A simple definition might be the examination of societal structures in order to identify racism embedded within them. While a simple definition like this might seem harmless, the underlying presuppositions are what make it relevant to the article. One of these presuppositions is that systemic racism exists - that is assumed to be true. It also exists throughout all aspects of society, and was intentionally structured into that society by the oppressor class in order to benefit them at the expense of others.
The author makes the case that humans first arose in Africa with dark skin, and they are the foundation of art, culture, etc. To deny evolution is to take credit away from these dark-skinned ancestors for their accomplishments, making one guilty of racism. This is why the author can get away with essentially calling all creationists a bunch of evangelical KKK-loving white supremacists. The argumentation is terrible and the article has no business in a publication like Scientific American.