

Used to categorize content that explores various aspects of human social organization and culture. Discussions under this tag may encompass topics such as social norms, institutions, demographics, inequality, and social change. The tag may also cover topics around issues of justice, human rights, and global development, as well as the role of media and technology in shaping society. The content under this tag may be relevant for individuals seeking to understand the complex dynamics of social life, as well as for policymakers, activists, and anyone interested in promoting a more just and equitable society.

Total topics: 10

Elon Musk makes $381,904.19 per minute. (I got his daily income from this website, and then divided by 1440, the number of minutes in a day, to get this figure.) The US census reports that the median household income (not individual, household) from 2023 was $80,610 per year. Elon Musk's income in one minute is well over four and a half times this. I'll reserve any political assertions for the discussion; for now I simply want to ask this very simple question: Is Elon Musk doing more work in one minute than everyone in an average American household combined does in 4.5 years?

159 12
At what age or circumstance is sexual education to be given to children?

Should sexual education only pertain to sexual reproductive sex?

Should books concerning deviations from that be non existent?

Would this be a domino effect into lacking the use of contraception ?

At what age do non consenting minors allow themselves to sexually engage from a general standpoint?

A person that is willing to engage in a physical relationship agrees to by physical. A person that is willing to be in a physical relationship at first but no longer wishes to be can still be willing. Anytime a woman forces herself on a man, it is least likely that man is less than unwilling.

He has agreed to be hers through submission. The reason why education is so important today is because of this bias in society. So we start with the proper sex use and end with the proper protection of a man that has a lot more against him. That is practicing safe legal free of accusation protection most likely.

I trust many concur already.
Current events
2 2
What would the Utopian society be in terms of Religious, Political, and Social Ideology?
In this forum, I encourage you to share your vision of a perfect society, where everyone lives in harmony, justice, and happiness.

We will cover the following questions to get started, but please feel free to ask new ones related to the topic:
  • How would you describe your utopian society in terms of religious, political, and social ideology; add a description of how society would be run and structured?
  • How would individuals maintain a part of that society and be involved in its affairs?
  • How would individuals feel unified within that society? What are the benefits and challenges of creating and sustaining such a society?
  • What are the sources of inspiration or influence for your utopian society?
  • Would there be a code of conduct and commonly held values and what would their purpose be?

Please use the following guidelines to productively participate in the forum:
  • Be open-minded and curious. Do not dismiss or ignore answers that challenge your reality or beliefs. Try to embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Try to approach them with logical, critical, and professional minds, and seek to understand the evidence and reasoning behind them.
  • Be empathetic and respectful. Do not judge or ridicule other people’s perspectives or experiences. Try to comprehend their viewpoints and appreciate their contributions to the larger and more intricate reality. Try to see how different perspectives can form a more complex and complete picture of the world.
  • Be honest and humble. Do not claim or imply that your knowledge is superior or definitive. Try to acknowledge the limitations and uncertainties of your knowledge, and the sources and influences that shape it. Try to value words for their merits and usefulness, not for the labels or credentials of their source.
  • Be relevant and on-topic. Do not deviate from the main topic of the forum. Do not post irrelevant or off-topic comments and links that aren't productive to the questions being discussed.
  • Be constructive and creative. Do not simply criticize or reject other people’s ideas. Try to offer positive feedback, suggestions, or alternatives.
  • Be clear and concise. Try to use clear and simple language as much as possible. To have effective communication it is necessary to speak understandably.
I hope everyone enjoys this forum.

52 10
The question is: Are people equal, or are peoples equal?

 I'd like to hear from the following perspectives: 
What is the US currently?
What should the US be?
Which is religiously correct?
Which is correct from the perspective of human value?

I'd also appreciate explanations supporting each of your perspectives so that others can clearly understand why.

For a clear explanation of peoples: The word “peoples” is the plural of “people” and is used to refer to groups of people by nation, religion, belief, or an aternative aspect of divide.
55 8
I will keep it short and only describe what this forum is intended for. This way I can hear everyone's perspectives before making any statements or presumptions.

This is meant to be from a Materialist view aka non-supernatural perspective, please provide evidence that is evident and not base reasoning on beliefs. Of course, speculation is welcome if addressed as such.

As always, please address your knowledge responsibly by using phrases like "I believe," if you believe; "I saw," if you saw; "I think," if you think; or "This evidence suggests ...," if you have empirical evidence. It is never responsible to claim anything for certain or to be known but rather acknowledge everyone including ourselves, are always learning and discovering new things about the world since much of the world changes continuously. 

We will address questions like the following:
What constitutes a better society and civilization?
Would society be better if everyone was religious?
Would society be better if everyone's religion was unified, and is it possible to ethically achieve this?
Would society be better if everyone was Atheist?
What are the pros and cons to society of people being religious vs Atheist?
Will society move past religion towards a more scientific understanding of the world, and would it be better or worse for society?
Could science or another alternative fill the void that was once filled by religion?
103 13
For me, it's annoying and really is pointless. I need to know the level to where I don't live under a rock but beyond that it seems that being too educated politically only hurts my social skills. People don't give a shit about it or those that do hate if you argue them and don't agree with them. What the fuck was the point of learning it all then?

Whether this shill or that shill is in charge, I will just adapt and find a way not to perish.
11 8
I just find the whole idea inhumane, not only the homeless but especially so.

I am absolutely as a cop I'd feel sick inside to have to arrest a desperate person who pissed onto a bush or whatever.

I am not discussing exposing one's genitals in a very public manner, I am discussing specifically the crime of pissing in public, urination in and of itself.
26 10
Before I say anything, I want to say that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective, side effects from them are either mild or rare, and that, even if the Delta variant has a 20-50% breakthrough rate, vaccines still do prevent hospitalization and death most of the time. The majority of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are from the unvaccinated and you should absolutely get vaccinated.

Moving on, I think that, while we've seen that public trust in the government and medical professionals has been incredibly high during the pandemic, while I have no idea what the trust is like now, my trust has decreased if anything. While there's no conspiracy theory to try and microchip me (none of us on this site are important enough to be microchipped), the government has been h a s t y, to put it lightly.

In Canada where I live, we have had three waves and are on the way for a fourth if current trends continue. There was a time in June or July of 2020 where cases were down to as little as under a dozen a day, and it's thanks to the rush to reopen, the inability to properly ensure the virus did not begin exponentially spreading again that caused us to not only have a second wave, but a third, and maybe even a fourth. This all happens despite the fact that New Zealand seemed to be perfectly weathering the storm. Our government failed us in not ending this in July of 2020, and the blood of my countrymen is on the hands of those who prioritize the economy and their performance at the polls over the lives of their constituents.

We have constantly been told over and over and over that the vaccine is 100% safe and effective even as potential side effects were causing us to pause the usage of certain vaccines entirely at the same time. I understand the need to reassure the public, and I agree that the vaccine is safe, but the messaging around things like this reeks of failing to acknowledge genuine risks or symptoms because of the fear of vaccine hesitancy. Yes, it's necessary to combat vaccine hesitancy, but not at the cost of objectivity. Despite the fact I was 100% convinced the vaccine was safe when it came out, the response to the rare and dangerous side effects managed to make me less confident if anything. The only time I have ever been hesitant to get the vaccine was at moments where they were most insisting that it was safe. I have heart issues and I am young, which puts me at risk in some ways to some of these side effects, and it felt like the government was choosing to just ignore it because they were so desperate to reopen.

Journalists and doctors dismissed the Lab Leak Theory from the Wuhan Institute of Virology for months, saying it was naught more than a conspiracy theory and we had completely 100% for certain found that the cause was the Spillover Hypothesis beginning at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. Then, as soon as Trump leaves office, their tune changes to "Both are plausible explanations that we should explore." I understand that Trump is an aggressive liar and conspiracy theorist and his claims were promoting xenophobia, but it's the responsibility and moral obligation of science to look past its biases and to find the truth, and it absolutely failed here.

Every single damned politician who speaks about the pandemic talks about "getting life back to normal" and "reopening" and not saving human fucking lives. This is the third time that my country is reopening, and to be honest, I'm fucking sick of it. I don't care that I can't leave the house and do stuff I want to, I've always been a sedentary individual, but I am so tired of the prime minister or my premier pretending he gives a shit as he lifts restrictions and effectively sends people to die or deal with the lasting damage of COVID-19. The sheer ability for these people to disregard the very real threat to human life by failing to squash the pandemic just so they can try and reopen ASAP is not only despicable, but is also the very reason that it's taking us even longer to reopen.

There's no excuse for failing to implement contact tracing, refusing to mandate vaccinations in schools, refusing to stay in lockdown as long as it takes, etc... And, after all the months of public trust, seeing the sheer mismanagement, mixed messaging, and trying to ignore things that people don't want to hear to reopen as fast as possible, I feel as though my trust in the government and the medical establishment is at an all time low. All good will I had for the government and all belief I had that the government wouldn't dare willingly allow tens of thousands of deaths of my brothers and sisters has been squandered with the beginning of the fourth wave.
55 6
I think we love debating because we're toxic people through genuinely no fault of our own.

Can you show me somebody in real life who loves debating that isn't a toxic person in a fair few ways?

I was no exception to this rule. I probably still am not, I'm working on it.

I think debating is a natural interest and hobby of someone who is very prone to habitually disagree and nitpick at things. I was that guy for a fair amount of my life. I changed how readily I showed it IRL but never changed the core personality and it was only recently that I appreciated how much effort I put into arguing when otherwise agreeing and even faking a polite white-lie-support of something could just so much easier handle the scenario.

If we go through life nonstop arguing it gets addictive, not just because we are good at it but because we feel 'real' amongst a buch of 'fakes'. The problem is that this makes us enemies, nobody likes a skilled debater in real life.  Can you imagine Oromagi, Ragnar and Ramshutu or MisterChris or whoever just arguing the crap out of everyone in their workplace that disagreed with them? Nobody would end up liking them... That's the issue with it.

I have spent so much of my life loving to argue and finally now I realise I basically convinced 0 people of anything...  Okay maybe 2 or 3 but come on, that's at the sake of alienating far more.

What good is it to debate? I even do it with etiquette and that just makes more enemies as then I seem fake about it. I've never once seen positive outcome from a real life application of my debating skills, like literally never. It's only helped me when another similar to me tries to take me on in that way and how rare is that? Like... twice a year someone maybe really, really wants a debate on something with me but that's about it. We live in a world that's still ruled by jungle law, we're just primates wearing suits and ties to hide the reality of it. If you piss off the wrong alpha, it doesn't matter how logical you are, you'll get alienated in that place. That's life and it's irrational, unfair and shit but what I have come to realise and truly appreciate is that what's even more shit than that would be a world where we all argued 24/7... nothing would get done.

I'm starting to wonder if I was wrong about everything, like ever taking part in a community like this and ever liking to argue. It's caused me more issues than I'd like to admit, In hindsight I do believe lost a few real long-term friendships predominantly due to this habit and craving of mine to argue and debate.

I've just learned to shut my mouth when I disagree and think hard of the impact of my disagreement before opening it (my mouth) but that doesn't really settle the unrest in me at the stupidity of what's unfurling in the (to me) childlike disagreement between grown adults that should have a higher capacity to reason than what they convey.

Is that what life is like for you other skilled debaters? I really dislike it but I accept it.
17 12
When I become leader...

I'll grow a smart and strong society, and wage war on Earth, and now I'm the leader of two planets!
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