

Used to categorize content related to illegal activities and behaviors that violate social norms and laws. Discussions under this tag may encompass topics such as the causes and consequences of crime, crime prevention and detection strategies, and the impact of crime on various aspects of society, such as public safety, justice, and social inequality. The tag may also cover topics around the legal and ethical implications of crime, such as the role of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, and the need for rehabilitation and restorative justice approaches.

Total topics: 10

Any defense attorney who has tried enough cases will tell you that sometimes they put in documents requests to the prosecution and occasionally the FBI has to hold a secret meeting with the judge express to the judge that it would hurt national security to release the information.

There are cases where a dependent recognized that top secret technology was being used to catch them and the case was thrown out and the dependent signed documents agreeing to shut their mouth. Some operation trip wire cases were overturned because of this as one example.

Bryan Kohlberger did murder those 4 girls. He also happened to know exactly what technology the police had to investigate his crime. 

I think what happened is the FBI used some secret technology, such as satellites taking secret surveillance of the area and knew before the tip came in That it was Kohlberger but had to wait for the correct tip to use in order to cover up the actual technology used. 

There is a ton of evidence Kohlberger was being monitored before the security guard called in with the tip, but the tip allowed them to finally connect him to the crime, without having to reveal the classified method of doing so. Remember they were receiving 10000 tops a day, so they just needed the right one to find him, one thay would probably go ignored in regular investigations. 

If the defense pushes hard to get ahold of the methods of catching kohlberger, I wouldn't put it past the state to drop charges to protect classified technology used by the FBI
1 1
Jesse Waters breaks it down to the proverbial T

No genetic fallacies allowed. Period. If you do, you prove yourself an ignorant libtard troll.

Debate the facts, not the source. 
61 11
When it comes to Black and White crimes, Blacks are 34.37 times more likely to commit a crime against Whites than the inverse (87.3 / 12.7 = 6.87 ; 6.87 x 5 = 34.37 -- the White population outnumbers the Black population 5 fold) FdJBO4yXkAARgZz (1200×749) ( . This may be indicative of Black's racial hatred for White people, but certainly dispels the myth that Whites commit more crimes against Blacks than the inverse.

For context, Blacks are also far more likely to commit crimes against Hispanics, but not to the egregious extent they are against Whites FdJBR_KWAAM7qUB (1200×742) ( , whilst Hispanics are more likely to commit crimes against Whites than the inverse, but even close to being as much as Blacks are to Whites and Hispanics FdJBQFNXoAMA7n0 (1200×744) ( .

Data to make graphs found here: Criminal Victimization, 2021 ( 

Why do Blacks commit so many more crimes against Whites and Hispanics?
185 17

Senator Grassley and Johnson’s investigation into Biden Inc criminality highly detailed here in this hearing statement. 

It is clear that the Biden’s and all their co-conspirators did as Grassley laid out. An FBI agent was caught conspiring with foreign agents that ties that FBI agent to Hunter and the Biden family. 

If the Biden Criminal Organization can disrupt a 4 year term of a sitting president with constant barrages of illicit and fallacious attacks, effectively setting that POTUS up for failure, it is more than plausible and more probable that they also conspired to rig the 2020 election (which is more or less self-evident at this point).

As these hearings continue, more truth will see the light of day and the snakes in the swamp will continue to be exposed. 

This country is on the brink of total ruin if our government and GOP do not get their act together and clean house from the very TOP to the lowest basement level. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. Neither can the fact that the CCP has every hand, tooth and nail dug deep into our country on multiple levels. 

Things for America and our way of life are at serious risk, and if something doesn’t change soon…that movie Red Dawn may become a very reality present day. 
32 4
I just find the whole idea inhumane, not only the homeless but especially so.

I am absolutely as a cop I'd feel sick inside to have to arrest a desperate person who pissed onto a bush or whatever.

I am not discussing exposing one's genitals in a very public manner, I am discussing specifically the crime of pissing in public, urination in and of itself.
26 10
Why is it that blacks from abroad who come to America do far better than native born black Americans?

Simple answer, native born black Americans have both too much freedom that they take advantage of, and in doing so blame everyone else (namely white people) for their failures when they do not succeed where others (namely white people) have. 

Of the surviving 11 million Africans brought across the Atlantic, only an estimated 335k were brought to North America whereas the remaining 10.7 million were taken to the Caribbean and South America. Yet to this very day, no one the world over ever hears about racism against blacks except against those blacks in America.  Sure, there is some racism in other places, but it pales in comparison to the racism claimed in America against blacks. 

Growing up in the 70s into the 80s, blacks were more than present in television, movies and commercials. Yet as of late, racist self-oppressed celebrities like Jadda Pinkett Smith claims blacks are too underrepresented in the motion picture arts due to racism. Racism has nothing to do with it, but rather a lack of interest amongst their own to get into the motion picture arts. Download Brit Box (British Television) and choose any show or movie and blacks are equally, if not heavily represented in those shows or movies the same as it was in the past in America. Underrepresentation in television, movies or any other profession has very little to do with racism and everything to do with a lack of interest. 

Look at Nichelle Nichols from the original Star Trek. Did she inspire a lot of black women to become communications specialists/experts? No. Dr. McCoy inspired many to become doctors. Scotty inspired many to become engineers.  Captain Kirk inspired others to become leaders. Even Spock inspired others to get into the sciences. While Nichols broke barriers in television, especially with the first racial kiss with William Shatner, a Canadian actor, she simply did little to inspire other black girls to get into the communication fields. Which goes beyond merely answering calls and transmitting data. Far beyond it. 

Bottom line, no one in America or abroad hears about any level of racism, oppression, or supremacy experienced by blacks in America on par anywhere else in the world. Why is that? Perhaps it has more to do with how blacks in America, no thanks to the Black Panther Party and its lasting effects, have been a far more detriment to black success in America than any so-called claimed oppression or racism. The latter of which is more of a creation of (i.e., cause and effect) of black outlash than any overt oppression by the general society on the whole, or even in part. Blacks are much to blame for their own failures and problems in America than anyone else. If you raise a victim, you will always be a victim, generation after generation. 

It is of no coincidence that the number one place recommended for black Americans to move to is Costa Rica, among other Caribbean, South America and European places. Everywhere else where blacks have learned to live and let live, making a life for themselves, appreciating what life they have (which is precisely why when foreign blacks move to the US, they do far far better than native born blacks).
27 6
To date I have been permanently suspended from Instagram, Facebook and Twitter directly (and very specifically) due to posting fact-based truth backed by criminological (and other scientific) data that clearly demonstrates that black Americans, namely half of the roughly 6% of black male population in the US do in fact commit over 50% of the entire nation's murders and non-negligent manslaughters; and that they are also disproportionately represented among other violent crimes like robberies and rapes. And yet those on the left, brainwashed black Americans, white guilt liberals and democrats deny these truths. They twist and manipulate the news to fit their agenda in order to divide people by race, class and more poignantly by gender/sex.

Nearly every single day there is a video posted online across various social media platforms of some black person acting a fool, and intelligent blacks rip them apart for being just that, acting a fool. Former Officer Brandon Tatum is one of them. Larry Elder. You name it. In fact, I am impressed by the number of black American's who are posting their reactions on YouTube to what they see/hear from Thomas Sowell, one of the greatest scholars of this time, regarding black history across the world; but namely America since he too is an American and wanted to understand the plight of blacks on this side of the planet (North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean).

Blacks, like Hispanics, are moving to the right and for good reason. Yet so many try to keep them under the Democratic bootheel. 

Thoughts for discussion?
Current events
427 27
Today’s verdict is a stain on the soul of America, & sends a dangerous message about who & what values our justice system was designed to protect.


59 7
Let's try to have a respectful discussion about this problem in America.
46 11
The Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy. It cannot sustain the hundreds of claims of homosexual pedophilia against it.

Remember a few years ago the BSA decided it would allow homosexuals to be Troop leaders? Coincidence?

Did you know, the BSA has been tracking pedophiles within its ranks for about 100 years? They were aware of the problem, but still voted to let homosexuals become troop leaders.

Could a few pedophiles have infiltrated the governing body of the BSA and then, from the inside, forced the organization to accept gay troop leaders?

I just listened to the news report, and there was no mention of homosexuality. Because it isn't PC to call this what it is. It's pedophilia, they say, not homosexuality. Right.

What's next? Here is my prediction. In a few years, we will start hearing of male  kids adopted into gay marriage families, who were molested.

Adopt a little boy, and then abuse him and his pals who come over for stay overs. Idiot parents, wanting to appear politically correct, allowed their underaged male kids to sleep over at homosexual couple's house.

And even after it becomes apparent that there are hundreds of cases of abuse, the lemming PC parents will refuse to admit it was homosexuality, and will pretend it was just pedophilia.

Most conservatives would die before letting their underaged son sleep over at the house of a homosexual couple. They are bigoted! You scream. Perhaps, but think of how much money they will save on not having to pay for therapy for their untraumatized kids.
Current events
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