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Posted in:
Do any conservatives disagree with this?
one concern I would has is, where's the money coming from?  would this increase taxes etc
Posted in:
Do any conservatives disagree with this?
ah I see, there is a way I'm sure, but it would also have to require the children are raised and cared for properly, it's a complex issue.
Posted in:
without getting too far into the weeds, why couldn't they use flash/bang, smoke, tear gas grenades in these type of instances?
Posted in:
Do any conservatives disagree with this?
imo the incentive/reward for doing something is better than paying someone to do something.
Let's say you want to go to college, you put a deposit/finance of x amount down, if you get a 3.7-4.0 gpa the debt is forgiven which is a pretty good incentive to do well.  I think this can be applied to a number of things and tweaked to make it work as best as it can.

I recall people going to college on 100% financial aid, they wouldn't show up to class, fk around, not even try, it's not like they had to pay it back when they flunked out.  Do you see the problem?
Posted in:
Do any conservatives disagree with this?
I see it working like financial aid, you get it, use it, even if you flunk out, don't use the degree or find a job, you don't have to pay it back.
Posted in:
The core failing of the case appears to be the WARRANT.
sure, look at what happened to the President with the fisa warrant.  citizens have give up too much power to the government for the false sense of security.

Posted in:
oh I didn't know they knocked for 12 minutes......ugh what a mess and terrible situation,  there has to be a better way, I'm not sure how needed or useful these ways of arrest attempts are.
Posted in:
Mutually Assured Destruction Lives On!
let loose the dogs of war and let's get this over with already, growing up during the cold war etc etc, enough already, put up or shut up.
Posted in:
the patriot act was a horrible, horrible idea from the very beginning and should have been removed way before now.  breaking down a door should only be done in the most of extreme cases,  something else that needs to stop.
these officers can't be found guilty if they didn't break any laws right?  if they are acting within the bounds of their training and laws, then it's the laws and policies that are the problem.
this was a horrible thing that should have never happened but there's a big difference between justice and revenge.

it's very simple really, you get what you allow, same goes for raising children or owning a dog.  You shouldn't be surprised when something bad happens when you allow it or create the situation where it can happen, right?
Posted in:
Do any conservatives disagree with this?
throwing government money at anything rarely has the intended effect imo, essentially I see that scheme as a form of government prostitution, which I only object to because the government is involved and pulling the strings.
I'd rather see tax breaks or a system that encourages employment and children from employed people.  There's a way to accomplish or encourage without strong government intervention or bribery.
Posted in:
taxes in usa versus other countries = we should spend less on the military/healthcare
I'm in agreement with you in many ways.  Cut the b.s. spending and waste to use for healthcare.  In regards to military spending, pulling troops out of other countries and endless wars should mean less spending.  Biden would increase our presence in other countries, it's what he's done or tried to do for almost 50 years.  There are a lot of ways and opportunities to advance healthcare access.  But let's be real, president Trump is the only one doing anything or attempting to do anything about this issue.  Deregulation is another avenue, allowing group purchases across state lines etc.  Much like environmental issues, there's plenty that can be done that isn't controversial or discussion and permission.
When you look at all these things in totality what's the common root?  government, a government not doing what's in the best interest of its citizens, but rather a government set on growing, abuse, corruption and control, change my mind.  How else do they become multi millionaires while working part time (very part time) being a "public servant" that term always makes me laugh, a multi millionaire servant, that's epic.
Posted in:
taxes in usa versus other countries = we should spend less on the military/healthcare
yeah your right, throwing money at things always fixes them lol, oh and more government control too.....oh wait, who decides how much to spend on military and medicare type insurances?   oh that's right the same government you want to run healthcare, spot on.
Posted in:
which causes more problems for black folks? white racism or black culture itself?
  But I can't seem to find anything but far-right-wing conservatives here
of course you can't, anyone who isn't a leftist must be a far right wing, even libertarians and conservatives.  

Posted in:
taxes in usa versus other countries = we should spend less on the military/healthcare
it's very easy to be generous with other people's money lol
Posted in:
which causes more problems for black folks? white racism or black culture itself?
Uneducated parents are more likely to create traumatizing environments for those children.
Poorer students cannot afford a laptop and historically, probably not even a smartphone. 
Uneducated parents are more likely to create traumatizing environments for those children.  Add to that the fact that kids tend to mimic the behavior of the older kids and adults in their community and you have a recipe for disaster.  Multi-generational problems are real too.   Parents who weren't allowed to even drink from the same fountain as a white kid, will pass their pain down to their own kids.
that is the leftist vision of black people, apparently yours as well

" they can't help break the law because they are black and poor,  they are talented and just as bright as white kids, right?"

I don't believe that and I'm not sure how you can.  I can believe Biden believes it which is why he said it.  Do you have soft bigotry of low expectations?  From your post you say poor then in the next sentence you add in a skin color (black)
you should re read you post objectively if you can and see how it came across.

Posted in:
which causes more problems for black folks? white racism or black culture itself?
 If I had gotten pregnant, it would have been a mistake, not a choice. 
you chose to have unprotected sex presumably, thus it was your choice even if it was unintended and indirect.  actions have consequences, choose them wisely.  If you don't act a certain way, dress a certain way, vote a certain way, "you ain't black" no matter what the consequences.  No drug dealer ever chooses to get shot, caught etc but that is a risk with the occupation right?  Sex is a risk of pregnancy.
Seems you are trying to somehow shift responsibility, consequences away from consenting actions.

this is a common thing leftist do with the 'black community'   they can't help break the law because they are black and poor,  they are talented and just as bright as white kids, right?
Posted in:
why should we improve our world due to climate change?
how well is it working in Kommyfornia?

windmills keep the skies clean of birds......hydro generators kill and block fish to the point they need to build "ladders" for salmon.

if you are talking about nuclear energy, that is a viable alternative and imo the most logical.

rooftop gardening, plants etc in cities cool the area.  There are many, many non controversial things that could have been done for the past many decades and we are arguing these, what I call extreme, ideas.  Why not implement all the things people won't argue about first, once those are exhausted then move on if needed.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
your post #85

Putting your hands on a women is disgraceful and shameful. Never going to support him now
you said it, not me

Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
again you quibble about male vs female, like the actions you describe are worse because a female was involved, you try to deflect by condemning the actions, which is fine and I agree but then you add in the gender factor.

If it is was a male and this happened, he'd be a piece of shit til. There's no reason to engage in a fight if it does not involve you. 
totally agree, however YOU decided to toss in the gender card and then claim someone kind of equality.  I don't think he should have hit a female because males are bigger and stronger generally, but I also think that's true when there is a big size disparity anyway, like he shouldn't be beating up 10 year olds even if they are male.  You see it's not about the gender but rather the power and size disparity that's really the issue right?  A mma female could have an advantage disparity vs a regular male.  We are better off leaving gender out of the equation if we are going to claim they are equal.

funny thing I never said left media, some kind of guilt happening there in your subconscious haha

I mention the glasses, seems you might have wondered if there were any pictures of him wearing any, or if he actually doesn't wear them, that would be a significant fact to me, you didn't seem to give it a second thought or even a question, curious.

Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
No, because that's what my religion tells me. My religion tells me they are equal. Are you insulting my way of life based on religion
if you are insulted by people asking you questions, you may wish to delete your account and not log in here anymore.

you don't see the inconsistency of "they are all equal" and a male should never hit a female?  If that was another male he was hitting there would be no outrage right?  why?  because you don't see the to scenarios as equal, and that's fine, there's no problem with that as long as you recognized that fact.

He barely even moved in that video, just shuffled a bit then swang at her
that's not what I saw, he was leaning/moving hard to the left then shifted his weight and feet quickly to the right while winding up and punching the way it is shown in the video, it's fine you've made up your mind based on real no evidence but what other people said and is being show to you w/o any context or much of anything else.  

Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
I do not believing hitting women is morally acceptable or right.

because they are weaker, physically inferior etc?
do you believe they should have been allowed into the military?

where there any arrests or investigation from this incident?

so I watched the video again, that kid is wearing glasses I believe, also he looks much thinner than the pictures of him with the ar-15

also the kid in the video is really moving well on his feet, not like in the video of Kyle running down the street and falling, the level of athleticism doesn't seem the same.

I could be wrong, but those seem significant difference imo.
Posted in:
is 180000 dead due to coronavirus an acceptable loss to not shut down the economy?
so now that only 6% have died because of covid, compared to the 94% that died with it, sure does change things.  2.6 average comorbidities is significant.  Then take out the nursing home murders, er I mean deaths and what risk is it really?  Enough to close the economy?  I don't think so.  Much like the H1N1 if you are at risk, be careful, stay home etc.  2019   49,157 pneumonia deaths, so what's the magic number for putting people out of work and bankrupting businesses?
You may recall the saying, people don't die from HIV it's something else that kills them, usually pneumonia.  I think that's very true with covid as well.  It makes an already bad situation (condition) worse.  But that's true for any illness they get on top of what they already have so.....
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
Putting your hands on a women is disgraceful and shameful. Never going to support him now
so you don't believe females should be treated equally as males?

what if that other girl was his sister?  what started the fight?  what if that girl was trained in mma, or one of those pretend females?

condemned by same kind of crocs lol what a croc.
Posted in:
anyone buy aapl or tsla after the split?
big drop in prices this week, profit taking etc, I kind of forgot but historically September is the lowest month for stocks.  Not sure what the day after the holiday will be like, maybe another buying opportunity. 
Posted in:
anyone buy aapl or tsla after the split?
I'm in for 60 aapl after the split, fomo got me haha, had I known then what I know now.......both are terribly overvalued but I don't have any faith in tsla, that and it's still a lot per share, time will tell.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
totally agree, well said
Posted in:
"if you kill one of ours"...
oh I don't see it that way at not, not even a little, if anything it will be stoked fear of the leftist not blacks.  Trump as gone after antifa and to a lesser extent the violent blm, but I have not heard anything about blacks in general or creating any kind of fear like that.  if that does exist you should share it.
Posted in:
"if you kill one of ours"...
The only good Trump voter is a dead Trump voter.
does that mean they become a democrat voter?
Posted in:
Political Correctness
IT is not a problem, how people react can be.  We've become a hyper sensitive society.  I've proved as much.  In a f.b. post I made the comment something like, typical libtards, knowing full well they would confirm my thoughts.  This wasn't directed at any one person, but many took offense.  I can only assume they thought it applied to them otherwise they would have ignored or reacted in a different way, it was pretty funny actually.  The response is what I expected it to be.  This isn't any different than p.c. which is just another form or way to be offended.  You choose to be offended if you think about it, it's a totally irrational and emotional reaction.  You could call me whatever you like and it wouldn't bother me because I don't know you and your opinion about me doesn't mean anything to me.  That's how people should be, but aren't.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
that was excellent analysis, whatever doubts I had, are now gone, well done, nice find.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
more footage, this guy is a lawyer
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
yeah probably more will be coming, I wasn't sure if it was a video or eyewitnesses that claim Rosenbaum did what is being alleged. 
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
right,  what part of what we saw do you think wasn't reasonable?  the other stuff was a reply to someone else.

let's say this kid was a police officer, would that change your opinion?

many people have been shot by trying to disarm someone who is armed, including police, so that seems pretty justified as a threat.

this guy sums it up pretty well for me
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
So you have him found guilty and convicted already....can you find a case where the person was a 17 year old Male in a similar situation and what that outcome was so we have an idea for comparison?
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
probably self-defense, but he should be serve same punishment to a black American of same shoes. 
you mean he shouldn't be prosecuted or have to post bail?

Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
Could Rittenhouse have continued to run? Could he have fired warning shots? I didn't see him yell for help. It did look like he could have continued to run.
he looked surrounded, perhaps trapped by buildings to me.
Yell for help?  that's not a requirement anywhere, being 17 and panicked?  I'm not sure that's a reasonable requirement.
In the article it said Rosenbaum grabbed the barrel of the gun and then was shot, also he shot at him hitting the ground in front of him, so much for firing a warning shot it would seem.

 unless the actor reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself.
being surrounded by hostile people, someone attempting to take your gun, being chased while being armed no less, yeah I think it fits.

it's difficult to put yourself in that situation and then say I would have done x, it's easy to say after the fact and with help of video and knowing the outcome.

what would a reasonable person do based on the facts,  having someone chase you while armed,  grab your gun while being surrounded by a hostile mob, could you outrun them?  how do you know if you could?  is it prudent to turn your back on such a mob chasing you?  how do you know someone is throwing something at you and doesn't have a baseball bat?  are you going to wait and see how it feels and then decide how to defend yourself?
what is in the mind of a person chasing an armed person who shot at and or shot someone?  does that seem reasonable?

Posted in:
proposal: catastrophic health insurance for all, with other american principles
I like the premise, not so sure about the details, but I think it could work as you described.  Back in the ole days insurance was 80/20 mainly.  You paid 20% of the bill thus an incentive to price negotiate and or shop around.  HMOs were supposed to be the healthcare savior.  A retrospective of pre HMO and now would be interesting.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
it's hard to know what is true at this point, but if that article is accurate/true then a really good case for self defense can be made imo.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
so I think we are talking about 2 different incidents, the one the news keeps showing is the one when he is on the ground which I think is self defense, the video you sent I can't see enough or much of anything to form a real opinion about it.  I'll have to wait for more on the first person who died in that video.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
I'm not sure which shooting you are talking about I guess, the 2 dead and the 1 injured all happened from the general area when he was on the ground afaik.

Let's assume they were chasing him because he shot someone, does he still not have the right to defend himself?

watch the video again, he only shoots while he's on the ground, unless I'm missing something.
Posted in:
Yeah, I'm also not a big fan of contracts that violate inalienable rights.
if it's entered into willfully then that's a choice.

absolutely, remember when they were trying to make a hate speech a thing?  seems now the presumption of innocence is under attack.  Divide and conquer is an age old effective tactic.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
watch this if you haven't guy in white shirt runs up behind him and hits him in the head, probably something in his hand

I don't see anyone being shot until he's on the ground, the one guy tried to jump stomp him, guy with skateboard  looks like he hit him, dunno but looks self defense from that video.
Posted in:
but see that's the thing you can't choose, no one should, you choose 4a because it's your priority then someone else chooses 2a because it's their priority and what ends up happening is they don't support each other.  This is why you often hear the argument that you have to support the constitution and bill of rights in its entirety otherwise you will lose it one amendment at a time.

without the right to life no other will exist, you have no rights when you are dead, so that ranks #1, however if you can't defend,save or protect your life then it's not much of a right.  If there's no backing or way to enforce that right, it's not really a right of any real meaning or substance.


big fan of that too.
"the libertarian principle of self–ownership says that each person enjoys, over himself and his powers, full and exclusive rights of control and use, and therefore owes no service or product to anyone else that he has not contracted to supply"
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
defund the police and we will police ourselves......isn't that what they wanted?  "be careful what you ask for" someone should have told them.
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
so tolerant
Posted in:
Kyle Rittenhouse
that's a tough one imo, my current opinion is self defense, he was on the ground being attacked.  there could be other charges for laws he might have broken, but from what I have seen/heard he was actually running or walking away, was pursued and being attacked while on the ground, I'm not sure how it could not be seen as self defense.
Posted in:
I don't recall ever having agreed with you so often as of late, but I certainly do.  Would you say your more libertarian than you were a few years ago?  There's not much I can add to your posts because they are 100% accurate/true.  Why people can't understand that I have no flippin idea.  As pro 2A people have been saying, the government is slowly eroding our rights, not just the 2A.  You can't pick and choose which rights you will fight for and think that's a way to preserve them.
Posted in:
What are right-wing/conservative politics if not the preservation of social heirarchy?
how can that ever happen realistly when "in government we trust"?  it's kind of laughable isn't it?  who put us in the situation of the unending and incomprehensible bureaucracy and legal system?  If we get more government, more socialist ideas that will fix it, right?  The left, for whatever reason, is putting all their money in hopes of electing people who will fix the system the government created.  Their savior has been in this system for what, 50 years or more?  
President Trump is no savior either, but which one has done justice reform and removing redundant and useless regulations?  He needs to do much more, but it's still more than the nothing previous administrations have done.
The independent/libertarian leaning people need to take control imo.

Is affirmative action and race based programs leveling the playing field?  How about raising the Asian s.a.t. score requirements?

I agree the rules should be minimal and apply to everyone equally.  But that also requires letting and accepting that people will fail and then we fall into the trap of social programs which treat people differently.

but let's take this a step further.  Does the U.S. play on a level playing field?  I'd say no hence the new trade agreements and drug prices, but that's just the beginning and far more needs to be done.  Level playing field means not subsidising the rest of the world.
Posted in:
Why Do Evangelicals Follow Trump?
yeah?  so he'd stop governor blackface since he's pro up until the very point of delivery?  who else and how many aren't able to receive communion because of their stance?

remember how to eat an elephant.
Posted in:
Why Do Evangelicals Follow Trump?
has there been a president who is fine with practically no limit abortions?  I believe Biden/Harris would make abortion the least restrictive of any administration right?  If that's true, and I believe it is then certainly would be affected by who is president wouldn't it?  Let's say Trump wins again and gets to appoint a supreme court justice or 2 and these laws are revisited then again that could be a huge affect.

now what I have described can be permanent or at the very least decades potentially vs another 4 years of Trump.  pick your poison.

I find late term abortions no matter the number far more objectionable to what Trump says and his past.  Deaths are permanent, he is not. 