Why are so many resilient to fact-based truth regarding black criminality?

Author: TWS1405


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3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
Blacks never had to invent or develop a great civilization
In fact, there was a time when Egypt's rulers were black, hailing from the kingdom of Kush, located in modern-day Sudan and Upper Egypt, according to KPBS. Around 750 BC they conquered Egypt, enthroned their own pharaohs and ruled Egypt for nearly a century, in what would be known as the Nubian Dynasty, or Egypt's 25th Dynasty. [**]

The richest man in history,

Mansa Musa (Musa I of Mali) was the king of the ancient empire of Mali in West Africa. [**]

not to mention,

Many scholars have concluded that the founders of the first Mesopotamian civilization were Black Sumerians. Mesopotamia was the Biblical land of Shinar (Sumer), which sprung up around 3000 B.C. After deciphering the cuneiform script and researching ancient Mesopotamia for many years Henry Rawlinson (1810-1895) discovered that the founders of the civilization were of Kushite (Cushite) origin. [**]
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
But the OP didn’t say that
anytime you declare that one "race" has some propensity for some set or sub-set of behaviors, you are implicitly suggesting genetic causes

i mean,

that's what the (ridiculous and ill-defined) word "race" means.
Ehyeh's avatar
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Ehyeh's avatar
" It's why poverty doesn't have an effect on black violence. The richest blacks commit more crime than the poorest whites."

Do you have a source for this? 

Sowell argues the reason black people cause more crime is due to age discrepancies (which came up in my debate, and there is still a discrepancy even when we factor in age).
TWS1405's avatar
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TWS1405's avatar
I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone prominent - no one outside the odd Twitter crazy - that has materially objected to murder and violent crime rate - other than to point out that there is some level and some forms of racial skew in many types of crime statistics - which there is.
The issue I brought up has nothing to do with anyone "materially object(ing) to murder and violent crime rate," but rather everything to do with those on the left immediately calling anyone and everyone a racist merely for bringing up the fact that their narrative is false given that the criminological on black crime rates. In other words, they refuse to even look at the data let alone consider the juxtaposition of the data to the proportionality of blacks committing the crimes to their overall % of the total population. Also, there is no racial skew in crime statistics. 

So on that basis - I think it’s  rather disingenuous and largely arguing from a false premise to accuse the left of denying something I don’t really see being substantively denied outside the odd Twitter crazy.
Well, you yourself just began your premise here on a false assumption of what I proffered as my initial position. So the rest of this superfluous retort is rather moot, but I will continue to respond. 

What is largely objected to, reasonably, is the inherently subtle, and occasionally not-so subtly implication you’re making - why is the black murder rate higher than the white murder rate. 
There is nothing subtle about it. I call it like I see it and the criminological data doesn't lie. A very tiny % of black males ARE committing over 50% of the entire nation's murders and non-negligent manslaughters. They also do more violence directed at whites and Asians than vice versa. That is an objective fact. 

One can either attribute that to some as yet unknown racial or genetic factors - that whites are somehow “better” than blacks - that they’re just bad parents, don’t discipline their kids, that black people are just bad at stuff, and because they’re black, they’re more likely to murder - etc. This, depending on what action you wish to take on is just thinly veiled white supremacy, and in cases were you just openly denigrate a race for being inherently bad at some current social measure than whites that veil is largely lifted entirely. Indeed, terminating your superficial search for why’s at behaviour you can attribute to the nature of the individuals themselves without looking any deeper is often used as pretence to oppress people and to justify open racism.
There is no white supremacy or racism in presenting fact based objective truth. And nowhere in any proposition or follow-up comment have I asserted there is some genetic factor involved making blacks lesser than whites, or any other race. 

Before civil rights black Americans had pride, self-respect, and determination to succeed in America - despite the overt racism - blacks maintained a nuclear family and an out of wedlock birth rate of less than 22%. Black culture, music, entertainment, etc. was found intriguing and whites of all walks of life went to Harlem and other black communities to enjoy that entertainment. Blacks wanted to succeed then, but after civil rights, everything changed. Especially when LBJ instituted the war on poverty essentially forcing unwed black girls and women to marry the government if they wanted money to raise their children. This forced the fatherlessness upon a segment of the black community. It is that segment that has resulted in the small % of black males that have become this country's problem where violent crime is concerned. 

Alternatively you can attribute it to complex sociopolitical factors; many of which have historical race components. For example things like, say, the social impact of the crack epidemic - caused in part due to mass poverty and historical redlining, mass incarceration that resulted in the collapse of family structure in many poor black communities; which in turn can fuel crime - as abuse, poor parenting, and broken families are one of the most substantial correlates with crime in the us.
I am so tired of hearing about the crack epidemic as an excuse for the failures of a segment of the black community. People CHOOSE to ingest an illicit drug. It is not forced upon them. When you CHOOSE to use addictive drugs, you also CHOOSE to accept the consequences of doing so. 

Mass incarceration was a direct result of the 72% out of wedlock birth rates leading to the home to prison pipeline. The family structure was already collapsed prior to incarceration due to the lack of a nuclear family. 

Black culture is the problem that fuels crime, abuse, rape, murder, poor parenting, drug use, gangs, so on and so forth. 

Group behavioural trends are the incredibly complex interaction of innumerable factors, with genetics being a largely minor player in the churning mix. Add into this generational impact of various sociopolitical factors: if parents are exposed to some negative impact, it may impact their children, who can then impact their children - and on and on.
More like mass paranoia and psychosis of the victimhood mentality hammered into their heads generation after generation is the true inherent problem. 

Even if such correlates did equate to causation  - even if, say, a correlating gene was found that was specifically linked to and a causal factor of violent crime - does this mean that one must treat those with the gene as inferior - and tailor social policy to restrict their rights? Of course not; social policy and support should be promoted to prevent what is a genetic risk factor from being realized - in the same way we do for, say, cancers. 
There is no gene at play here, but rather environmental and social-psychological factors in a lack of a proper upbringing that plays into the issues a segment of the black community faces. 

This sort of attempt at argument; is not really logical or honest attempt at assessing the truth. It appears to be just finding a data and argument to try and provide a reasonable sounding justification for the racial views and prejudices you already have by analyzing what is inherently cherry picked data with a very narrow interpretation that doesn’t consider the wider picture.
Your first sentence makes no sense. 

The second is pure BS. You do not know what I "already have" or don't have where analysis of the data is concerned. And I do not cherry pick data; and I have not given a full description of any argument as well. You're making a lot of [ass]umptions with no facts, rather all subjective conjecture. 
TWS1405's avatar
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TWS1405's avatar
You seem to be making a lot of abstract moralistic statements without outlining what the cause is, or what the solution would be.
But I have outlined the cause and some plausible solutions throughout this thread. Please keep up. 

In my view such terms like "personal responsibility" are heavily codified with assumptions and baggage. The fact is that these communities have been denied rights and wealth - what you are basically saying is that they lack enthusiasm to play someone else's game. Implicitly you are denying the validity of black culture, and thereby denying the full personhood of the black community.
"These communities" have not been denied anything. Everyone has equal access to everything. You have to go get it. Just like Dr. Ben Carson did. Just like Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman did. Just like the first female millionaire did, who was black, btw. Just like Booker T Washington did. Just like Jackie Robinson did. And so many others as well. 

Life isn't a game. You only get out of it what you put into it. 

There is no validity to black culture. 

"...the full personhood of the black community."

That makes absolutely no sense. A community cannot possess "personhood." (The state or condition of being a person, especially having those qualities that confer distinct individuality.)
Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
Of course it doesn’t read as sympathetic - how could it, you’re poisoning the well by stating it’s the opinion of a white southerner responding to criticism about segregation and lynching. Knowing that necessarily injects a bunch of assumptions about the motivation and beliefs of the person writing it.

The sympathy isn’t from my post: it’s from the stuff you’re adding.

Your interpretation would completely change if you modified the wording to reflect the views of, say, a historian in the 1990s commenting on a particular comment about the causes of post reconstructional racism in the south. You can use my post in that context too - and it sounds completely reasonable when you do.

I’ve already explained this - and you just appear to be obtusely regurgitating the same nonsense as if saying it enough times makes my rebuttal go away.

In addition to the person you state writing completely poisoning the well, the inherent nature of the comparison isn’t directly equivalent either; you are more directly tying causal factors to why the specific social policy happened; rather than talking at the level of why broad support was entrenched in the population.

If you actually draw an accurate comparison to what I said, at the same level as I was talking about - the argument is completely reasonable - and becomes completely unsympathetic.

This was, again, in my previous post: but for some odd reason, you completely ignored it.

I could throw in the main difference that I have unequivocally stated that I am not in anyway morally condoning murders or violence; and nothing I said was intended to or written to morally absolve any individuals of crime - I went into great detail to explain that understanding root causes is critical to understanding why things happen - not to excuse what happened.

If white southerner in the 1950s added that clarification to the letter - that his intent was to attribute cause of why segregation and lynching happen, not to justify it, that those engaging in it are morally for the horrors  - then you would absolutely not believe that letter was sympathetic.

Of course, I posted this exact thing earlier, but given that it fully explains why your interpretation is wrong, and fully clarify that I absolutely did not mean and don’t not mean and never meant what you claim I do - you apparently chose to ignore it too.

I could also add the places where the nuance of what I talked about was specific to racism, and what you filled the blanks with implicitly changes the tone: like talking about North/south bigotry; I was talking specifically about racism - the absence of any historical race based undertones of the relationship between white North and south - just talking about it in that context changes the tone of the post and sounds like a canard - which it is, because this aspect isn’t exactly comparable; likewise when seeking to explain why people supported these policies - instead of talking generically about social trends, and the implicit social underpinnings of racism - you decided to throw in a bunch of confederate talking points - of course if you do that you’re going to make it sound pro-confederate.

I am not, nor ever will condone or excuse murder and I will never morally absolve people from the choices they make. The people who commit violent crime absolutely must be pushed - but we need to understand the causes of general crime trends, and understand the key socioeconomic driving factors of them; rather than stop when we can attribute fault at the racial group level because it satisfies whatever prejudice the OP holds.

This position is absolutely and completely reasonable, and completely logical - which is likely why you’ve decided to ignore three times now, and persist instead with this ridiculous straw man where you seem to be bent on screaming that my intent is to excuse murders - despite me repeatedly telling you that my argument in no way should be used to imply that I excuse murders.

This is not an issue with me or my argument - this is purely and simply an issue with you: for some reason you have decided that’s intent is to excuse or justify violent crime - and are just reading that bias into what I’m writing.

That all comes from you. Nothing about it bears any relation to anything I said, anything I clarified or anything I believe.

Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
But the OP didn’t say that—you just assumed that he thinks that. He’s actually said the opposite in this thread, that he thinks it’s a cultural problem. Immediately assuming that someone else thinks racial differences in crime rates are due to genetic reasons the moment they point them out reveals the biases in YOUR  thinking not the OP
Actually - if you re-read my post; broadly speaking - I cover that no one materially objects to the specific crime rates, but object to presentation of the whys.

I give two options that cover the broad explanations - innate factors, and external factors; and explained that attempts to tie murder rates to innate factors is thinly veiled white supremacy - which I stand by. If you look at my post I explain exactly why that is.

Now, I don’t actually state or make accusations that he believes one or the other: I am merely justifying and advocating for the intellectual position he’s complaining about the OP.

However, when presented with what is largely a binary options - when someone professes that one option is totally false, then it’s implicit that they support the other.

I typically try not to put words in peoples mouth, and caveated the options in my original post. Perhaps given that you’ve spent the past 3 posts accusing me of holding a position that I said I don’t - this is just projection.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
I could throw in the main difference that I have unequivocally stated that I am not in anyway morally condoning murders or violence; and nothing I said was intended to or written to morally absolve any individuals of crime - I went into great detail to explain that understanding root causes is critical to understanding why things happen - not to excuse what happened.

If white southerner in the 1950s added that clarification to the letter - that his intent was to attribute cause of why segregation and lynching happen, not to justify it, that those engaging in it are morally for the horrors  - then you would absolutely not believe that letter was sympathetic.
Alright if you say so. I would say that writing a letter in response to criticism of violence by saying that actually that violence is due to things other people did (like reconstruction and tariffs) isn’t morally condemning that violence but instead trying to pin at least some of the blame on someone else because the facts made the author uncomfortable. I personally wouldn’t be pleased with the contents of that letter even if they assured me that they were totally against violence but wanted to add context. I also think it’s obvious that telling people their behavior doesn’t come from their actions but from the actions of others won’t cause them to change. But if you don’t think so I guess we just disagree! 
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
Actually - if you re-read my post; broadly speaking - I cover that no one materially objects to the specific crime rates, but object to presentation of the whys.

I give two options that cover the broad explanations - innate factors, and external factors; and explained that attempts to tie murder rates to innate factors is thinly veiled white supremacy - which I stand by. If you look at my post I explain exactly why that is.

Now, I don’t actually state or make accusations that he believes one or the other: I am merely justifying and advocating for the intellectual position he’s complaining about the OP
Okay whatever you say lol. Maybe you should be the one doing the re-reading of your post since it was clearly scolding the OP for bringing the topic up. The idea that you WERENT casting aspersions on his motivations is totally dishonest 
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
I got an Italian girlfriend atm and she might honestly be the one. I am eating like a king. 

We all rub off on each other, but our traditions are strong, thett. Honestly Americans are just a little bit obnoxious lol. 
Dude if she can cook like that you need to marry that woman 
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
I shouldn’t accuse you of dishonesty but I can’t edit the post anymore so I apologize about that. I should try to de escalate instead of the other way around. I think the hypothetical letter o created isn’t something acceptable but at least you’re consistent so I can’t fault you there! Go ahead and savage me in your next reply and I’ll leave you alone 
rbelivb's avatar
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rbelivb's avatar
Change a few words and it sounds like an article posted in a southern newspaper in the 1950s responding to criticism of segregation and lynchings
The fact that you would disagree with such a letter implies, that you either think that whites were genetically predisposed to the cruel behaviours of slave owners, or otherwise that the institution of slavery and the crimes of slave owners could only be addressed by individual slaveowners "taking responsibility" for their behaviour and not through institutional or legal change. In fact, these behaviours of slave owners were remediated by abolishing the institution as a whole, not by some medicalized beuraucratic management of the psychology of perpetrators as individuals. The shift to individualism in the founding of America as a capitalist republic was correlated with an intensification and racialization of the institution of slavery.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
The fact that you would disagree with such a letter implies, that you either think that whites were genetically predisposed to the cruel behaviours of slave owners, or otherwise that the institution of slavery and the crimes of slave owners could only be addressed by individual slaveowners "taking responsibility" for their behaviour and not through institutional or legal change. In fact, these behaviours of slave owners were remediated by abolishing the institution as a whole, not by some medicalized beuraucratic management of the psychology of perpetrators as individuals. 
I was talking about the attitudes southern whites had in the 50s or so which caused them to want to make blacks sit in the back of the bus in the first place. Institutional change is usually downstream of cultural change, although it’s true that isn’t what happened in the case of slavery (although it would have a decade or two later). In the case of crimes those actions are already illegal so I don’t know what “institutional change” you’re angling for. It’s an interesting conversation because it shows just how thoroughly entrenched in the outer locus of control liberals are. Individuals having control over their actions may be an illusion but it’s an important one that drives human behavior. “All of your problems are someone else’s fault” vs “get your shit together” which message is more likely to cause a person to change for the better I wonder.   

I’m incredibly skeptical that your average leftist would do anything other than completely lose their shit if the type of coddling language was used for white people as well. “What Dylan Roof did was bad but we have to understand that black people actually do commit more crime. Obviously he shouldn’t have done what he did but his race hatred probably wouldn’t have come into existence if black people didn’t commit more crimes” totally reasonable, morally defensible, and non cancellable statement right? Please 
rbelivb's avatar
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rbelivb's avatar
In the case of crimes those actions are already illegal so I don’t know what “institutional change” you’re angling for. It’s an interesting conversation because it shows just how thoroughly entrenched in the outer locus of control liberals are.
The "institutional change" would need to be something that precisely, gives those communities back their locus of control. It is a question of what they own, what they control materially in terms of land, property, influence, and so on. Not whatever psychological theorizing that conservatives are trying to use, to basically muddy the water and distract from the social stratification that exists in reality. Conservatives want black people to "do better" in some moralistic sense, but do you really think they want the balance of cultural influence to shift in any significant way? Conservatives want black people to "do better" in the sense of toiling anonymously, of becoming invisible and making their place in society less ambiguous and more legible according to existing norms and standards. They want blackness and its associated problems to disappear. In that sense, there is no true conservative sense of black culture - as TWS said, they believe that there is no validity to black culture.

I’m incredibly skeptical that your average leftist would do anything other than completely lose their shit if the type of coddling language was used for white people as well. “What Dylan Roof did was bad but we have to understand that black people actually do commit more crime. Obviously he shouldn’t have done what he did but his race hatred probably wouldn’t have come into existence if black people didn’t commit more crimes” totally reasonable, morally defensible, and non cancellable statement right? Please 
Now you have escaped into the territory of whataboutism and totally irrelevant comparisons.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
Now you have escaped into the territory of whataboutism and totally irrelevant comparisons.
Yah the entire point of the satire is a whataboutism, I just thought it was funny 

Conservatives want black people to "do better" in some moralistic sense, but do you really think they want the balance of cultural influence to shift in any significant way? Conservatives want black people to "do better" in the sense of toiling anonymously, of becoming invisible and making their place in society less ambiguous and more legible according to existing norms and standards. They want blackness and its associated problems to disappear. In that sense, there is no true conservative sense of black culture - as TWS said, they believe that there is no validity to black culture.
Yea I want black people to do better by not having a homicide rate 10x higher than their white counterparts. I don’t think having a homicide rate 10x higher than white people is something inherent to “blackness” and “black culture.” I think we can and should expect this change to happen, rather than making excuses

The "institutional change" would need to be something that precisely, gives those communities back their locus of control. It is a question of what they own, what they control materially in terms of land, property, influence, and so on. Not whatever psychological theorizing that conservatives are trying to use, to basically muddy the water and distract from the social stratification that exists in reality.
can you be more specific? What exactly do you want? A black ethnostate or something? 
Novice_II's avatar
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Novice_II's avatar
Well, we can place focus on the fact that rbelivb has no idea what he is talking about, and approach any emerging branches of deliberation with this proposition in consideration. Nothing I would rule out of my expectations of course, but a statement that may serve the utility of anyone conversant.
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
rbelivb has no idea what he is talking about
don't bother with any analysis, skip straight to "a rush to disqualify"

you might as well take the next logical step and "rush to declare victory"
rbelivb's avatar
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rbelivb's avatar
Yea I want black people to do better by not having a homicide rate 10x higher than their white counterparts. I don’t think having a homicide rate 10x higher than white people is something inherent to “blackness” and “black culture.” I think we can and should expect this change to happen, rather than making excuses
These are truisms, of course nobody arguing that more homicides should happen.
rbelivb's avatar
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rbelivb's avatar
Well, we can place focus on the fact that rbelivb has no idea what he is talking about, and approach any emerging branches of deliberation with this proposition in consideration. Nothing I would rule out of my expectations of course, but a statement that may serve the utility of anyone conversant.
Unblock me immediately!
badger's avatar
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badger's avatar
It amuses me to wonder what age Novice is supposed to be. 
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Sowell argues the reason black people cause more crime is due to age discrepancies (which came up in my debate, and there is still a discrepancy even when we factor in age).
Any reader of Sowell(which includes me) would know that he blames the crime on gang culture.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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1.The nubians came much after the original Egyptians, so they piggy-backed off of non-black innovation. They pulled a South Africa where blacks piggy-backed off of white innovation.

2.The Mali Empire was in direct contact with the outside world and so that is how they developed. Again sub-Saharan advanced societies never develop on their own, instead it took a massive volume of trade for the Mali Empire to grow. That and Ethiopia are the two only exceptions in ALL of sub-Saharan history.

3.That is preposterous. Your source is a literal "we wuz kangs" blog that tries to claim that minoan greece and ancient china was a black civilization. LMAO
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
it is 57%. Many people are critical of how the US Census deals with race
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
So the majority of Venezual is non-white. Gotcha
Ehyeh's avatar
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Ehyeh's avatar
Where does gang culture come from?
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
He argued the Ulster Scot Immigrants to America, which I half-agree with him on
Ehyeh's avatar
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Ehyeh's avatar
Oh no, is this the black rednecks theory? It seems so ridiculous to me that the culture from that time remained so intact with barely any changes. Yet other peoples cultures change constantly, huh.
FLRW's avatar
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The Forty Thieves — likely named after Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves — were formed in 1825 and alleged to be the first known and oldest New York City criminal street gang. The Thieves consisted primarily of Irish immigrants and Irish Americans who terrorized the Five Points neighborhood of 19th century Manhattan. Another criminal gang named the "Forty Thieves" which had no criminal ties to the New York gang was formed in LondonEngland in 1828. From 1873-1950s, an all-female London criminal gang known as the "Forty Elephants" was also known to use the name the Forty Thieves. Later a criminal gang in Philadelphia called themselves the Forty Thieves.The Kerryonians, another early Irish gang formed in the same year as the Forty Thieves, have been alleged to be the second oldest organized criminal gang in New York City.
Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
The issue I brought up has nothing to do with anyone "materially object(ing) to murder and violent crime rate”…

Well, you yourself just began your premise here on a false assumption of what I proffered as my initial position.

So I’m not going to quote ladder here - there’s too much; but I am going to deal with all of the general points your making.

My post is based on your words: “white guilt liberals and democrats deny these [crime stat] truths”. That’s the premise of the post title, and the central theme of the op. Almost straight after you say your point has nothing to do with people rejecting the data, you explain that your point is, in no small part, that everyone is rejecting the data. You go on in your reply to profoundly assert the data doesn’t lie, and talk about the data and statistics - seemingly with the implication that I’m rejecting the data.

That is indeed your premise - both explicit and implicit, your reply here is underpinned by it, your original post stated it. And it’s inherently untrue as I outlined.

There is nothing subtle about it. I call it like I see it and the criminological data doesn't lie. 

Data doesn’t generally lie. Data is just data. Interpretation of the data, the choice of datasets you include, the conclusions and causal links inferred from them, and the value judgements you make, and the tone you use when conveying them - those lie. Those can lie an awful lot.

And this is the issue, you seem to be unable to draw a distinction between the data you are using, and all the things you’re piling onto it. Your argument here appears to treat those both as the same thing - that if the data is accurate, then your speculative assertions about cause, the implicit value judgements you appear to be baking in with all the negative tone and language - are also accurate and valid. They are not.

Sure, the data is largely - but not entirely accurate - no one contests that a great deal. But what you’re concluding from it, the subtle negative blame laden language, and other subtleties - that’s all from you, not from the data.

There is no white supremacy or racism in presenting fact based objective truth. 

Racism, broadly speaking, is the belief or opinion that one race is inferior to another in some respect. White supremacy, broadly speaking, is where racism is used in some fashion to justify specific racist policy and dominance of white people. That’s my own words, it doesn’t catch everything - but it’s what I mean when I am talking about racism and white supremacy in this context.

Now, your issue is the same as before - you keep conflating the validity of data with the validity of the opinions you inelegantly draw from it.

In this respect, you can indeed show the “truth” of some statistic or data point - and draw racist or white supremacist conclusions from it by injecting a bunch of value inferences that don’t appear in that data point.

For example, when you suggest black people “don’t have pride any more”, that blacks no longer want to succeed; or implying that the current plight is down to their own choice - that’s not supported at all by the data. Again, that’s all you. That sort of negative tone, and language is drawing subtle broad inferences, and implying broad value or moral judgements

Those last bits, are what can make opinions based on accurate data racist; if that is then used to justify policy that, say, maintains the race gap, and is used to justify the idea that it’s okay that whites are at the top and blacks are not because of something inherent to them - that then migrates into white supremacy.

And nowhere in any proposition or follow-up comment have I asserted there is some genetic factor involved making blacks lesser than whites, or any other race. 

If you pay attention. I am laying out options; not specifically accusing you of holding one position or other. The choices really are an issue of believing that there is an innate cause or an external cause: and with the former, genetics is typically all there is, whether you like it or not.

For example, given what we know of human genetics, there  is every reason to expect that white people were in the exact reversed positions; with whites having been enslaved, a black racist government that enacted racist laws, lynching of whites, segregation etc, all in identical conditions - we’d be talking about white violent crime in this thread.

That’s kind of the point I’m making; we all have  to take individual responsibility for our actions, we all have to be held properly accountable for our misdeeds; but it is an absolute and undeniable fact that our thinking, behaviour and our decision making are hugely influenced and shaped by external factors outside our control. When there are trends in external factors - there are associated trends in the population.

My framing of the potential causes is to highlight hie various positions end up falling down into types particular claims, that end up falling down onto personal prejudice. Many individuals attempt to hide this inherent prejudice through making higher level or indirect claims that obfuscate the inherent basis for the position: when politicians do it, for example, it’s called a dog whistle.

“Before civil rights black Americans had pride, self-respect, and determination to succeed in America…. <snip> …. Blacks wanted to succeed then, but after civil rights, everything changed”

I try and be charitable in text, not always successfully - as it’s often easy to misread context and tone. But this is fairly cut and dry.

Pride, self respect, determination; are personal attributes associated with positive value. Self-respect, determination, pride - that doesn’t come from data - its not practically possible to measure the subjective nature of things like self-respect in broad population statistics. 

No, this is you looking at the data and inferring - due to your own biases and prejudice - a negative value trait in a group of people. It involves asserting broad stereotypes about parents, and individuals, their motivations (or lack thereof) that are broadly negative and again, not supported by the data.

If people are painting you as racist for statements like this, that’s why - it’s not rejecting the data, it’s rejecting your implicit broad value statements.

“[LBJ welfare programs] forcing unwed black girls and women to marry the government if they wanted money to raise their children. This forced the fatherlessness upon a segment of the black community”

There are broad correlations in unemployment, poverty, welfare, incarceration rates, and a few others, with rise of single family homes. That’s the data. Your reply is inferring causation from that correlation, and then completely speculating an underlying cause; it’s not even a particularly good inference; given man in the house rules (which forced unwed women to not have a man in the house) were state level, and ended in 68; and that the welfare rules otherwise didn’t promote fatherlessness as much as promoting not getting married (rules for married couples, and rules for unmarried or unrelated individuals were different), and would not necessarily have had little impact on people already unwed. So this assessment seems largely speculative, driven by correlation = causation.

Ignoring all the huge variety of specific economic factors here; it doesn’t even make sense with respect to what you said mere sentences before:

You stated, that black people in the 1960s had strong families, had pride, wanted to be successful, and had determination - despite being victims of racism; but this assessment is very much at odds with the suggestion that these exact same people would happily give up, break up their families, and live on handouts when offered.

So it seems your argument doesn’t fully believe in the positive attributes you assigned to blacks in the 1960s; given that your follow up implies they leapt at the opportunity for handouts, and instead serve only to imply negative attributes in blacks today.

I can follow up, the same welfare was also available to whites up for arguably longer; who also had stable families structure - one set of stable families with pride and determination deteriorate into mass incarceration because of welfare but the others didn’t?

These sort of statistical comparison shows that the data you’re using is incomplete given the conclusion - or your conclusion is inherently based on an inherent bias that somehow one is better at dealing with things than others. 

“I am so tired of hearing about the crack epidemic as an excuse for the failures of a segment of the black community. People CHOOSE…”

Let’s ignore that I mentioned a dozen or so things; and you simply picked one; and let’s ignore that you just blamed the underlying cause on LBJ  - let’s say it slowly and clearly - attributing the underlying cause of social trends, is not excusing individual behaviour.

You’re right - crack is a drug, using drugs is a choice. However - social trends are clear, poverty and economic factors are indeed associated with high level of drug use, and substance abuse - so redlining, and racial inequality raised unemployment and increases poverty disproportionately in black communities; that alone puts those communities at higher risk for substance abuse.

When a new, super cheap drug, comes out on the market, and is sold to them; it’s reasonable to expect areas with higher unemployment and economic hardship to be worst affected.

So you have a drug problem, how does society deal with it. Take opioids as an example, you recognize the issue with substance abuse is a health issue, you see the deaths, homelessness and harm done to individuals having issues with opioid addiction, and you focus health resources - addiction treatment - government policy is compassionate, and drug abuse is recognized: as a socioeconomic issue due to long standing economic and social problems in various communities.

Imagine, if instead of that; opioid abuse is viewed as a crime problem, painted as criminals that were damaging the country - laws were changed to make inordinately steep penalties for possession or supply of opioids were meted out, and three strikes policy means that you could go to prison for decades for it. In locales with high poverty and high drug use - this would destroy families, increase poverty more, increase police involvement, increase arrests, and lead to overwhelming mass incarceration - for a health problem.

That was all external, and racially disproportionate reactions to poor and economically insecure people choosing drug, and that racist reaction significantly harmed the environment as compared to if it had been treated like opioids are now.

“Mass incarceration was a direct result of the 72% out of wedlock birth rates leading to the home to prison pipeline. The family structure was already collapsed prior to incarceration due to the lack of a nuclear family. 

Mass incarceration began in the mid 1970s, this is when incarceration went from stable, and began increasing. The 72% out of wedlock number has only been hit in the last decade. Kids born out of wedlock did get a bit worse, but actually collapsed in the mid 1970s, coinciding with mass incarceration and obviously. You also don’t see equivalent mass incarceration levels snowballing with whites despite equivalent levels of single parent homes today vs blacks in the late 1960. The wedlock birthrates for all races today are at all time lows - despite violent crime halving in the last few decades and incarceration rates largely levelling. If this was the actual issue and actual cause - there would be a correlation here too.

This is what I mean by cherry picking - you’re only using the data that confirms the prejudicial conclusion you wish to make; when you look more broadly at wider data to support the correlation - the correlation falls apart.
Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
Black culture is the problem
Given that you’ve blamed the problem on “lbj”, black mothers wedding the government the collapse of the black nuclear family - despite no causal correlation - you’re now going for black culture. This doesn’t seem to be a coherent position, more than you’re flitting around a bunch of things that you haven’t really thought through.

Which black culture exactly - can you define and measure it? starting when and where? Can you correlate crime trends with the rise and prevalence of black culture - what statistics support this claim? Given that you’re claiming all this started happening before mass incarceration - before any of what is often pointed to as “black culture” was around, and that violent crime rates have halved despite there being some growth (especially in media and social media), of various black cultures that are widely criticized. This doesn’t really correlate, and is not something fact based.

Also, there is no racial skew in crime statistics. 
This is factually untrue - ironic given that this post is about rejection of facts.

Of the top of my head, wrongful conviction rates, and police misconduct rates are disproportionally higher for minorities than whites; and blacks are stopped for suspicion of drugs more than whites despite having a lower chance of being discovered with drugs. This is data, that demonstrates there is assuredly a skew in many crime statistics. Saying this, this is more of a side bar for a throwaway caveat, rather than a key point I’m making.

The second is pure BS. You do not know what I "already have" or don't have where analysis of the data is concerned. And I do not cherry pick data; and I have not given a full description of any argument as well. You're making a lot of [ass]umptions with no facts, rather all subjective conjecture. 

Not really - let’s ignore the entirety of your posts on this forum, which I took a look at when framing my response.

In my reply here, I point out all the omissions and cherry picking in correlation. There is an absolute buttload more; but the above is enough to show that you’re not looking at all the data.

Central to my point, based on the examples in this thread and your original point, was what you said and your framing of it - clarified above - this is enough for me to form conclusions about exactly what it is your saying

You claim that my interpretation is ”BS” - but the more and more you actually explain, the more and more it’s specifically clear that I was absolutely spot on with my assessment.

As shown, you’ve used sloppy logic, poor correlations, and partial cherry picked data sets to draw conclusion that you then used to make a huge number of broad value statements about a given race that is not - at any point - clearly supported by any data you presented.

In retrospect, I probably warranted going much further than I did in my OP, which mostly gave you the benefit of the doubt - given that your argument and position is even worse, and even more based on bias once you started opening your mouth above.