The Biblical Yahweh is not an All-Loving god

Author: TheMorningsStar


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Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
  Stephen wrote:
Is there a punishment for the sin of "misleading" Jesus' flock,? Brother
Jesus said: "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

JESUS DESPISES FALSE PROPHETS LIKE TRADESECRET:  "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." (2 Peter 2:1)

    Not so swift with our  Reverend in three persons  is he, Brother? He's been selling his wares to universities some years now, not to mention ministering to his countries defence forces. 

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a woman to a man, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, an admitted sexual deviant, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, has turned into a HYPOCRITE, and a LIAR,

TRADESECRET, WHAT PART OF OF THIS STATEMENT TO YOU DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND, COWARD!!!!!!!!!!:  "Now, don't be SCARED all the time in being one of the most dumbfounded pseudo-christians that this forum has ever seen, therefore address the following post #10 shown below and quit running away from it, ready?  BEGIN:

You have RAN AWAY for the last 6 days from the link above showing that our serial killer Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, is NOT all loving!  I, as the ONLY True Christian upon this esteemed forum, have had to accept this fact.  Your subsequent posts shown below in relation to the post above, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT address said post/link above, but only to RUN AWAY from it again, and again, and again, COWARD!

Here is the irony, you allegedly "teach" others about Jesus, but as shown upon this forum, YOU RUN AWAY FROM DISTURBING BIBLICAL AXIOMS about Jesus! Why?  Therefore, your validity within this forum is "below zero" just like Fauxlaws and since the Hell bound Mormon is leaving this forum to save further embarrassment, when are you going to do the same in the name of Satan?!

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Disagree all you like. But god sanctioned the murder of Jobs  TEN! children and all over a wager to massage his own fkn ego. And this proves how cheap human life is to this egotistical megalomaniac god of yours.
LOL, Another back peddle from your glorious heights of stupidity. We all love watching this happen Stevie Blunder.  I disagreed with you that Job was punished or judged.  That was your point and more than that - you then foolishly suggested this alleged judgment was "at the drop of the hat". It is you who has not read the bible and does not understand it.   You flip and flop more than that alto ego of yours - dimtim. More of a fraud than your other personality - Brother.  Back peddle as fast as you can - sleight of hand - to try and move the topic from punishment and judgment to torture and murder.  LLOL! Keep up old boy.  

I disagree
I know you do, this is because you have never read your bible for yourself ,  and by your own admission, simply "pass on" #20 what you have been told to pass on..... without question or study of your own.. Those universities should take you to court and claim that you practiced and took money from them under false pretences. I know I would.
Well actually anyone reading this post would be very clear - Stevie Blunder has lied to us again.  And as for my admission.  I deny that I ever said I did not study or question anything I have learnt.  In fact Stevie Blunder - how about you prove your lie.  But you won't.  I do admit teaching what I have been taught.  Even as you have in your past.  But I deny I have ever indicated I did not study or do my own research.  Again you are proven as a liar and you can go and check these things out again. But your link above DOES NOT say what are suggesting here. Another wish that people will read and not think. 

The rest of your post is nothing more than you attempting to justify the unjustifiable, to excuse the inexcusable and defend the indefensible and I wouldn't expect anything less from a two bit  jumped up holy roller such as you.
Of course you would say that.  I say you are just running away from the inevitable.  The truth is you are a fraud and you DONT know the bible very well at all. You have access to your little books which you cut and paste and perhaps a computer concordance.  But reading it? ???? That is a joke.  

Anyone can read for themselves this sad story of how a good and faithful servant of god named Job was mentally tortured by  HIS GOD at the cost of the murder of TEN of his beloved children!  And all over nothing more than a wager .HERE>>>.

And I would encourage people to go and read it.  And look and see if you can see anywhere that God judges Job or his family - like Stevie Blunder lies about - or whether the story is actually different.  I say there is NO judgment in it. Job is not being punished.  Job is not being judged.  This is a story about suffering.  And specifically explaining that not all suffering comes from sin or judgment. It is in fact saying that very often pain and suffering comes from events totally unrelated to our sin and judgment.   

Job was a faithful man of God.  Absolutely.  God did not torture.  God did not kill his family.  In fact Satan did that.  That is what the story tells us.  It wasn't a bet.  Satan was going to get anything out of it.  God wasn't getting anything out of it.  It is a story where Satan thought he knew the world better than God did.  But he was wrong - just like Stephen is.    Job, despite all of this pain and suffering continued to bless God.  And he, importantly, DID NOT BLAME God. Interestingly, this is a significant contrast to Stephen.  The book does not blame God. The main person in the story does not blame God. Nowhere in the Bible does anyone blame God for what happened to Job, but Stephen, this man who thinks this is about judgment - blames God.   

So rather than look at what the narrative actually says - Stephen invents stuff.   Perhaps that is why is the great and famous scholar that he is????? And not a failure. He just makes stuff up and hopes that no one ever checks his work. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I'm not running from you.  I just don't particularly want to respond to a buffoon.  

Until you can stop being such an idiot all of the time, I just will continue to ignore you. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a woman to a man, and now unknown, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he/she/unknown follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19 and 2 Timothy 4:3, AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT, and had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, an embarrassed LIAR of their true gender, and goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, has turned into a HYPOCRITE, and a LIAR, and now the #1 Biblical axiomatic RUNAWAY of this forum!

YOUR LAME AND INSIPID RUNAWAY FROM JESUS BEING NOT ALL LOVING EXCUSE #5!!!!!!!!!: "I'm not running from you. I just don't particularly want to respond to a buffoon. Until you can stop being such an idiot all of the time, I just will continue to ignore you."

Tradesecret runaway alert #5 as embarrassingly shown from the following links that he/she/unknown could NOT address again and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath in the following post!:  

Then Tradesecret RAN AWAY 4 more times in not being able to address said post/link above

Tradesecret, tell us, what SCARED you away "this time" in running away from my post #20 within this thread?  Was it when Jesus forced His creation to eat their own children? Or, maybe it was when Jesus turned into a brutal ABORTIONIST in Hosea 9:11-16? Was that it?  Still SCARED?

A very appropriate  image of Tradesecret running away from their cowardliness regarding Brother D's Bible superior knowledge over their kindergarten at best knowledge of same:   Run Tradesecret, run, hurry, keep running away as the membership watches! LOL!



TheMorningsStar's avatar
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TheMorningsStar's avatar
No offense, but what do you get out of coming online and making posts like this? How is it worth it to waste part of your life making, what is essentially, the same post over and over again? Are you happy in life? Are you fulfilling your goals? Living your dream?
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR REVEALING QUOTE IN QUESTIONING MY MODUS OPERANDI: "No offense, but what do you get out of coming online and making posts like this? How is it worth it to waste part of your life making, what is essentially, the same post over and over again? Are you happy in life? Are you fulfilling your goals? Living your dream?"

No offense taken, even though you are an ungodly minion of Satan pagan.  What do Jesus and I get when confronting the #1 Bible stupid and ignorant runaway fool Tradesecret in the manner shown? Surely you jest?  We get pleasure in trying to save the Bible dumbfounded Tradesecret from the sulfur lakes of HELL, as shown in the passage below that shows 4 bold instances in which Tradesecret is guilty!

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

If you can do the simple math, Jesus and I have to repeat the same notion of the topic at hand over and over and over and over and over again because the Bible fool Tradesecret RUNS AWAY from the initial post in question many times!  Get it?  It comes with the territory when dealing with the #1 Bible fool Tradesecret runaway upon this forum!  Conversely, surely you are going to ask Tradesecret in why they have to RUN AWAY from disturbing biblical axioms all the time, yes? If you don't, then you will start to become the hypocrite of this forum. Remember, its a 2-way street!

AM  I HAPPY AND LIVING MY DREAM IN LIFE? HELL YES!!!  The reason behind my happiness is the fact that Jesus, as the brutal serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, made me very manly, and therefore I have many girl friends.  Notwithstanding, I have my 3 Ministries that make me euphoric, instead of just plain "happy," which are  herewith listed below:

1. My Greyhound Bus Depot Ministry, where I teach to the wayward women that have to ride this uncomfortable mode of transportation.
2. My Nevada State Brothel Ministry where a take a missionary position in spreading the word of Jesus.
3. My Nudest Camp Ministry, weather permitting, where I take a very hard position for Jesus, praise!

Don't worry, I am not going to give you the same questions that you asked of me, and this is because of the fact that you had the time to present them to me in the first place, therefore, since you had this time, then your life is not going as well as mine.  I am truly sorry for you, really. :(




TheMorningsStar's avatar
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TheMorningsStar's avatar
Yet, seeing as Tradesecret keeps "running away", as you put it, aren't you "throwing pearls to the pigs"?

Proverbs 9:8
"Do not rebuke a mocker, or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man, and he will love you."
Proverbs 23:9
"Do not speak to a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words."
Proverbs 26:4
"Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be like him."
Matthew 7:6
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

Stephen's avatar
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Job was a faithful man of God.  Absolutely.  God did not torture.  God did not kill his family.  In fact Satan did that. 

And all sanctioned by the grace of  his own god. 

Keep wriggling Reverend "Tradey".  Anyone can read for themselves this sad story of how a good and faithful servant of god named Job was mentally tortured by  HIS GOD at the cost of the murder of TEN of his beloved children!  And all over nothing more than a wager .HERE>>>.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Job was a faithful man of God.  Absolutely.  God did not torture.  God did not kill his family.  In fact Satan did that. 

And all sanctioned by the grace of  his own god. 

Keep wriggling Reverend "Tradey".  Anyone can read for themselves this sad story of how a good and faithful servant of god named Job was mentally tortured by  HIS GOD at the cost of the murder of TEN of his beloved children!  And all over nothing more than a wager .HERE>>>.
No wriggling necessary.  I am just stating it like it is.  You are the one who has done the massive back flip. The massive back peddling.  And you just keep going, don't you?  LOL!  First it was God punishing Job at the drop of the hat. Then you backpeddled with your sleight of hand, making it torture instead.  When I point out God did not do anything like judgment. And that God did not torture.  And in fact point out what the bible says.    That is was Satan.  Now - Mr Stevie Blunder - you say - "But God sanctioned it".   Sanctioning it by the way is not torturing anyone. LOL. Sanctioning it is not judging anyone. LOL!  Sanctioning is not doing something at a "drop of a hat".  LOL.   But please Stevie Blunder - run along again and see whether God even sanctioned it.  

You are so blind - you cannot even read.     Nor analyze. Or even prove your false allegations.  You are fraud.   

No wonder you failed.  
Stephen's avatar
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Job was a faithful man of God.  Absolutely.  God did not torture.  God did not kill his family.  In fact Satan did that. 

And all sanctioned by the grace of  his own god. 

Keep wriggling Reverend "Tradey".  Anyone can read for themselves this sad story of how a good and faithful servant of god named Job was mentally tortured by  HIS GOD at the cost of the murder of TEN of his beloved children!  And all over nothing more than a wager .HERE>>>.
No wriggling necessary.  I am just stating it like it is.

The bible states it as it is you utter clown and it is nice to see that you have dusted off  your Ethang persona and allowed him to return. How long for this time  Reverend "Tradey"?

You won't forget your unfinished business here, will you>>.#45 . Maybe your recently new found persona dimwit tim can help you out of yet another great fkn hole that you have dug for all three of you? or had you forgotten about him😂? 

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR QUOTE OF SHAME FOR TRADESECRET: "Yet, seeing as Tradesecret keeps "running away", as you put it, aren't you "throwing pearls to the pigs"?"

The simple answer is NO!  What has always intrigued me is when another member juts in and TRIES TO DEFEND TRADESECRET, whereas he can't do it himself, other than to RUN AWAY from explicit biblical axioms ad infinitum. LOL!

Question, will you now be answering for the wussy pseudo-christian Tradesecret?


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


Seriously, how can Tradesecret remain upon this forum in being an outright False Prophet like the membership has shown? Furthermore, Tradesecret remains in 3 different genders as I have shown, because I addressed the moderators in telling them that Tradesecret said their profile page, AND, their link in DEBATE.ORG showing him as a SEXUAL DEVIANT was "hacked."  But, as we've seen, there was absolutely NO ANSWER from the moderators upon this topic, therefore, they remained silent for a reason because there was NO HACKING WHATSOEVER to begin with!  Therefore, once again Tradesecret LIED!  What's new? NOTHING!

Another passage that Tradesecret is guilty of herewith: "Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:16)

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
The bible states it as it is you utter clown and it is nice to see that you have dusted off  your Ethang persona and allowed him to return. How long for this time  Reverend "Tradey"?
I got all excited when you mentioned Ethang had reappeared.  I went looking to see where he had posted. Alas, I could not find Ethang anywhere. I looked at his profile and noted he has not posted for 6 months.  

It does seem he is still playing around with Harikrish on the 

I am not Ethang.  I really am puzzled as to why you think we are the same person or share the same password or whatever.  

He holds quite different theological positions to me on a variety of subjects.   I am also of the view that he lives in Africa.  Well if you can believe anyone's profile. 

This is however quite unlike you - an atheist who is a fraud pretending to be a theist.  Like your alta- ego Brother who is also a fraud - another atheist pretending to be atheist.  And almost the same as dimtim - who appears to be a fraud - an atheist pretending to be a non-theist.  I notice your other persona has not been around for a while.   But you are all the same.  frauds - imposters.  

But back to the topic.  

God is all powerful. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
The bible states it as it is you utter clown and it is nice to see that you have dusted off  your Ethang persona and allowed him to return. How long for this time  Reverend "Tradey"?
I got all excited when you mentioned Ethang had reappeared.

I bet you did. You haven't summoned him for a while. Your dimtim persona has been quiet of late too.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

Seriously, how can Tradesecret remain upon this forum in being an outright False Prophet like the membership has shown? Furthermore, Tradesecret remains in 3 different genders as I have shown, because I addressed the moderators in telling them that Tradesecret said their profile page, AND, their link in DEBATE.ORG showing him as a SEXUAL DEVIANT was "hacked."  But, as we've seen, there was absolutely NO ANSWER from the moderators upon this topic, therefore, they remained silent for a reason because there was NO HACKING WHATSOEVER to begin with!  Therefore, once again Tradesecret LIED!  What's new? NOTHING!

Another passage that Tradesecret is guilty of herewith: "Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:16)

Of course there was no hacking. This is was simply the Reverend "Tradey" Tradesecrete trying to deny and ditch his vile and disgusting  persona i.e. his real side. He has been of the belief that he can fol all of the people all of the time. This is how thick he really is, Brother. No one is taken in by him any longer so much so that his other personas don' seem to want to know him either🤣.  

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Please keep to the topic.  I am not Ethang. I am not dimtim.  You are brother and you are dimtim.  

410 days later

Shila's avatar
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--> @Stephen
Please keep to the topic.  I am not Ethang. I am not dimtim.  You are brother and you are dimtim.  

Brother D. Thomas: Seriously, how can Tradesecret remain upon this forum in being an outright False Prophet like the membership has shown? Furthermore, Tradesecret remains in 3 different genders as I have shown, because I addressed the moderators in telling them that Tradesecret said their profile page, AND, their link in DEBATE.ORG showing him as a SEXUAL DEVIANT was "hacked."  But, as we've seen, there was absolutely NO ANSWER from the moderators upon this topic, therefore, they remained silent for a reason because there was NO HACKING WHATSOEVER to begin with!  Therefore, once again Tradesecret LIED!  What's new? NOTHING!

Another passage that Tradesecret is guilty of herewith: "Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:16)
Are you really confused about your gender?

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Are you really confused about your gender?
In Australia, and in Victoria, for you to ask that question unless you are a qualified GP and counsellor, is a criminal offence. Isn't that interesting. And for me to answer in the positive or the negative might well be construed as assisting you in your criminal offence.  Huge fines and even prison time is possible for the breach of this offence.  

Hence, whilst I might like to answer you, given that I live in Australia, and in Victoria in particular, I am afraid I am not permitted to answer your question. 
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
shila Wrote: Are you really confused about your gender?
Tradesecret wrote: In Australia, and in Victoria, for you to ask that question unless you are a qualified GP and counsellor, is a criminal offence. 

Can you show us the legislation that states it is a criminal offence in Victoria Australia to ask a person about their gender. Considering that you are a criminal lawyer it shouldn't be too difficult. 
Shila's avatar
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--> @Tradesecret
shila Wrote: Are you really confused about your gender?
Tradesecret wrote: In Australia, and in Victoria, for you to ask that question unless you are a qualified GP and counsellor, is a criminal offence. 

Can you show us the legislation that states it is a criminal offence in Victoria Australia to ask a person about their gender. Considering that you are a criminal lawyer it shouldn't be too difficult.
This should be a good one.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
This should be a good one.

Yes it should. I find it strange that s/he has chosen to point out that it is in Victoria that it is a crime and not his/her home state of Melbourne. S/he's probably forgot where s/he actually lives this week.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
This should be a good one.

Yes it should. I find it strange that s/he has chosen to point out that it is in Victoria that it is a crime and not his/her home state of Melbourne. S/he's probably forgot where s/he actually lives this week.
Not only has he forgotten where he actually lives. Tradesecret has even forgotten his true gender.

BrotherThomas ==>@tradesecret
Which one of your 3 genders are you using today, precluding that you have had ungodly "Gender Reassignment Surgery" that goes against Jesus as biblically shown within the scriptures!

Tradesecret as a male:

Tradesecret as a female:

Tradesecret now as an unknown:

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Yes it should. I find it strange that s/he has chosen to point out that it is in Victoria that it is a crime and not his/her home state of Melbourne. S/he's probably forgot where s/he actually lives this week.
I assume you realise that Melbourne is the capital city of the State of Victoria. Or are you just having a lend of Shila? 

As for the legislation - go to the Victorian State Site. It is easy to find. All you need to do is google - how Victoria in the most progressive state in Australia in relation to gender legislation. or if find that too difficult to navigate try   The first one is more authoritative in Victoria.  The second one more comprehensive.  you might learn something. 

and by the way - I never said it was a criminal offence to talk about gender.  I was talking  about it being illegal to talk to someone about whether they are confused about their gender.  you may not appreciate the difference but the legislation does. 

As for finding the specific piece of legislation and its penalties for breaking such laws - you are the wise and noble one - the one who knows their capital cities from their states.  You go and do it. 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Stephen
Yes it should. I find it strange that s/he has chosen to point out that it is in Victoria that it is a crime and not his/her home state of Melbourne. S/he's probably forgot where s/he actually lives this week.
I assume you realise that Melbourne is the capital city of the State of Victoria. Or are you just having a lend of Shila? 

As for the legislation - go to the Victorian State Site. It is easy to find. All you need to do is google - how Victoria in the most progressive state in Australia in relation to gender legislation. or if find that too difficult to navigate try   The first one is more authoritative in Victoria.  The second one more comprehensive.  you might learn something. 

and by the way - I never said it was a criminal offence to talk about gender.  I was talking  about it being illegal to talk to someone about whether they are confused about their gender.  you may not appreciate the difference but the legislation does. 

As for finding the specific piece of legislation and its penalties for breaking such laws - you are the wise and noble one - the one who knows their capital cities from their states.  You go and do it. 
Not only has he forgotten where he actually lives. Tradesecret has even forgotten his true gender.

BrotherThomas ==>@tradesecret
Which one of your 3 genders are you using today, precluding that you have had ungodly "Gender Reassignment Surgery" that goes against Jesus as biblically shown within the scriptures!

Tradesecret as a male:

Tradesecret as a female:

Tradesecret now as an unknown:

We now understand why you did not seek treatment for  your gender dysphoria.

Australian Parents Fearful of Prosecution Under Victoria’s New Transgender Law

A new law in Victoria, Australia, has parents fearful they will face prosecution if they don’t affirm their children’s preferred gender identity.

The Change of Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021 was enacted on Feb. 17, 2022, and bans parents from engaging in any practice that does not encourage gender transition. Parents cannot deny their child puberty blockers, hormone treatments or gender transition surgeries. Parents also cannot seek out non-affirming counseling for their child in Victoria—or anywhere else in Australia.

The law also prevents counselors from providing talk therapy to children experiencing gender dysphoria.

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has been tasked with policing the act. Anyone found guilty of breaking the law could be fined up to $10,000 or face up to 10 years in prison.

According to the Victorian government’s website about the law, “[Conversion] practices have no basis in medicine. There is no evidence that sexual orientation or gender identity can be changed.” But a professor of law at the University of Queensland, Patrick Parkinson, argues it’s the legislation that has no medical basis.

“The law is highly damaging to the wellbeing of some children, particularly because it discourages clinicians from engaging with children suffering from gender dysphoria or gender incongruence and could deprive them of the help they most need,” he said. “It has no scientific basis because there is no evidence for harm for therapy which helps children become more comfortable with their natal sex.”

One parent shared that her daughter suffers from anxiety and gender dysphoria. When she and her husband sought counseling for their daughter, no one wanted to take her on as a patient.

“One experienced mental health professional told us candidly that no one would see our child because it is too politicized,” Sarah said. “So, my child is just a political football for vote-chasing politicians. … It feels like the government is interfering in families and personal relationships. It is very enraging to think that.”

Dianna Kenny, a former professor of psychology at the University of Sydney, had been treating children with gender dysphoria for about four years and has noticed an uptick in Victorian parents seeking her help since the law took effect.

“Psychologists in Victoria are terrified of practicing non-affirming psychotherapy for children with gender dysphoria,” she said.

Kenny also noted that about 40% of children presenting with gender dysphoria have also been diagnosed with other mental health issues, such as autism.

“The majority of clinicians won’t go anywhere near it unless they agree with the gender affirming model because they fear running foul of the legislation, so they’re not treating children.”

Stephen's avatar
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and by the way - I never said it was a criminal offence to talk about gender.  I was talking  about it being illegal to talk to someone about whether they are confused about their gender.  you may not appreciate the difference but the legislation does. 

Stop playing semantics. This is what you have literally wrote.

Tradesecrete wrote #50 " In Australia, and in Victoria, for you to ask that question unless you are a qualified GP and counsellor, is a criminal offence". 

And let us not forget that you also live in New Zealand and speak Greek too TRADESECRET-BIO-FEMALE.jpg (1847×967) (

I see your little break from the forum has done nothing for your personality disorder.
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Elliott's avatar
For me the concept of Hell somewhat diminishes the idea of a loving God. Hell is supposedly a place of eternal torment and what form this torment will take seems open to opinion, there is mention in the Bible of fire and worms, but I would imagine that considering it is the creation of an all knowing omnipotent being it will be totally unbearable. And this torment is internal; you really have to think about that one, this unbearable suffering doesn’t last for a hundred, a thousand, a billion or say a figure of one followed by a billion trillion zero years, it is eternal, it never ends. There is no redemption no chance to reform and to mend your ways, there is no point to hell apart from causing suffering. This isn’t justice; no one deserves this, not even the worst criminals or tyrants deserve this. This entity that inflicts this on people isn’t a loving one, he is by most definitions totally evil.
There are those who say God doesn’t send you to Hell, you send yourself but this argument doesn’t work. God created Hell, he established the rules as to what you would be sent there for and he is the one who judges you, therefore he is the one who sends you there. Any tyrant could use this same argument for inflicting the most inhumane suffering on those who don’t submit to him.
So what is one of the things you can get sent to Hell for? Apparently it is not believing in God, this is totally unjust as belief isn’t a choice, belief is down to perception and you can’t make yourself believe something that you perceive to be false.
I don’t believe in God because I have seen no evidence to convince me that that God or any other supernatural entity exists. If someone was to demand that I believe in God and threatened me and my family that failure to do so would result in an unpleasant death for us all, this would be one huge incentive for me and I would say I believed and go through all the necessary rituals to demonstrate my conversion, but it would be a lie, because I can’t make myself believe in a God I perceive to be nonexistent and choice isn’t an option.
To be fair not all Christians follow this doctrine of Hell. The Church of England for example has rejected the idea of Hell and there is simply Heaven or death.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Tradesecret
and by the way - I never said it was a criminal offence to talk about gender.  I was talking  about it being illegal to talk to someone about whether they are confused about their gender.  you may not appreciate the difference but the legislation does. 

Stop playing semantics. This is what you have literally wrote.

Tradesecrete wrote #50 " In Australia, and in Victoria, for you to ask that question unless you are a qualified GP and counsellor, is a criminal offence". 

And let us not forget that you also live in New Zealand and speak Greek too TRADESECRET-BIO-FEMALE.jpg (1847×967) (

I see your little break from the forum has done nothing for your personality disorder.
Not something one would expect from a pastor or a lawyer. Should his condition improve he might return as a doctor.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
There is no hell in the Old Testament it's a completely Christian concept. And honestly if you read through the Bible it's not even discussed until Revelation. Hell is a bunch of malarkey it doesn't exist.