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Total votes: 40

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Pro said, "All marriage should be illegal". If you are defending this position, then to me, it counts as arguing something stupid. He said it's because marriage comes from religion. Bruh; even atheists get married.

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Full Forfeit.


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Mutual and Full Forfeit

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Better conduct

Full forfeit.

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Better conduct

Nobody cited and grammar was comparable. Tie.

Pro contradicted himself by stating, “ Cars are harmful and should be banned before more people die” and then proceeded to defend murder by cars. It would be like if I said that we should have the death penalty for rape, someone claiming that the death penalty for rape increases the rape rate, and then I defend rape. Pro then said, “ Cars will cure cancer. Cars are awesome. Cars will solve world poverty. Cars will be our overlords. Cars are doctors.”.

I consider the ad hommein attack he used as poor conduct. I don’t get offended by slurs, but it’s poor conduct.


Little boy forfeit.

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Full forfeit.

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Forfeit debate.

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Full fucking Forfeit (FFF).

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Full forfeit.

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Better conduct

Forfeit debate.

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Partial Forfeit.

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Full forfeit. I bet Wylted is real proud; a race realist won.

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Arguments: RM couldn't respond, so I'm assuming he conceded since he never apologized for forfeiting.

Conduct: Forfeiting without apologizing to your opponent is bad conduct.

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I disagree with Pro, but he won this since it was a forfeit debate.

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No arguments.

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Better arguments
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RM forfeited the majority of his rounds.

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No arguments from either side.

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Better conduct

Nobody presented any arguments.

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Arguments: Con rhymed, and I didn't get their argument.

Conduct: Con forfeited, whereas Pro didn't.

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Better conduct

Nobody participated.

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Con said, "I don't know Cam well enough to choose".

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Pro was the only one that said something.

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Better conduct

gugigor said in R3 to vote for opponent.

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Pro forfeited R2, so I give con the conduct point. I hope my vote doesn’t get reported.

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RM in R1 provided reasons which is more than his opponent did. Add called RM lazy, so he loses the conduct point.


Full Forfeit

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Better conduct



Con was the only one who had arguments.


Full forfeit.

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Better conduct

This debate is funny, but stupid. Neither side deserves an advantage. I hope a mod doesn't report my vote because I get scared of them reporting my votes.



Conduct: 1 Point to Pro

RFD: Con tried to avoid poisoning the well, but ended up using an ad hommin attack by calling his opponent sexist. The quote: " Though I should not dwell on this truth of sexism in my opponent in an attempt to not poison the well, it is a truth nonetheless. The history of sexism is all around us, and sexism still permeates throughout our modern world." If I said this about a pro lifer on a hypothetical abortion debate, it would be an ad hommin attack. If con reads this, I should tell con that nobody's opinion justifies ad hommin attacks. Everyone believes in what they believe in for at least one reason. You shouldn't use ad hommin attacks in a debate. Your from rural Texas; most of the people you know are conservative. Is it a good idea to hate almost all the people you know based on opinions? No. It makes you look like an ass.

Arguments: 3 Points to Con

The burden of Proof I think is on Pro as he both wants to change the status quo and advocates for the authoritative stance.

Con's justification for being con to the goalposts of, "A woman’s place is in the home" was that women should not be forced to do something they don't want to do if the victims produced are minimal. Pro's argument that I grasped was that women should be in the home because it would be better for children. However, if it's only slightly better for children, that can't be used to mandate women being in the homes. Otherwise, the same logic can be used to force men to stay home if it betters their kid's life.

Pro's 2nd argument was that 84% of women perfer to be stay at home Moms. I think that 84% can be stay at home moms if they want to. However, just because the majority wants to do something does not mean everyone has to do something. If 90% of black people vote democrat, do they all have to? No! If 84% of women want to stay at home and help their kids, does this mean all women should be legally required to? No! Let people make their own decisions.

Spelling and grammar: Tie. I could fairly well understand both participants.

Sources: Tie. Both participants cite reliably.


Conduct: 1 Point to Pro
Arguments: 3 Points to Con
Spelling/Grammer: Tie
Sources: Tie.

Final score: Con 3, Pro 1

Because of this, I give Con my vote for this debate

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Better conduct


Better arguments
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Better conduct

My first vote in a while. I hope this doesn't get reported by the mods. If the mods are reading this, I want to let them know that I'm trying to get a good vote in. I just don't trust myself with votes but I need more practice with them I guess.

1st argument by Pro: The nuclear energy causes less deaths.

His argument is, "Air pollution causes more than 4.6 million deaths a year,[1] to compare this to deaths by nuclear accidents, the highest estimates for the deaths caused directly and indirectly from the Chernobyl and Fukusima are 60,573 deaths (some estimates say less than 5,000 died/will die). As you can see, air pollution (which is solely caused by fossil fuels) kills more in a year, then nuclear energy has in the entire history of its use, making nuclear energy clearly safer.

To explain this data in another way, if we had a town of 187,090 people, and we powered it solely with coal, 25 would die a year, on average (mostly because of low air quality caused by air pollution). If we powered this town with just oil, 18 people would die a year (from air pollution). If we were to power this town with nuclear power, only one person would die every 14 years on average, due to nuclear accidents. (0.07 people a year), and this might be an overestimate. [3]

The fact is, Nuclear energy results in 99.8% fewer deaths than brown coal; 99.7% fewer than coal; 99.6% fewer than oil; and 97.5% fewer than gas. [3]". I'm not the best reader, but I don't think Con ever addressed this.

Pro 2nd argument: That nuclear energy produces less waste:

His argument is that nuclear energy produces less volume of waste

The rest of the categories seemed like a tie to me.

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Better conduct

Full Forfeit.

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Better conduct

Big boy concession.

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Better conduct

Con used "the" in R2.

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Better conduct

