

Used to categorize content related to teaching and learning. Discussions under this tag may encompass topics such as educational systems, teaching methods, curriculum development, and student assessment. The tag may also cover topics around issues of access, equity, and quality in education, as well as the role of technology and innovation in transforming learning experiences. The content under this tag may be relevant for educators, students, parents, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of learning and education.

Total topics: 7

Louisiana now requires the ten commandments on a small poster in each classroom. What do you all think about this? 
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Consider any educational system/institution.  public schooling, private schooling, or home schooling.   Or make one up. 

What would you add to that educational system/institute to change how students experence their day? 

For me I would add goals to be taught in all programs and subjects
1. Intrapersonal skills - emotional intellegience 
2. Interpersonal skills - self advocacy and communication
3. Social environment - this takes 1&2 and then uses it
4. Critical thinking skills 
5. Age approprate understanding of the body (human biology and medical sciences)

Subjects would include 
1. Arts (self expression)
2. Reading
3. Math
4. P.e. (to include self defense)
5. Age appropriate approach to philosophy, emotional intellegence, critical thinking and more. 
Subjects may increase with grade/age to include electives like
6. Computer skills
7. Labor skills 
8. Languages
9. Accounting & business basics 

Personally I think the younger ages are supposed to run and play and explore more than just sit and watch. Many home schooling has days where class content is covered for only half a day and then the remainder is open. Mirroring this practice could be benefitial. Schools may provide more on site and off site hands on learning environments allowing students to persue interests and make decisions as to what thst may look like. 
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This "math overhaul" is ridiculous. Sure, if students are struggling, we should make math more intuitive for them, but that doesn't me that we should dumb it down or even eliminate it. Firstly, the concept that gifted students can just be shoved in with struggling students and then learn the same "big ideas" at different levels will never work, and advanced students will only be held back. Speaking from personal experience, schools already love to find excuses to keep students who are gifted at math in the same classes as everyone else, and this would only make that issue worse. A student at calculus level and a student at algebra level will never be learning the same "big ideas," and trying to force this on them will only drag students down. If parents ask for their child to be place in a higher class, even if they have real evidence to back up the fact that their child is significantly advanced, they may simply be told that their child was already being taught at their level, even when they are being lumped in with average and even struggling students.  Secondly, this new curriculum will barely even teach math. The idea of keeping math in touch with reality has been taken too far. Students who end up actually pursuing a career in math will not be prepared for the abstract and theoretical. Moreover, this idea that there are "multiple roads" to calculus is ridiculous. If you want to learn calculus, you will need to understand algebra and trigonometry, not data science, computer science, or financial algebra. The topics of data science, computer science, and financial algebra aren't even topics in math! Data science and financial algebra are applications of math to business and economics, but they are by no means themselves areas of math, and working with computers will at best build some intuition for mathematical thinking in the form of coding, but computer science is not in and of itself math. (To be absolutely clear, theoretical computer science, which is the math behind the mechanisms of computation, is certainly an area of math, but this is at the very least college level, and between this and their focus on the real world, it is certainly not what is being referred to here.) Lastly, the example of a class activity given is especially concerning. Going on about how "everyone has their own strengths" and we are part of a "mathematical community" could possibly be somewhat inspiring, but is better suited for a team-building exercise, and not math class. This activity is a waste of time that will not do anything to improve mathematical intuition. That "mathematical community" won't help you if they're too busy drawing colorful lines to do actual math.
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Not all blacks, obviously. 

I know you’ve all heard of  the book though; and never actually read it. 

I own it, and the book of collected essays in its aftermath. 

But the science remains consistent before AND after it. Blacks such at education. Hispanics second. Asians dominate. Whites above minorities. 

Even t black commentator Jesse Lee Peterson knows and acknowledges the importance of white folks. 
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I really love the idea of YouTube, but the content on there is mostly bullshit clickbait lists, pop culture drama, liberal news, and stupid marketing pitches for movies and products.

I was wondering if there was a website that is just like YouTube that only has intellectually enriching content. 

I know about JoVE and Osmosis, which are cool, bur I'm looking for a catch-all. Not just visuals of science experiments on fringe topics or just stuff related to the human body. I am looking for a YouTube that is only educational, informative, and intellectually stimulating content for adults.

I also know there's documentary websites, but I am looking for more than documentaries. I literally am looking for a YouTube for educational and thought-provoking content.

I don't even care if it is just a special feed of YouTube videos or content in general, I just want something where educational, informative, and intellectually stimulating content is recommended for me.

Any ideas? I've scoured the internet and all I could find was stuff for children and preschoolers. So any help would be appreciated 👍.

Thanks in advance!
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I do not support a privatized system, but more privatization is popular amongst academics, so I would probably support that.
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Is it time, yet, for us to wrestle control of education from the Democrats? If the above is the best that NYT & MessNBC can muster, I think it's time to admit that education truly is what you pay for it. Free is obviously a low-ball figure.
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