What words are now banned?

Author: Wylted


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Stephen's avatar
I heard a word that rhymes with granny and starts wit a T is currently banned. Does anyone have an up to date banned words list 
It is tricky that one Wylted.  As I have found out for myself. 

I was warned about using the extremely vulgar and offensive words - stupid – and backward -.

I had the audacity to ask someone if they were “stupid” and I also had the cold never to ask someone if they were “backward”. I simply cannot imagine the permanent irreparable and psychological damage I must have caused, but I was warned via PM . But I have found in life that someone who acts or performs in a stupid manner are usually called  stupid and or backward. I suppose we have so many stupid people and backward people using the internet that it were only a matter of time before word censoring became part and parcel. It is hard not to offend anyone these days. 

I was told that these words  constitute personal attacks”.
 I was also warned against  warning someone that I would report them if they insisted on disruptive behaviour on my thread?
Actually the words used in the warning was
 threatening to report someone”  Threatening!!!!!!??????
 To which was added that it 

“is entirely unacceptable and viewed extremely unfavourably by moderation”. 

So to give someone a friendly warning that you will report them is taboo also.