Transgenderism is a mental illness.

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Whoa, did I just witness critical thinking?

Why do you not engage in a legit debate/discussion instead of being an asinine troll?
sadolite's avatar
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You know why the Easter bunny hides his eggs?   She doesn't want anyone to know she's a chicken.
sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
Um, we agree, what would there be to debate?
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Then just say you agree without the pompous ad hominems. 
sadolite's avatar
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OK then, I wont respond on or to your posts anymore.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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OK then, I wont respond on or to your posts anymore.

That is not what I asked for or demanded. 
Stop being an intellectual coward for fucks sake.
Grow a pair.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
Most of the mass shootings recently have been by LGBTQ identifying people. 
By "most of the mass shootings recently", do you mean one?

Please show us where that assertion came from.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
The school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee - Transgender shooter.
The LGBTQ nightclub shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado - Non-binary shooter
The STEM school shooting in Denver, Colorado - Transgender shooter.
The pharmaceuticals distribution center shooting in Aberdeen, Maryland - Transgender shooter.
And more cases like this one.

sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
Nah, you get to upset, better to just avoid you.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Transgenderism is a conditioned state of mind,

Conditioned by social trend and therefore social expectation.
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
rejection is not abnormal behavior.
Neither is sadness or grief, and yet a group of psychiatric "peers" can label one "mentally ill"--and medicate as a result--because of the aforementioned.

PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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PREZ-HILTON's avatar
Sadness and grief is not a behavior, it is something you experience. 
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
Sadness and grief is not a behavior, it is something you experience. 
What is the significance in this distinction?
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar

Nah, you get to upset, better to just avoid you.

It’s called being passionate about the subject. 🙄
PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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PREZ-HILTON's avatar
I believe I pointed out that an abnormal behavior is only considered a mental illness when it is followed by negative life consequences. You then went on to say that being rejected is a behavior and then you went into depression which is not a behavior whether it is classified as a mental illness or not. I think our communication with each other hasn't been clear and my method for clearing up misunderstandings is apparently not very good
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Transgenderism is a conditioned state of mind,

Conditioned by social trend and therefore social expectation

It’s more nuanced than that. Girls are more vulnerable to such social contagions perpetuated by social media like TikTok. They’re very emotional and succumb to their emotions vs logic. Young boys are more reactionary and lash out vs logic. Which is why we see trans women lashing out and promoting crap like the trans day of vengeance that’s suppose to take place tomorrow, April 1st. 
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
42% of Transgender identifying people commit suicide.
  • First of all, you should probably just admit that you got the statistic (like most of your beliefs) from this tweet by Stephen Crowder:
Steven Crowder@scrowder
Transgender people have a 42% attempted suicide rate. American slaves & Jews in concentration camps didn't commit suicide at 19x more than the general population.
  • 23 hours later, you turned that into an actual suicide rate rather than a self-reported attempted suicide rate.  SInce there are roughly 25 attempted suicides for every actual suicide, your number represents an extreme distortion of the facts.  Please correct your error. 
  • The best study of the subject is a 45 year study of 8263 trans people in Amsterdam which documented 49 suicides (six-tenths of 1%) within that population over that time and concluded:
    • Suicide death risk in trans people did not increase over time.
    • Suicide deaths occurred during every stage of transitioning.
    • Suicide death risk is higher in trans people than in the general population.
  • Suicide rates in the concentration camps are hard to calculate.  The NAZIs did take the trouble to note suicide as one cause of death but the two most common methods of suicide,  electric fence and starvation, were never counted as suicide.  A 2004 study suggested that 1 in 4 concentration camp deaths was actually suicide.  A more recent study only gets as narrow as 10-30 times typical 20th Century European rates.  Whatever the uncertainties, we can say with confidence that actual suicide rates in NAZI concentration camps exceeded actual suicide rates by American transpeople by several orders of magnitude.
Most of the mass shootings recently have been by LGBTQ identifying people. Anyone seeing the correlation?
  • LIkewise- hysterical terrified Republican fearmongering without the least bit of respect for facts or reason.
The school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee - Transgender shooter.
  • Aiden Hale only started changing pronouns a few months ago after seeking therapy in the wake of the death of his best friend.  We don't know if Hale had started any kind of therapeutic regime, although there's a strong correlation between hormone therapies and suicide.
The LGBTQ nightclub shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado - Non-binary shooter
  • Flat-out opposite of the truth.  Aldrich identified as a straight, gay-hating Conservative Republican who was known for  using rainbow flags for target practice. His friends and family state that he consistently used he/him pronouns and only claimed non-binary pronoun usage after the shooting.  That is- this is just another Republican trolling the trans community and anybody buying Aldrich's bullshit is perpetuating that troll in the face of the dead.
The STEM school shooting in Denver, Colorado - Transgender shooter.
    •  Alec McKinney was 16 yrs old at the time of the shooting, was supposed to be taking medicine for schizophrenia but had not done so for months and reports that inner voices were compelling him and had snorted a considerable amount of cocaine prior  to the shooting.  Nevertheless, I think people should be at age of majority before having thier sex lives labeled by society.
    The pharmaceuticals distribution center shooting in Aberdeen, Maryland - Transgender shooter.
    And more cases like this one.
    • Snochia identified to friends as a trans man but still used she/her pronouns.  She started hormone therapy a year before the shooting.
    So let's toss out Aldrich as a troll and McKinney as a schizophrenic, drug addicted minor.  That leaves two transman shooters since 2018, both likely taking a considerable amount of testosterone, a drug known to cause violent mood swings. Many studies have found a direct correlation between violence and testosterone levels.

    If we define "mass shootings" as "at least four injuries by gun injuries" than of 3,561 and assume only one shooter per event (in fact, so many events have multiple shooters that the number should be closer to 5000 shooters) we come up with a rate of  2/3561 or .0005% of all mass shooters over the past 6 years are trans compared to 98% cisgender males.  Both were partially self-identifying transmen and 0 shooters were transwomen.

    Since Lxam cites mass shootings as evidence of mental illness and the majority of mass shooters are straight white males, it follows that straight white males are the most mentally ill demographic and transwomen are the least mentally ill with no mass shootings at all to their credit.  If we are using Lxam's reasoning then should we start making straight white males more mentally healthy by by transitioning them all to women?

    Athias's avatar
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    Athias's avatar
    I believe I pointed out that an abnormal behavior is only considered a mental illness when it is followed by negative life consequences. You then went on to say that being rejected is a behavior and then you went into depression which is not a behavior whether it is classified as a mental illness or not. I think our communication with each other hasn't been clear and my method for clearing up misunderstandings is apparently not very good
    I pointed out that the DSM-V, the APA, or any psychiatrist for that matter has yet to find a biochemical, neurological, or chemical basis for what they have introduced into medical lexicon as "mental illness." I'm not attempting to parse that among which, whether it be rejection, sadness, grief, Gender Dysphoria etc, is a "mental illness." My point is that none of them are (mental) illnesses because they are not pathological. The fact that these associated "negative consequences" are determined through peer consensus should convey that there's no medical basis for what they determine as "illness" and what they determine as "disorder."

    What illness do you know of stops being an illness because of political reasons?
    PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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    PREZ-HILTON's avatar
    Although there is a lot of issues with the DSM5 I wouldn't call identifying negative impacts on a person's life as subjective.  It basically comes down to if you feel like something is causing you distress than it is. If OCD is making you more productive at work with no negative side effects than it is not a mental illness, if it causes you high anxiety and for you to wash your hands until your skin is completely removed than it is a mental illness. 
    YouFound_Lxam's avatar
    Debates: 32
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    YouFound_Lxam's avatar
    42% of Transgender identifying people commit suicide.
    • First of all, you should probably just admit that you got the statistic (like most of your beliefs) from this tweet by Stephen Crowder:
    Steven Crowder@scrowder
    Transgender people have a 42% attempted suicide rate. American slaves & Jews in concentration camps didn't commit suicide at 19x more than the general population.
    • 23 hours later, you turned that into an actual suicide rate rather than a self-reported attempted suicide rate.  SInce there are roughly 25 attempted suicides for every actual suicide, your number represents an extreme distortion of the facts.  Please correct your error. 
    • The best study of the subject is a 45 year study of 8263 trans people in Amsterdam which documented 49 suicides (six-tenths of 1%) within that population over that time and concluded:
      • Suicide death risk in trans people did not increase over time.
      • Suicide deaths occurred during every stage of transitioning.
      • Suicide death risk is higher in trans people than in the general population.
    • Suicide rates in the concentration camps are hard to calculate.  The NAZIs did take the trouble to note suicide as one cause of death but the two most common methods of suicide,  electric fence and starvation, were never counted as suicide.  A 2004 study suggested that 1 in 4 concentration camp deaths was actually suicide.  A more recent study only gets as narrow as 10-30 times typical 20th Century European rates.  Whatever the uncertainties, we can say with confidence that actual suicide rates in NAZI concentration camps exceeded actual suicide rates by American transpeople by several orders of magnitude.
    None of that refutes my point. 

    Most of the mass shootings recently have been by LGBTQ identifying people. Anyone seeing the correlation?
    • LIkewise- hysterical terrified Republican fearmongering without the least bit of respect for facts or reason.
    The school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee - Transgender shooter.
    • Aiden Hale only started changing pronouns a few months ago after seeking therapy in the wake of the death of his best friend.  We don't know if Hale had started any kind of therapeutic regime, although there's a strong correlation between hormone therapies and suicide.
    Also doesn't refute my point. 

    The LGBTQ nightclub shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado - Non-binary shooter
    • Flat-out opposite of the truth.  Aldrich identified as a straight, gay-hating Conservative Republican who was known for  using rainbow flags for target practice. His friends and family state that he consistently used he/him pronouns and only claimed non-binary pronoun usage after the shooting.  That is- this is just another Republican trolling the trans community and anybody buying Aldrich's bullshit is perpetuating that troll in the face of the dead.
    So, every mass shooter who's family and friends say that they identified as something, don't actually identify that way?

    You have no evidence for the claim: 
    "Aldrich identified as a straight, gay-hating Conservative Republican who was known for  using rainbow flags for target practice."

    But we do have evidence for him identifying as non-binary.

    So let's toss out Aldrich as a troll and McKinney as a schizophrenic, drug addicted minor.  That leaves two transman shooters since 2018, both likely taking a considerable amount of testosterone, a drug known to cause violent mood swings. Many studies have found a direct correlation between violence and testosterone levels.
    No, let's not. Mental illness still had play in both of these situations. You can't just toss out suspects for no reason. 

    oromagi's avatar
    Debates: 117
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    oromagi's avatar
    None of that refutes my point. 
    • You told a great big stupid fucking lie:  42% of Transgender identifying people commit suicide.
    • I quoted the actual science: that found thath the truth is about  1/6th of 1% of trans people commit suicide.  You fucked up your statistic based on you poor comprehension of Stephen Crowder's tweet.
      • Just to dumb it down for you, .6%  is a much, much smaller number than 42%.  You exagerrated the science-based claim by 70 times!
    • Um,yep-  that is a comprehensive refutation of your central premise.  Sorry you aren't bright enough to understand that.
    • there's a strong correlation between hormone therapies and suicide.
    Also doesn't refute my point. 
    • It does, actually, if the mental illness was caused by drugs rather than transgenderism.
    You have no evidence for the claim:  "Aldrich identified as a straight, gay-hating Conservative Republican who was known for  using rainbow flags for target practice."
    • AP NEWS:  The 22-year-old accused of carrying out the deadly mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs in November ran a neo-Nazi website and used gay and racial slurs while gaming online, a police detective testified Wednesday.
      Anderson Lee Aldrich also posted an image of a rifle scope trained on a gay pride parade and used a bigoted slur when referring to someone who was gay, Detective Rebecca Joines said.
    • FOX KTVU:   Aaron Brink, the 48-year-old father of the Club Q shooter, told media in a somewhat incoherent interview that he "praised" his son for "violent behavior" as a child and believed him to have committed suicide in 2016.   "I thought he was dead. I mourned his loss. I had gone through a meltdown and thought I had lost my son," Brink said to local outlet CBS 8. Brink is a former MMA fighter and adult film star. He has struggled with a severe addiction to crystal meth in the past. He believed his son was dead for six years until receiving an irate phone call from him six months ago.  Aldrich's father also shed light on his son's upbringing.  "I praised him for violent behavior really early. I told him it works. It is instant, and you'll get immediate results," Brink said.  Brink told the outlet his family is "Mormon" and "conservative Republican." He said that the first fear he had after finding out the news was that his son is gay.
    • NBC:  Kraus said he and the suspect — public records show they lived one door away from each other in a Colorado Springs apartment complex — were close friends until a few months ago, when the two had a falling out. Aldrich made racist and homophobic statements, including saying they “hate faggots,” Kraus alleged, but Kraus said he was afraid to confront the suspect because Aldrich was “a very angry person” who owned guns.
      “I think it’s an insult to those people that are actually going through personal struggles with their own sexuality and their own personal identity,” Kraus said of the suspect identifying as nonbinary. Kraus said he believes Aldrich knows
       there’s no “getting out of it,” so Aldrich is “going to make it as much of a show and a mockery and just confusing for everybody involved.” 
      Kraus added, “That definitely seems like Andy, 100%.”
      Jared Holt, senior research manager at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a global nonprofit combating online extremism and disinformation, said he was “immediately skeptical” of the Colorado suspect’s assertion. 
      That skepticism only grew this week after NBC News reported that the FBI is looking into two websites connected to the suspect. One of the websites, which Kraus said Aldrich created in the spring or early summer, is a forum-type “free speech” site where people have anonymously posted racist and antisemitic memes, language and videos. 
    But we do have evidence for him identifying as non-binary.
    • Except for the troll's claims after killing a bunch of people?
    • Here's his picture on day of shooting.  Does that beard, mustache, haircut really say non-binary to you?
    No, let's not. Mental illness still had play in both of these situations. You can't just toss out suspects for no reason.   
    • You are trying to prove that transgenderism is mental illness.  If the mental ilness came from hormones, schizophrenia, Trumpism, etc. then your claim is disproved.
    Anyone seeing the correlation?
    • Very, very, very false.   Two out of the last 3,561 mass shootings in the US were trans.
    • Don't dodge my conclusion:  If mass shooting is your best evidence of mental illness and white boys are  hundreds of times more likely to do that mentally ill thing than trans folks, shouldn't you be worrying about the hyperviolent white boys first and foremost?

    oromagi's avatar
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    oromagi's avatar

    YouFound_Lxam's avatar
    Debates: 32
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    YouFound_Lxam's avatar
    • You told a great big stupid fucking lie:  42% of Transgender identifying people commit suicide.
    Ok, attempted suicide, not committed. My mistake. 
    Still helps to prove my point that they are mentally ill. 

    • It does, actually, if the mental illness was caused by drugs rather than transgenderism.
    Now hold on now. Are we supporting drug use, or not.
    Because I thought that the solution to transgenderism was to pump them full of chemicals, right?

    You have to ask yourself why the person took the drugs in the first place.
    Why did she take drugs in the first place? Because she was suffering from gender dysphoria?
    What was the reason?

    So, if the drugs caused the mental illness, that proves a point that gender affirming care is not the solution.
    If it was just a mental illness, then my point still stands. 

    • AP NEWS:  The 22-year-old accused of carrying out the deadly mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs in November ran a neo-Nazi website and used gay and racial slurs while gaming online, a police detective testified Wednesday.
      Anderson Lee Aldrich also posted an image of a rifle scope trained on a gay pride parade and used a bigoted slur when referring to someone who was gay, Detective Rebecca Joines said.
    You can still be a mean person and hate the pride flag even if you are non-binary.
    Ever heard of Gays against Groomers?

    Aaron Brink, the 48-year-old father of the Club Q shooter, told media in a somewhat incoherent interview that he "praised" his son for "violent behavior" as a child and believed him to have committed suicide in 2016.   "I thought he was dead. I mourned his loss. I had gone through a meltdown and thought I had lost my son," Brink said to local outlet CBS 8. Brink is a former MMA fighter and adult film star. He has struggled with a severe addiction to crystal meth in the past. He believed his son was dead for six years until receiving an irate phone call from him six months ago.  Aldrich's father also shed light on his son's upbringing.  "I praised him for violent behavior really early. I told him it works. It is instant, and you'll get immediate results," Brink said.  Brink told the outlet his family is "Mormon" and "conservative Republican." He said that the first fear he had after finding out the news was that his son is gay.
    The family being conservative doesn't prove anything. Does a family background determine the outcome of the offspring? It influences it but does not determine. There have been many gay people who grew up Christian conservative. 

    Kraus said he and the suspect — public records show they lived one door away from each other in a Colorado Springs apartment complex — were close friends until a few months ago, when the two had a falling out. Aldrich made racist and homophobic statements, including saying they “hate faggots,” Kraus alleged, but Kraus said he was afraid to confront the suspect because Aldrich was “a very angry person” who owned guns.
    “I think it’s an insult to those people that are actually going through personal struggles with their own sexuality and their own personal identity,” Kraus said of the suspect identifying as nonbinary. Kraus said he believes Aldrich knows
     there’s no “getting out of it,” so Aldrich is “going to make it as much of a show and a mockery and just confusing for everybody involved.” 
    Kraus added, “That definitely seems like Andy, 100%.”
    Jared Holt, senior research manager at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a global nonprofit combating online extremism and disinformation, said he was “immediately skeptical” of the Colorado suspect’s assertion. 
    That skepticism only grew this week after NBC News reported that the FBI is looking into two websites connected to the suspect. One of the websites, which Kraus said Aldrich created in the spring or early summer, is a forum-type “free speech” site where people have anonymously posted racist and antisemitic memes, language and videos. 
    Wow. It almost seems like when people say they are something, sometimes they actually aren't when you look at the facts. 

    "How dare you assume that just because of these facts, he isn't what he said he is. How dare you. He identified as non-binary and that's all the proof that we need."
    See how stupid that sounds. 

    Same thing with Transgenders. The facts point otherwise, but since they identify, it counts...........right? 

    • Here's his picture on day of shooting.  Does that beard, mustache, haircut really say non-binary to you?
    How dare you assume by physical features. 

    • You are trying to prove that transgenderism is mental illness.  If the mental ilness came from hormones, schizophrenia, Trumpism, etc. then your claim is disproved.
    Ok. Well it doesn't so.........

    • Don't dodge my conclusion:  If mass shooting is your best evidence of mental illness and white boys are  hundreds of times more likely to do that mentally ill thing than trans folks, shouldn't you be worrying about the hyperviolent white boys first and foremost?
    That is definitely not my best piece of evidence. Basic biology is my best evidence. 
    ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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    ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
    Ok, fine. I will provide you another definition so that you can understand.

    Mental Illness: "A condition which causes serious disorder in a person's behavior or thinking."
    Shifts all the burden of filtering to "disorder" as "behavior or thinking" includes just about everything.

    So what's a disorder?

    You wouldn't tell a schizophrenic person," The voices in your head are real, if you believe it's real." No, you would put a schizophrenic person through therapy, to explain to them that the voice in their head is not real, and that they need to come back to reality. You are not affirming what they believe to be real, because if you did, that would cause them a lot of pain a distress, as well as others. 

    In the same way, you wouldn't tell a transgender person." You are actually a woman, if you believe you, are a woman." It's the same concept. 
    Reinforcing delusion is what your example is, and that is indeed almost always a bad idea.

    Delusion is precisely defined, unlike mental illness or disorder. By talking about "reality" you invoke delusion vs non-delusion.

    A delusion is an egregiously or readily demonstrable falsehood maintained or generated by the ego (and not misleading sensory perceptions).

    Men are not women, female is not male, medical science is incapable of changing sex and sex was a synonym for gender until activists tried to change it. All this can be demonstrated readily.

    I might define a mental disorder as: A detrimental and persistent pattern of delusion in an awake and undrugged mind

    This would except most religions as most religions are not particularly detrimental, even when they are persistent and often delusional.

    It would except brain farts or fads because they are not persistent.

    It would except alcohol and coffee because they are drugs.

    It would also except laziness for although that is detrimental and persistent, it is not a pattern of delusion.
    YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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    YouFound_Lxam's avatar
    Shifts all the burden of filtering to "disorder" as "behavior or thinking" includes just about everything.

    So what's a disorder?
    I think you are fully capable of finding that definition yourself and correlating it with the definition. I'm not doing all your research for you. 

    Reinforcing delusion is what your example is, and that is indeed almost always a bad idea.

    Delusion is precisely defined, unlike mental illness or disorder. By talking about "reality" you invoke delusion vs non-delusion.

    A delusion is an egregiously or readily demonstrable falsehood maintained or generated by the ego (and not misleading sensory perceptions).
    Delusion: "a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, as a symptom of serious mental illness:"

    I might define a mental disorder as: A detrimental and persistent pattern of delusion in an awake and undrugged mind
    So just to be clear, a mental disorder to you is:
    A harmful and continuous pattern of a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite the incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, in a wake and undrugged mind. 

    So, this definition has a couple of things wrong with it:
    1.) the undrugged mind assumes the premise that someone who is mentally ill is immediately not mentally ill if they are drugged. But you fail to assess the fact that the drugging may have been a cause of the mental illness. 

    This would except most religions as most religions are not particularly detrimental, even when they are persistent and often delusional.
    Well, using your definition, religion is not mentally ill, because not all religions are harmful, and they don't believe something against incontrovertible odds. 

    It would except brain farts or fads because they are not persistent.

    It would except alcohol and coffee because they are drugs.

    It would also except laziness for although that is detrimental and persistent, it is not a pattern of delusion.
    zedvictor4's avatar
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    zedvictor4's avatar
    We have know way of directly knowing what external reality is.

    All we have is an internal simulation derived from incoming sensory signals.

    Interpretation, conclusions and ongoing decisions may vary.

    Normality is a collective set of decisions that can only be taught, so normality and therefore expectations can easily vary too.

    So put in context, if we (children) are now taught by a large enough collective that transgenderism is normal, then the concept of transgenderism  will become an established programme.

    And then factor into that the base programme of procreation and sexual development and all the ridiculous added baggage that human society attaches to sexual development and procreation.

    It's no wonder is it.

    Quite frankly, if society didn't pander to the acquired whims of minority sub groups.

    But hey, society goes crazy for the stuff.

    After all, what's less mundane than Mum and Dad and 2.4 kids.....Mum and Dad's inner fantasies, that's what.

    It's a bit like asking which is the most exciting....Peace in The Ukraine, or a Russian helicopter being downed by a hand launched S.A.M.

    ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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    ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
    The school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee - Transgender shooter.
    • Aiden Hale only started changing pronouns a few months ago after seeking therapy in the wake of the death of his best friend.  We don't know if Hale had started any kind of therapeutic regime, although there's a strong correlation between hormone therapies and suicide.
    The LGBTQ nightclub shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado - Non-binary shooter
    • Flat-out opposite of the truth.  Aldrich identified as a straight, gay-hating Conservative Republican who was known for  using rainbow flags for target practice. His friends and family state that he consistently used he/him pronouns and only claimed non-binary pronoun usage after the shooting.  That is- this is just another Republican trolling the trans community and anybody buying Aldrich's bullshit is perpetuating that troll in the face of the dead.
    The STEM school shooting in Denver, Colorado - Transgender shooter.

    •  Alec McKinney was 16 yrs old at the time of the shooting, was supposed to be taking medicine for schizophrenia but had not done so for months and reports that inner voices were compelling him and had snorted a considerable amount of cocaine prior  to the shooting.  Nevertheless, I think people should be at age of majority before having thier sex lives labeled by society.
    The pharmaceuticals distribution center shooting in Aberdeen, Maryland - Transgender shooter.
    And more cases like this one.
    • Snochia identified to friends as a trans man but still used she/her pronouns.  She started hormone therapy a year before the shooting.
    So let's toss out Aldrich as a troll and McKinney as a schizophrenic, drug addicted minor.  That leaves two transman shooters since 2018, both likely taking a considerable amount of testosterone, a drug known to cause violent mood swings. Many studies have found a direct correlation between violence and testosterone levels.
    Sounds like you feel comfortable calling people fakes despite their own self-identification.

    Nevertheless, I think people should be at age of majority before having thier sex lives labeled by society.
    Transgender translates to "sex life" to you? mmmm.

    It does, actually, if the mental illness was caused by drugs rather than transgenderism.
    Actually a relevant point. Psychoactive drugs and have also been a pattern in school shootings before it was cool to deny your own gender. Testosterone is well known to cause aggression when out of balance.
    oromagi's avatar
    Debates: 117
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    oromagi's avatar
    • You told a great big stupid fucking lie:  42% of Transgender identifying people commit suicide.
    Ok, attempted suicide, not committed. My mistake. 
    Still helps to prove my point that they are mentally ill. 
    • Not your point: Stephen Crowder ran a gambit on you and you fell for it.
    • Crowder argued 
      • "Transgender people have a 42% attempted suicide rate. American slaves & Jews in concentration camps didn't commit suicide at 19x more than the general population."
      • Notice that in order to disparage transgender folks, Crowder deceptively compares attempted suicide rates to actual suicide rates and he successfully deceived you.
      • If we compare actual suice rates of trans people to the Holocaust we see that
        • trans people don't commit suice at 19X general population, not even 2X gen pop.
        • Jews in concentration camps DID commit suicide at about 40X trans people.
        • Crowder is deliberately, deceptively flipping
      • The ONLY argument you made for transgender=mental illness was a ridiculously exaggerated falsehood.  Your argument is fucking toast- you need to apologize again for making up more fake news and then go do some research.
    So, if the drugs caused the mental illness, that proves a point that gender affirming care is not the solution.   
    • So by your way of thinking, if a bus driver taking benadryl becomes drowsy and causes an accident, the problem is NOT the dosage of the medicine but the fact that a doctor agreed to care for a bus driver to begin with.
    You can still be a mean person and hate the pride flag even if you are non-binary.
    • The only evidence to suggest that Aldrich was non-binary is the word of trans-murdering neo-NAZI.  I don't take neo-NAZIs at their word on any particular- all neo-NAZIs are universally insincere people.
    Ever heard of Gays against Groomers?
    • Another mentally ill, depection based Right-Wing hate group living to troll. 
    The family being conservative doesn't prove anything.
    • But running a neo-NAZI website our of your conservative grandmother's home is quite telling.
    Wow. It almost seems like when people say they are something, sometimes they actually aren't when you look at the facts. 
    • An important lessson for gullible young men looking for a cause to follow to learn.
    How dare you assume by physical features. 
    • You're saying that gender is not physical?
    That is definitely not my best piece of evidence. Basic biology is my best evidence. 
    • I'm sure that argument will also prove to be another fat turd of misinformed fear.

    ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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    ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
    Ever heard of Gays against Groomers?
    • Another mentally ill, depection based Right-Wing hate group living to troll. 
    Are you saying they aren't homosexuals? Who gave you the authority to deny their existence (literally this time)?
    oromagi's avatar
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    oromagi's avatar
    Sounds like you feel comfortable calling people fakes despite their own self-identification.
    • I'll call anybody by any pronoun they wish.   I believe the police, reporters, friends, and family when they say that Aldrich is trolling you.
    Nevertheless, I think people should be at age of majority before having thier sex lives labeled by society.
    Transgender translates to "sex life" to you? mmmm.
    • You're right. Let's change that to "I think people should be at age of majority before having their gender identity critiqued by society."  
      • In my personal experience, personality doesn't really start to firm up until the age of 25.
    Actually a relevant point. Psychoactive drugs and have also been a pattern in school shootings before it was cool to deny your own gender. Testosterone is well known to cause aggression when out of balance.
    • Exactly my point.  If recent testosterone prescriptions were a factor in both of the cases of trans mass shooters and there are no cases of transwomen mass shooters, then focusing on the trans as[ect rather than considering dosage as the root cause seems in danger of bias.