Total topics: 31
I can understand how "racism" is better than justice right.
Justice can be proper treatment for all and no person is mistreated.
"Racism" is proper treatment for a select people and none of those mistreated.
As long as you and I are a part of that clique, we still have the protections, privileges, comradery, brotherhood, why give that up?
When it is safeguarded by systemic political regime owning everything including those outside the clique, no . Too many benefits to give up.
We call ourselves, aryan, ku klux, capitalists, fascists, you call us racists, Republicans or "democrats" as suggested by another unknowingly.
So a privileged royalist system to that clique and you think justice is better.
Give up all my royalty and for everyone to be even steven, what does that profit me?
How's that better for me?
I have to lose so you can gain?
Is that socialist?
Give up some of my stature, power and capital, spread it to the precious poor.
Everybody, your thoughts.
What Donald Trump ever a "white" supremacist?
Did he do more for minorities than Barack Obama?
Is Trump more Christian than any other P.O.T.U.S.?
Current events
Can anyone explain what "generational trauma" is?
Say you are having a look around at a toy store in the USA. You see a certain doll selling for $20. Nearby, you see a dark skinned version of that doll selling for only $14. Is it:
A. Priced according to the law of supply and demand
B. Evidence of systemic racism
C. Both A and B
D. Some other explanation
Okay, let's go.
Since there is a character limit in posting a topic/comment, you will have to go to my blog and read my position there.
Then feel free to address whatever you think you can rebut, and we will debate the subject.
Prove me wrong.
New, on SHOWTIME, the docuseries “everything’s gonna be all white”:
A deep dive into America’s tainted past through the voices and experiences of people of color.
What do you guys make of this? Productive and insightful, or unproductive and heavy-handed, or somewhere in between? Whatever the case may be, rest assured, this view is NOT being taught to children in school! [sarcasm]
I see it as unproductive because it appears to undermine its own point— that it’s wrong to discriminate against a group on basis of identity and immutable characteristics, all while casting white people in a negative light. It also appears to posit the notion that identity groups are monolithic in ideology, worldview, culture, etc.
So uh, why was Harrison Floyd denied bail?
Current events
This is from a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility glossary from California Community Colleges:
“Merit: A concept that at face value appears to be a neutral measure of academic achievement and qualifications; however, merit is embedded in the ideology of Whiteness and upholds race-based structural inequality. Merit protects White privilege under the guise of standards (I.e., the use of standardized tests that are biased against racial minorities) and as highlighted by anti-affirmative action forces. Merit implies that White people are deemed better qualified and more worthy but are denied opportunities due to race-conscious policies. However this understanding of merit and worthiness fails to recognize systemic oppression, racism, and generational privilege afforded to Whites.”
So, does anyone stand by this definition, or is it civilization crushing inanity, or somewhere in between, and why?
Racial hatred of White people has been called into question recently after poll showed alarming results.
Black Americans were asked to agree or disagree with (1) It's okay to be White, and (2) Black people can be racist, too.
"It's okay to be white."53% agree, 26% disagree, 21% not sure
"Black people can be racist, too"76% of agree, 27% disagree, 8% not sure.
(tweet referencing the poll) Rasmussen Reports on Twitter: "BLACK AMERICANS ONLY: "It's okay to be white." 53% agree, 26% disagree, 21% not sure "Black people can be racist, too" 76% of agree, 27% disagree, 8% not sure." / Twitter ;
(subscriber-walled origin) Questions - Okay To Be White - February 13-15, 2023 - Rasmussen Reports®
This shocked and upset people like cartoonist Scott Adams, who wasn't expecting to encounter such racial hatred of White people (you can see his shocked reaction here) Episode 2027 Scott Adams: AI Goes Woke, I Accidentally Joined A Hate Group, Trump, Policing Schools - YouTube . This inspired him to write a Dilbert comic that got him kind of cancelled Dilbert comic strip dropped after a racist rant by creator Scott Adams : NPR .
What do you think?
Is it okay to be White?
This case is just another bullshit politically charged race-based witch hunt to convict yet another white man for the death of a black criminal thug that NYC failed to take care of.
Perry was assisted by another black male, and another female POC stayed until police to arrive to give her statement that Perry was a hero. He was a white guy defending black & brown people on the train.
Neely threatened to kill people and jumped to protect everyone on the train.
Neely died because of his health, his mentality and his threats.
Neely's death is a tragedy, but he reaped what he sowed.
End of story.
When privileged black people get a chance to speak on a social media or MSM platform, they abuse that privilege by spreading lies and divisive misinformation and disinformation that ends up harming black Americans. What this woman said in the news clip being discussed by Brandon Tatum is a perfect example of this. She LIED! As all race baiters do.
What did she say that was factually accurate? Nothing! What she said only adds fuel to the fire of intentional false race baiting nonsense and anti-police rhetoric. This is what gives some black people the idea they have the right and are entitled to question law enforcement officials, resist arrest, and even assault police for merely doing their job.
Prove me (him) wrong.
Myth, or not?
Written in 2009, there is a book titled “The Myth of the Missing Black Father” which challenges the claim that black communities in the US suffer from a lack of a strong father figure in the family. This book doesn’t exist as an isolated one off, either. Here are just a few other places where this counterclaim is made:
In summary, the claim is that while many black parents do not cohabitate, black fathers are still much more involved in their children’s lives than is generally thought. The claim is that this allegedly pernicious myth arose out of racist inclinations to scapegoat black fathers for shortcomings in black communities. But we have also heard President Obama talk about absent black fathers. The BLM website *used to* advocate for the abolition of the western nuclear family— they have since erased that claim, curiously.
So, which is it? Black communities suffer from absentee fathers, or not? Or somewhere in between? Will the real myth please stand up?
While Reagan gave 20.000 dollars to make up for the sins of FDR, the children of the victims of racism deserve more. Much more.
All people who who had ancestors that voted for FDR should be forced to pay up.
Officer B. Tatum breaks it down succinctly. And it’s exactly what I’ve said for years. Prove him wrong. Prove me wrong.
Racist Shiela Jackson Lee is at it again. Completely racist on her part. Why has she not been admonished for this garbage!?!
The country was founded on racism and white privilege. People who suggest that it doesn't exist, have a burden of proof to demonstrate when exactly it ended, with observable, and repeatable scientific evidence.
White privilege is a myth, pure fiction.
Prove me wrong.
Why is it that blacks from abroad who come to America do far better than native born black Americans?
Simple answer, native born black Americans have both too much freedom that they take advantage of, and in doing so blame everyone else (namely white people) for their failures when they do not succeed where others (namely white people) have.
Of the surviving 11 million Africans brought across the Atlantic, only an estimated 335k were brought to North America whereas the remaining 10.7 million were taken to the Caribbean and South America. Yet to this very day, no one the world over ever hears about racism against blacks except against those blacks in America. Sure, there is some racism in other places, but it pales in comparison to the racism claimed in America against blacks.
Growing up in the 70s into the 80s, blacks were more than present in television, movies and commercials. Yet as of late, racist self-oppressed celebrities like Jadda Pinkett Smith claims blacks are too underrepresented in the motion picture arts due to racism. Racism has nothing to do with it, but rather a lack of interest amongst their own to get into the motion picture arts. Download Brit Box (British Television) and choose any show or movie and blacks are equally, if not heavily represented in those shows or movies the same as it was in the past in America. Underrepresentation in television, movies or any other profession has very little to do with racism and everything to do with a lack of interest.
Look at Nichelle Nichols from the original Star Trek. Did she inspire a lot of black women to become communications specialists/experts? No. Dr. McCoy inspired many to become doctors. Scotty inspired many to become engineers. Captain Kirk inspired others to become leaders. Even Spock inspired others to get into the sciences. While Nichols broke barriers in television, especially with the first racial kiss with William Shatner, a Canadian actor, she simply did little to inspire other black girls to get into the communication fields. Which goes beyond merely answering calls and transmitting data. Far beyond it.
Bottom line, no one in America or abroad hears about any level of racism, oppression, or supremacy experienced by blacks in America on par anywhere else in the world. Why is that? Perhaps it has more to do with how blacks in America, no thanks to the Black Panther Party and its lasting effects, have been a far more detriment to black success in America than any so-called claimed oppression or racism. The latter of which is more of a creation of (i.e., cause and effect) of black outlash than any overt oppression by the general society on the whole, or even in part. Blacks are much to blame for their own failures and problems in America than anyone else. If you raise a victim, you will always be a victim, generation after generation.
It is of no coincidence that the number one place recommended for black Americans to move to is Costa Rica, among other Caribbean, South America and European places. Everywhere else where blacks have learned to live and let live, making a life for themselves, appreciating what life they have (which is precisely why when foreign blacks move to the US, they do far far better than native born blacks).
"Racism used to mean hating someone because of his race.
No more.
Today, 99 times out of 100 in politics, the word “racist” is used purely for political reasons without any regard to whether something bigoted was actually said."
"There’s a certain breed of guilty white liberal who actually enjoys being called racist, confessing its racial sins and denouncing less advanced white people. The hot new term for this is “virtue signaling” — a way of communicating how enlightened you are.
But there are a lot more white people out there who aren’t racist and therefore don’t like being called racist or being berated about how their country is racist. They also sense that the “Everything is about race” crowd is using race as a cudgel to silence critics and have their way." ~ No, liberals, not everything is ‘racist’ (
"Liberals need racist foes to vanquish. Most of the time they have to resort to finding them where they obviously aren’t there." ~ Why Liberals Think Conservatives Are Racist (
Liberals and progressives are the real "problem" in this country. They are the tried-and-true racists. Not conservatives.
There are several members of this forum who keep "labeling" me (and others) racists for telling the truth. Two words: psychological projection.
Elie Mystal is a flagrant racist and wholeheartedly ignorant of the US Constitution, despite claiming to be an authority on the subject.
To date I have been permanently suspended from Instagram, Facebook and Twitter directly (and very specifically) due to posting fact-based truth backed by criminological (and other scientific) data that clearly demonstrates that black Americans, namely half of the roughly 6% of black male population in the US do in fact commit over 50% of the entire nation's murders and non-negligent manslaughters; and that they are also disproportionately represented among other violent crimes like robberies and rapes. And yet those on the left, brainwashed black Americans, white guilt liberals and democrats deny these truths. They twist and manipulate the news to fit their agenda in order to divide people by race, class and more poignantly by gender/sex.
Nearly every single day there is a video posted online across various social media platforms of some black person acting a fool, and intelligent blacks rip them apart for being just that, acting a fool. Former Officer Brandon Tatum is one of them. Larry Elder. You name it. In fact, I am impressed by the number of black American's who are posting their reactions on YouTube to what they see/hear from Thomas Sowell, one of the greatest scholars of this time, regarding black history across the world; but namely America since he too is an American and wanted to understand the plight of blacks on this side of the planet (North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean).
Blacks, like Hispanics, are moving to the right and for good reason. Yet so many try to keep them under the Democratic bootheel.
Thoughts for discussion?
Current events
Elie Mystal, a so-called legal scholar has got to be one of the most ignorant ones where it comes to the US Constitution.
The BS he wrote about in his book "Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy's Guide to the Constitution" is nothing short of pure racist rhetoric, anti-American rhetoric, anti-law enforcement rhetoric, and more with a complete misconstruing of what the Constitution actually says.
He has gone on television too to repeat his nonsense, and there has been backlash against his flagrant ignorance just the same.
The man is a racist. On par with Don Lemon, Joy Ann Reid, et al.
It is because of this divisiveness that causes further strife for the very people they claim to help and defend.
What say you?
Does America need flagrant racists protected by the veil of "black privilege" like this causing more harm than good? I think not.
Again, what say you?
I'm curious what are everyone's favorite ways to determine if someone is (or is not) a racist?
This keeps coming up in so many discussions; and while I doubt we'll ever have true consensus, I am interested in seeing the variety of answers.
While it suffers scope limitations, I deeply enjoy a modified Ryan Reynolds quote:
Four or five moments! That’s all it takes to be a [racist].People think you wake up a [racist]… brush your teeth a [racist]… ejaculate into a soap dispenser a [racist].But, no, being a [racist] takes only a few moments!A few moments… doing the ugly stuff no one else will do.
I just saw some reverse racism, if there is such a thing.
So I walk into pizza hut and sit at a table. At the front of the restaurant as I walk in, I see this black guy and white guy fighting. Both probably in their mid 50s. I figure somebody maybe cut somebody in line, and it was no big thing. They weren't really hurting each other because neither had fighting skills, so I just got between the two guys and told them to cut it the fuck out.
I felt good about myself and I brought a peaceful resolution. I sat down and was ordering my food, when I look up and the black guy, has the dude he was just fighting's wife by the throat. I go over and punch him in the face and just start beating him. I maybe get like 3 hits in, when a large black guy pulls me off of him and asks me what the fuck I'm doing. I said "He just randomly attacked that woman". He kinda of shakes his head. It pisses me off, but the guy has a swelled face and is bleeding all over the floor. Hopefully he learned his lesson about random unprovoked attacks on people.
Amazingly before I even get a chance to go to my chair, 4 police cruisers are already in the parking lot and they immediately split all the parties up and ask them questions. They cops are mostly black. They cuff the white woman and lead her away. I'm like WTF, she is the victim what is going on.
They threaten to arrest me, and call an ambulance for the black guy I attacked. He declined to press charges on me.
I saw this unprovoked attack. I know who was in the wrong, why did the black officers take the attacker's word for what was happening, and arrest the white woman? What type of bullshit story could he possibly have given them to take his side?
At what point can we ban a user? Literally 1 in 2 (actually that's an understatement) of Wylted's threads are racist and I just saw this in what was meant to be a funny roast thread:
At what stage is it too far?
At what stage can other members get angry and say it is punishable?
Hello, I am a believer in systemic racism, feel free to change my mind.
Police Shootings
This is one where it’s a little iffy, but there probably is some disparity.
For one, the data is not all pointing in one direction. This study suggests that there is no bias in police shootings for instance. However, forming your opinions off of individual studies when there are massive meta analyses to work off of is rather faulty. If we look at an analysis of 42 studies, there is clearly bias against African Americans in police shootings. This held up for both armed and unarmed criminals.
Police Stops
I think this one is pretty clear, an analysis of 95 million police stops demonstrated that African Americans were pulled over significantly more than white people. The researchers further found that the disparity shrunk at night time, supposedly this is because it is harder to identify the race of a driver at night.
Even after controlling for age, education, citizenship, weapon possession and prior criminal history among other things, racial disparities still exist in sentencing. To be specific, the study found that black people were sentenced 20.4 percent longer relative to white people in similar situations.
What this Means
It is rather important not to shame any race for being advantaged in some way, it really accomplishes nothing. Instead we should try to fix these issues one at a time, first though I think we should try to acknowledge that these issues are real and meaningful.
Feel free to attack any one of the points I presented, please stay civil though. : )
liberals force university to remove a 6 ton rock, because boulders are racist.
liberals now claim that time itself is racist.
I replied this to Fauxlaw's debate:
The frequency of wrongful convictions, overly-brutal sentences and the very pressures (financial and sociological) that drive one to crime are all very much harshest against those of the 'black' race due to many things in the past trickling down generations.The gap between whites and blacks of average income, education quality and stuff like that is getting worse (but obviously not 'worse' than literal slavery) as time goes by. The less opportunity they have, the more pressures there are to become a criminal to ever be more than a blue collar worker for life on a dirt-cheap wage that can barely uphold themselves, let alone their families, especially if relatives get sick.It's also the case that generally speaking, caucasians in poverty have somehow got distant relatives to help them out, however I am not suggesting that they have it 'easier' by a large margin at all. The issue is that the system is overall rigged against blacks because due to all the things I've mentioned there is a bias against people of that ethnicity that says they are more likely to have done crimes (since they're more commonly driven towards it as they are desperate for money and have far less opportunity to get it). This bias runs deep in both mentality of not hiring and promoting them as well as convicting them of crimes.This is the core thing that needs to be altered in MANY 'white' countries that previously enslaved and continually discriminated against blacks in recent generations. The effect is still being had on blacks alive today and that is what needs to be stopped.