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Total posts: 2,229

Posted in:
RM endorses Airmax again!
They have broken several rules, it's a fact and not an opinion. The mods are just biased af.
I haven't witnessed this rule breaking, then. Unless you're saying the satire screenshots should qualify as personal attacks?

That's actually true, Castin is being really patronising with her depiction of events. You aren't above me in any fucking sense.
Eh, that's fair. But you can either be the victim or a strong independent pugilist who doesn't need help. Not both, buddy.
Posted in:
RM endorses Airmax again!
That is fair and I will take that fully. I just refuse to let him go off on fully blatant rants and lies about max. Specifically because max refuses to address it since it's more of a bother than anything. So a lot of new people don't know him, see what RM is posting and assume it's true. I'm just here to troll him till he stops
Thanks for hearing me out, at least.

They told me you are below my weight class and not to punch down on you. They are not sympathizing with your position, they are saying you are to stupid/stubborn to learn the lesson that is being taught. 
I don't think he's stupid. I would argue that most people are not receptive to lessons that come from a place of hostility or ridicule. The weight class comment was in reference to how much harder he takes these things than you or Lunatic.

Well, and also you seem better at trolling. But I would need to see Rash's meme game for a true comparison. Or maybe just a rap battle between you and him. That could also settle it. That's basically just trolling to a beat.
Posted in:
RM endorses Airmax again!
I could see how that is how you would take it without full context and I respect that, and I promise in all honesty its not taking advantage of him for amusement. The goal of this is to show him he can't just blindly insult and swing and not expect to receive shit back. For example he has went through posts and reported every thing someone posts when he disagrees with them just so moderation will hopefully eventually listen to him. He wants to be able to block you and say bad things about you without the consequences of someone calling him out or responding to him. When he does it someone it's fine because to him he sees it as a critique but when someone does it him, then they are a bully etc. I promise you if it was so one sided whiteflame or moderation would have stepped in and I ask them constantly if I'm going to far etc and they are fully aware that he dishes as much as he gets which is why they have not intervened. I know slapping on the hand publicly is probably not the best way to handle most situations like that but for him, it's the only way you drive it in his brain. 

I just don't take his bullshit victim mentality and instead of being just mean to him, usually meming him drives the point much harder because he responds poorly to it. 
Sounds like you're saying you're trying to teach him that when he fires the first shot, he shouldn't expect no one to fire back.

The problem with that is RM never thinks he fired the first shot -- he thinks he's firing a retaliatory shot for some past offense against him.

So all you're probably teaching him is that he's not allowed to defend himself, because when he tries, he gets ganged up on and repetitively mocked and the mods are unmoved. This strikes me as something that could exacerbate a victim mentality, not treat it.

I don't think you've broken any rules or are a terrible person or anything. I just think you're punching beneath your weight class and it's bad form.
Posted in:
RM endorses Airmax again!
Ugh. More of this shit? You make me regret casting my vote.
Thank you for saying this Castin. I haven't been on in a very long while and this is one of the reasons why.

I appreciate satire, after all I am very active on Twitter 🤪. But I don't like it when users, who are part of a clique, find a way to bully someone without breaking the CoC rules.

This happened to me in the political forum and I wouldn't wish this on anyone!
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you give us another try. I remember your posts in the politics and religion forums and always wished you'd stuck around.

I don't know either Mikal or Lunatic that well, but RM has gotten in feuds with people I've liked before, so I'm not writing them off over this or anything. Plus Luna stuck up for bish, a former moderator I liked, and I never forgot that.
Posted in:
RM endorses Airmax again!
you arent voting for me luckily 
Hopefully my internet will let this one through.

I just think it's in poor taste to keep ganging up on someone more vulnerable than you. It didn't really help the perception that Airmax is the silent king of some web-based frat.

But I fully realize I have not seen one bit of evidence of Airmax joining in personally; hence my vote. I also realize that it's not like RationalMadman hasn't taken any swings, but when he swings it's nothing to you. When you swing, it's an assault on his sanity. You seem to be taking advantage of this imbalance for personal amusement. I'm not telling you not to defend yourself or your comrades, but this just seems gratuitous.
Posted in:
RM endorses Airmax again!
Ugh. More of this shit? You make me regret casting my vote.
Posted in:
Happy election day! Good luck to both candidates, may the best man win!
Posted in:
Happy election day! Good luck to both candidates, may the best man win!
Man, my internet connection is really straining with all this bad weather. I might lose it before I can vote.
Posted in:
How did you find DDO?
I was just looking for a good debate site and DDO was the first google hit.

Scratch that: I was heroically fighting two dark wizards in a magic duel on a pirate ship when one of the wizards imprisoned my soul in cyber space and I wound up on DDO, and had to think my way out with only my wits. The dark wizards' names were Grumblystoke and Arturius, and the pirate ship was called Cruel Mercy. This is now my official story.
Posted in:
An Interview with 3RU7AL
Eh, I found out 3RU7AL won't do Twitter. Airmax has at least promised to try. The bottom line for me is what's best for the site.

If not for a stray taunt from Lunatic, you'd still be trying to convince me to vote for Airmax, too.
Posted in:
Axolotl image request.
You are free to take whatever I say with a grain of salt since you assume I am "chummy" with airmax, but I am surprised you are basing so much of your vote on the opinions of others opinion on a user.
Well little do YOU know I'm basing my vote on the opinions of others' opinions of others' opinions on a user! BAM.

I would recommend you read both campaigns yourself and decide. Obviously I would encourage you to vote airmax's because his will be objectively better, but even then I would rather you just research yourself than judge an opinion from someone as volatile and flip floppy as RM. Airmax literally did nothing to justify him switching his vote. Him switching his vote is literally only him trying to get back at me, because I keep logically handing it to him the forums. Regardless of whether you take my side on this or not, I can guarantee you RM is using his vote for manipulative purposes and not over anything airmax actually did.

Just research both candidates yourself and form your own conclusion. You've had enough dealings with RM that you have to know somewhat what I am talking about here...
Not sure what more I can do, beyond what I already have: read their threads, asked them questions, and in Airmax's case, listened to those who have personal experience with him. Sounds like you're concerned I might not have done that already? I have, never fear.

I know how much RM dislikes Airmax, so when he endorsed him, I took more notice. I've never been in the Airmax in-group, and neither has RM, so maybe that was a factor too.

But you don't really need to worry. I didn't take anything you said as damning evidence against Airmax and your drama with RationalMadman will not have a bearing on my vote. I'll choose the person I think can best help the site grow.
Posted in:
An Interview with 3RU7AL
Ask Airmax to provide any evidence he has pull on Twitter that he boasts.
Nah. I don't require that he already have pull, just that he makes a good effort.
Posted in:
Axolotl image request.
If Airmax had so much sway like that then the real question is this, why hasn't he used it yet?
We could ask the same of 3RU7AL. The answer is probably the same: They've been busy with their own lives just like we have, and this race is their attempt to become more involved in helping the community.

Airmax may bring in more thuglike socialites but do you know how you were treated on DDO? That's exactly how anyone outside of the inner circle ends up treated when Airmax is in charge with whiteflame by his side, which is going to instantly be happening.
They did always seem clique-y to me, but I care more about the health of the site than about how I'm personally treated. As long as we get a bunch of new users I could give a shit if I'm not in the in-crowd.

If 3RU7AL wins, Airmax's fanboys will probably leave the site out of disappointment or spite, and we're too small to be able to afford many walkouts; a lot would then depend on 3RU7AL to bring in more people to replenish our number. And 3RU7AL isn't interested in promoting the site on Twitter, which is the best place for it.

Posted in:
An Interview with 3RU7AL
Would you consider organizing on Twitter as well? DART needs a Twitter account for maximizing recruitment.
Got it.
Posted in:
An Interview with 3RU7AL
Would you consider organizing on Twitter as well? DART needs a Twitter account for maximizing recruitment.
Posted in:
Airmax1227 For DART
Are you serious about Twitter outreach for DART? More users for the site is my #1 concern.
Posted in:
Axolotl image request.
3RU7AL wants to advertise through places like the Hive or his blog.

" - - it's easy to reach tons of people here
I also have 35+ members on my discord channel and even more in my contacts list who would be good initiates for
and 422 followers here -
I recently exposed some fundamental errors in the HIVE system and my notoriety has skyrocketed there."
Airmax wants to advertise through Twitter.

Growth needs to begin with a trickle of awareness, new members and activity, drive that planned development over time, and do that within reasonable metrics over specific periods. One step towards this goal requires that we dust off that ol' twitter account and get some hits going. We'll eventually also focus on SEO areas, but I want DART to actually be something people get linked to because of their interest in debate - that needs to be the focus, what brings in new quality members, and what retains those members. It's not enough just to hashtag the common abortion debate, we need to get specifically topical. If there is a trending hashtag and a breaking event we need to incentivize and encourage debates on it immediately to make DART at the forefront of that interest. To that end, we are going to begin the DART STARS DEBATE TEAM (or we can call it something else if you have a better name). This cadre of the willing are going to be tasked by the Social Media Director to start these topical debates and then we'll get the twitter account to feed on those trends.
Twitter is better for reaching more people.

Posted in:
Axolotl image request.
I was swaying toward Airmax, per your logic that this site needs new users more than just about any other concern at this point. Now you've changed your mind just because Lunatic claimed Airmax laughed at you back in the Slytherin common room or something?

You were the only one telling me to vote for Airmax who was not an Airmax fanboy. If Luna has indeed flipped your endorsement, then he has flipped one of the endorsements I found the most unbiased. You seemed willing to put your feelings and your past history with Airmax aside to support the candidate you believed was best for DART. That held more weight to me than an endorsement from someone who's always been chummy with Airmax.

So I'm asking you to put your feelings aside again, and tell me: Do you still think Airmax is our best bet for saving DART? You said before that you know Airmax has the ability to bring in more people and stop the site from dying. Is that still true? Because that's kind of all I need to know.

The bottom line for me is that if this site loses many more users, it's going to die. Just trickle off into total inactivity. I'm not aware of any other user on DART with web development experience who is willing to take on the burden of launching a new site for us, which means if DART goes under, we're all just gonna have to take the boat to the Ellis Island of a new website -- a site where we won't have the same community, and won't have a voice in site governance or development. Now as far as I know, only one of our candidates has a platform based on site growth.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
Granted the religion forum was the wild west and went too far, and you are judging the modding practices entirely on your experience in the religion forum, which generally despised any mod interference, had a different culture than the rest of the site and was generally resistant to moderation. I don't like the religion forum culture and usually avoid that section, but it is the culture they wanted. Serious religious discussion can and should go in the philosophy forum anyway.
You are basically saying here that moderation should not be applied equally to all forums.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
Are you for more moderation or less moderation?
I'm content with our current level of moderation. I would definitely be against more, but I would be open to trying less.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
I suppose you're talking about the Mesmer ban? Under bish, you could espouse prejudice toward a broad group as long as you did not direct it at a user. Sort of like how I didn't ban you for that "Are Blacks the Worst Debaters?" debate until you started calling your opponent Kunta Kinte and demanding he call you "master."

Ah. Those were the days, weren't they buddy.

Anyway, it appears policy has changed since then. It's hard to be sad to see a change from "broad racism allowed" to "no racism allowed," though.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
They literally banned people here for wrong think. 
I've only ever seen them ban people for violating the CoC. If you think the CoC should be changed, they have an avenue of appeal for that. But this whole idea that the mods are Big Brother controlling your thoughts or exiling people for dissenting opinion is bullshit as far as I can tell.

From bish to Ragnar to whiteflame and Supa, I have only ever seen decent and well-meaning moderating on this site -- with above-average community outreach and communication. But you guys have complained about the mods since DART began, and I have never really understood it. Personally I think you were just used to being able to get away with anything on DDO, and didn't like that that changed. But that's just me.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
If you liked bsh1 you would like airmax. Bsh1 was a big fan of airmax on DDO as well. Trust me you qould like airmax. I encourage you to message him and ask him questions and get to know him. He is a good guy, a hard worker, and someone you will 100% like if you give him a chance. He's right up your ally.
Well I would ask bish himself, but they BURNED HIM AT THE STAKE.

But at least I'm not bitter or anything.

You know I loved bish, but I feel like if bish had been moderating DDO, the religion forum wouldn't have been nearly as bad. The two may have been friendly, but that doesn't mean I would like their moderating styles equally.

I realize the president is not a mod, but he will influence moderation, and it could be said that the presidency is a strong audition for a moderator position.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
Eesh. That's a turn-off.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
I hear you. I'll consider it. Site promotion is definitely a pivotal issue for me.

He isn't becoming a mod, he's becoming a power-check for mods and official even hoster.
This was why I was gonna vote for 3RU7AL. He seems like a better power-check. But I'm not aware of 3RU7AL having said anything about working to promote the site...

The suggestion in your OP is that Airmax will not work to promote the site if he loses. What are you basing that on? Did he say as much?
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
DDO's CoC was never enforced that I observed and so was functionally meaningless until we brought it here and actually enforced it. Then people whined and complained because they were unaccustomed to Airmax's rules actually being enforced.

I judge a mod by what they do, not what they write up on the board and ignore, and I never saw Airmax do anything. It sounds like that's what you guys liked about him, but that's a big "meh" for me.

The only thing I find compelling is Airmax's promise to promote and advertise the site. I think that should be a top priority.
Posted in:
Airmax vs 3RU7AL (vs hammer?) in RM's eyes. 2022 election for President
I just don't know Airmax. I never saw him moderate in my two years on DDO, even though I witnessed offenses I thought were worthy of it. All I know about him is that he has some kind of cult of personality and a laissez-faire approach to moderating.

I know 3RU7AL and I like him. He has a healthy skepticism toward authority and power. Airmax's relationship to power seems... less clear, and potentially suspect. But I don't really know for sure, because, again, I have no experience with him.
Posted in:
where did muhammad brought the stories in the quran ,copyright infringement/plagiarism
There's no such thing as religious plagiarism, really. The contents of all our religions go into the cultural mixing pot and everyone dips into it.
Posted in:
Should we crack down on members of the religion forum
I'm coming out of retirement and i want to be the president/mod of this forum. I am the dragon queen after all... in some dreams anyways. 
In other words, we'll like you a lot for most of your reign, but then you'll go cray-cray and set everyone on fire with your dragons and Jon Snow will cry? Well... I suppose it's better than what we'd get if Wylted ran the place. Okay, you've got my vote.
Posted in:
Should we crack down on members of the religion forum
I will never understand why you guys turn the presidential elections on this forum into Game of Thrones.
Posted in:
What do Jews believe the afterlife is like?
An orgy of genital mutilation and head butting walls perhaps.

And other very sensible stuff.
I can only assume you are hyperbolically referring to the way many devout Jews pray at the Western Wall, swaying backward and forward and periodically touching their heads to the wall.

Zed, you've said a lot I agree with in the past, and I think circumcision is a fair target of criticism, but this description of Jews praying at the wall crossed the line for me. It's antisemitic, it's insensitive. Consider that wall's history and what it represents to Jews. Is this really the kind of remark you want to make?

Posted in:
the fantasy based religions
why is it that people are willing to believe magical stories that they would have dismissed as nonsense once they are mentioned under religion ,many of the stories mentioned under religion are just crazy and if you remove the religious background of the story it would be placed under fiction and if someone came and told the story - without the religion- , you would probably tell them that they are lying , because such thing can't happen at the world or at the very least not on our world .
This question can be broadened: Why do humans often compartmentalize their critical thinking?

I would argue that most people have done this at some point and to some degree. I have been guilty, for instance, of being more critical of a stranger for doing something wrong than of a friend who did the same thing. Why?

So I'll posit three factors that I think may go into this:

  • We tend to suspend our critical thinking when it comes to things we're invested in, or that serve our physical, emotional, and psychological needs.
  • We tend to dismiss what is outside our experience. A stranger running up and telling you a fantastical story is something that falls outside your experience -- you don't know the stranger or the story. But if you connect the story to something familiar and personal, like your religion, suddenly it gains much more cognitive traction for you.
  • We tend to suspend our critical thinking when something comes from an authority. Our propensity for this has been well documented and is not unique to religious people.
The supernatural stories you're talking about meet all three of these qualifiers for the people who believe in them: 1) these stories are part of a religion they are emotionally invested in, 2) this religion is familiar and personal, 3) the stories come from a source they regard as authoritative.

My own personal example may not meet all three, but it meets several: My friend is familiar and known to me, so I am more forgiving. I am invested in my friend, and my friend serves my emotional and psychological needs.
Posted in:
read this, then please tell me do you still believe that god exist ?
Yeah, my cat started crapping outside the litter box again and I got distracted and never got back to finishing the article.

But I was able to pick him up and put him in the litter box before the turd was fully out, and I think we can all agree that's what's really important here.
Posted in:
What do Jews believe the afterlife is like?
Fair perspective,
Sometimes I comment more one the conversation, than a person, and avoid @ing people, if I don't feel my comment 'adds enough to the conversation, to be worth notifying them.

Why comment at all, if it doesn't add enough to the conversation, well, sometimes one just likes to aside remark, at no one in particular.
Bah -- we all make side remarks! You can @ me for anything. If we worried about how much we add to the conversation, we would never have spinoff conversations -- which in my experience are usually more fun.
Posted in:
What do Jews believe the afterlife is like?
Lot of variation in that Christian lens though,
Christians I've known, and Christian perspectives I've enjoyed reading,
Did not seem to make or believe "the whole point of being in a religion was so that you got a chance at some afterlife."
Almost missed this. @ me, bruh.

I definitely agree there is variation, as there is in any major religion. However, my experience with Christians is that heaven and hell play a large role in their psychology and their faith. They probably wouldn't say "the whole point" of their religion is the afterlife, of course. They would probably say the whole point of their religion is Jesus, and salvation through him. That doesn't mean that heaven is not the end goal of their efforts, the finish line of their life, the thing that they are ultimately moving towards. What does "salvation through him" ultimately mean? Being saved from hell -- and being granted the reward of heaven.
Posted in:
read this, then please tell me do you still believe that god exist ?
When the 33-year-old man went in for a CT scan of his pelvis, doctors saw that he had a rectal-prostate fistula, a rare condition where the body develops a hole that connects the rectum with the lower urinary tract and creates all kinds of problems (like shit in one's piss and vice versa). In this man's case, the hole created a new passageway for his sperm to travel; instead of flowing out of his dick, as he might expect, it took a hard left out of his anus.
I mean, tragic... but also kind of hilarious? Maybe not the best example of the problem of suffering?

The problem of suffering is probably the #1 reason I rejected theism, but the examples foremost in my mind were things like child sex trafficking and the cancer cell and starving children. Not guy-jizzes-out-his-ass stuff.

Or maybe you were trying to say that the sheer absurdity of this genetic defect disproves God? Eh... not a strong argument, imo. But a hilarious one.
Posted in:
What do Jews believe the afterlife is like?
The Hebrews seem to have had different theological priorities.
Like what?
Again, I am not Jewish, but my understanding of Judaism's theological priorities are as follows:

  • To keep the Covenant.
  • To obey and uphold God's law as laid down by Moses.
  • Tradition, family, Torah.
And if you keep these values, you will receive reward in this life.

"What happens when I die?" is a big question, and one we all ask, but there are other questions that can be just as central to a religion. How do I navigate the stormy seas of life? How do I know what's right and wrong? How can I be happy and achieve prosperity? Where do I belong?

If their goal was to become a better person, you don't need religion to do this.  You can do it by living according to your own morals (with some exceptions.  If you think raping is moral, you still shouldn't be allowed to rape).
Well, as an atheist I obviously agree that you don't need religion to be moral or to live well. But the peoples of the past needed to infuse moral standards with divine authority in order for those standards to have broad efficacy.
Posted in:
What do Jews believe the afterlife is like?
Why would someone want to be Jewish if they weren't focused on the afterlife?  I thought the whole point of being in a religion was so that you got a chance at some afterlife.
I am not Jewish and will not presume to know a Jewish person's answer.

However, I feel that your question, as well as the statement in your second sentence, have been heavily influenced by Christianity. You suppose that a religion's primary purpose is to allay anxiety about the afterlife, or to use the afterlife as a cudgel to correct and control behavior in this life. But the Hebrew Bible shows us that that understanding of religion may be narrow. The Hebrews seem to have had different theological priorities.

When we are studying Judaism, we should not do so through a Christian lens. This can be hard, since Christianity has so heavily influenced how we see religion.
Posted in:
What do Jews believe the afterlife is like?
The Hebrew Bible is relatively vague about the afterlife and Sheol, and doesn't focus on it much. When it does address the afterlife, its description varies. This leaves individual Jews a lot of room to form their own interpretations of the afterlife. It also leaves scholars and theologians plenty to discuss and debate over.

I find it fascinating that the afterlife does not seem to be a priority in the Hebrew Bible. It's so atypical of religion as I have experienced it.
Posted in:
Would You Join This Religion?

1. An attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

Synonyms: Make-believe, act.

Gods and Father Christmas fit the definition perfectly.
I have been around theists all my life. I was born in a rural Protestant community, and I still live there. All my friends irl -- and not online -- are theists.

And I have to say that overwhelming experience has shown me that their belief in God is not a pretense.

There will always be professed theists who are merely imitating faith, who are only pretending because it's easier to go with the flow and conform. But to say that all theists or even most theists are pretending?

They derive the very meaning of their life, their self-identity, their place within the universe, from their god. They structure their lives and behavior around what they believe their god wants and declares to be righteous. They cling to their god in their lowest moments, they pray with the deepest and most sincere parts of themselves.

Politicians, by and large, are only maintaining the pretense of religiosity. They're putting on a show. But why? Because their constituents really are religious and really do believe. And they take advantage of it.

So I am left wondering -- why do you doubt that theists truly believe?
Posted in:
Would You Join This Religion?
So your assertion is that everyone who believes in deities is merely pretending to believe in them?
Posted in:
Christians, we’re in BIG TROUBLE if certain books are removed from schools!
Is the bible pornographic? Well I suppose it depends upon what we mean by pornographic.  Certainly some of the pictures described present pictures that contain sexual content, exploitation, nudity etc.  But are they pornographic or not?

 "Pornography is the depiction of sexual behavior that is intended to arouse sexual excitement in its audience." Pornography legal definition of Pornography (

Hence, the question has to be asked - Are the writers of the Bible using this language as a means of intending to arouse sexual excitement? 
Your rounded thighs are like jewels,
    the work of a master hand.
Your navel is a rounded bowl
    that never lacks mixed wine.
Your belly is a heap of wheat,
    encircled with lilies.
Your two breasts are like two fawns,
    twins of a gazelle.
Your neck is like an ivory tower.
Your eyes are pools in Heshbon,
    by the gate of Bath-rabbim...

How beautiful and pleasant you are,
    O loved one, with all your delights!
Your stature is like a palm tree,
    and your breasts are like its clusters.
I say I will climb the palm tree
    and lay hold of its fruit.
Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
    and the scent of your breath like apples,
    and your mouth like the best wine.
-- Song of Solomon

I would say the Song of Songs is about nothing but romantic and sexual excitement.
Posted in:
Rittenhouse Trial
I thought that was probably it. It was a revelation to me as well, definitely changed things for me. I still think he should have left the illegally possessed AR-15 behind and just brought the fire extinguisher and the medkit. To that extent I agree with 2020 thett. Sorry, 2021 thett.
Posted in:
Rittenhouse Trial
But what about moral culpability? He shouldn't have been there that night and was looking for trouble...  So he bears some moral responsibility. Its like if someone goes on a safari and messes wit the lions then has to shoot one. Yes it's self defense but ya shouldn't have been messin wit da lions to begin wit
Don’t agree at all. There shouldn’t have been a riot for him to go to to begin with. You should probably familiarize yourself with the case before posting, it’s been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that the reason his initial attacker (Rosenbaum) went after him is because he was putting out a fire. Putting out fires and rendering medical aid is “looking for trouble?” Does someone “looking for trouble” flee upon the first sign of confrontation and only fire after being cornered? 

Your position is the abrogation of citizenship itself. Every role must be bureaucratized and there is no right for the citizenry to put out fires or render medical aid to people attacked by rioters because the police and fire departments have abandoned their posts. This is “looking for trouble” 
I thought you said Rittenhouse's actions were "not to be emulated" and "when trouble comes, don't be there"? What changed for you since last year?
Posted in:
A complaint.
Can't find it in #mainchat rn. Must be buried somewhere under all of Wylted's antisemitism.
I don't think that blanket label does much to actually combat antisemitism.  It is certainly over used by some people to apply to anything.
That wasn't an effort to combat anything. It was just an observation of reality. I wouldn't try to combat your antisemitism since antisemitism isn't the underlying issue. You're just a shape-shifting provocateur who likes hurling taboos around because you're a human extremophile. I still love ya, though.
Posted in:
A complaint.
Can't find it in #mainchat rn. Must be buried somewhere under all of Wylted's antisemitism.
Posted in:
It is presumptuous to think you know anything about God.
I suppose this is where faith in a religious text or prophet comes in. Most major religions seem to need to believe they have the inside skinny on God from some authoritative source.

Have none of these supposed sources ever been compelling to you?
I havent read the Koran, or much of the Vedas or any other source yet.
So just the Bible? What was it about the Bible that was so unconvincing to you as an authoritative source, out of curiosity?
Posted in:
A complaint.
this will make others not want to use this site because it isnt serious.

AND most people here arent serious.
its real bullshit
This is very, very, specifically and very very explicitly referring to something I had just-so-happened to have been talking to Wylted about.

*strokes nonexistent beard*

Well, I am now waffling between the drleb camp and Wylted camp.

Was this talk in PMs or in a thread you can link me to?
Posted in:
was the world created with novelty (dna, changing astrological patterns etc) so teh creator wouldn't get bored? 
Can the creator even become bored?

Boredom is an animal phenomenon. It could be an evolutionary adaptation that makes young animals (including young humans) explore and stimulate themselves, learn more about their environment -- in other words, one more thing we evolved to help keep us alive. But the creator doesn't need to worry about keeping alive, supposedly, and he definitely isn't supposed to have evolved.
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when will jesus return?
He said that it would be before the apostolic generation had died off, and I tend to take that as a more historically reliable quote. As time passed and that generation did begin to die off, his followers began to reinterpret his messages, and we begin to see epistles like 2 Peter, which are obviously trying to reassure followers about a delayed Second Coming.