TWS1405's avatar


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Total comments: 137


Appears it is to YOU who is NOT listening.

We cannot let anyone on the lunatic fringe do whatever the hell they want, because it spills over onto the rest of us through social, medical and legal contagions. Which is precisely what’s been happening. They cause a sane world to move closer and closer to a mad mad world.


"My solution is to let consenting adults do whatever the hell they want with their own bodies."

And yet the GREATEST push here is upon children with the blessing of adults.



Abortions don’t terminate “babies,” they terminate zygotes, blastocysts, embryos, unviable fetuses, and on some occasions even a viable fetus to save the woman or in rare cases, a twin (and the mother).

No one believes murdering the elderly is acceptable.

It’s also a false equivalency fallacy to compare an abortion to the murder of the elderly.


"...why, instead of identifying as a specific gender, don't we change what is the social construction of gender in society? Why can't a woman be competitive, loud, wear a suit, play rugby, be ambitious, tough, or anything else that in society we would more generally associate with men, without the real need to identify as a man? "

Uh, women can be exactly as described. They have always been called "Tom Boys," but still remain categorically, women.


Ha Ha!!!

Might as well try and prove pink unicorns exist too.


This debate is doomed from the get-go. Why? Simple. Police go where the crime is, not where it is not. Police investigate crimes, not non-crimes. Criminological data has shown decade after decade after decade that minorities are the cause of the majority of crimes in this country despite being so few in the overall population.

Take, for example, black Americans. A tiny, small percentage of black males, and even tinier % of black females, are responsible for over 50% of the ENTIRE nation's violent person crimes (e.g., murder, non-negligent manslaughter, etc.), yet their entire % of the population of all black Americans is 13%. But roughly 1% of that 13% has been creating havoc for Americans nationwide.

Again, police go where the crime is and based upon who is committing it. That fact does NOT = a racial disparity when a majority of the crimes are being committed by people of color. It isn't racism in policing. It's policing based on who is committing the crimes.


What's your background in psychology? Criminology?

I have an academic background in both. I've worked in law enforcement, been a background investigator for an entire county for all new potential hires.

I have the knowledge, training and experience to clearly and accurately identify those traits and attributes. Do you?

Yeah, didn't think so.




It's not a negative you clown.

He clearly exhibits those traits. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that, let alone a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist either.

Don't care what you think, feel or believe. The only thing that matters is what you can prove. And all you've proven is shit.


Easy to claim, so easy an amoeba can claim it.

Takes actual emotional and intellectual intelligence to prove it.

Let's see your "guaranteed" evidence to the contrary of what I posted.


This is all psychobabble bullshit.


It is like NO SHIT God is cruel. Exodus makes that perfectly clear.


Male homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Period. You're not born gay. You're molded to be gay. And if you can be molded, you can be un-molded.


Delusions of grandeur
Anger management



No, he does have dementia. Among other mental illnesses. That's crystal clear.



There is no racism in policing. There is no institutional racism. There is NO systemic racism.

FACT: blacks just simply commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime, and a sliver of the % of black males in this country commit over 50% of the entire nation's violent person crimes.

Cops go where the crime is, not where it is not.


There is no racism in policing. There is no institutional racism. There is NO systemic racism.

FACT: blacks just simply commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime, and a sliver of the % of black males in this country commit over 50% of the entire nation's violent person crimes.

Cops go where the crime is, not where it is not.




I see another has called you out for your sick pedophilia fascination.


There are far too many religious beliefs across the planet, and most if not, all share a similar core basis of its existence and extended storylines. That, to me, says aliens were involved in the development of humankind on this planet. Especially when you look at the Olmecs, Easter Island, Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, et al.


I agree 110%, since most people on this planet are just too stupid to realize otherwise.


DJT, if he runs, will win hands down.


Denialism. How gen-Z of you.


Those are quotes from a legal case you twit.

And your rebuttal is nothing short of a genetic fallacy.



“Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President’s term and in his sole discretion,” Judge Jackson wrote.

“Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records,”


No such thing.


Abortion is very moral.

Population control.

Keeping undesirables out of the population.

Reducing crime.

Aiding girls and women to continue their life goals without the struggle and burden of 18 years of legal attachment to a child they never wanted. So they can live their lives to the fullest.


There is no god.

Things beyond human reasoning have always been drafted into a greater thing than us in order to understand ourselves and control others, most of all.


How in the flying fuck could this debate be a tie!?!

There is NO question that child sex abuse is harmful to the child.

Hell, even watching porn at a young age is harmful.

Billie Eillish has come out about this fact.

Best Korea is a sick MF pedophile. As are many in the Asian regions given their strict one male child policy. Too many males, too many gays, to many trans, and too many pedophiles.


>>>> @Best.Korea
"almost all scientists, at some point in their life, got paid to lie about something or to cause deception and false ideas. "

OK, well that is a gigantic mentally ill conspiracy theory you have there. Your evidence will need to be copious and dead on to make any head way with such a kooky belief.

~~ Wow. I cannot help but be dismayed that I am actually am actually going to agree with B.K on this salient point.

Medical professionals LIED on the stand about George Floyd's death.
Medical professionals LIED about COVID from the outset.
Medical professionals LIED about Monkeypox and will not agree to push the message that gay men need to stop having sex with unknown misc men.
Medical professionals LIED about gender dysphoria not being a mental disorder for political ideological reasons when it is a mental disorder.
Medical professionals LIED about the false sense of safety and security of puberty blockers for children that will leave them sterile and cause other medical conditions like osteopetrosis.

I can go on, if you like.

Medical professionals, like politicians, lie to push an agenda.


Your psychological projection, while amusing, is also boring not to mention sophomorically banal.
You ARE the poster child for the Dunning Kruger Effect.


I didn't lose the argument, you did.
Corresponding with you is like beating a dead horse. That dead horse will never get up and drink from the trough. That is why I am done with you and your idiocy.


TWS: "False equivalency fallacy. "
BK: Well, maybe you need an eyes check. I never said harm that comes from cars is equal to harm that comes from pedophilia.

>> Maybe you should get a dictionary and look up "equivalency," - e.g., "The relationship that holds for two propositions that are either both true or both false, so that the affirmation of one and the denial of the other results in contradiction."

When you are comparing things as if they are equal in effect in order to substantiate your so-called position, you are equating them.

BK: Your argument is that harm is justified when a little girl gets crushed by a car,

>>NO!!! That is NOT my argument. That is YOUR strawman argument.

BK: So what is your argument exactly?

>> I've already given it and in great detail. You're just not equipped to grasp the truth of it.

BK: As far as I can see, you ran out of arguments. You didn't prove that cars or meat are not harmful.

Cars and meat have absolutely NOTHING to do with pedophilia you clown.

I'm done with you. I've ran out of patience dealing with your perversions. You're sick and need to seek counseling.


You are an uneducated incompetent fool.

You simply could not argue your way out of a wet paper bag.

You are indisputably proven wrong herein where your position on pedophilia is concerned.


Nope. Once a day.
AM vs PM


Oh, HELL NO!!!

Personhood is a legal term, and such that is established within the 14th A.
One has to be BORN to be considered [a] person.

Conception = cellular life. Not personhood. Two different things.


//"Your lists of so-called harms to children are not harms on par with sexual abuse by a pedophile and child traffickers in pedophilia."//
BK: They are.

>> No, they are NOT!!!!

BK: Unless you claim that a little girl being pleased by an adult is worse than little girl being crushed by a car. I know America is uneducated, but this is just too low

>> False equivalency fallacy. A little girl being sexually abused will live where she would not if crushed by a car. Illogical ignoramus Mr. Dunning Kruger Effect.

//"It's called academia, professional experience and personal research for a reason."//
BK: Yeah, and I am a hero of the Socialist labor and an honored member of the order of Marx and Lenin.

>> Immature ignorant sophomorically banal intellectual coward retort.


CORRECTION - "Define hurting children on par with pedophilia. Eating meat and all the other nonsensical (illogical) nonsense you espoused is [NOT] on par with pedophilia and sexual abuse of a child/minor."


//"Also says the guy who doesn't know who he is talking to."//
BK: Well, unless you are a president of the USA, I am not amused.

>> LOL!!! Says the guy who STILL doesn't know who he is talking to. Since you're operating on one dimensional thinking, let me enlighten you. If and when you know not who your opponent is personally or have been given enough experience engaging with to understand a small measure of their way of thinking and debate/discussion style, you simply DO NOT KNOW who you are talking to. Which makes you wholeheartedly an arrogant narcist to think you know more than the other when you cannot even present a cogent argument yourself. Let alone a grammatically correct one.

//"those who act on their urges consume child porn, purchase a child for sex, or otherwise take advantage of the vulnerabilities of children."//
BK: Its interesting when a pedophile does something to a child, its "taking advantage of", "horrible", "blablabla". But when your society hurts children, its "false equivalency", "doesnt count", "doesnt matter"... Maybe actually create a good society that doesnt hurt children, and someone might believe that you actually care for children.

Define hurting children on par with pedophilia. Eating meat and all the other nonsensical (illogical) nonsense you espoused is on par with pedophilia and sexual abuse of a child/minor.

//"they just get killed"//
BK: Yeah, thats appropriate punishment for harmless crimes

Sexually abusing a child is NOT a "harmless crime"!!!

//"because inmates have a code of ethics that leads them to disdain such harm being done to a child."//
BK: What harm? And also, since I listed so many ways in which your society hurts children, its not even possible for you to jusify yourself and condemn pedophiles at the same. But you are probably one of those "when I do it, its okay" guys.

Your lists of so-called harms to children are not harms on par with sexual abuse by a pedophile and child traffickers in pedophilia.

//"No child allows an adult to "touch them" down there."//
BK: Did you question all the children in the world? It seems like you have great knowledge(not really).

Yeah, I do have great knowledge. LOL!! It's called academia, professional experience and personal research for a reason.

//"That is NOT my argument. This is nothing short of a strawman argument."//
BK: Its not your argument? Then why did you use it? You do understand that if you say that something is bad because its harmful, logical conclusion is that everything that is harmful is bad. Unless your logic is inconsistent. But of course you fail to understand this. Also, being an american is not an excuse. You should work to overcome that.

No, it's not my argument. You are creating words and putting them in my mouth and acting like I said them. Hence the essence of a strawman argument.

I did not use any of the arguments that you claimed, word for word, and I challenge you to quote me by comment # and "quote" word for word that = what you claim I said as you presented them, exactly, word for word.

My being an American has absolutely nothing to do with the truth behind the science defining pedophilia and the social and psychological harm it does to children.

You're living in an idiocracy that supports pedophilia. Makes you a sicko and a criminal.


Grasping for straws with that exaggerative sophomoric retort.


False equivalency fallacy.

DART is NOT a jury in any courtroom in America.

Epic fail on your part.


You clearly do not understand let alone appreciate the dangers inherent in this case for all involved if they ruled contrary to mob opinion/rule.

It is the same danger inherent in the OJ case should the jury have found him guilty.

So yea, they lied. Witnesses do not provide evidence as it is purely subjective opinion.

Chauvin could be agreeing to do as he is for reasons that others whose family members are threatened do so just the same.

JFC, talk about tunnel vision.

It is far too easy to trigger the violent aggressions of millions of blacks, as the riots have shown, and continue to show anytime a black criminal is shot; if it were proven the criminal was in fact at fault and the officer did nothing wrong, they (blacks) would go into full fledge riot mode yet again but on a grander scale if Chauvin was found innocent due to Floyd's obvious death due to an overdose.


No, it is not. It was not formed "beforehand," nor is it without knowledge of the facts.
I read enough to see through your BS, and that's all it took.


B.K: To put your argument simply:

>> That is NOT my argument. This is nothing short of a strawman argument.

B.K: So child crossing the road is bad, since it fullfils all of the above.

>> False equivalency fallacy to pedophilia and sexual relations with a child.

B.K: So is child eating meat.

>> False equivalency fallacy to pedophilia and sexual relations with a child.

B.K: So is spanking children.

>> False equivalency fallacy to pedophilia and sexual relations with a child.

B.K: So is circumcision. (...)

>> All of which are False equivalency fallacies to pedophilia and sexual relations with a child.

B.K: It is also wrong for you to own a gun.

>> False equivalency fallacy to pedophilia and sexual relations with a child. Also, an implicit red herring fallacy as well.

B.K: (...) This is if we apply your logic on children as a group.

>> That's not my logic, that's your strawman fallacy. And a rather asinine one at that.

B.K: If we applied it individually to children, even school in some cases proves to be harmful and fullfils all your conditions.
I could think of more things that your logic applies to, and I could probably find even more contradictions, but I think this is enough for now.

>> Not my conditions, your strawman fallacy. Delusions of grandeur on your part. Pure fiction. You do not deserve to use the word "logic" in any sentence, as you clearly demonstrate you lack any conceptual idea of what that term means let alone how to apply it correctly.

B.K: You wonder why I make debates about pedophilia, but I wonder why people hate pedophiles so much. I mean, sending them to prison, raping them and beating them for the rest of their lives sounds a bit too much. Especially if a pedophile didnt even have sex with a little girl but just tickled her down there or allowed her to touch him.

>> Pedophilia is not only a mental disorder, but also a heinous crime. That's why they get sent to prison. No one really rapes a pedophile, they just get killed because inmates have a code of ethics that leads them to disdain such harm being done to a child. No child allows an adult to "touch them" down there.

B.K: I dont care that much if you hate pedophiles, but at least dont lie claiming its because they hurt children.
Its obviously not because of that.

>> They do hurt children, mentally and physically. That is a factual foregone conclusion that cannot be refuted. When children are scared for life, it alters their life to the point of changing any possible measure of who it would have been they could have become but for the sexual abuse by a pedophile.



TWS: "Your entire argument is set upon one false equivalency after another"
B.K: No. You fail to understand logic.

>> LOL!!! Says the guy presenting zero logic. Also says the guy who doesn't know who he is talking to.

B.K: Thats why you allow harm and condemn it at the same time just because in one case you like and in the other case you dont.

>> You have no basis in fact to claim with absolution that "you (I) allow harm and condemn it at the same time..." This makes no sense on its face. What evidence do you have that affirms that "I" allow harm, what harm, to who is harmed, and how are they harmed whilst simultaneously condemning it!?! Let me help you... you have ZERO evidence. Talk about no logic here.

B.K: So you want to judge pedophiles for what exactly?

>> Asks the guy who claims I fail to understand logic. LOL! The answer is within the question, FCS!

B.K: Even if you proved they cause harm, you cause it too!

>> If a pedophile creep is destroying the innocence of a child 3,000 miles away on the opposite coast, how am I causing it too! Again, says the guy claiming I do not understand logic. There is NO logic to this patently absurd statement.

B.K: So whats the difference between you and them?

>> They [are] a pedophile, I am not. I am a law-abiding citizen who would just as soon castrate a pedophile if I ever caught one in the act than exhibit the bystander effect (e.g., rape and murder of Kitty Genovese).

B.K: You do it when you like it, they do it when they like it.

>> I am not a pedophile you degenerate.

B.K: But lets not forget that its not been proven that pedophilia is harmful and exactly what sexual approaches are harmful to children and what are not.

>> Yes, it has been proven.
"Pedophilia fuels child sexual abuse and child trafficking when those who act on their urges consume child porn, purchase a child for sex, or otherwise take advantage of the vulnerabilities of children. Pedophilia and a sexually-immoral nation have increased the demand for children to an extent of up to 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year. These victims are forced to have sex an average of 5.4 times a day.

According to the CDC:
Child sexual abuse is a significant but preventable public health problem. Many children wait to report or never report child sexual abuse. Although estimates vary across studies, the data shows about 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys experience child sexual abuse at some point in childhood."

B.K: Now you say: children dont have cognitive ability to have sex with adults without harming themselves or the others without fully appreciating the consequences of their actions.

>> That is 100% correct. Children no more understand the ramifications of sexual activities with adults let alone amongst themselves than they do in sticking a screwdriver into an electrical socket or picking up a gun for fun and it goes off, killing their sibling or friend.



I don't have to read all of the debate. Novice_II outdebated you with facts and not your fiction.

Your debating style notwithstanding, it was the red herring (among others) material and how you tried to spin it as fact when it was so clearly fictional (i.e., off base). That's why I stopped reading it. Novice_II was always on point, you were not.


You’re engaging in confirmation bias."

>> No, I am not.

"As a former medical professional, I can say with certainty that not snapping the neck or otherwise leaving obvious direct signs of trauma to it, doesn’t mean the airway was not impeded.

Granted, someone more healthy likely would have survived. There’s an eggshell principle which applies to crimes."

>> As a former medical professional, then you should know what the signs, symptoms and end results of a fatal overdose of fentanyl (compounded by meth and other illicit drugs) are; all of which Floyd presented shortly after ingesting the drugs as the police walked upon the vehicle he was in.

His airway, or ability to breath, was impeded by the lethal dose if fentanyl. Period.


What part of what I said about the coroner report showing "NO TRAUMA" to the neck did you fail to comprehend?
Your subjective opinion is not medical evidence. It is not factual evidence. It is nothing but pure conjecture.
Mr. Feline, you are NOT living in the "real world" where this case is concerned.

Floyd died of a lethal dose of fentanyl + meth drug overdose. Period. Medical Fact. Period.


I respectfully disagree. NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE knows exactly how much pressure was applied to the base of Floyd's neck but Chauvin. The only other person who would have any inclination would be the coroner. And as I have previously stated, he found absolutely no trauma indicative of a knee pressed with significant pressure to the base of the neck (atop but between the shoulder blades) of Floyd. Videos do not show either of those two things. So watch all the footage you want, you will still be utterly ignorant of what physiologically happened to Floyd. Only Chauvin and the coroner can answer that, and one of the two has spoken. The knee did not kill him. The toxicology report has spoken. The lethal dose of fentanyl killed Floyd.


I read some of that debate, and Novice_II should have prevailed. Your retorts were less than impressive and most way off base with one too many false equivalence fallacies and false beliefs in the liberal lies. Case in point is that you actually believe Floyd was murdered by Chauvin vs. the cut n dry overdose on a lethal level of fetanyl and meth mix, among the other crap in his system juxtaposed to his existing health issues. And it is because of those liberal lies that spawned the riots that ensued.

Same goes for ANTIFA. They are all about destruction. Between them both they caused billions in damages and the loss of nearly two dozen lives during the summer rioting of 2020.

Capital riot (NOT an insurrection), no one died and barely 1.5M in damages.

Yeah, no comparison. The damages and loss of life from the BLM/ANTIFA riots far outweigh Jan 6th and continues to do so present day whereas there is no further fallout from Jan/6.
