Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?

Author: DavidAZ


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As you can see in my post #29 above relating to the #1 Bible fool Miss Tradesecret, it is no wonder she had to ban us from discussing her Bible stupidity all the time! But as revealed in prayer with Jesus nightly, He as instructed me to expose "Bible Stupids®️" like Miss Tradesecret that are giving His faith embarrassment and a bad name, praise Jesus!

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)


DavidAZ's avatar
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DavidAZ's avatar
In the interest of brevity I'm going to trim some of these passages and try to respond to most of the content, but if I miss something it's not intentional or trying to take you out of context. What you say above is contradictory: if he didn't see it coming, then he can be surprised, which means an outcome he didn't expect happens. Also, the test of Abraham is not really a test in my view. Explained it here, actually:

As to the plans and house thing, you're saying that he rather has an end goal and no real 'step by step' of how it gets there, right? I'm afraid this is trying to have it both ways, which is why it's confusing. He either knows everything, or he doesn't. It sounds to me like you think he doesn't, there's some subset of knowledge he doesn't have (and it included Abraham). THat's fine, we can proceed with a less than all knowing god in mind, but it's unusual.
I read the post you linked.  I see what you are saying and I feel I am missing something that I am not explaining.  It does look contradictory for me to say that he is not blind sided by anything but then say he didn't know the outcome of Abraham's test.  I appreciate the challenge to my views!  I will have to investigate this more since it made sense in my mind but I am not making it come out without having it confuse others.

Who wrote those drives into the people in this case? 
I wouldn't say that God wrote those drives.  A lot of circumstance will change a man's view on things.  Also some things will drive one man and not the other.  I wouldn't blame God if a man would decide, given the chance, to disobey a commandment or not.

If god is truly less than all knowing, and apparently less than powerful enough to convince the Amalekites, whom he also made
Maybe off subject and into the weeds here, but your wording here, whom he also made.  Are you referring to that God created those people from the dirt like Adam and Eve or are you saying that since they are human, they are part of God's creation? 

David! I'm going to give you more credit than this. My question is very simple. Was it ever moral to OWN another human being? To be able to pass them down to your children like you would furniture? Not to have them work for you, to own them. Was it ever MORAL to own a prisoner of war, or their children? I don't think it's above your paygrade to comment on that. And I do not believe for one second that you think it's okay to own slaves in the American agricultural context, even if they were somehow acquired by moral circumstances. Would inheritance qualify as a moral circumstance?
Lol! I appreciate the credit you give, but honestly I've never thought of this subject.  From the research I have done just from your original post about this, I really feel that the slavery in the bible is little more grey than what we know as slavery today and in America, so I can't really give a good answer on what the Bible says.  I will, however, agree that ownership of another human being by force or purchase would be immoral in any circumstance and the consistent "hand me down" of slave families would also be immoral. For sure, if I were the slave, I would hope others would pity my circumstance as such.

Here we're referring to stuff like gay guys getting killed for being gay, I just would like a little clarification here on what this means before I comment on it. Without clarification though, I would ask what on earth god made gay people for, this is a problem that god could have solved a million ways (not even counting raining sulfur down on gay towns!). Do you think a society like the Taliban, let's say, is morally superior to American culture because they punish their gays according to their faith? I don't think you do, this is why I'm asking for clarification of the above. 
Good questions! To quickly answer about the Taliban and the middle eastern culture, I do not see them as superior in any way to American culture, but it is not because we do not legally kill gays here.  They have a flawed culture of dominance and control.  They demand the whole world see their views instead of letting God work in the hearts of men.  As for the killing of gays, again, it will not be prudent to allow this to happen, especially in today's society.  It will create chaos due to factions demanding that their way is the best.  Again, I do not agree with the gay lifestyle.  I think it is wrong and contrary to nature, but to each his own I guess.  I would not, given the opportunity without anyone knowing, kill a gay man for being gay.  When I say "adjusted in society" I do NOT mean, kill them.   

I'm probably going to raise some hackles by saying this, but I do not believe God made anyone gay.  God would not have someone born a way that is contrary to his design or law.  That would be like God saying anyone with blond hair is inherently bad and must be punished.  That's a foolish idea.  I believe that a gay person will choose to be that way in some form or another.

ludofl3x's avatar
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I wouldn't say that God wrote those drives.  A lot of circumstance will change a man's view on things.  Also some things will drive one man and not the other.  I wouldn't blame God if a man would decide, given the chance, to disobey a commandment or not.
This is consistent with a "no plan, less than total foreknowledge" god. As that seems to be the god you're working with, I can't take issue with this. Conversely, if god did have a plan, even if he ONLY made the first two people and just 'retired' to watch mankind sprout from there, then something in the original source code must have programmed the man to disobey (and god would have known this at the start, for all people).  If he bears no responsibility for the actions of man, has no foreknowledge of how each of us will act, truly we have free will, and then such a character can be surprised, and even mad, at what happens. But if he's ALL POWERFUL, it's still morally superior to make changes without harming anyone at all. Do you disagree? Some people say "what about justice?!" But that's a human construct, one that has changed ALL the time. Because he makes choices that harm people actively, oftentimes innocent people who aren't even involved (Jephtha's daughter, Job), his choices are wicked, not good. 

Are you referring to that God created those people from the dirt like Adam and Eve or are you saying that since they are human, they are part of God's creation? 
I'm used to talking to people that say god is the author of all creation. If you're saying that this less than total foreknowledge, no plan god had no direct involvement with the creation of the Amalekites, I can't argue it, but if you think god's the source of all things and all people, we have a disagreement. I don't want to get wrapped around the Amalekite axle, though, we can discuss them specifically at another time if you like. 

 really feel that the slavery in the bible is little more grey than what we know as slavery today and in America, so I can't really give a good answer on what the Bible says.  I will, however, agree that ownership of another human being by force or purchase would be immoral in any circumstance and the consistent "hand me down" of slave families would also be immoral. 
That's fine and again, appreciate the honesty. My issue, then, with this explanation, is that the word "slave" is used when the bible uses plenty of other words that don't carry the association that this word has and always had. A 'servant' for example invites a different reaction than a 'slave.' My point is if you don't want people to think "slaves," then maybe don't say slaves. If you are going to do some research on biblical slavery, first of all don't put it in your work browser :), second of all note that there are indeed rules on how severely you can beat a slave provided they're foreign. Was it moral back then to beat a foreign prisoner of war you've conscripted into service in your home? I'm sure neither one of us think that's moral either! But it's in the bible, and long a problem for so many. After all, those passages were used to support the slavery institution in American agriculture we both find so abhorrent. Often you get the argument that "Oh yeah?!? Well the bible was ALSO used to abolish slavery!" To which I say great, but why are both messages clearly in the bible, the word of god himself...and if that's something he gave rules to, then in my view, yes, he's wicked as a result. 

Again, I do not agree with the gay lifestyle.  I think it is wrong and contrary to nature, but to each his own I guess. ...I believe that a gay person will choose to be that way in some form or another.

While I disagree with both of these, I do firmly believe you have the right to think as you will, you're not infringing on anyone else. And as you do not believe in an all-knowing directly involved in every fetus development version of god, I can't really argue against your notion that he wouldn't make something contrary to his law. I will say, however, your version of god, though it makes sense to me, does not seem very much like the all knowing, all powerful, eternally wise version I'm used to working on.

RE: Taliban:

 They have a flawed culture of dominance and control.  
Do you think some of your Christian brethren (not all, not a majority, but SOME) would prefer America this way? Because they sure can legislate like it. My worry here is being the frog in a slowly boiling pot of water, you know? And again, THANK YOU FOR THE CIVIL DISAGREEMENT. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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Yes I am aware of this Christian belief and it is true. Whatever God does has an explanation for it in some way shape or form and he is God so he can't to wrong. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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Even if god decided tomorrow to say "I want you to go to an pre school and beat up as many kids as you can, otherwise eternal separation from me"? It's a thought experiment. Would that action be moral? Not CONFUSING, not "God would never do that!", is that action now moral because God said to do it?
Sir.Lancelot's avatar
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YOUR INEPT BIBLE QUOTEPreach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)“

First thing, you are quoting that verse out of context like your typical wannabe pseudo-christian! I own your Bible stupidity and make people like you look like fools. 
You are still RUNNING AWAY in your embarrassment! Quoting the bible and pretending you’re an expert is priceless comedy. 


DavidAZ's avatar
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DavidAZ's avatar

I really appreciate the dialogue between us.  I'll address a few points and move on from this topic.  It has been a good discussion for me and one that makes me think! :)

As for the "know nothing God":
God does know the thoughts and intents and the beginning from the end.  However the test of Abraham does show that God wanted proof of his fear of the Lord, therefore assuming that God didn't know this aspect of Abraham.  I will have to work within those bounds and how that works may be beyond my comprehension of God.  I hope one day that I can convey this to others.  I, in no way, meant to diminish God's authority or ability with my ramblings on what God does or does not know.

Do you think some of your Christian brethren (not all, not a majority, but SOME) would prefer America this way? Because they sure can legislate like it. My worry here is being the frog in a slowly boiling pot of water, you know?
I'm sure there are people in America that are "Christian" or not that would love to do away with the conflict to their beliefs by killing the ones that oppose them.  I know about the frog in boiling water and I do think we are in it now, but not the way that you see it.  I really feel my view will be quickly abolished instead, but again, to each his own.

It has been great to discuss this with you and you make some valid points.  Engaging conversation and my hat is off to you.
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
 I really feel my view will be quickly abolished instead, but again, to each his own.
Not if I can help it, dude. I'm in no way supportive of 'abolishing' anyone's view, and to be honest I don't think most people who think like me are, either. I think what everyone worries about is having other beliefs forced on them, but I think there's less chance of it happening my way to yours, than your way to mine, speaking in broad terms. THe problem isn't the view. It's the legislation based on it, in either direction. Just be careful for fearmongers. 

 I, in no way, meant to diminish God's authority or ability with my ramblings on what God does or does not know.
No trying to get you in trouble with the boss, man :). But if he has a plan and all that knowledge and power, then I'm afraid the case to prove him anything but wicked is much, much harder to work. I promise if you keep trying, I'll be glad to read and offer my counters respectfully but firmly. Also glad to answer any inquiries you might have about how I believe or work, goose and gander as it were. 
Sir.Lancelot's avatar
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Sir.Lancelot's avatar

YOUR COMICAL QUOTE: “Stop it. This is your thread, it has the word "wicked" in its title.  You should be able to define the word wicked and give us its BIBLICAL meaning!. We wouldn't want you to start redefining simple words once you find yourself on the back foot.

This is hilarious!! You expect christians to waste their valuable time educating you on words you cannot comprehend like every other FAKE ATHEIST!!

You’re getting cornered because of your lack of knowledge and are now intentionally misunderstanding words, so you don’t look like a fool! Educate yourself so I don’t have to keep embarrassing you time and time again! 
K_Michael's avatar
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By DnD alignments, God falls more Evil than Good, where Evil means prioritizing his own wants over others', in an even vindictive way. Sure, a lot of his commandments end up with Good effects, such as no lying, stealing, killing, but that is just a side effect of what pleases him. The capricious nature of his "morality" is revealed every time he orders his followers to war, because not worshiping him is a greater "sin" than total genocide.

I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
-Exodus 20:5

Matthew 10:34-36 - "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.
In many ways, God's attitude is consistent with Paladins, filled with righteous fury and fervor, but it is flipped on its head when you realize that what would otherwise be a humble and serving role becomes completely selfish when you are the god in question.
Similarly, one following God's commandments can be clearly characterized as Lawful, but this means little about God himself. His commandments are arbitrarily based on what pleases him, not some greater principle that should be followed.

In conclusion:
a good Christian is Lawful Good (follows the rules and puts others before themself)
the Christian God is Chaotic Evil (makes up his own rules and puts himself first)
K_Michael's avatar
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he didn't kill them like he said (ye shall surely die)
Lying. That's called lying. Something that God supposedly condemns.
DavidAZ's avatar
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DavidAZ's avatar
Lying. That's called lying. Something that God supposedly condemns.
Can God change his mind?

K_Michael's avatar
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K_Michael's avatar
Why would an omniscient being change his mind? Reads more like an adult who tells their kid that they won't get X treat or reward unless they do what they're told, knowing full well that they won't follow through with the threat.
In other words, lying.
DavidAZ's avatar
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DavidAZ's avatar
Why would an omniscient being change his mind? Reads more like an adult who tells their kid that they won't get X treat or reward unless they do what they're told, knowing full well that they won't follow through with the threat.
Well, I suppose that's what it looks like but if you have kids, I know you would understand the relationship and circumstance.

Children are warned (Do not eat)
Children mess up (eat fruit)
Children are punished (expelled from garden)
Parent cleans up the mess (coats of skin for man and woman)

Also, if the eating of the tree brought death and he brings death upon the animal instead of the man and woman as a substitution, did not the death occur?

You make God out to be on your level, as a man and that he is supposed to somehow see your logic and standards, but if he the 500 pound gorilla, I guess he can say what he wants. 
TWS1405_2's avatar
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wicked. Why? Cause man wrote the book. God is a personification of man. 

K_Michael's avatar
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if he the 500 pound gorilla, I guess he can say what he wants.
sounds kinda evil to me.

As for the parenting scenario, regardless of the motivations behind it, lying is lying. Better to say "because I said so" then make up some fake reason. If the child catches you out on the lie, why should they ever trust you again.
Stephen's avatar
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You’re getting cornered because of your lack of knowledge .
I don't think so.

But I have no intention of helping you derail what is someone else's  half decent topic.. So this is as far as I will go with you.

I asked DavidAZ for the Biblical definition of the words  "wicked" and "good" #10

He has given me what appears to be a somewhat childlike  opinion of what those words mean i.e "his own"  definition without source. #12
DavidAZ wrote:  Good would be the opposite: The act or thought of helping others for their benefit or the benefit of society.  I.E. giving, loving, helping,  also a doctor could do a good thing by cutting out a tumor, hurting someone, but for their benefit.#12

 I am ok with that but I then asked him;

Stephen wrote: And what about  a complete  disregard for justice, truth, honesty, the righteous and righteousness?#18 , which he seems to have left out from his opinion/definition for the word "Good" .

I was quite puzzled at his childlike reply for the simple reason he had left out what I believe would be the main ingredients that amounted to "good". 

  This forum discussion on the subject- created for my benefit by all accounts#1 - is titled: Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?


I responded to his op pointing out just a few unexplainable wicked acts preformed by god against some of his own treasured people,#6  to which there has been no response from David AZ as to why he may consider these wicked acts by god against his own treasured and righteous Israelites as being good and not wicked?

That although he has  been busy responding some 11 times to other posters including ludofl3x and seems to have given my comments a pass.? Indeed he was so engrossed with - ludofl3x - with some 7 replies, where in his responses he  never once explains the issues raised by  ludofl3x in relation to why he considers the points in said conversation to be good and not wicked!? I was sorry to see that particular exchange come to an abrupt end with David AZ throwing in the towel so early stating that;

DavidAZ wrote:  I really feel my view will be quickly abolished.
It has been great to discuss this with you [ludofl3x]  you make some valid points. #37

 But tells me that he appreciates my time#12😄

"abolished". I would  like to know DavidAZ's definition of that word. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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Even if god decided tomorrow to say "I want you to go to an pre school and beat up as many kids as you can, otherwise eternal separation from me"? It's a thought experiment. Would that action be moral? Not CONFUSING, not "God would never do that!", is that action now moral because God said to do it?
Your using an example that would never happen therfore is not a valid example.

ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Well, I suppose that's what it looks like but if you have kids, I know you would understand the relationship and circumstance.

Children are warned (Do not eat)
Children mess up (eat fruit)
Children are punished (expelled from garden)
Parent cleans up the mess (coats of skin for man and woman)
Me again! So this is another issue that only applies to a god with full foreknowledge and a plan for everything from the start, right? Like the Abraham thing, only even more direct.

Let's look at the parent analogy, yes, it works as you point out (I have a 15 and a 16 year old). I bet if you have children, when they were little, you took some care to make sure that stuff that was hazardous and dangerous or forbidden to them was out of reach. I know I did. Cabinet locks, no access to anything chemical, no matchbooks lying around, no open alcohol, all that, right? What if something was literally DEADLY to a toddler? Like an electrical socket. I covered them, right? A pool. You put a gate around it, no? Curious little two year olds have electrical sockets basically at eye level, they look like a face, seems like something to jam stuff into. Pools are fun, and  I didn't want my toddler, who was exponentially less experienced and knowledgeable about these things, to interact with something, there was only one sure way to do it. Don't leave it around. Take preventative steps that limit access. You can say well, God told them not to eat it! Yeah, well first off, if you tell a child not to do something, then leave that child unsupervised, what's the first thing that child wants to do? This is why the parenting comparison breaks down for me. The kids in this case, Adam and Eve, are never unsupervised, are they? If they are, then what's god up to that he doesn't know what's happening with the literal ONLY two people in creation? Why is he leaving the tree that will cause all of their suffering, all of mankind's suffering for thousands of generations, just lying around without some angel or other having to keep an eye on it? It's literally the most deadly and dangerous thing in the garden. Way more dangerous than the pool I have to have a gate around. That he doesn't then demonstrates his own naivety about the nature of his own creation, which would seem weird given that these aren't 500th generation Humans, the kind where maybe if he didn't have all the knowledge, he could say "wow, something in their coding is messed up, but it came about after copy and copy and copy error, alas!" THey're first generations. He wrote everything into these two personally.

The OTHER reading is far less forgiving: this is the only way things were going to go from the start, and that's the intent. If god DOES have a plan, then by definition it includes Adam and Eve eating from the tree. My understanding of the character in question is that he's all powerful and knows all things for all time. Because of that, he would have had to know that this would happen before he even put the tree there! He'd have known they'd disobey. He'd have known it would piss him off so much that he'd curse all of their descendants, and their descendants, and on and on and on, to eternal damnation. TO death and suffering (which again, he'd have designed). Because he planted it, because he knew it would happen, there's no other conclusion than he planned for it to be this way. That leads me to the conclusion this is exactly as he wanted it to be, so what's he all pissed off about? This is exactly what he wanted from the start.

TLDR version: If I left ammonia and bleach on the floor next to a bucket I know would interest my child, then told my child "I'm going upstairs now. Whatever you do, do not pour these two things into the bucket here, okay? It'll be super bad. Just in case, I'm going to leave the caps off, to remind you NOT to do it." THen I go upstairs, the kid exercises his free will to pour the two together in the bucket and creates the noxious gas and gets sick / dies...who is at fault? You'd call this parent incompetent, irresponsible, and seriously consider having any other children removed from my custody. If I told you THAT'S WHAT I KNEW WOULD HAPPEN, THAT DUMB KID, I'M GOING TO PUNISH HIM SO HARD! does it change your view of me?
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Your using an example that would never happen therfore is not a valid example.
Please explain why. Or just say "That question makes me uncomfortable and I won't answer it," at least that's more honest. Here, I will offer another one. 

You and your family just bought a puppy. Oh, isn't it so cute! It's a perfect little puppy, silly, fun, loving, smart. It's just exactly what everyone hopes they get in a pet. Your family is so into it! Your little sister (if you don't have one, pretend) and the dog sleep together at night, the dog cuddles with your mom during the day. You go to bed, say yor prayers as I imagine you do, and what do you know, you get an answer. And you're sure it's god. "Liam," the voice answers clearly after your prayers, "I have decided that all dogs are evil, and need to be killed immediately. Go kill your dog."

Is killing your dog now a moral act?
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Again, God would never do that so you can't use that as an example.

Use an example from scripture. Be realistic. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Sure thing, see below. Can you please tell me how you know those examples are not valid? Is it because they're not in the bible? That makes it sound like you don't think god is still answering prayers, but I leave that as an open question. 

"Liam. Thank you for being such a wonderful warrior for me, I really appreciate it. I'm coming to you because I know you have true faith and love for me. I need you to do something for me. Your neighbors, next door, that family: their five year old child is gay. They don't know it yet, nor do his parents. He will grow up and decide he's transgender, and he'll become a school teacher who presents as a woman. I need you to go over there, first thing tomorrow, and kill that child to prevent any transmission of his agenda. Also, to be thorough, kill the parents, their union produced this monster. I know he doesn't LOOK like a monster, but that's how the devil works, right? Kill the kid. Kill the parents. In fact, kill his parents, and his dog. Then burn his house down. Your reward is his older sister, you can take her as a...wife, let's call it." 

Is THIS now a moral act?
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Again...............God would not ask anyone to do this, or do this himself.

Use scripture if you want an example. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Again...............God would not ask anyone to do this, or do this himself.

God did ask people to do this in the scripture. It's what happened to the Amalekites. Well, except they weren't gay, they were just committing the sin of not being Hebrews. I ask again, then: If god asked you to do what I laid out, the question is not WOULD YOU DO IT. It's "is that a moral act"? Please answer. 

Please explain how you know what god would or would not ask anyone to do. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Amalekites were sorcerers who could transform themselves to resemble animals, in order to avoid capture. In 1 Samuel 15:3, it was considered necessary to destroy the livestock in order to destroy Amalek.
In Judaism, the Amalekites came to represent the archetypal enemy of the Jews.

See, reasoning.

Your example doesn't equivalate at all to the Amalekites. Your example was about homosexuals. 
SkepticalOne's avatar
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Atheists would sooner support Stalin than admit how Christianity is beneficial for society.
Here in the US where Christianity has been weaponized it easy to question it's benefit to society.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
"Its easy to question that best countries in the world are Christian.". Wrong. That is very difficult to question.
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
See, reasoning.
You're really going to say "reasoning" AND say they were shapeshifters??? 1 Samuel doesn't mention shapeshifters, where is that citation? I presume it's in the bible since if it's not in the bible, it's apparently invalid.

Do you believe they were shapeshifters?

Come on dude, this is a thought experiment. Please just answer the question. Is what I described a MORAL action? God told you to do it. 

Also, please explain how you know what god would or wouldn't ask you to do. 

"Equivalate"? Look, if you don't want to participate in the thread, don't waste the time typing and reading. I thought you wanted to talk about it. 
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUOTE REGARDING DAVIDAZ: "I am confident that DavidAZ will be along shortly to explain to you why none of the vile acts that you have highlighted  above at  #29  and committed by his god are not "wicked" 

Oh my, do you think DavidAz has the nerve to address my post #29's content, in showing the #1 Bible fool Miss Tradesecret to be the continued Bible fool?  

Let us hope that DavidAZ doesn't become a Miss Tradesecret and RUNS AWAY from said post, whereas I have many other examples of my serial killer Jesus promoting the murdering of innocent infants, forcing His creation to eat their sons and daughters, and where He aborted and murdered innocent fetus's and babies, just to name a few biblical axioms pertaining to Jesus in being WICKED, and that I have learned to just accept and move on!

Stephen, do you think DavidAZ will RUN AWAY from this discussion with me like Miss Tradesecret has done in the past because she couldn't address my discussions and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath?  We shall see.
DavidAZ's avatar
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DavidAZ's avatar
Let's look at the parent analogy. . .
I'd have to say Ludo, your reasoning makes sense.

I will say that this is a deeper subject than what I have thought about and will concede to say that I am lacking in knowledge in the subjects I thought I knew.