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Posted in:
Can Google Replace Calculators?
I specifically said GPT 4 (not the free API that you used) because it has integrated python scripts to do more accurate calculations.
Your example of getting two different numbers (66.44634 and 66.40281435) is an instance of those 'floating numbers' I was talking about.

Posted in:
Can Google Replace Calculators?
GPT (4.0) is actually pretty good since it integrated python scripts. It still has to get the premise right, but you don't get weird floating points (not literal floating points, but numbers being slightly off because it's a text predictor not a calculator) in decimal calculations.
Absolutely bonkers that a LLM can do math with any level of complexity though.
Posted in:
Another one for the "girls"
It looks like you missed the Australia part.
Posted in:
Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?
if he the 500 pound gorilla, I guess he can say what he wants.
sounds kinda evil to me.

As for the parenting scenario, regardless of the motivations behind it, lying is lying. Better to say "because I said so" then make up some fake reason. If the child catches you out on the lie, why should they ever trust you again.
Posted in:
Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?
Why would an omniscient being change his mind? Reads more like an adult who tells their kid that they won't get X treat or reward unless they do what they're told, knowing full well that they won't follow through with the threat.
In other words, lying.
Posted in:
Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?
he didn't kill them like he said (ye shall surely die)
Lying. That's called lying. Something that God supposedly condemns.
Posted in:
why aren't non-gun murders wildly out of control in the usa?
guns are really easy to kill with. It's that easy. Same reason more people get killed with knives than fists. It's just easier, so if you decide to do a murder, you're more likely to choose a more deadly weapon and more likely to succeed if you do.
Posted in:
Is the God of the Bible "good" or "wicked"?
By DnD alignments, God falls more Evil than Good, where Evil means prioritizing his own wants over others', in an even vindictive way. Sure, a lot of his commandments end up with Good effects, such as no lying, stealing, killing, but that is just a side effect of what pleases him. The capricious nature of his "morality" is revealed every time he orders his followers to war, because not worshiping him is a greater "sin" than total genocide.

I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
-Exodus 20:5

Matthew 10:34-36 - "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.
In many ways, God's attitude is consistent with Paladins, filled with righteous fury and fervor, but it is flipped on its head when you realize that what would otherwise be a humble and serving role becomes completely selfish when you are the god in question.
Similarly, one following God's commandments can be clearly characterized as Lawful, but this means little about God himself. His commandments are arbitrarily based on what pleases him, not some greater principle that should be followed.

In conclusion:
a good Christian is Lawful Good (follows the rules and puts others before themself)
the Christian God is Chaotic Evil (makes up his own rules and puts himself first)
Posted in:
Do car owners feel bad about all the people and animals they killed?
sooner or later you are going to run someone over.
How many people do you think get run over?
I've killed plenty of bugs with my car but nothing else that I'm aware of. You're going to need to provide statistics on how many people die per year from vehicular injuries per capita compared to per capita deaths from horse and carriage injuries.
Posted in:
Platform development
It's gone!
Posted in:
Platform development
It's still there. I don't use mention nearly as often in debates, so it's much less annoying than the forum side.
Posted in:
Platform development
my browser no longer tries to autofill my password into the Mention field
Turns out it still shows up in the Mention field on debates, but not in forum. Browser is firefox if that information is relevant.
Posted in:
What if
Lol I wasn't the one that said that.
Posted in:
What if
To me a woman is the one who has xy chromosome and a man xx chromosome. Genes always tell the truth.
You might want to check your sources there. XX is genetically female, XY is genetically male
Posted in:
I like the new look of debateart
A single UI change is unlikely to have a huge effect on new user dropoff. If someone was keeping rigorous stats on new user activity that could be compared, we could see at what rate dropoff occurs. The standard wouldn't be how many debates they stayed for, but at what rate new accounts are created/what percent stay around past a specific time cutoff or number of forum/debate interactions.

The changes to rated/unrated debate participation for new users is the single most likely thing to have an effect. I don't know if an interaction with RM or Lancelot is the best introduction to the site, but it is fairly indicative of what the active user base is like, so it's at least honest.

Posted in:
Platform development
Is there a reason there is an asterisk next to "Text" just below the Mention field?

Also as of the new update my browser no longer tries to autofill my password into the Mention field, which is nice. Never submitted a bug report on it but I definitely won't miss that little quirk.
Posted in:
What if
Whether you agree or disagree, let me know. I don’t block.  Free speech!
Blocking someone isn't censorship. You can say whatever you want either way, the only person affected is the one doing the blocking.
Posted in:
Why religious people don’t make sense to me
Do regular Christians believe in varying degrees of reward in heaven? I was raised in an insular Mormon community, who split heaven into three distinct categories, but I thought that most believed that you either went to heaven or you didn't.
Posted in:
I like the new look of debateart
I am specifically trying to take credit for whatever changes are deemed good and the ones deemed bad Mike did with me objecting to them 
Fuck you.
Posted in:
Society made from small communes - Would it be better or worse?
This is essentially just a subset of charter cities.
Posted in:
I like the new look of debateart
Most of this update was already in the works before you were elected. What specific changes are you trying to claim responsibility for suggesting?
Posted in:
A fireman saved a puppy from a tree yesterday. Why didn't Biden do that?
This just in, my wife gave me a blowjob and improved an American citizens life. Why did Biden not do this?
Giving me a blowjob would improve a DART member's life. Why did Wylted not do this?
Posted in:
Vegetarian food - What does a vegetarian eat and how to meassure weight of food properly
Peanuts aren't Nuts,

They're Peas.
Technically they're legumes, which also includes peas, but peanuts are actually likely more closely related to lupines and beans, since peas are an Old World plants and peanuts and the others are from the Americas.

As for the original post categorizing them as nuts, beans and other legumes (lentils, chickpeas, etc.) serve a similar nutritional purpose and generally have higher protein than tree nuts, so I honestly wouldn't worry about getting a specific nut intake at all.

Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
Essentially yes, though the phrase "full rights" is imperfect. Children and adults have different legal rights, citizens vs. noncitizens, etc. Perhaps a dolphin's rights should be more analogous to that of a child, not capable of representing itself in court or entering into contracts, but carries special protections around consent and abuse.
Posted in:
How Young Does Someone Have to be to Choose Their Sexuality?
If children with male genitalia begin using GnRH analogues early in puberty, they might not develop enough penile and scrotal skin for certain gender affirming genital surgical procedures, such as penile inversion vaginoplasty. Alternative techniques, however, are available.
In other words, small pp

Possible long-term side effects of puberty blockers
  • Lower bone density. To protect against this, we work to make sure every patient gets enough exercise, calcium and vitamin D, which can help keep bones healthy and strong. We also closely monitor patients’ bone density.
  • Delayed growth plate closure, leading to slightly taller adult height.  
  • Less development of genital tissue, which may limit options for gender affirming surgery (bottom surgery) later in life.
  • Other possible long-term side effects that are not yet known.

I'm not sure about these, and for some it may still be worth. But puberty blockers are relatively new and may have more side effects we don't know about yet.
Hormone replacement before puberty definitely causes permanent changes, such as breast development for those on estrogen.
Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
There's no reason to narrow a definition that has historically only expanded over time. I predict that at least one species of animal (dolphins and chimps are some of the strongest candidates) will be afforded legal rights (i.e., can be represented in courts, similar to how a corporation is legally a person, etc.) before 2040.
Posted in:
The concept of IQ diversity applies even more so to the concept of value in males vs females.
If you're holding them to different standards, then it makes sense to expect different frequencies. There is not a "high value gene" that controls both of these lists of characteristics, and they may correlate very little if at all. I would expect most of these to largely be controlled by rearing and personality rather than genetics anyways.
Busy but can make you feel so important for at least and average of 40 mins a day.

Cleans herself and the house well.
These are conscious decisions that one must actively cultivate. If you were raised well, they will come naturally as you learned to keep healthy relationships and value cleanliness in yourself and your environment, but they are also skills that can be learned later in life. I know plenty of people in their early twenties, both men and women who still don't know how to keep their living space clean, but some of them do/will eventually learn and find themselves happier for it.

The stigma against dating in/before high school in my parents' culture has been a huge detriment on me developing good dating skills, and is something that I'm still working on to overcome. Based on your criterion for high value, I would probably put myself at average or below average. But I'm not forever doomed to stay that way, and neither are women, though if the standards are higher to start with, then it makes sense that fewer would meet them.
Posted in:
The concept of IQ diversity applies even more so to the concept of value in males vs females.
The hell is "high value" supposed to mean though?
Posted in:
The concept of IQ diversity applies even more so to the concept of value in males vs females.
Such as? I understand the X Y encoding regions part, the Y chromosome has only 55 genes on it, compared to 900 on the X, so it's plausible that IQ is partially affected, but what other things do you think it controls?
Posted in:
The concept of IQ diversity applies even more so to the concept of value in males vs females.
So the average is still ~100 for both, but men have a larger standard deviation, and presumably no tail in either direction?
Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
What part?
Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
It has nothing to do with being a furry. If we are visited by an alien civilization, would you say that those individuals shouldn't be afforded the same value as humans?
Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
Doesn't personhood= a valuable human life?
All living (braindead is iffy, and obviously pre-birth is controversial) humans are people, but not all people are necessarily human.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
The church is really restricted these populations from the ranks for so long they're not going to win them over with a couple of commercials.
Targeting those types of people is nothing new. Missionaries LOVE talking to people who have experienced recent losses in their family or friends. These are the same people who are most vulnerable to cults and conspiracy theories.
Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
So life is intrinsically valuable starting at conception.
I asked about personhood, not life or "valuable life."
Posted in:
Is sending kids to drag shows pedophillia?
What is the purported point of the dragshow readings? to introduce kids to different viewpoints or something? 8 year olds are what, second graders? When I was in the second grade our Principal would come into your class dressed as a woman if the whole class met their reading goals. It was funny and not taken seriously, especially because he kept his moustache. Children will be entertained by drag.

Ulterior motives on the part of the drag queens is possible, but the same could be said of anyone doing a reading to children. A background check similar to what substitute teachers, DARE officers, etc., go through probably wouldn't hurt, but it shouldn't be specifically applied to drag queens.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
Purchasing ad space for Christianity on an event like the superbowl seems ineffective to me. Almost everyone in the US is aware of Christianity, it's like advertising for a household name like Oreos, no one new is going to try out Christianity because of the ad.
Posted in:
"He Gets us" Ad Campaign?
The biggest religion on Earth is Catholicism
This site puts Islam at 1.9 billion and Catholicism at 1.3
Posted in:
Schelling Points Around Personhood
For those unfamiliar, Schelling points are points that people naturally converge to without any communication. An example would be two people being told to meet each other in New York, if you go to Grand Central Station or the Empire State Building at noon, you have a decent chance of meeting someone given that same instruction. This even occurs in nature, as butterflies will all travel to the highest points of local elevation to find mates.

In theories of when a fetus becomes  a person, two options become immediately obvious; conception, and birth. There are others, the Biblical concept of quickening, the point of fetus viability, that many people have used.

I'd like to hear people's ideas, are there any others that I'm missing? What are the best arguments for each? How would these translate to an AI or sufficiently advanced animal gaining personhood?
Posted in:
How to explain real Christianity, to non-belivers.
A modern day Jesus would be in an asylum for his schizophrenia.
You might find this amusing.

TL;DR Satan argues to Jesus that He is psychotic.
Posted in:
The Cloud
I don't think there is an actual cloud, just wondering why people think "the cloud" is a secure place to store  information. 
Generally speaking, it's less about security and more about resiliency. If I'm working on a Google Docs that syncs to "the cloud," then I can access that file from any computer, and even if something happens to my home computer like a virus or corrupted hard drive, my work isn't completely lost. There are definitely versions of "the cloud" that aren't secure, but in general, big company options like Google Drive or Onedrive are encrypted. If you wanted to be extra safe, you could always encrypt the file yourself before uploading it. That being said, Windows already logs your keystrokes as a default setting, so encryption isn't exactly the most important step in privacy and security.
Posted in:
What do YouThink of Designer Babies?
Superiority to what, AI? The risk of AI isn't specifically that they become more intelligent than us, it's that they decide that humans are not valuable to them/should not exist. See paperclip maximizer.
Posted in:
Still think it's just white cops.
The phrase has always been ACAB, not AWCAB
Posted in:
What do YouThink of Designer Babies?
I would say everything up until 5 without question. 6 gets a little complicated with questions of race and stuff. 1-4 at the very least seem reasonable, though I'm not sure how much if any allergies and asthma are determined by genetics.
5-6 feel like stuff you could update later with CRISPR, and would largely be up to personal aesthetic preferences anyways, especially 6.
I personally don't have a problem with people making themselves stronger or smarter, but it would probably have knock-on effects through the economy as regular people are pushed out of their jobs by superperforming workers. In a post-scarcity world where people don't need to work to live, I think that removes my moral objections.
8...  I especially support the transhumanist approach of radical augmentation, but not of babies. If it was a choice you could make as an adult like plastic surgery or tattoos are with current technology, that would be fine.

Overall, the main concern I have is that making this technology readily available will also massively increase the risk of bioweapons. It's a lot less work to tweak the malaria virus to be more infectious and deadly than it is to give humans an extra set of eyes. So I do support the use of gene editing for all of these scenarios, I don't think a "no holds barred" approach can be seriously considered.
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Something I would support
plant based protein, not plant based meat. Legumes such as soy are some of the most popular in current meat alternatives.
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Something I would support
The mass slaughter scenario was if there was a flat ban on all meat products, similar to the Prohibition on alcohol in the 1920s and '30s.
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Something I would support
Yep, that's probably why mass slaughter was in my head, I skimmed this while it was being debated. Credit to you for priming my brain to regurgitate this specifically.
Posted in:
Something I would support
Which part? The tax idea is a KM original as far as I know (not that no one else could have also come up with it), the part about millions of animals dying needlessly might have been seen on DART at some point? If you've got a link to you saying something similar I can take a look and see if it's familiar.
Posted in:
Prepare to be Amazed.
You seem to have a very binary sense of morality.
if you thought animals had human intelligence.
Just because an animal is intelligent doesn't mean it's as intelligent as a human. It's really more of a spectrum. If I was starving to death and had to choose between killing and eating a human or a cat, I would choose the cat every time. That's not to say I wouldn't feel bad about it, it was an immoral action, but less immoral than the alternatives by my philosophy. If it were me and one other human and we had to choose who would be cannibalized, I would want it left up to chance, because both outcomes are equally bad. Meanwhile, a chicken... well, I've raised chickens. They're pretty fucking stupid. Throw a small rock on the ground and they'll mistake it for a bug and eat it. I would gladly slaughter dozens of chickens to keep a cat alive. But if I got in a scenario where it was this cat, or 1 billion chickens, I would have to pick the chickens. And I don't have an exact number on where I would draw the line. Like how many chickens is a human life worth? And what if we met an alien species vastly more intelligent than us, would it be justified in feeding us to its pets, or to keep themselves alive?

What I am sure of is that animal consumption is immoral, though not as immoral as cannibalism. And that eating a dolphin or chimp is much worse than eating a chicken or fish.
Posted in:
Something I would support
This is an interesting policy proposal. I'm curious how it would be implemented with certain products though. Ground beef, processed meats like salami or pepperoni, these seems fairly easy to mix in some alternative proteins. But you can't really do this with steak or ribs, which also tend to be more expensive. So the meat industry would have to put more than 0.5% plant protein in processed meats to make up for those that it can't be added to.

An possible alternative would be to place a high tax (10% or more) on all meat products, then cut those taxes on products that implement plant protein in accordance with the annual 0.5% increases. This would naturally make most people gravitate towards the cheaper option, as well as incentivizing restaurants to come up with other menu items to replace steak, ribs, etc. I personally prefer this option because people who really want their meat can do so, but are disincentivized to do so, especially as more and more of the companies that they buy from cave in to financial pressure.

Another benefit of the incremental change that you missed is that a flat ban on the meat industry would leave the ag industry with millions of economically worthless animals, which would likely lead to mass butchering/starvation as the farms no longer have any use for them. EDIT: Credit to RM for this idea, not me.

I do think that cultured meat is ethical, and will still be important for feeding zoo animals and pets that are carnivorous. I would honestly be just as happy with implementing this policy with the option of mixing in cultured meat OR plant protein.