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Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Damn, what's up with "invaders" "pests"...?! You mean immigrants. 

Without recent immigration, the US's population may only be +200 million instead of the +300 millions it is today. If the US wishes to compete in the future economic stage it must maintain a large population. in a couple decades 3 other countries (namely, Indonesia, Pakistan & Nigeria) will surpass the US's current population. Without immigration, it's unlikely that the US would've been able to overwhelm the USSR or Japan as it did in the 90s, or compete with the EU.

Besides, haven't we heard the same being said about the Irish when they came, & then the Italians as well. 
If a swarm of locusts came and ate large sections of your crops, and then hung around to eat more by the day, would you call them anything nice? This is what Hispanics and Africans do to the U.S. economy -- both the average Hispanic (-$7,000 USD per annum) and African (-$10,000 USD per annum) are net drains on the economy (

Thus, the U.S. would be financially better off without any Hispanics or Africans, even if it had 100 million shaved off from its total population.

I'm not interested in association fallacies. It's an economic fact that Hispanics and Africans are a net drain on the U.S. economy. If you want to say that the Irish or Italians were, then it's time to start sourcing your claims.

So it's a question of constituency & voting potential? Don't illegals have no right to vote?
Illegals cause other social issues, such decay in societal trust and charity. It's not hard to imagine why you wouldn't want a lower I.Q, unable to legally work, net economic loss criminal in your neighbourhood.

This would've made more sense if you were talking about a European country, but North America is not a White native territory, virtually everybody there is an immigrant at some point. 
Yeah that's nice. Now it's White majority country that Whites had to conquer. Why is the country, which is still owned by Whites (roughly 75% of the population), not allowed to cater to its people?

But again, this isn't an immigration issue at heart, it's a post-modern issue in the West. Despite having a 1/3rd of its population from immigrants, Saudi does not rule by democracy & does not have things like "freedom of speech".
Right so it still has a racial majority, and the majority of immigrants are Muslim and/or brown ( Wow, such diverse immigration and population. Could you please tell me how many White people are immigrating and having their desire for democracy respected? How are Atheists treated in Saudi? What about vegans who don't want Hilal? Actually, you don't have to, because my source (something that you could start using, rather than saying random, unsupported things) shows that actually diverse people aren't immigrating to Saudi.

Those were natives mistaken for Mexican immigrants.
I enjoy how you source everything you say. Makes for convincing arguments.

Regardless, your contention here touches on a much deeper issue, these are just symptoms. It's the whole system that the West has gotten itself into...
Hispanic and African immigration into the U.S, legal or not, is objectively bad. That is the topic at hand. Fixing the issue you stated is a red herring because Hispanic and African immigration does not fix it.

It's not a 'Paris' thing or an 'African' thing, it's a tourist thing. & I can tell you, it's way worse than Paris in some of these places. You simply should never buy stuff from tourist areas, with the exception of food. What does that have to do the wall? 
Lol mate you've got no idea. Go to the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. You won't get harassed by anyone. Meanwhile, in Paris, these African pests will approach you constantly. Rome is even worse.

Posted in:
Christchurch Terror Attack, Motives & Global Prospects
I agree with some of this, but there will DEFINITELY be much more shooters like this. The inter-political divisions within the West pretty much necessitate it. If you've read the manifesto like I have, you've seen his stated goals. He's not wrong about the political state of the West, and our news media and political pundits are doing exactly what he said he wanted them to do. Their response is going to be a purge of right wing people from Twitter, Reddit, and other platforms. They will clamor excessively to it, and the platforms will cave. The decadent, neoliberal ruling class has legitimately gone insane; they seem to think that once they get a gamergater, a Nazi, a trump supporter, and a traditionalist Christian kicked off of twitter those people just... disappear. Out of sight, out of mind. They don't, they fall into the underbelly of the internet, and they all start talking to each other, and as they fall further and further through the cracks the Nazi has a more and more outsized voice among these outcasts. That's just human nature; people who feel cornered are much more receptive to hatred of the outgroup. I'm sure that over the next few months, more and more people are going to be pushed into radicalization echo chambers, and that the alt right will only grow because of this. They also might try to push gun confiscation, which in America will absolutely stoke the very sentiment that they are trying to stamp out.
+ 1 This is exactly what happens/happened.

Not that I condone the murders (I don't at all), but if you're able to ignore that to see the effect of his actions, what this man did is genius. He literally told the media/politicians that they're going to try and censor/purge/unperson right wing people, he literally told them the effects that this will have, and they still did it anyway. It just shows how much he knew about what he was doing. It's a damn shame he couldn't apply his genius in a way that didn't slaughter people who are innocent and just wanted to live their lives, at least for the most part.

But I don't think anyone here has stated how serious the situation is for Whites, so allow me to elaborate:

Now, what happens when you have a group of people attacked, who are having their communities destroyed through mass immigration (ghettos and no go zones), who are the only ones legally allowed to be discriminated against in the U.S. (in hiring, college applications, government services, loans, in terms of their right to form racially exclusive organisations etc.), who then get told that they deserve all this because of the bogus concept of White Privilege (when divergent evolution explains racial disparities very well), who then are told that they are fundamentally rotten for being White? What happens if you suppress, unperson, call racist, bigots or literally Hitler, deplatform, shun, slander, isolate, fire or assault, anyone who tries to speak out against this?

What's left for them?

What can they do when every avenue of peaceful opposition is denied?

How can they get anti-Whites to stop?
Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
I don't think that's accurate at all; if it were, phenomena like the Cagots would never have existed. In reality, the group which presents the biggest threat to rural whites (the majority of whites) are urban whites.
I think this is the exception and not the rule. Sure, sometimes groups other than race will be in-groups, like in the example of the Cagots. Labour unions will also block up in terms of profession, of which has nothing to do with race.

However, my data shows that race is the primary differentiater. All you have are anecdotes.

Black people, on their own, would not be pushing for massive Latin American immigration. They have no reason to want that. They certainly want more resources and political autonomy, but its simple self-interest. The real danger to working class whites are the urbane bourgeoisie liberals who control the means of production and want a proletariat class which is as divided, materially desperate, and impoverished as possible. Those are the people who have all of the incentives to provoke ethnic replacement and economic disenfranchisement. These are the people who materially benefit from said division, and from the exploitation of cheap labor.
I think this only is possible in certain circumstances, wherein racial in-group isn't cared about (for whatever reason), and wherein capitalism plagues the minds of people. This is already an abnormal society. Perhaps this has something to do with Dunbar's Number, wherein you stop seeing people as human.

Every intense ethnic hatred is borne towards the proximal, not the distal.

The Germans didn't hate the Japanese with a genocidal passion, they hated German Jews. The Soviets hated the Kulaks, the English hated the Irish. And the American upper class hates rednecks. The idea that vastly disparate cultures hate each other and compete more intensely is bunk; that only happens when community boundaries are dissolved (which, again, the urban whites do against the wishes of all communities involved. Look at the history of busing in Boston.)
Half of these examples involve racial distinctions (Germans versus Germans Jews; English and Irish).

In any case, I'm not denying in-group play happens outside of race. All I'm saying is that race is primary.

White working class people, very rightly, don't see white people who are part of this country's privileged power structure (but hilariously larp as socialists) as 'brothers'. Those people hate us from on high, and they want nothing more than for us to die pathetically. The only black people who think like that are the ones who have, through social climbing and 'bourgeoisization', embedded themselves into our decadent urban power structures and alienated themselves from their own communities in the process. But that's not your average black person; most black people have simple self-interests which can be reasonably appealed to (like any healthy human being does).

Trying to make racial appeals to a class which, for hundreds of years, has been bounded by a clan-based ideological system and haunted by a deeply-rooted, cultural fear and loathing of anything which is rural or rustic, is insane. I'd gladly join arm in arm with any group which wanted to tear these degenerate Brahmins down from their ivory towers and neutralize them.
Again, all this comes about after racial in-group bias is suppressed. For example, capitalism is a big-brained idea that is awfully cerebral. It strips humans of their human qualities and turns them into numbers. No group of people who cared about their own kind would sacrifice their humanity for a 3.7% increase in efficiency.

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Money aside, why do you support the wall? I've come to realize that it's rarely ever about money, though makes for a good case. 
Yeah in fact, the money issue isn't as important as the social degradation issue. Hispanics and Africans, as groups, cause lots of social issues. For example, they will block-up and vote against the interests of White People, especially if it furthers their own agendas (e.g. a welfare state). In regards to a White majority country, such as the U.S, this means that you have invaders attempting to undermine and leech from White people. The wall is designed to prevent some of these pests from entering White spaces.

Imagine if I were to enter Saudi Arabia and immediately call for abolishing of Hijab, shouting through a megaphone how bad Sharia is. The whole country would be up in arms. I personally don't want to wear such an annoying garment, but if I was going to go onto Muslim Arab soil, I would respect the culture and the people enough to wear it. Yet when Africans in Southern America call for the destruction of Dixxie statues, that's just fine. When Hispanics are photographed giving the finger to the Mount Rushmore statues (i.e. the Founding Fathers), there's no problem.

I believe you lived in France at one time. Assuming you went to Paris at one stage, do you remember the Africans harassing people of the streets in Paris with their cheap, overpriced merchandise? It makes it bloody unpleasant to walk down the street, and it badly injures social goodwill and faith.
Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Lol you've dropped most of my points and cherry-picked arguably the least important one to quibble about.

You've been dunked on. Get out of here.
Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
People do not as a rule sneak into the country on foot or by camelback they come via internal combustion vehicles.
Citation needed.

Seating vessels and aircraft will not be hindered by a wall in any way and the cast majority of land vehicles must go through customs to get into the country. I think 5% is an unrealistically high expectation.
We're already been through the aircraft example. I can readily concede that 50% of illegals overstayed their visas after coming into the U.S. via aircrafts and sea ports, and still have the U.S. saving bucketloads of money on illegals. That leaves us 50% that come in through other methods.

Why can't land vehicles drive over unregulated parts of the U.S. Mexican Border?

Finally, I've already shown that in other countries, wherein a border wall was instated, that illegal immigration reduced DRASTICALLY (The Hungarian Border is a great example. The Israeli border wall demonstrably prevents illegals coming in and committing terrorist attacks). You, on the other hand, haven't provided any evidence or data to show that 5% is too high, nor have you disproven the effectiveness of these examples I've already provided.

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
And you would know how. A bill of rights does not bestow freedom of speech, go ask MLK jnr. You numpty.

Locks only stop honest people numpty.
Troll detected and blocked.

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
A large percentage of illegal immigrants arrive to the country by airport or sea port and simply overstay their visa. there is no point in discussing the economic social or political ramifications of building a huge impractical and exorbitantly expensive structure if said structure lacks efficacy.
Sorry, but you're not saying anything concrete.

Even if 95% illegal immigrants in the country either came in by airport/sea port (which is way more than your quoted 50%), and then overstayed their visas, the wall would still save the U.S money. Illegal immigrants are a massive financial drain on the U.S. economy (about $55 Billion a year), and building a wall to prevent just 5% would be economically wise. Read the response to the second quoted part here: ( 

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Shaddup and answer the question.  
1) I already answered the question (not the new one you've asked), and 2) if I hadn't, shutting up would prevent me from answering it.

Once again, not off to a great start.

MORE than half the illegals here are because they overstayed a visa, dimwit. 
You need to learn how to format your posts because your quotations are a mess. I know it's super hard to highlight text and then click the 'Quote' icon, but please try a little bit harder.

Anyway, the wall isn't mean to end all illegal immigration issues lol. I'm not sure why you moved the goalpost to such a ridiculous extreme. Even if the wall stopped 20% of illegals from Mexico, which is a very harsh estimate considering what I argued before, that'd be about $11 Billion saved. Let's work with that.

The Serbian part of the Hungarian border cost around $100 million U.S. That part stretches roughly 100 miles. It is policed by 900 soldiers. Let's extrapolate this to the U.S. border. 2000 miles is 20 times 100 miles ( This will, approximately, cost around $2 billion. 900 x 20 = 18,000 soldiers needed to patrol the border. 18,000 x $56,000 (your stated annual wage for a border patrol staff member) is around $1 Billion dollars a year.

So, even in the first year, we have $1 Billion in wages plus the $2 Billion dollar wall being FAR LESS than the money saved on illegals coming in ($11 Billion, if the border wall prevents 20% of illegals).

Even if the wall stopped 10% or 5%, it would still be effective, and those are unrealistically generous assumptions (along with the 20%). Instead of claiming hypothetical problems, why don't you start dealing in the concrete reality?

My lack of confidence is born from watching Israeli forces -continue- to battle (literally battle) an group of militarized (wonder how that happened....) forces outside said walls.  That and this new fangled thing called "ropes", "chains", and "internal combustion engines".  
I'm sorry, but preventing terrorist attacks a bad thing now? The border wall demonstrably reduced the amount of terrorism Israel suffered. That's my argument. Don't derail this conversation when your arguments fly in the face of data -- not going to work with me.

You are asking for the largest modern day edifice yet built by man to be manned.  24 7.  Please don't let that escape your thinking.

You need to pay people to patrol the wall.  That is the bottom line.  Said people will cost money, for as long as you would like to keep disastrous policy in force.
I provided my evidence and data. All you've done is typed words. It's time to present your argument with data and evidence, or shut the hell up with your unjustified claims.

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Both legal and illegal immigrants are human beings and human beings tend to.use vehicles as their primary means of transport. Vehicles like planes and boats. Most immigration (legal or illegal) will be completely unaffected by any wall fence ditch or moat we decide to construct.
Wow, another braindead argument -- this thread sure is attracting retardation.

Why don't we just leave all our house doors open because people can lock-pick! Oh right, locks are effective the majority of the time, so that's why people use them. It's just like border fences/walls, dumbass. Yes, sometimes people find ways to get around them. However, the vast majority of the time, the fences/walls work (see the latter half of the post: (

Finally, legal immigration isn't the issue a wall would fix, so there's no point in conflating that with illegal immigration.

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Fraser Anning, Poorlean Handmedown. If Aus didn't have free speech you wouldn't hear from those fascists.
Lol you bloody idiot. This is not a matter for debate. Australia does not have a Bill of Rights that allows freedom of speech. If people are allowed to say controversial things, then that's because they're not being prosecuted, rather than being allowed to. You're basically saying that people are allowed to jay-walk because some people get away with it -- utterly stupid and factually wrong argument.

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
America is fairly unique in its unregulated approach to hate speech among other 1st world countries. This indicates to me that regulation of hatespeech is more of a 1st world policy, or at least there's an equivalence between 1st, 2nd and 3rd world views, with America being an outlier in this overall trend. Why do you think differently?
"Hate speech" is a political tool used to leverage resources for political groups. It is antithetical to freedom of speech, and thus stifles a country's progress/understanding because new ideas/truths cannot be expressed.

Sure, not every 1st world country has freedom of speech. My country, Australia, does not have freedom of speech, yet it constantly ranks in the top escalations in quality of life calculations. Freedom of speech is a 1st world policy, but doesn't in itself make a country 1st world. 

Posted in:
Actually, we can’t afford not to build the Wall
Do you feel as though a huge unmanned structure would prevent crossings to make it worth while?

56K a year is the cost, give or take, of a border patrol officer, time and and equipment depending.
Is this a joke comment? You're worried about providing a job that costs tens of thousands of dollars? You do realise that the U.S. taxpayer has to foot the bill of illegal immigrants getting public education, welfare benefits, and other benefits and services, all to the tune of roughly $54.5 BILLION a year? ( You could theoretically hire 700,000 of these border patrol people (which is WAY more than necessary, but I'm making a point), and if they kept 90% of the illegal immigrants out, you'd still be in the black.

This isn't even to mention the social cost of having illegal Mexicans in your country. Hispanics tend to vote in favour of 2nd/3rd World policies, such as the banning of "hate speech", and having a bigger government with more services (i.e. freebies) (

I just don't have confidence in an edifice being a real deterrent, thats all.  
Your objections are indicative of someone who doesn't know what on Earth he's writing about.

Mexico itself has a border wall to keep Guatemalans out.

The Hungarian border fence was so effective at keeping unwanted Serbians out that the true number of Serbians coming in was too small to show on the chart (

The Israeli border fence has deterred terrorism to an effective degree (

Even if the fence kept 50% of the illegals out, which would make it by far the worst wall out of all those above (and arguably the worst in human history), you'd still be saving $27.25 Billion.

Your lack of confidence is born from ignorance.
Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
I don't think this is how leftist whites works. Their outgroup isn't black people, or asians, or Jews, or Muslims. Their outgroup is rural whites; that's who they hate with a visceral, borderline genocidal passion. Compared to white liberals, blacks in my personal experience have much less of a fervid hatred for white people, and it's usually the UMC white liberals who push the blacks to have more hatred for rednecks...
I'm not sure my point was clear enough (it was tricky to articulate), so I'll write it in a different way.

Leftist Whites *should* have out-groups of "black people, or asians, or Jews, or Muslims". The default and norm for most people is having racial in-group bias towards their own race, and racial out-group bias towards other races. It's only through White guilt brainwashing and big-brained ideas (diversity, equality, anti-racism, revisionist history etc.) that these particular Whites begin to hate their own kind (rural Whites).

I showed the personal identity graph because it shows just how powerful the Progressive narrative is. Ideology is a distant 3rd place to race/ethnicity, and yet we have a Progressive Whites placing ideology over race.

Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
Are you just gonna echo chamber the resident racist or do you want to debate with me on the last paragraph which is the only part where you actually agreed with her?
It's contradictory to say that he's echo chambering, whilst also saying that only the last paragraph is where Thett and I agree.

Take you pick.

Also, "racist" is a bogus term. Read this to be educated: (
Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
This won't be the most compelling argument...but I have a really, really strong intuition for this kind of thing and I can just "sense" the progressive narrative on race fading away
and believed for a long time and that's a problem...but what is really fading is the INTENSITY of emotion, imo. There are a TON of emotions/motivations that go into the anti white hatred stuff, but a big part of it is that elite attitudes absolutely do trickle down into the mainstream. It's not a coincidence at all that black lives matter riots came to an immediate halt the moment that progressive elites realized they actually do more harm than good, and that they got Trump elected.
Yeah this is just opinion. Maybe you're correct, but no one is going to be convinced by this, unless they already agree with you. If you want to convince people who are open to the idea that the narrative is slowly fading, you'll need opinion poll data or something like that.

It's both, but it comes more from white liberals going totally insane in the past decade or so. Check this out: "Take the issue of discrimination as a factor holding back African-American advancement. White liberals are to the left of black Democrats, placing a much stronger emphasis than African-Americans on the role of discrimination and much less emphasis on the importance of individual effort."
Okay, so White Liberals are arguably more leftist than Black Democrats, given that they emphasise the role of racial discrimination against Blacks, and seem less concerned with individual effort. I think this could be a correlation argument for the Progressive narrative not fading in intensity? The ideological narrative is so strong here that it has convinced Whites against their racial interest over that of Blacks, when both (millennial) racial groups rate race as their most important personal identifier: ( In other words, Whites have been convinced, through mere words (which oppose their racial in-group preference) more convincingly than Black's far more powerful racial in-group bias.

Perhaps it has gone from insanely intense, to only very intense, but this at least shows how insanely powerful the narrative is.

Because getting rid of ~40% of the country is impossible outside of ethnic cleansing/mass murder. If I could go to a world where the 1965 immigration act didn't happen I would do so, but attempting to undo it now would not return America to an idealized version of the 1950s. It would result in a much more callous and cruel country. 
Firstly, the United States is roughly 75% White ( So, we're dealing with the problem 1/4 people cause, rather than nearly half.

Secondly, the United States could be partitioned into sections that reflects the interests of its people. If you have a place that is 90% White Christian, then you could tighten the borders, enforce a White only immigration policy (or something close to it), and the remove government ties with degenerate places like Detroit, wherein they're purely an economic drain (we already know that the average African American costs the taxpayer $10,000 a year (, and I don't think it's a stretch to say that African Americans in Detroit are not representative of the average African American). I think most Whites would be happy to relinquish lost causes, so that White people get their own spaces back free of gibs me dats and dindus.

There is no way to keep the US free of racial conflict (and not just between whites and blacks, hispanics on the west coast have been ethnically cleansing black neighborhoods for decades now) but you can definitely minimize it. Elite consensus absolutely does trickle down to the people, and a dem nominee who unapologetically rejects the anti white narrative and talks about white people who are hurting with kindness would go a very long way in cooling things down. We CAN all live together in (relative) harmony, but first we have to break the taboo about talking about certain things. 
Nah I don't think that's the reality for most people. Sure, you'll get think-tank people like Jordan Peterson, who'll be able to get along with others, despite racial differences. But this is far from the norm, and these feelings people have can't be overcome by "talking about certain things."

I posted it above (I think in response to RM), but just look and see how ideology and nationality take a back seat, in terms of personal importance to millennial Americans ( That's why you get Black Democrats saying that the Obama administration was spending too much on African Americans, and that Black Conservatives believe the Conservative party helps Blacks more (, yet both Black Liberals AND Conservatives voted in droves for Obama in 2012: ( ( Hispanics follow a similar trend, but to a far less extent. That's why you get at least half of most foreign ethnic groups living in the United States (i.e. legal citizens) not even considering themselves to be America (

We're not dealing with rational actors. We're dealing with humans, full of evolutionary baggage that takes precedence over high-minded ideas.

Example: ... These are the things that sane multiethnic countries throughout history have done and they'd go a long way here

You don't think that Blacks, Hispanics and Asians will fight for land? You don't think they'll want to get some freebies from the U.S. government? ALL groups have a problem with each other: that's how politics work. It's just a matter of time before interests between groups conflict, people revert back to their base instincts (i.e. tribalism), and then you have fighting for resources. You cannot unify these people when the most important thing to them (race) makes them enemies.
Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
Do you know that it's white jobless people who are draining the economy, if you would actually look at the data? The reason that blacks have a large portion of then also that poor is because of how low they began a few generations ago vs how high the whites began even more generations back.
Let's look at the numbers again (

- White Per Capita: $2,795
- Black Per Capita: -$10,016
- Hispanic Per Capita: -$7,298

Even if White, jobless people are draining the economy (whether a population can have 100% employment is debatable, but it's a reasonable point to make), the overwhelming problems extend from the Black and Hispanic populations.

To quote the Alt Hype: "All of this discussion of a “national debt” and “deficit” is primarily of function of blacks and hispanics. Without them, we would be running budget surpluses today, even when keeping the military the same size."

You're a complete lunatic if you think that end results prove some kind of cause in it being wrong to integrate. If you were to measure the happiness and general quality of life in nations that live other races and nations that don't, you'd see precisely how bullshit and brain washed your ideology is. Instead, you think only staying rich matters and even the. Those nations outperform.
Are you saying that having to fork out an extra $800 Billion in tax revenue isn't important? Are you saying that people are happier having Black and Hispanics around, even if we ignore the negative social impacts of ghettos and enclaves for a second, despite them being an enormous economic drain?

In any case, they don't integrate. Attempting to integrate Blacks and Hispanics results in ghettos and enclaves. This destroys the trust and charity of multi-racial communities, because people care more about those who are similar to themselves (primarily on racial grounds -- those who don't are the exceptions). So, the people with the wealth and the ability to produce it just end up leaving. That's why we have the term 'White Flight'. It's not Black Flight or Hispanic Flight. Would you like to live in this part of Detroit with a Black majority?: ( 

Furthermore, Blacks, and to some extent Hispanics, will vote for their racial in-group party, even if they think their racial group is wrong. In other words, Blacks thought that the government was spending too much on improving the conditions of Blacks, and these Blacks thought that the Republican Party would help Blacks more(, but they still voted IN DROVES for the Black guy (Obama): ( How are you meant to "integrate" these people when even if they agree with your arguments/ideology, they still vote against them on racial grounds?

Also, please provide any data or evidence to show that multiracial/cultural places "outperform". The burden of proof is on you.

Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
True, but look at how those statistics have changed in the past decade or so. Liberals took a SHARP left turn on racial issues, and we're in the middle of that purity spiral right now. I'm not sure how long the current racial narrative can last because a lot of it is just objectively not true (for example, liberal whites rating white people and christians as more violent than black people.) I think a lot of the current behavior on the left is defensive in nature as their narrative is coming apart pretty rapidly as the pre civil rights era fades further and further into the past. The civil rights movement, WWII, and the holocaust are the founding myths of progressive ideology and all of these things are fading from living memory quite rapidly. It's really really tough to say but I don't see this current era lasting. Millennials as a generation are a complete mess though, so who knows. 
I just don't see it falling apart in the slightest. Perhaps you're looking at this issue through the lens of the internet, wherein there is a large degree of anti-PC comments allowed, even at the expense of the Progressive meta cult. Even Mgtow and anti-natalism have internet places wherein they are allowed to flourish, and yet they're horrendously marginalised irl. 

Even if memory is fading, schools and universities are still teaching them, and they're still normalised. Jewish media reinforces it. Normies don't have any reason to question it, especially the ones who live away from the pests. Any serious questioning of them produces a visceral, angry reaction irl. Despite all the arguments I make against it, I still have this lingering feeling that I'm doing the wrong thing, due to being indoctrinated at school with anti-racist garbage. People go their whole lives without undoing the damage done to them in childhood, let alone acknowledging that their childhood is the root cause.

It would be interesting to see the Liberal "sharp left turn" data. Is it Whites largely involved? Is it an influx of Hispanics and Blacks? Blacks and Hispanics, as a group, have always been Liberal (or more accurately, biased towards their perceived race's party).

I pretty much agree with what you're saying, but the most important thing you can do to minimize the politics as a proxy for racial conflict is to reduce the stakes of politics. So when I say there's a sane way to govern a multi racial society, what I mean is that we need to just accept the fact that large parts of the American southwest are majority hispanic now, and that they don't necessarily need to be governed the same way as a 90% white state like Iowa. Decentralization is the key...the problem is that as this stuff is rapidly comes to a head people have less and less incentive to give up power whenever their group attains it. And as Yang points out, add some economic instability with the demographic changes and you have a recipe for some very rough times. I have no idea why we are importing tens of millions of people into the Western world to do jobs that may not exist in a few decades

Why attempt to minimise it when it's possible to enforce things like a racial majority policy, or something that isn't as literal? Why not cut your losses and remove them from America, so they're not an economic drain? I just think it's sticking your head in the sand -- trying to govern racially different states under one unified state. It costs the U.S. $10,000 per annum to keep the average Black around, and $7,000 to keep the average Hispanic around ( That's not even to mention the territory wars that'll take place (land is always valuable). First it'll be the American Southwest; then they'll push their people in other parts. People are far more readily loyal to their race than nation, and all people are greedy for territory.

We're importing 10s of millions of people (from other races) because they are gibs me dats and leeches, looking to suck the American economy. It's far easier to cry 'wah, racist,' than it is to actually be useful or live in their objectively worse countries. There's no pushback against it because there is apparently nothing wrong (that would be racist), and the Jewish media peddle it because it keeps the country destabilised (and thus the Jews safe).
Posted in:
let transgender use their restroom of choice
It's a pretty good study, so thank you. Let's quote the most important part (imo):

"This study finds that the passage of such laws is not related to the number or frequency of criminal incidents in these spaces. Additionally, the study finds that reports of privacy and safety violations in public restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms are exceedingly rare."

So, the immediate issue I have with the report is that it can only work from "criminal incidents". How many genuine "reports of privacy and safety violations" are successfully transformed into criminal prosecution? Whilst physical, sexual assault is going to reported and prosecuted nigh 100% of the time, filming and voyeurism isn't as easy to catch. If you don't poke your head over the stall, or shove your recording phone under the stall, is it that hard to stay undetected?

For example, let's say that I'm sitting down in a stall. There's a guy next to me that I have no idea about. He's recording my underwear around my ankles. His phone is completely within the stall. This is an invasion of privacy, and there isn't a way for me to know what he's doing unless I invade his privacy (i.e. look under the stall). Do you honestly believe there is any reliable way to catch this? I think that this invasion of privacy is virtually 100% undetectable, and the number of criminal prosecutions wouldn't change if 0 men were allowed in the women's bathroom, or 1,000,000 men were allowed in the women's bathroom.

i notice all you've established is that abuse could be possible, but no one has still shown any examples, which would be possible if they occurred. 
I literally pulled these up in about ten minutes of searching. I have dozens more:

Here's an instance of a man using the trans card to gain access to a female space: (

Man undressing in front of girls in a transgender changing room: (

As you can see, trans-bathrooms/uni-sex toilets cause plenty of trouble.
Posted in:
Should I run for president of the United States when I'm old enough?
Yes.  Obama and Trump had made compromises to get what they wanted.  For example, Obama made it harder for Planned parenthood to get federal funding and had more border security in exchange for Obamacare.
No person goes into a business deal wanting to compromise like this. It's only after lengthy negotiation do compromises happen, unless one party is getting torn to shreds. There is only inherent strength in weakness if empathy or sympathy gets the better of those more powerful.

They want more freedom for women.
You're too gullible for politics. Sorry, but go and do something else with your life, at least until you're not naive.

Posted in:
Toxic Femininity
I don't have to prove anything. I'm not a lawyer. In any case, your previous post is a proof.
You think, somehow, that this doesn't have to be proven: "This is the same strategy you use in all your arguments, trying to conflate definitions so it looks as if you are right."

Even if I granted you that my previous post was an example (I don't), then you've failed to prove all the instances.

No rational, thinking person could claim something so wildly slanderous, and then feel he/she doesn't need to prove the claim.

You are not sufficiently intelligent to converse with me. Do not respond to anything I write on this site. This conversation is over.
Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
This is definitely true, the team that shows up is always going to win the game. I'm almost glad that the left has overplayed their hand to the extent they have with the anti-white stuff because it makes it clear what's happening.
Yeah it's the 2nd best case scenario, in that the only better case one is not having Whites brainwashed with what is akin to mental disease (i.e. seeing group identity politics as archaic or beneath them).

Whites are an interesting case because in some ways you can contribute our behavior to the overwhelming pressure of mass media brain washing for the past half century but I think it's more complex than that as well. When liberal whites talk about how much they hate white people they aren't talking about themselves. Too bad they're too stupid to realize that their vote for Bernie isn't going to save them if they're ever in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yeah, you're right. These liberal Whites don't see themselves as the Whites they are criticising, because they've either taken off the race glasses or no longer identity as White. They might literally think that races exist, too (or that it's just a skin colour).

I don't really disagree with a lot of what you say, racial/ethnic groups have interests and they're going to pursue those even if its to the detriment of the society at's why a multi ethnic society without a clear majority is something that should be avoided if possible. In the case of the United States it isn't something that can be avoided. So I'm more interested in finding out how we can manage this. For example, while there will always be conflict, you don't have to exacerbate it by telling black people that all of their problems are whiteys fault. And while there will always be racial prejudice, there will also be people (like Yang) who are capable of looking past it and viewing other groups with compassion. There's a sane way to govern a multi racial society and we aren't doing it.
I'm not convinced it's governable at all, hence our current state. I mean, I could dig up data that shows even when Blacks agree that the U.S Liberal party does too much for Blacks, or that Blacks would be better off with a Republican government, and yet THEY STILL vote for Obama because he's Black.

The problem you're falling into is that you're taking humans as rational creatures. You probably see people like Yang and Peterson, and then believe that there is hope for rational debate. These people are the exceptions. 4/5 Millennial Blacks put race as an important personally identifier. Hell, even bloody millennial Whites have race as the most important personal identifier, despite the torrid brainwashing you've seen. Nationality and Ideology are distant 2nd and 3rd places (expect for perhaps Whites). Race is a wickedly important facet in politics -- racial group-identity IS politics.

Happy to show sources to support any of the above points (didn't because it's haphazard to do so).

I don't think I can put into words how refreshing it is to hear someone talk about the fact that 500,000 white people needlessly died "deaths of despair" in the past decade, or talking about who the opioid epidemic is really hurting, especially as a white person with family whose lives have been destroyed by prescription pain killers. Even Trump, the avatar of working class white America, is too much of a pussy to say it...Yang is sticking his neck out for people who are suffering even though he doesn't have to.
Firstly, he's a politician. As to whether he cares about the issue is another question.

Secondly, I suppose it's so refreshing to just hear someone talk about the issues of Whites. Considering the woeful political climate for Whites, this is quite the improvement. However, I think this is the political equivalent of a participation prize. I don't want White's problems merely being talked about. I want them resolved.

Lastly, I think even you know that Yang isn't going to win: he's Asian (not a racial majority in the U.S), he doesn't appeal to emotion enough, and his points, whilst seemingly valid, are too dry for the average person to understand/care about (people rarely have the time/I.Q. to process much more than appearances and feelings).

Posted in:
let transgender use their restroom of choice
do you have any evidence that men abuse the system? i read that there was a study that showed almost no one abused the system when transgender people use their choice. and, school systems who have considered the problem ive seen often come to the same conclusion. me thinks the problem is all in your head.
Where is this study? You criticise your opposition for not having evidence, yet you fail to provide any yourself.

i'm not sure what exactly you're saying, but i take it as an acknowledgement that you dont have evidence of people abusing trangender bathroom rights to take advantage of women in their restrooms
Considering women are the limiting factor in reproduction (a given), and that women have lower testosterone than men (I think this is basically axiomatic), it follows that men have a higher sex drive than women. Also, consider that the bottom 80% of men are competing for the bottom 22% of women, and that the top 78% of women are competing for the top 22% of men ( The effect is that there are going to be plenty of single men (and women) who simply cannot find a partner they find attractive, unless, for example, an 80th percentile man will settle for a 20th percentile woman. Furthermore, a man in the bottom 10% of men has absolutely no chance with women. So, it's not inconceivable that in sexual frustration, these men could pretend to be transgender in order to gain access to a female toilet, so that they could help alleviate themselves.

Elsewise, where do these men find partners? Men are so desperate nowadays that they'll donate to Twitch thots, just to have the momentary delusion that they're in a relationship. Sometimes, these sexually frustrated men will engage in paedophilia, too, just because a child is going to be less sexually judgemental. If men are willing to go to these measures to gain sexual access to females (even if it's just peeping under a stall), is pretending to be transgender extreme?

Posted in:
Should I run for president of the United States when I'm old enough?
I think I should.  I want certain policies and I'm willing to compromise to achieve them. 
Oh wow. You really think this is a positive attribute? You'll be eaten alive by the political monsters, once they see you begin to compromise so early. Being a politician is about throwing your weight around in subtle ways, whilst never appearing to be the power hunger monster that you are.

The Left claims to be willing to compromise and I could present a chance for them to do so.
Yeah and Feminists claim that they are for equality. You're too gullible to be a politician -- you think contrived appearances are reality.

Posted in:
Toxic Femininity
It's evil in the sense that this behaviour is profoundly inmoral. This is what I think, but let's say it's just inmoral so you don't get it wrong.
I'll assume you meant immoral, seeing as "inmoral" isn't a word.

Nevertheless, morality is an expression of your feelings, so I'm not overly concerned with what you feel about this.

This is the same strategy you use in all your arguments, trying to conflate definitions so it looks as if you are right.
Prove it.

There is a tremendous difference between persuation and manipulation, this last usually involves something inmoral, which is the case for manupulative women.
This is a non-starter because I already don't agree with the implications of your morality, in that it's just your feelings. There isn't anything substantive to build upon, when you use your feelings like this. In other words, you're arguing from pathos.

Persuation uses rational arguments and actions in order to influence people to do right things. By contrast, manipulation is the influence intended to benefit oneself at the expense of the other.
These are not intersubjectively accepted definition, at least on a global scale (i.e. dictionary usage), but I'll argue the semantics rather than the attribution of semantics to particular words, so that we can have a worthwhile discussion.

How could I define the woman who lies in the bed and wide open their legs in order to take advantage of a man that she doesn't love? Persuation? This is manipulation at its best.
What do you mean precisely by "take advantage?" What's the context to this?

I'm not saying this is the case of every woman, but the cases are increasing exponentially. When they see the man running out of resources, they start looking to another man with the same or more resources. And this is not just a theory, I've seen it, women that just get tired of her partner (because she found another man, more attractive or wealthier) and asks for the divorce. Eventually, the woman keeps half of the man's wealth and the custody of the children. And I saw some cases in which the man is not the father of one of the children.
Please provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate that occurrence of this is happening "exponentially"; several anecdotes are insufficient to argue a macro-societal rule.

Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
I don’t know what’s going to happen if we get to the point where your 100 IQ average joe can’t do anything
"Idle hands are the devil's tool."

Yes and no...I don’t think it’s possible for a multi ethnic society to ever get as unified and as high trust as 1950s white America was, but the US isn’t really that much more diverse than it was 10 years ago but race relations have gotten way worse because of this insane culture war.
I don't think it's culture causing this. I think culture is a smokescreen for the race war taking place, because people don't want to appear simple-minded or "racist" (lol). That's why you can have 97% of Black Conservatives voting Democrat in the 2012 General Election, because a Black man was the candidate. That's why you have Black Conservatives believing that the U.S. was spending too much on Blacks, and that the Republican party helps Blacks more than the Democrats, and yet still voting Democrat.

Clearly, conscious conceptions of culture aren't causing these outcomes.

Yang even pointed out in his interview with Joe Rogan that to much of the Democratic Party if someone is a white man it’s like their suffering doesn’t matter. I don’t think things have to be that way although there will always be some level of conflict and resource competition between groups 
If you're white and male, you have the hindrances of: (1) flagrant racial hatred (, (2) a neutered sense of racial solidarity (thus diminished group identity bargaining power), and (3) being seen as a human doing, rather than a human being, due to the sexual dimorphic implications of being a man. Hence, due to being part of some of the weakest bargaining groups, it's little wonder why the world is indifferent to your suffering.

Besides, in regards to being White, it's not just that "there will always be some level of conflict and resource competition between groups". More accurately, this is the main game being played, and if you're off in the world of forms with "the free market" or "freedom of speech", you are losing this race war. Sure, some people are capable of thinking the big-brained ideas, but the reality is that race is the primary personal identifier for most people, and they'll argue in favour of their in-group, even if they consciously agree with your big-brained ideas or if their logic is shown hypocritically inconsistent.

Posted in:
Toxic Femininity
I disagree. This is not the reason women want to continue being sex objects. Rather, the reason is much more evil and unexpected. Women know how powerful they can be if they use their vaginas at their advantage. Esther Vilar already pointed that out in her book, "the manipulated man". Women have everything calculated, they use their sexual appealing as a tool to manipulate men. It doesn't matter how attractive the man is, what really matters is that the man has all the resources the manipulative woman needs. It's a sad truth, but very useful for men out there trying to understand the real nature of women. And this is the main reason I turned MGTOW, not because I'm ugly, because I'm not, but because I know now very well what women are up to. 
Lol you're actually attempting to demonise persuasion? Not to mention the fact that "evil" is a loaded term, but lets consider some examples:

What of the man who goes to concerts with his shirt off, showing his chiselled body? Is that "evil" manipulation? It's manipulation, but it's good in that he gets to show off what he has, and girls get to enjoy looking at it (and perhaps pursuing it further).

What of the child with large levels of neoteny? Is he/she "evil" for manipulating his/her parents through a sense of helplessness?

What of me when I give classroom rewards to a child for pro-social behaviour? Am I "evil" for manipulating him/her into doing societally beneficial things?

Your criticism of women is non-unique -- the entire world constantly engages in manipulation. Your argument is inconsistent because it only targets women's methods of persuasion.

I decided to take the red pill and now I can see.
See what? See that some people use what they have to persuade others? How evil!

At any rate, eventhough women still manipulate men whenever and however they want, it's awesome that women keep showing themselves as a sex object, obviously because we can still enjoy such spectacle, especially in the sex market in the shape of pornography and prostitution.
Ha alright. Enjoy having no fulfilling relationships and dying alone without a legacy.

I can say the same thing about feminists, that they're horrendous, bitter, filthy, and unactractive persons as YOU can imagine. Lol.
I find it quite incredible that there are people, such as yourself, who will rave about the shortcomings of feminists and how lowly they are, yet readily admit that you're just like them. You must be very fit from all the mental gymnastics.

These are just stereotypes that don't have anything to do with the reality.
The truth is the exact opposite: reality births stereotypes.

But what I've suggested isn't borrowed from stereotypes, but rather constructed on my own. All Mgtows I've seen are not attractive. A lot of them are balding. I've seen plenty with poor facial adiposity. I've never looked at a Mgtow and thought, "Damn, women are missing out on that". I think it's inductively sane to say there is a chance these men are Mgtows not by self-determined volition, but because women rejected them.

Posted in:
Toxic Femininity
Feminism have long been fighting agaisnt the treatment of women as sex objects.
That's not accurate, albeit it would only be a part of feminism either way. Women enjoy being treated as sex objects, but only by attractive men. That's why we bother so much with clothes and makeup. It's quite annoying to have a constant slew of unattractive men catcall or hit on you, unless you've got a fragile ego or low self-esteem. It's also REALLY annoying to have an unattractive guy continue to hit on you, despite your polite attempts to tell him you're not interested. To give you some perspective, it would be like gay men approaching you in a flirty way -- you're not attracted to them, but they're attracted to you. It's slightly amusing and awkward the first time; it's downright infuriating the 1000th time.

Basically, feminism is female group interest weaponised, initially under the guise of equality. That's why you'll have women fighting tooth-and-nail for quotas on powerful/high status positions (e.g. politicians, lawyers, doctors), but won't hear much more than peep about inequality in manual labour/dirty jobs. The "treatment of women as sex objects" (in the accurate version I described above) is the surface.

Yes. That is "la raison d'etre" of this movement. MGTOW is a response to feminism, evidently. Besides, It's not necessary for a womam to be feminist to behave like a feminist at her convenience.
So you acknowledge you're a hypocrite. Fantastic.

I think Mgtow is largely comprised of men whom wouldn't have a chance with women anyway. In fact, and I'm not saying that Mgtows cannot be attractive, but I've never seen a Mgtow whom I thought was attractive. Just a funny coincidence, don't you think?

Posted in:
Friendship ended with Drumpf. Now: Andrew Yang is my best friend
1) He's promised us all NEETbux 

UBI is the wrong answer to the right question--how do we as a society reckon with coming technological changes that threaten to radically change the job market? This has happened before--see the Industrial Revolution which, while ultimately a very good thing, caused a lot of unnecessary misery among the rural English peasant class that could've been avoided had it been implemented better. He is getting the ball rolling on this extremely important question
This is actually a very good point. To focus on one strand of your point: In the near future, we're going to have technological advances make manual labour obsolete.

For example, for the people with I.Q. lower than 81, which prevents them from joining the military (wherein the military wants as many people as it can possibly get -- sub 81 I.Q. are too stupid for some of the most desperate employers), what are they going to do? They're too stupid to do even the easiest of jobs requiring a very basic mental capacity, and so if manual labouring jobs were to go, where do they go?

2) He cares about all Americans 

American Andy speaks about white people dying of drug overdoses more kindly than any Republican politician (even though 90% of their voters are white) ever has. Moreover this is not a dog whistle. He is not some sort of white nationalist (obviously) he just genuinely cares about the American people, ~60% of whom are white. He has a chance of actually uniting the country in some way 
This is not going to be effective. People, in general, care far more about their racial collective, than they do their country. People aren't going to vote for him purely because he's Asian. The U.S. is never going to be united because people's inherent racial bias towards their own kinds takes precedence.

Posted in:
Toxic Femininity
This is the second thread that I see you open about the same subject. I don't think this is that serious, this movement is going nowhere.
Feminism is going nowhere? Have you never turned on a T.V. or been to a university campus?

What I can say though is that if you are fed up with these women, go MGTOW.
So because there are some female feminists you don't like, all women should be avoided?

You're doing exactly what you're complaining about: tarring groups with the same brush. Not the first time I've seen a Mgtow make an idiotic comment.

Posted in:
Stress can be good for you
Can you stop following me around and making braindead, worthless posts?

Posted in:
Was ending segregation a good idea?
The fatal mistake was importing African slaves. Once you let them in, they'll do the dirty work that none of the native population wants to do, but it doesn't take too long before they start asking for rights. Not long after that, you'll start to see racial tribalism rear its ugly head, in the form of directing resources, well beyond their fair share, towards that particular racial group. It's all about resource acquisition. The excuses of "human rights" and "civil liberties" are convenient excuses. Whatever economic benefits a country receives in the short term, in regards to importing people of different racial/cultural backgrounds, are grossly outweighed by the irreparable damage done to the social fabric.

Don't think I'm picking on Africans, either. The inverse would be identical. In fact, you could trade Africans and American Whites for any other race, and you'd get the same result. Historically, this can be supported, too. For example, when the Romans started importing slaves to do menial/dirty work, the exact same thing happened.

Segregationalism is like a bandage on a fatal wound -- it's already fatal.
Posted in:
California Transgender law
I hear the argument that making a special protection for LGBT folks is redundant given the good protections available under earlier law.  As I've said twice, the law is probably less necessary in California than anywhere and if someone opposed the law as political grandstanding or time-wasting they might find me in agreement.  The question we're working on here is whether the law is tyranny.  My answer remains no.
I don't care about value judgement labels, such as tyranny. I care about whether this law is a good idea.

I wonder what is your opinion re: the state of transgender rights in Australia?
I honestly don't know what they are.
Posted in:
California Transgender law
Isn't that the distinction between common courtesy and mere courtesy?  Courtesies are the rules of polite behavior according to a variety of social divisions but common courtesies are those rules that apply at any court, across social division. (i.e. the manners of the courts of the Kings of England are quite different from those of courts the Kings of Siam but common courtesies are those behaviors that show and demand respect in any court, whatever the culture or social division)  When I say common courtesy I mean behaviors due to and from any human, whatever the social context.
An implicit conclusion within my comment is that "common courtesy" no longer exists (or at least is limited to homogeneous societies intolerant of other cultures), due to multiculturalism. Even basic things, like passing someone on the street, have wildly different expectations, in regards to courtesy. Hell, even copying other people's work is considered polite in China (it's respecting the master), whereas it's plagiarism in the West.

You might find the odd cultural behaviour that transcends all cultural barriers, but they're outnumbered by the ones that don't. Therefore, there isn't a good case for arguing that common courtesy exists, at least in the sense you're arguing.

good on ya, mate.  
cheers m8 bloody rippa aye

Every criminal penalty is a state imposed threat.  Every criminal penalty carries some potential of taking your money from your criminal's metaphorical wallet, right?  Therefore every potential victim has their metaphorical hand in your criminal's wallet.  I understand you don't think your criminal is a criminal but how is this metaphor meant to illustrate that point?  I think you are suggesting that common courtesies are "mere requests" and violation ought never merit criminal penalty but we know that's not true: it is common courtesy to not strangle strangers for cash but if you do you'll risk criminal penalty in any court, correct?  Many common courtesies are enforced by law.  
Do you honestly think it's reasonable to impose criminal speech restrictions on requests? Say if I requested that you memorise all my preferred gender pronouns (xir, xim etc.), you would be *legally* required to do so, because I have requested that you do so? In other words, if you forgot one due to the mere impracticality, you would be considered liable to criminal prosecution.

Let's say that I wanted you to refer to me as a queen, and you refused to do so. Or how about an otherkin furry dog. Or how about an asexual, amorphous blob from Hyperion. Under your suggested speech restrictions, it would be *illegal* to not address me as any of those, even if you found them ridiculous. In these instances, you're legally mandating that I forego all my sense, reason and personal beliefs.

This is such an abusable freedom of speech violation. If I wanted to muck around with my caregivers at the nursing home (as what this law is about), I could continually change my preferred titles of address, and as soon as they stuff up, the law would require that they be fined. That is merely one example of how this law could be abused.

Finally, and perhaps the most important point: freedom of speech is being violated. Do I really have to get into why that's such a bad thing to happen?

As for your example, yes, some common courtesies are laws, but an action having the status of common courtesy doesn't make it a desirable law. 

I agree that simple reference or address is quite a different context than imposition.  ... A healthcare provider in a LTC receives the majority of their compensation from the state and is licensed by the state and therefore represents the state to a liable degree.  No law says you can't be cruel to the dying.  This law says that if you are cruel to the dying while working as a State of California healthcare provider, whether or not you lose your job you may be subject to a fine.
You're equating being "cruel" (whatever that means) with refusing a request. What if a customer asks for a refund, purely because he/she changed her mind? Refusal could be considered "cruel", because the person would be upset afterwards. This "cruel" metric needs to be better defined.

In any case, you seem to think that because you're working for the state, you need to relinquish all your personal beliefs, in order to best serve the customer. Would you expect Muslims to renounce their faith in Allah, if it conflicted with their ability to refer to a self-described transgender person as transgender? Would you expect Christian to renounce their faith, if they were serving a patient whom self-referred as the 'one true God?' Your imposing criminality on those who have a reasonable spine, imo.

I have no issue with people politely requesting that you refer to them in some way. But if you're going to put a hand in my purse and expect me to bend to your every whim, even when I think you're ridiculous, I'm not going to bend. You'll create legions of people who are unhealthy, spineless people, or you'll drive people away from the jobs. This isn't even to mention the troubles in imposing criminality to weaponise people's displeasure, and the damaging impact that will have on freedom of speech.
Posted in:
Why are most of the top 7 on the debate leader board left wing and the forms are mostly right wing?
It's likely for a large number of reasons, of which won't necessarily highlight a difference between left and right wing philosophy. Nonetheless, as you've seen, you'll have people line up to espouse their own narrow, singular explanation as to why such a thing occurs (all without any kind of evidence or data). The saddest part is that most people were likely serious with their answers -- they assumed their random guess holds any merit.
Posted in:
California Transgender law
Let's say you're walking down the street and you meet a stranger walking a dog down the street.  You say, "Cool dog, what breed is he?" and the stranger replies "Oh, she is a mutt." Wouldn't you effortlessly change pronouns out of common courtesy?  If you persisted in calling the dog he the stranger would assume you were suffering from some social deficit and move on quickly.  The sick and elderly wish to be extended the same common courtesy in their own bedrooms that any ordinary person would extend a dog in the street.  That's it.  They don't wish to know what you or Jesus or Rush Limbaugh or anyone really thinks about their identity, they just want you to do your job politely and professionally.
Two counter-points to this:

1) You're assuming a plethora of personal beliefs in "common courtesy". For example, in my homeland of Australia, looking someone in the eyes as you pass them and say "g'day" is normally done amongst white people, but is seriously offensive for Aboriginal people. It's also offensive for any Koreans over here, but it's polite to English people. "Common courtesy" is not a fixed term, as you assume here.

Relating specifically to the topic at hand, let's say a particular culture considers it offensive to call someone a homosexual (perhaps Southern part of the U.S.). Therefore, when someone asks to be referred to as a homosexual, it's going to conflict with what a Southerner would consider "common courtesy", and thus the Southerner is referring to someone else he/she might respect in a derogatory way. Moreover, whose "common courtesy" is correct?

Another specific example to the topic at hand: Aboriginal people considered hermaphrodites to be magical people, and revered them as such. However, I doubt many hermaphrodites would consider themselves to be magical people. So, despite Aboriginal people respecting these hermaphrodites, their "common courtesy", whilst also seeing hermaphrodites as positive, is wildly different to a non-Aboriginal conception of hermaphrodites. Again, whose "common courtesy" is correct?

2) Yes, it could be common courtesy, in a sense of the word, to refer to someone as they request. Personally, unless the person was hostile, I would accommodate his/her request for particular pronouns.

However, a mere request is different from a state imposed threat. The difference is that the person you're talking to essentially has your wallet/purse open, and threatens to steal money from you, in order to give to the government. Imagine that when a person requests that they be referred to in a certain way, that he/she proceeds to open your wallet/purse, and holds several hundred dollars, waiting to see if he/she is allowed to give this money to the government. That is essentially what is occurring.

Imagine you lived your whole adult life as a man until you have an accident and live in a comatose state for 10 years, during which your healthcare providers decide that you are woman in their books and so they dress you in skirts and apply rouge and lipstick to your helpless body.  Wouldn't you consider that a humiliating violation?
Referring to someone in a particular way, and physically imposing your will upon someone, are different, and thus should be treated differently.

For example, saying that you prefer to greet people with French kisses, rather than handshakes, is very different from actually forcing a French kiss upon someone, especially when you know the other person not only prefers handshakes, but actively dislikes French kisses. The physicality holds the infringement, and it shouldn't be lumped into mere personal preference/beliefs.

Posted in:
So, the "teens harassing Native American" viral video thing...
Now others are harassing said person because mod gets away with it. 
I genuinely don't care. I've been in the unpopular minority plenty of times in my life. Add to that the fact that I swung first at Castin (with reasonable arguments, mind you), and I don't blame her for swinging back. In fact, I'd be surprised if she took it laying down.

I don't like what Castin does on here and I will continue to criticise her. I know she feels intimidated by this because I am the queen bee around here, despite her mod status. If she wants to defend herself, mod or not, then bring it on -- let's see what she's made of.

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Memory manipulation
Key points:

- 2015 work by Ju Lu, Yi Zuo and the University of California
- Attempting to further understanding of mice brains (and eventually apply work to human brains)
- Using a beam of light, were able to make mice forget learned behaviour
- Able to do this using AS-PaRac -- which causes changes to the input part of neurons which communicate with each other (dentrites)
- Basically, tips of dentrites grow bigger when something new is learned. Light makes them shrink. Therefore, memory loss
- For the future, the researchers are looking to manually grow the dentrites, in order to make mice know behaviour they've never learned (like that programming scene in the Matrix)

Posted in:
So, the "teens harassing Native American" viral video thing...
I lovingly handed-crafted this thread specifically for you. You know that right. I noticed it had been 0.62 hours since you'd said anything was beneath your intellect, and a critical 1.32 hours since you'd made a judgmental psychoanalysis of someone else's life, and I knew you had to be jonesing bad and getting the sweats and shakes. I thoughtfully created an opportunity for you to get a fix and you didn't even thank me. Rude. 
Castin, thank you so much for making a big effort to write an utterly worthless thread (again). It's fantastic to see you valuing the work I do, and the "critical" time since I was able to call a retard out for being retarded. Unfortunately, you're competing against about 80% of all the other threads posted on here, so it's really hard to see what a bright star you truly are. There are people on here who, judging by what they post, beat their heads in with a shovel on the daily. I hate to break it to you, but you're competing against Dart's shovel-to-head retardation, and so the market you're in is quite saturated. Please don't take ignorance of your very special brand of shallow, worthless posting as personal. I try my best to recognise the intellectual incompetence of everyone, and you have a lot going for you in that department.

Anyway, I dunno, does my thread history support that I don't make serious threads? No point denying that there haven't been a lot of engrossing topics lately, mostly due to low traffic methinks, but your post comes too close to "no fun allowed". As long as other legit discussion is available, there's nothing wrong with horseplay in principle. Maybe it's because I only showed up on DDO in its last two years, but I didn't see any appreciable difference between the quality of its threads and DART's. I think you need to stop expecting every thread on an internet forum to be a Stanford dissertation and stop complaining when that doesn't happen. Anyhow, I think this is the only goof-off thread on the entire first page of this subforum. If just one thread pisses you off this much I'd say you're easily pissed off, ASp. 
My dear Castin, as important as you are (very important), you're not important enough to have someone trawl your thread history. I'm commenting purely from the memory of you posting dull, shallow threads that belong on high-I.Q. gated communities, like Twitter. I'm so wrong for being disappointed with threads that attempt to determine whether someone is "creepy". It was incredibly funny and witty, all with your usual, charming quirks added in for more viewing pleasure. This is why you have to come onto the internet to find people who will tolerate you.

I'm sorry for suggesting that quality content should be published, too. I'm so glad we have users like you who constantly post "goof-off" threads, in order to help balance the site's content. I hope your goof-offs eventually evolve into log-offs.

ASp is the nickname I have settled upon for you, make a note. It is superior because it is both a correct shortening and a fitting description. I'm incredibly pleased with myself. 
If I'm an ASp, we should call you Cleopatra.
Posted in:
So, the "teens harassing Native American" viral video thing...
R.I.P. Castin
She brings it on herself, tbh. Much like a whole bunch of other characters on here, you only have to point out what they do, in order to roast them.

I agree. For what it's worth, this site does have a small handful of intellectually worthwhile users. But that group isn't large or ideologically diverse enough to sustain a forum. I find it easier to just specifically seek those people out via PM when I have something I want to discuss.
Maybe I should consider doing that. Half the time the only worthwhile response I get is from Skep.

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I was inches from the most dangerous spider in the world
I wiped the sweat with my forearm as the typical Australian Summer sun scorched anything it could find. With a faded green and white garden glove, I clawed a clump of dirt in a garden, wafting that earthy, moist smell. Movement caught my eye. It was a shiny black with a brown bulb. It disappeared into the bark-laden mulch. I knew exactly what it was: The Sydney Funnel Web spider. It was one of those 'did I really just see that?' moments.

Sydney Funnel Web spiders are becoming a rarity, due to deforestation and an extreme dislike from one of their top predators: humans. I had never seen this spider before irl, yet I'd heard plenty about their kill potential. Having come face-to-face with the deadliest spider, I was interested to see how deadly it was, and I only found out after the encounter that it was the deadliest in the world.

From the article itself (, we can get a clear reading on how deadly this spider can be: 

"The Australian Funnel-web spiders (family Hexathelidae, Simon, 1892) are probably the most dangerous spiders we can encounter. The most famous spider is the Sydney funnel web (Atrax robustus). People are only rarely bitten: there are only two cases of envenomation annually in the last 10 years. Funnel-web spiders belong to the family Hexathelidae and two (Atrax and Hadronyche) of the eleven genera are considered dangerous."

Interestingly, something which is usually the opposite for spider species, the male is far more potent in terms of toxicity, being anywhere from 4-6 higher than female venom. The male also tends to be the ones people find, because the females rarely (if ever) come out of their holes, unless it's to capture nearby prey. So it's important to know the difference between the two:

Thankfully, I encountered the rarer female version, which wouldn't have been as deadly had it struck those giant fangs into me (fangs which can penetrate toe-nails:

Finally, in researching the internet for information on the spider, I came across someone who got even closer with pretty much exactly what I found: ( Just goes to show what is a frightening experience for me, is a cool idea for a dare to someone else.
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Public apologies for my actions
Thank you for your kind words :)

I would have included Ragnar in this, but for some reason he has me blocked (maybe an accident?)
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Women, social status, and the natural extinction of child birth
Designed by unintelligent design (i.e. evolution).
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Public apologies for my actions
Don't see you apologizing for essentially saying that I shouldn't be allowed to post here
No apology needed :)

and that I should pretty much go and die.
I never wrote that.

When I say that I don't want 4 year olds speaking in parliament, that doesn't mean I want them to go and die. 4 year old don't belong in parliament. Similarly, you don't belong here. You probably don't even understand this point, so I'm writing this for other people here.

I'm still blocked by you.

But I'm the one who is full of hate.
I never wrote that, either.

You sure like making things up lol.

No apologies. 
Yep, don't apologise for the slander above. I'm sure God is proud of you.

Posted in:
Public apologies for my actions
As was recently brought to light, I used to use profile pics that were not of me, on my account back on DDO (Zarroette). I want to apologise for misleading everyone over the years. I do have an explanation as to why I did this, but that doesn't excuse the fact that I need to apologise. So, I am sorry for misleading you.

As for the explanation, I made that decision to use those pictures when I was 15, depressed out of mind, suicidal, and thoroughly unhappy with the way I looked. Whilst it was the wrong thing to use those pictures, I hope you can be more lenient on me, considering what I was going through.

I stopped using the pictures about 2.5 years ago. I stopped using them because I knew I was doing the wrong thing. I should have been honest about why I stopped using them, instead of keeping people under the impression. I attempted to hide like a scared, little girl, hoping no one would notice what I had done. My sin was omission, and for that I apologise. I should have been stronger and owned my past mistake.

My last apology will be for Wylted and for anyone else who saw my lie. Wylted asked me, in the recently deleted AMA thread (that I created), whether those pictures were me. Those pictures were not me, but I told him that they were. Despite this happening several weeks ago, I'm still disgusted with the fact that I lied to him. I prided myself on being truthful, and I shot that to death with my post to him. I am sorry, Wylted. I am sorry to anyone who saw me lie. I was absolutely pathetic. I got scared and couldn't accept the consequences of my actions. That isn't good enough, and so I need to publicly apologise like this. I am going to find a way to punish myself later, because lying so blatantly is beyond dreadful to me. I do not want to be the person who lies like that.

In any case, I hope you forgive me for my dishonest actions. I am sorry.
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In defence of credit cards
It's not really about racial struggle against external threats. One of the best overviews of this is Spengler's The Hour of Decision. Despite the laughably inaccurate synopsis of the work available online (this work was banned by the Nazi party, it didn't 'inspire' them), the essay isn't about white Europeans having to 'fight' the 'colored races'. It is a pessimistic outlook on the future of Europe based on the decadence and weakness of European civilization, which, in Spengler's view, doomed them to lose 'by default' against other, more healthy civilizations in the long run. It's not a question of racial struggle at all, but of the state of fundamental weakness into which the European soul has collapsed.
Usually, the racial majority will distribute resources to their own kind (always with a justification). The deeds of a civilisation are done so with the racial majority in mind. Thus, I would posit that civilsations are represented by their racial majorities.

So, a decadent and weak civilisation, being overrun by a more healthy civilisation, is essentially a decent and weak racial majority, being overrun by a more healthy racial majority. Albeit, this is not always the fate of a decadent and weak civilisation (for example, implosion is another possibility), but it's certainly a possibility.

'Added to all this is the universal dread of reality. We "pale-faces" have it, all of us, although we are seldom, and most of us never, conscious of it. It is the spiritual weakness of the "Late" man of the higher civilizations, who lives in his cities cut off from the peasant and the soil and thereby from the natural experiencing of destiny, time, and death. He has become too wide awake, too accustomed to ponder perpetually over yesterday and tomorrow, and cannot bear that which he sees and is forced to see: the relentless course of things, senseless chance, and real history striding pitilessly through the centuries into which the individual with his tiny scrap of private life is irrevocably born at the appointed place. That is what he longs to forget, refute, or contest. He takes flight from history into solitude, into imaginary far-away systems, into some faith or another, or into suicide. Like a grotesque ostrich he buries his head in hopes, ideals, and cowardly optimism: it is so, but it ought not to be, therefore it is otherwise. We sing in the woods at night because we are afraid. Similarly, the cowardice of cities shouts its apparent optimism to the world for very fear. Reality is no longer to be borne. The wish-picture of the future is set in place of facts - although fate has never taken any notice of human fancies - from the children's Land of Do-Nothing to the World Peace and Workers' Paradise of the grown-ups. 
Yes, it's difficult to ponder whether life is worth living, when you're struggling to make ends meet and intoxicated with a will to survive.

But I think this is the opposite of "spiritual weakness". I think these realisations, this ability to question the validity of life, is a potential escape route into further, ground-breaking evolution. I think it's a chance to realise that human life isn't as conducive to civilsation, which is the preferred set-up for human life, as we would have hoped. Perhaps it's time to radically reinvent humans. Perhaps it's time to realise the game of life isn't worth playing. Perhaps it's time for something else entirely. However, we now know that if we revert to "healthy" civilisational methods, it won't be long before we loop around to this state of affairs again.

I don't see the whole demographic displacement as some aberration; it is what to expect of a civilization which has become spineless. It's the Wandering of Nations all over again.
But civilsations naturally become spineless like this. It's happened for at least the last 2,500 years: Assyria (859-612 B.C.), Persia (538-330 B.C.), Greece (331-100 B.C.), Roman Republic (260-27 B.C.) (skipping a few), Romanov Russia (1682-1916), and Britain (1700-1950). They all last about 250 years. They go through the same expansion, consolidation and decay stages. There's no point reverting to what we consider as healthy civilisations because it's not sustainable (nor, arguably, worthwhile). Traditional values, religion and gender role etc. just lead to going through the same cycle again.

The real unique issues that I see are ecological devastation and overpopulation. Overpopulation is not just a matter of 'too many people', but of the collapse in conceptual space which happens in low-trust environments. This collapse makes the deleterious psychological effects of overcrowding become much more pronounced, which can eventually completely dissolve social structures.
I've never actually considered that as an effect of over-population. Now that you mention it, it seems true.
Posted in:
So, the "teens harassing Native American" viral video thing...
I nominate this kid for Creepiest Teen on Fucking Earth. All in favor? 
Why did you make this thread? Seriously, of all places in the politics section, why are you attempting to have a discussion about whether someone is the "creepiest?" I'm getting so tired of finding a couple hours of free time, logging in to check for intellectual threads, and getting smacked in the face with a discussion on creepiness that's a myopic conclusion from a video that's been edited to distort reality. Even if he is the creepiest (whatever that means), who cares? How is this a political discussion?

People like you really don't belong on a debate site. Sites like these specifically exist for people wishing to discuss important things, with the odd non-serious post to blow off steam. Moreover, I come here to *escape* idiots and shallow thinkers, because they are numerous irl. I have PLENTY of acquaintances irl whom can't think much beyond their immediate needs -- I don't need to find anymore in my free time. All you seem to do is use this place to demonstrate your weird, unfunny sense of humour by posting an endless stream of empty, light-hearted comments, probably because you drive everyone away with it irl. You don't post anything thought provoking which is, you know, the whole point of coming to a place like this. If you want to make friends, go to Facebook or something like that. Stop polluting this site with inane nonsense masquerading as political discussion.

I'll be honest: I really miss DDO. It still had these junk threads back in the day, but at least it had enough worthwhile content to satiate. I'm not bashing the owner or mods for this site, because they're arguably better than they were on DDO, but a decent chunk of Dart's userbase leaves a lot to be desired. I know I complained about this before, but it's just so disappointing that this place has yet to replace DDO adequately. 
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Gillette: The best an emasculated soy boy cuck can get
Thank you : )
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Gillette: The best an emasculated soy boy cuck can get
There's plenty of talking points to consider:

(1) On the surface, the video is merely telling men not to engage in toxic masculinity. However, to anyone spending an iota of time on the internet, it should be readily apparent that this attack on toxic masculinity is heavily contextualised by MRA talking points that are largely ignored outside of the internet. Facts such as the astonishingly small rape rate (albeit, rape is incredibly difficult to prove), false rape/sexual harassment accusations going largely unpunished, the extreme broadening of the definitions involving sexual assault (with things like financial/spiritual abuse counting) etc., are all ignored in place of a boogeyman (rape culture). Given this context, I am not surprised the backlash the ad received, and I can't blame men for feeling so betrayed by Gillette.

(2) You have to wonder, after seeing other companies shoot themselves so thoroughly in the foot, why Gillette would choose the same path. There was likely extreme external pressure to run these suicidal ads, elsewise they wouldn't have done it. I find it nigh impossible that they didn't understand they enormous backlash they would receive for running these kinds of ads.

(3) Should companies be involving themselves politically like this? Companies like Nintendo have literally said that they don't want to be involved in politics, but instead want to create a product that will be enjoyable (and sell well). For any company that isn't pressured by external forces, it seems impolitic to meddle with affairs that go well beyond the product.

(4) Personally, I didn't like how the man told the boys to stop with the rough-and-tumble play. I know there are other dislikeable traits about the ad (one guy stopping another from talking to a lady on the street), but this one is personal to me. As a primary school teacher, I see other teachers stop this play all the time, and it damages the kids. They don't develop a conception of healthy boundaries. They don't learn to distinguish from real and fake threats. It warps their social perceptions for the worse. Even young girls like to engage in this behaviour, to some degree -- it's perfectly normal behaviour.

I could write further points, but that's sufficient for now.
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God damn California
I was in Cali this time last year. I couldn't believe the weather I was getting for Winter. 25-27 degrees Celsius and sunny was the norm pretty much anywhere I went, be it Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Venice Beach, Furnace Creek, San Diego, Fresno, Sacramento etc. The only dodgy weather I got was in San Fran (one of the ugliest places I've been to). I was missing it, until I saw the weather forecasts this year.

So yeah, you have a right to complain.