Does the Rabbi Have a Good Point?

Author: Stephen


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Polytheist-Witch: It amazes me that the people here at the site think that a blind person wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a nonflame heat source and a flame heat source. Like somehow being blind dropped your IQ points.
A blind man uses his probing cane to detect what is in his path. It is very unlikely the probing cane is able to tell the difference between a nonflame heat source and a flame heat source.
Stephen's avatar
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Human bodies haven’t changed much. But we cover them out of modestly.

I would think that losing one's body hair only to have  replace it with the hair of dead animals for warmth is a giant leap from one's natural state. Something which you have also failed to explain.

Obviously you don’t read your Bible.

 Don't kid yourself.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
That's right, the atheist the post here pour over a book they don't believe so they can argue with people they hate. Sad fucking life.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Yeah sad life .  They get me so so wound up 
Soooooooo , what can we do about this. ? 

Well the first things  first.  And something you are good at   (  do not under any circumstances be civil. )  it the last thing you want to do. 
Don't give em them time of day. 
Continue being highly argumentative at the drop of a hat.    
Remain alert and ever ready to fire of reports for any minor infractions these sad lifed fools commit.  
Maybe we could
Sharpen up on our insulting skills.    Get more personal. 

And witch. 
MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALLLLLL.  #1. .   Continue to Alwyas Remain off topic. 

You will show these sad lifed idiots yet.  
I'm sure of it. 

Good game.
Good game. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Well, I have existed since 1960, so Darwin must have used his crystal ball.

And there is a whole load of stuff relative to my existence and a whole load that isn't....Same as everyone.

Just as we all have different views on theistic deistic stuff.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
Human bodies haven’t changed much. But we cover them out of modestly.

I would think that losing one's body hair only to have  replace it with the hair of dead animals for warmth is a giant leap from one's natural state. Something which you have also failed to explain.

Obviously you don’t read your Bible.

 Don't kid yourself.
The advantage humans have over animals is when it is cold they can wear their fur and when it is hot they can take off their fur coat.
Animals have less control over their environment.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
--> @Shila
Human bodies haven’t changed much. But we cover them out of modestly.

I would think that losing one's body hair only to have  replace it with the hair of dead animals for warmth is a giant leap from one's natural state. Something which you have also failed to explain.

Obviously you don’t read your Bible.

 Don't kid yourself.
The advantage humans have over animals is when it is cold they can wear their fur and when it is hot they can take off their fur coat.
Animals have less control over their environment.

No animal has control over its environment including humans. What the weather does it does. But animals can cope better with their environment than humans can cope with theirs.
Grow up and stop being so silly.

I don't know which part of the world you live but here in 21st century England many are expected to die this coming winter through hypothermia. How many Emperor penguins do you think will suffer the same fate?

Elliott's avatar
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Elliott's avatar
That is the biggest load of old bollocks I have ever heard. Humans are the most unsuited species for nature than any single species on earth. Humans will very rarely last one single night in his natural state in the wild. 
Modern humans who live in our technological society probably wouldn’t do well but humans adapted to living in the wild state do very well. We evolved as tool users and with our intelligence, our ability to communicate and work together, combined with our stamina, humans can outrun almost any animal over long distances, we were able to hunt any animal, even something the size of a mammoth, as for predators they soon learnt that human meat came with sharp points.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
--> @Shila
Human bodies haven’t changed much. But we cover them out of modestly.

I would think that losing one's body hair only to have  replace it with the hair of dead animals for warmth is a giant leap from one's natural state. Something which you have also failed to explain.

Obviously you don’t read your Bible.

 Don't kid yourself.
The advantage humans have over animals is when it is cold they can wear their fur and when it is hot they can take off their fur coat.
Animals have less control over their environment.

No animal has control over its environment including humans. What the weather does it does. But animals can cope better with their environment than humans can cope with theirs.
Grow up and stop being so silly.

I don't know which part of the world you live but here in 21st century England many are expected to die this coming winter through hypothermia. How many Emperor penguins do you think will suffer the same fate?

There have been five great extinctions throughout the history of the world. Many experts argue that we are now facing a sixth. These periods of mass extinctionhave resulted in the loss of 98 percent of all organisms that have ever existed on planet earth. In order for an event to be considered a mass extinction, around 75 percent of the earth’s species need to go extinct over about 2.8 million years. 
Past mass extinctions have been due to one-off events such as a volcanic eruption or an asteroid impact or caused by phenomena such as rising sea levels or drastically shifting atmospheric temperatures. The present extinction event is unique because the changes that the earth is experiencing, such as rising water levels and temperatures, are the result of human activity. 

Stephen's avatar
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--> @Shila
--> @Shila
Human bodies haven’t changed much. But we cover them out of modestly.

I would think that losing one's body hair only to have  replace it with the hair of dead animals for warmth is a giant leap from one's natural state. Something which you have also failed to explain.

Shila wrote: Obviously you don’t read your Bible.

 Don't kid yourself.
Shila wrote: The advantage humans have over animals is when it is cold they can wear their fur and when it is hot they can take off their fur coat.
Animals have less control over their environment.

No animal has control over its environment including humans. What the weather does it does. But animals can cope better with their environment than humans can cope with theirs.
Grow up and stop being so silly.

I don't know which part of the world you live but here in 21st century England many are expected to die this coming winter through hypothermia. How many Emperor penguins do you think will suffer the same fate?

Shila wrote: There have been five great extinctions throughout the history of the world.

So what?

Many experts argue that we are now facing a sixth. These periods of mass extinction have resulted in the loss of 98 percent of all organisms that have ever existed on planet earth.

Yes, only the strong survive. Didn't your mother explain this to you. 

In order for an event to be considered a mass extinction, around 75 percent of the earth’s species need to go extinct over about 2.8 million years. 

And your point is what exactly?

Past mass extinctions have been due to one-off events such as a volcanic eruption or an asteroid impact or caused by phenomena such as rising sea levels or drastically shifting atmospheric temperatures.

So what is your point?

The present extinction event is unique because the changes that the earth is experiencing, such as rising water levels and temperatures, are the result of human activity. 

BULLSHITE! You are falling for that old government chestnut of man-made climate change that they have purposefully conflated with man polluting his environment.  And thicko's like yourself have fallen for it.

Didn't you learn fk all at school concerning the movement of the earth around the sun? Here are some clues. The earth has an apogee and an apogee. On every completed cycle the earth retards 1arc degree = 1 arc second.  

Now off you go and work the rest out for yourself. 

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
The present extinction event is unique because the changes that the earth is experiencing, such as rising water levels and temperatures, are the result of human activity. 

BULLSHITE! You are falling for that old government chestnut of man-made climate change that they have purposefully conflated with man polluting his environment.  And thicko's like yourself have fallen for it.

Didn't you learn fk all at school concerning the movement of the earth around the sun? Here are some clues. The earth has an apogee and an apogee. On every completed cycle the earth retards 1arc degree = 1 arc second. 

Now off you go and work the rest out for yourself.
Climate Change and global warming caused by human activity.

Perigean and Apogean Tides effects are minimal.

The greatest difference between high and low tide is around Full Moon and New Moon, known as spring tides or king tides. During these Moon phases, the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun combine to pull the ocean’s water in the same direction.

Perigean spring tides have around 5 cm (2 inches) larger variation than regular spring tides, while apogean spring tides have around 5 cm (2 inches) smaller variation than normal spring tides.

Taking pictures of the Moon

Natural Disaster Trigger?

Although the Sun and the Moon’s alignment cause a small increase in tectonic activity, the effects of the Supermoon on Earth are minor. Many scientists have conducted studies and haven’t found anything significant that can link the Super Moon to natural disasters.

According to NASA, the combination of the Moon being at its closest and at Full Moon, should not affect the internal energy balance of the Earth since there are lunar tides every day.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Must have hit a nerve, the alcoholic broke character.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Polytheist-Witch: Must have hit a nerve, the alcoholic broke character.
Who are you calling alcoholic?

Stephen's avatar
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The present extinction event is unique because the changes that the earth is experiencing, such as rising water levels and temperatures, are the result of human activity. 

BULLSHITE! You are falling for that old government chestnut of man-made climate change that they have purposefully conflated with man polluting his environment.  And thicko's like yourself have fallen for it.

Didn't you learn fk all at school concerning the movement of the earth around the sun? Here are some clues. The earth has a perigee and an apogee. On every completed cycle the earth retards 1arc degree = 1 arc second. 

Now off you go and work the rest out for yourself.
Climate Change and global warming caused by human activity.


Perigean and Apogean Tides effects are minimal.

The greatest difference between high and low tide is around Full Moon and New Moon, known as spring tides or king tides. During these Moon phases, the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun combine to pull the ocean’s water in the same direction.
Proving that the heavenly bodies have an effect on the earth in relation to its position to the sun and other heavenly bodies.

Perigean spring tides have around 5 cm (2 inches) larger variation than regular spring tides, while apogean spring tides have around 5 cm (2 inches) smaller variation than normal spring tides.

Proving that the heavenly bodies have an effect on the earth in relation to its position to the sun and other planets.

What happens up there has an effect down here. "On earth as it is in heaven".

Natural Disaster Trigger?

Yes.  The closer the earth is to the moon and the sun means more gravitational pull on the earth. And the earth is closer to both- its perigee, in the present age. The further away; when the earth is at its apogee the earth will enter another ice age.

So we see, these natural disasters are nothing to do with god/gods sending anything. Unless you are deifying the heavenly bodies and calling them gods, which was certainly the case in ancient times.

So we can stop the bullshite of conflating natural disasters with man polluting his environment.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Hi Stephen.

I would contend that man polluting his environment is a natural occurrence.

The effects of which might be deemed disastrous, relative to what is deemed not to be disastrous.

Relative to the human organisms acquired assumption that it and it's environment is somewhat special.

Which in terms of material evolution is a somewhat reasonable assumption.

But not necessarily a correct assumption within a Universal context.

Unless we are the only ones doing this stuff.

And of course, if all this stuff we do has a greater purpose.

GOD principle as it were.

But not to get too hung up on old Middle Eastern Tales.

Though the analogy contained therein is pertinent, if one airs on the side of a semi-purposeful creation and ongoing material development....AKA evolution.

Not to be confused with Darwinian theory.

Though Darwinian theory is obviously a valid part thereof.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Hi Stephen.

I would contend that man polluting his environment is a natural occurrence.

That is a reasonable observance, Vic lad. 
The difference is that man can avert the pollution he is creating but he cannot do anything about what the position of the planets and other heavenly bodies have on the earth in relation to the devastating effect they have. 

I am sure I do not have to explain to you these effects and what causes them. The educated ancient priests   understood perfectly well what was happening when these natural disasters occurred, they just didn't explain them to the ignorant, illiterate superstitious masses of the time but instead used them for their advantage. 
According to the elite educated parasitic priests, the ignorant superstitious population had angered god and were now being punished. What was required to quell gods anger was usually more donations in one form or another. You see, it was all man's fault he'd brought it all on himself through his behaviour.

Of course, today these parasitic priests wouldn't dream of getting away with claiming that a natural devastating disaster was sent from God.

In this new age we have new "gods" better known as corporations. Governments are their priests that come with new age reasons for the causes of the natural disasters we are experiencing today, but ultimately it will still come down to man and his behaviour and we now have to pay for it- pollution tax being one of them. The gods will have their pound of flesh in one form or another. I am sure you get my meaning, Vic lad.

This is nothing new, it has happened many times, and before even Jesus' time too. Jesus knew about it.  He was an educated priest and had been taught "the secrets of heaven". This is why he was capable of telling his close circle what happens at the end of every age.

Matthew 24:3-7 “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”  Jesus replied:
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places, etc etc 

Revelation is, well, revealing too. Especially when it speaks of inflation and a loaf of bread costing a day's wages- at the end of the age.

“A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius". Outrageous if you ask me Vic, lad. Especially the barley part. That is used in making beer . How much has your beer gone up lately?
Outrageous inflation in other words.

 No, there is a lot to be said about this ancient book of which one idiot pastor here once said, "is only a book that is full of words that mean nothing".  

How's Mrs Vic doing these days? All good, I hope. Give her my best wishes.

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
-> @zedvictor4
Hi Stephen.

I would contend that man polluting his environment is a natural occurrence.

That is a reasonable observance, Vic lad.  
The difference is that man can avert the pollution he is creating but he cannot do anything about what the position of the planets and other heavenly bodies have on the earth in relation to the devastating effect they have. 
If the surrounding planets and heavenly bodies have such an adverse effect on earth why is earth the only planet that sustains life?
I am sure I do not have to explain to you these effects and what causes them. The educated ancient priests   understood perfectly well what was happening when these natural disasters occurred, they just didn't explain them to the ignorant, illiterate superstitious masses of the time but instead used them for their advantage.  
According to the elite educated parasitic priests, the ignorant superstitious population had angered god and were now being punished. What was required to quell gods anger was usually more donations in one form or another. You see, it was all man's fault he'd brought it all on himself through his behaviour.

Of course, today these parasitic priests wouldn't dream of getting away with claiming that a natural devastating disaster was sent from God. 

In this new age we have new "gods" better known as corporations. Governments are their priests that come with new age reasons for the causes of the natural disasters we are experiencing today, but ultimately it will still come down to man and his behaviour and we now have to pay for it- pollution tax being one of them. The gods will have their pound of flesh in one form or another. I am sure you get my meaning, Vic lad.

This is nothing new, it has happened many times, and before even Jesus' time too. Jesus knew about it.  He was an educated priest and had been taught "the secrets of heaven". This is why he was capable of telling his close circle what happens at the end of every age.

Matthew 24:3-7 “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”  Jesus replied:
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places, etc etc 
Didn’t Jesus know it was God that destroyed all life on earth with a flood and not the famines and earthquakes in various places, etc.
Revelation is, well, revealing too. Especially when it speaks of inflation and a loaf of bread costing a day's wages- at the end of the age.

“A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius". Outrageous if you ask me Vic, lad. Especially the barley part. That is used in making beer . How much has your beer gone up lately?
Outrageous inflation in other words.
In Revelation 6:6, the writer states that he hears four living creatures saying a quart of wheat costs a whole day's wages. Out of a quart of wheat, you can make a loaf of bread. In the near future, the way inflation keeps going up, a loaf of bread could cost $200 or a whole day's wages.

That hasn't happened yet. The author must have invested heavily in bread stocks. 
 No, there is a lot to be said about this ancient book of which one idiot pastor here once said, "is only a book that is full of words that mean nothing".  
That is why the pastor was called an idiot. He should have got a translated version of the Bible in the language he spoke.
How's Mrs Vic doing these days? All good, I hope. Give her my best wishes.
So you saved your best wished for Mrs. Vic.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Mrs Zed fine.

One perfect eye now, and one not so perfect awaiting it's new lens.


From boom to bust and everything in between.

A we're a part of it for less than a Universal nanosecond.

And I can still get three bottles of IPA for a fiver and afford a cheese and pickle sandwich.

Heaven on Earth can be as simple as that.

Regards to you and yours Stephen.
Shila's avatar
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--> @Stephen
Mrs Zed fine.

One perfect eye now, and one not so perfect awaiting it's new lens.


From boom to bust and everything in between.

A we're a part of it for less than a Universal nanosecond.

And I can still get three bottles of IPA for a fiver and afford a cheese and pickle sandwich.

Heaven on Earth can be as simple as that.

Regards to you and yours Stephen.
Sorry to hear about Mrs Zed condition.

Stephen's avatar
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Indeed, it is an interesting subject I have found. Right up until it comes to Homo sapiens then there appears to a giant leap in man's progress that even Darwin failed to explain. Hence my point that man in his natural state is not one suited to the natural world.

Regards to you and yours Stephen.

 Thank you. 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @zedvictor4

Indeed, it is an interesting subject I have found. Right up until it comes to Homo sapiens then there appears to a giant leap in man's progress that even Darwin failed to explain. Hence my point that man in his natural state is not one suited to the natural world.
Actually it proves man in his natural state responded well to evolutionary forces which enabled him to make the giant leap in man's progress that even Darwin failed to explain.

Regards to you and yours Stephen.

 Thank you

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
> @zedvictor4
Hi Stephen.

I would contend that man polluting his environment is a natural occurrence.

That is a reasonable observance, Vic lad.  
The difference is that man can avert the pollution he is creating but he cannot do anything about what the position of the planets and other heavenly bodies have on the earth in relation to the devastating effect they have. 
If the surrounding planets and heavenly bodies have such an adverse effect on earth why is earth the only planet that sustains life?

Don't you know? Those schools you attended were a complete and utter waste of time to you weren't they.

Revelation is, well, revealing too. Especially when it speaks of inflation and a loaf of bread costing a day's wages- at the end of the age.

“A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius". Outrageous if you ask me Vic, lad. Especially the barley part. That is used in making beer . How much has your beer gone up lately?
Outrageous inflation in other words.
In Revelation 6:6, the writer states that he hears four living creatures saying a quart of wheat costs a whole day's wages. Out of a quart of wheat, you can make a loaf of bread. In the near future, the way inflation keeps going up, a loaf of bread could cost $200 or a whole day's wages.

Why are you repeating what I have said.

That hasn't happened yet. The author must have invested heavily in bread stocks. 

You may not be far off the mark with that comment. I don't know what ill-educated god forsaken place you originate but here farmers over the last few decades have been paid to replace wheat and barley crops with rapeseed/rape oil seed. Irish farmers are being offered huge prices to kill their cattle. 

Dutch farmers are up in arms and protesting because their government have told them they must reduce their herds or stop producing livestock altogether. the reason given is "emissions". On and on it goes. Driving up the price of everything edible. They are purposefully and wilfully re-enacting the stories from scripture, imo.

 No, there is a lot to be said about this ancient book of which one idiot pastor here once said, "is only a book that is full of words that mean nothing".  
That is why the pastor was called an idiot. He should have got a translated version of the Bible in the language he spoke.

It wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference to the cretin of a pastor I had in mind.

How's Mrs Vic doing these days? All good, I hope. Give her my best wishes.
So you saved your best wished for Mrs. Vic.

Indeed, for according to Mr Vic she has been through a worrying and anxious time. But is partially on the mend.

--> @zedvictor4

Indeed, it is an interesting subject I have found. Right up until it comes to Homo sapiens then there appears to a giant leap in man's progress that even Darwin failed to explain. Hence my point that man in his natural state is not one suited to the natural world.
Actually it proves man in his natural state responded well to evolutionary forces which enabled him to make the giant leap in man's progress that even Darwin failed to explain.

Nope. How many times? Man in his natural state cannot survive without external heat. How long does it take before the obvious sinks through your dense skull bone. Obviously a Billion more years of evolution in your case.

Public-Choice's avatar
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Public-Choice's avatar
Regarding the initial post. . .

Protestants believe God the Son was placed in Mary's womb supernaturally, without any sexual acts, since God is able to do anything.

Protestants also do not believe Mary is supposed to be venerated as the Mother of God and worshipped and prayed to and such. Protestants generally believe she is a woman who was chosen for a special purpose by God and was therefore blessed among women since she was to be the mother of Jesus, the Messiah.

Now, as to God the Father and God the Son, we must remember that we, as humans, are bound to the rules of our own universe. But God made our universe, so he persisted the rules that are in our universe.

So by this very nature, The Father does not have to predate His Son, since those rules were created following the existence of God, since He created the rules.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Nope. How many times? Man in his natural state cannot survive without external heat. How long does it take before the obvious sinks through your dense skull bone. Obviously a Billion more years of evolution in your case.

Climate Change and global warming caused by human activity.

Perigean and Apogean Tides effects are minimal.

The greatest difference between high and low tide is around Full Moon and New Moon, known as spring tides or king tides. During these Moon phases, the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun combine to pull the ocean’s water in the same direction.

Perigean spring tides have around 5 cm (2 inches) larger variation than regular spring tides, while apogean spring tides have around 5 cm (2 inches) smaller variation than normal spring tides.

Taking pictures of the Moon

Natural Disaster Trigger?

Although the Sun and the Moon’s alignment cause a small increase in tectonic activity, the effects of the Supermoon on Earth are minor. Many scientists have conducted studies and haven’t found anything significant that can link the Super Moon to natural disasters.

According to NASA, the combination of the Moon being at its closest and at Full Moon, should not affect the internal energy balance of the Earth since there are lunar tides every day.

Adam and Eve were running around naked. So the earth was created to support human life.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar

Fortunately, an easily rectifiable condition these days.

But thanks for the sentiment.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Species evolution is a small chunk of the bigger picture of material evolution.

Material evolution and our place therein, is what interests me more.

Though Darwin did a great job of explaining the processes of physical adaptation and development.

I would suggest that the "giant leap" came with the rapid development of intellectual ability.

The ingenuity to outsmart our animal competitors and migrate, survive and proliferate in varying climes.

So, in terms of evolution, intellect allowed us to adapt to the natural world comparatively quickly.

When compared to the physical development of the brain and sensory functions for example.

Religion was just a part of intellectual development, from which we have moved on. Though old ideas are recorded and therefore will inevitably persist.

And of course, what moves us on is our expanding intellect, allowing us to facilitate an exponential rate of material development into a technological era.


Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
I would suggest that the "giant leap" came with the rapid development of intellectual ability.

Indeed. It is the speed at which it appears to have happened is what I do find fascinating.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Stephen
Species evolution is a small chunk of the bigger picture of material evolution.

Material evolution and our place therein, is what interests me more.

Though Darwin did a great job of explaining the processes of physical adaptation and development.

I would suggest that the "giant leap" came with the rapid development of intellectual ability.

The ingenuity to outsmart our animal competitors and migrate, survive and proliferate in varying climes.

So, in terms of evolution, intellect allowed us to adapt to the natural world comparatively quickly.

When compared to the physical development of the brain and sensory functions for example.

Religion was just a part of intellectual development, from which we have moved on. Though old ideas are recorded and therefore will inevitably persist.
So religion was part of intellectual development. 

And of course, what moves us on is our expanding intellect, allowing us to facilitate an exponential rate of material development into a technological era.
But religious development goes against materialism. 

So instead of expanding out intellect through religion we moved on to facilitate an exponential rate of material development into a technological era or meaningless materialism. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
For sure, religion was one aspect of intellectual development.

Inevitable really, when searching for answers in the absence of more complex scientific understanding.

Nope. Ongoing religion embraces ongoing material development.

I bet that most young Christians own a smartphone, for example.

Meaning is what we attribute to our existence, irrespective of a pointless Universal outcome.

Very few people are absolute nihilists.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
For sure, religion was one aspect of intellectual development. 

Inevitable really, when searching for answers in the absence of more complex scientific understanding.

Nope. Ongoing religion embraces ongoing material development.

I bet that most young Christians own a smartphone, for example.
So owning a smartphone is Christian materialism.
Meaning is what we attribute to our existence, irrespective of a pointless Universal outcome.

Very few people are absolute nihilists.
But won’t smartphones help spread nihilism?