EtrnlVw's avatar


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Anyone here every been put in a situation where you had to survive outdoors for a period of time? would anyone ever participate in a survival show like "Naked and Afraid", "Alone" or Survivor"? and think they could make it?
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Try going into a topic you posted in and clicking your pic, that seems to work...
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I take that back, it is different when I look at someone else's profile.....weird.
Posted in:
After you hit "profile edit", look to the left where it says "profile"'s the same, I'm guessing that is what people are looking at when they visit your profile.
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Star Wars OT movies are better than the movies after.
Of course! it was a great movie, great story, had an excellent villain and one of my favorite characters in a movie Qui-Gon-Jinn.....played by Liam Neeson, was there any reason you did not like the movie?
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Is Man an Omnivore? Or....
Posted in:
Is Man an Omnivore? Or....
Sorry one of my links didn't get through right...

Posted in:
Is Man an Omnivore? Or....
Is man an omnivore or is he a frugivore/vegetarian?

Is it possible man is a frugivore and not an omnivore or carnivore? for the sake of argument lets say "vegetarian" which would include frugivores and raw foodists as well. Now, to answer that question first think back before the time when man began to cook its food over fires, and was forced to look for alternative foods like killing animals to survive. If you take a close examination of a carnivores/meat eaters anatomy you see quite clearly that it is designed to quickly eliminate meat products and therefore less worry of putrefaction. Did you know meat eaters, true carnivores sleep many hours of a days period? Big cats can sleep up to 20 hours out of a 24 hour period.
A cats anatomy is equipped to kill, and tolerate a high protein diet but they pay a price for that diet too, forcing them, to digest and sleep many hours out of a day even with a digestive system meant to handle it.On the other end of the spectrum look at the energy and stamina and power of apes, horses, elephants, gorillas and vegetarian frugivore species. Look at the intelligence levels in primates, they are primarily frugivores and vegetarian eaters. They are all also very active, way more than true carnivores, keeping in ind bears account for omnivores not carnivores. Actually a bears diet is high in berries first, then vegetation and then meat lastly unless its the grizzlies before hibernation of course to put on fat layer. Take a look at this chart below...

Fruits are also associated with brain size and intelligence, if you look at the delicacy of a humans form they are meant to "pick and eat", not attack and kill and eat flesh. Humans also flourish on raw fruit and vegetarian diets rather than meat and starch based diets. Islander diet- "Islander foods are nutrient-dense, the meals are prepared in healthy ways and oils are used sparingly. The high-fibre, low-fat nature of these diets reduces the risk of heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, obesity and certain forms of cancer."Raw Food diet-"Raw foodism (or following a raw food diet) is the dietary practice of eating only uncooked, unprocessed foods. Depending on the exact philosophy or type of lifestyle and results desired, raw food diets may include a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, meat and dairy products."We know man had to adapt to harsher climates and is considered an "omnivore" that's not the question, what do you think man is more suited for naturally and health wise? keeping in mind most human meat eaters aren't just consuming a little piece of dead meat here and there, most meat eaters eat meat three times a day perhaps more.

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Mad Max "Fury Road"
Wow, was I excited when I heard about this movie. Even the reviews were awesome, actors great, excellent trailer BUT.....then I watched the movie and was completely bummed. Anyone like this remake or movie? it seemed like the whole movie was in a truck lol, the original was fantastic and I was sure the actors in the new release would be a great addition but it was boring a heck!
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Star Wars OT movies are better than the movies after.
Posted in:
Star Wars OT movies are better than the movies after.
If it wasn't for Star Wars episode 1 "The Phantom Menace" I would agree but that movie was bad azz.
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The Great Outdoors
Wow that's interesting...I could imagine too though the neighbors might get weirded out watching you do ceremonies lol. I tend to get distracted in nature because of the beauty but I'd like to meditate more outdoors.
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What do you believe and why?
LOL, I agree especially when you replace the tomato sauce with BBQ sauce! 
Posted in:
The Great Outdoors
That's great, the most beautiful time of the year comin up! Autumn is a great time of the year for outdoor adventure. I gotta get out and camp more, it really is fun, but around here it is hard to find areas to camp or explore where people don't own the land. What do you mean "religious stuff", you mean like meditating and ceremonies of types?
Posted in:
Everybody Loves Music
Yeah I love that era of music too, I even like the Big band era or the 1900's and up the recordings are so nostalgic. But the older I get the more I listen to classical and nothing else lol. Something about hearing music with no singing or lyrics....I tend to like music without singing nowadays, I used to be the opposite!
I would agree rap is more like poetry in a way, but once you add the beats and melodies it's hard not to label it music I guess. It's not my favorite either but I grew up with it all around me. I like the energy in some of the songs but it starts to irritate me after awhile, I had friends that would listen to it nonstop, wake up to it, go to bed to it...that would drive me nuts.
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Everybody Loves Music
That's GENRE, excuse me!
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Everybody Loves Music
Everybody loves music, two questions...…
What's the greatest ERA of music?

What's the greatest GENRA of music? 
Of course both of these are subjective but so is all preference for music so give your opinions. 

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The Great Outdoors
When was the last time you went on an outdoor excursion or a hike through the woods, a walk at the park....have you forgotten how wonderful nature is? plan a nature day or a camping trip soon, make a fire for yourself and keep the great outdoors close to home.

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New beginning?
Looks really nice, the Creator did a great job hopefully it'll gain some traction.