoards attending Trump rallies? Explain that.
Danielle's avatar
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There's absolutely no way he can ban Muslims from Indonesia because they are not a threat to America.
1 - When Trump campaigned for President, he explicitly asked for a Muslim ban. What he actually called for was "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on." 

2 - His website also explicitly asked for a "Muslim ban" and it wasn't until the WH press secretary was asked about it that it came down. But make no mistake that was Trump's desire and wish as stated in his own words and on the WH website, suggesting Trump and/or his staff was okay with it. 

Trump put anti immigrant xenophobes and Islamophobes in his inner circle. He has a long history of Islamophobia since 9/11. He's literally stated we have a "Muslim problem" when he went on Fox News and doubled - nay, tripled down on this rhetoric when asked about it. 

He's championed the surveillance of Muslims (which is not remotely libertarian btw - please acknowledge that as MisterChris seems confused).

Trump challenged Obama's claims of being Christian -- and Obama is Christian, not someone who uses the National Guard for pathetically staged photo ops in front of churches he's never entered with an upside down Bible -- and said he would "look into" closing mosques. Again that is not remotely libertarian so please acknowledge that for MC as well. I dunno where his delusions come from.

Trump has championed unconstitutional data bases and god damn religious registries tracking Muslims and warrantless searches of Muslims, including Muslims from AMERICA let alone other countries, so your Indonesia remark is entirely moot. I have no idea why you're trying to pretend Trump is not anti Muslim in general but more importantly, his travel bans were upheld after their revisions. So it appears he can ban Muslims to an extent, and at the very least he sure as shit wants to. 

Danielle's avatar
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Trump shouldn't make it easy for people who can't support themselves to immigrate legally. It's a burden on the taxpayer. If a group of Democrats want to donate their own time and money privately sponsoring people from shithole countries, Trump can't do a damn thing about that. If we didn't live in a welfare state, I would be all for open borders. We can eliminate welfare tomorrow and I will be the first one in line to tear down TrumpyWall.

# 1 Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare. #2 Trump nor his constituents advocate letting immigrants in with the expectation that they get no welfare whatsoever, so that is a ridiculous albeit clever cop out as evidenced by #3 which that Trump has explicitly stated he does not want an immigrant workforce. Period. He, like protectionist and anti capitalist Bernie Sanders, believe immigrants drive down wages of the American workers (which is true) and therefore they do not want immigrants. It has nothing whatsoever to do with welfare. It has to do with their desire to protect American jobs and wages. There's also #4 which is Trump's racism evidenced by rhetoric and tweets; there's no denying the racism of his base at the very least. 

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
. I have no idea why you're trying to pretend Trump is not anti Muslim in general but more importantly, his travel bans were upheld after their revisions. So it appears he can ban Muslims to an extent, and at the very least he sure as shit wants to. 

My comment wasn't directed at Trump.

My comment was directed at your assertion that Trump could ban All Muslims across the planet including Indonesian Muslims, which he clearly is not allowed to do. 

Indonesia isn't comprised of nations that pose any threat to the USA. Do you know something about Indonesia that I do not?
Greyparrot's avatar
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It has nothing whatsoever to do with welfare. It has to do with their desire to protect American jobs and wages.

So we should legally let in people that can't support themselves into the welfare nation known as the USA. Good to know.
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
My comment wasn't directed at Trump.

My comment was directed at your assertion that Trump could ban All Muslims across the planet including Indonesian Muslims, which he clearly is not allowed to do. 

Indonesia isn't comprised of nations that pose any threat to the USA. Do you know something about Indonesia that I do not?

True. You wisely chose to ignore every  one of my other points - since they are all accurate -  to focus on the one you found to be factually incorrect. That's fair since I am a stickler for accuracy as you know :) But now you are straw manning me to say I asserted Trump could ban ALL Muslims across the planet, and I can't have that. What I actually said was "Trump can unilaterally do things like ban  immigrants from Muslim countries though" which is absolutely true as evidenced by the Supreme Court upholding his travel ban. So note your "gotcha" attempt is predicated on a misrepresentation of what I said, and it was still wrong. 

What the Supreme Court said is that the President has the power to ban people for security purposes because that is within his power as POTUS, and because this ban was not explicitly based on religion (despite Trump saying publicly we should ban Muslims dozens and dozens of times along with other anti Muslim rhetoric). The President can ban people for security purposes from whichever country he pleases so long as it is not based on something like religion. But my statement that he can unilaterally ban immigrants from Muslim countries, which were my exact words, is absolutely true and that is exactly what he did. I don't have to prove Trump can ban all Muslims across the planet because I never said that. 

Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
So we should legally let in people that can't support themselves into the welfare nation known as the USA. Good to know.

Lol another straw man. I didn't say that either.  
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
So realistically, Under what scenario can you imagine Trump declaring Indonesia a security threat to the USA?

I really am curious here.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
True. You wisely chose to ignore every  one of my other points - since they are all accurate

Not because they are accurate, but because I half-agree with them
Danielle's avatar
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Danielle's avatar
So realistically, Under what scenario can you imagine Trump declaring Indonesia a security threat to the USA?

I can't see him doing so and never said he would. Maybe if he wanted to retaliate against them for something having to do with his real estate business or China? Most realistically my guess would be something having to do with our partnership with Israel, since Indonesia is one of Palestine's biggest supporters and we know how Trump feels about Palestine. 
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since Indonesia is one of Palestine's biggest supporters...

Does Indonesia fund Hamas more than Iran?
Danielle's avatar
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Does Indonesia fund Hamas more than Iran?

Dunno. I stopped following Middle Eastern politics in like 2015. It became too much for me. 

Greyparrot's avatar
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Yeah, I can barely follow the ideologies and alliances.
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even the name of this topic is stupid. I assume Hidin biden refers to him understanding and respecting the global crisis that is ongoing. Trump on the other hand constantly undermines it and holds super spreader events. 

I'll take the guy who takes a global crisis seriously over the one who is actively trying to make it worse. Hidin Biden is honestly a compliment in the current climate when the alternative is spreading a deadly virus. 
lady3keys's avatar
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Thank you, lady3keys, for repeating the mantra of others’ talking points, without a single original thought. Try it, sometime. I know you will not.
Please.  I'm not writing fiction; I'm discussing past events and facts.  You may see them differently (subjectively) and that is your right.  But I was merely stating things that "actually happened", not why they happened or even if they "should have happened".   The world has watched Trump for the past 4 years.  I doubt anyone could say anything at all  ----   that hasn't been seen, spoken or discussed (in detail) by others.  And you can certainly defend your point of view without criticizing a person's ability to have an original thought.  

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But he didn’t say people should drink bleach.
No, he said they should inject it.
Greyparrot's avatar
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No, he said they should inject it.

President Donald Trump is walking back what he said during an April 23 coronavirus press briefing about using disinfectants to treat COVID-19 patients. 
"I was asking a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside," he said during a briefing in the Oval Office on April 24. "But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands, and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters."
The president first posed the question April 23 after William Bryan, undersecretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, presented a study that found sun exposure and cleaning agents like bleach have an adverse effect on the coronavirus. Bryan was referring to the use of disinfectants on surfaces and in aerosols, but Trump asked whether the chemicals could be used in a potential COVID-19 treatment, as well.
Some websites and social media users took that question to mean the president was recommending people inject themselves with bleach or isopropyl alcohol, an ingredient in hand sanitizer. But others said Trump meant something very different — that doctors could investigate whether using sunlight or disinfectants could clear the virus in patients.
Regardless, Trump’s remarks caused some companies and state agencies to issue warnings about ingesting disinfectants. The maker of Lysol said in a statement that "under no circumstance" should its products be used in the human body.
Given the confusion over what Trump said during the briefing, we wanted to check the transcript to get the full context.
What Trump said about disinfectants
After Bryan’s presentation, Trump floated the idea of using disinfectants to treat COVID-19 patients. He did not say Americans should ingest chemicals to prevent or treat the virus.
Here’s the full context:
"A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?"
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."
Later, Trump clarified his comments after a reporter asked Bryan whether disinfectants could actually be injected into COVID-19 patients.
"It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object."
It’s not clear what part of that discussion he was characterizing as a "sarcastic question" to reporters.
What Trump said about sunlight
Bryan said the DHS study found that sunlight has an adverse effect on the coronavirus. So Trump asked whether there was some way to use sunlight in COVID-19 patients.
But as with his comments on disinfectants, the president stopped short of saying sunlight can cure the coronavirus. Here’s the full context:
Trump: "I hope people enjoy the sun, and if it has an impact, that’s great. I’m just hearing this, not really for the first time. I mean, there’s been a rumor, a very nice rumor, that you go outside in the sun or you have heat, and it does have an effect on other viruses. But now we get it from one of the great laboratories of the world, I have to say. Covers a lot more territory than just this. This is probably an easy thing, relatively speaking, for you. 
"I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure. You know? If you could? And maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Again, I say maybe you can, maybe you can’t. I’m not a doctor. But I’m a person that has a good… You know what. Deborah, have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus?"
Dr. Deborah Birx: "Not as a treatment. I mean, certainly fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But, I’ve not seen heat or light as a —"
Trump: "I think that’s a great thing to look at. OK?"

I find your ability to memorize misinformation from CNN rather remarkably unoriginal.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Please.  I'm not writing fiction; I'm discussing past events and facts.

If you are repeating CNN talking points, then you are talking about pure fiction.

If you are going to make something up at least be original about it instead of plagiarizing CNN.