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Posted in:
Anyone here a flat earther?
I'm not, but was wondering if anyone was a flat earther.  I heard RM was one.
Posted in:
pinkfreud/littlecookie/skittlez AMA
I have a nephew who can talk about the Titanic for ten hours straight. 
Is he autistic?
Posted in:
Noah's ark makes no sense
As of right now, I agree.
Posted in:
Bill gates and depopulating with vaccine's
The robots coming online today can replace most repetitive humans tasks for a tenth of the cost of human employment.
So then there are more humans to build more robots.  People are a recourse because labor is a commodity.  The more people that exist, the more labor is available.  As there world's population skyrocketed, so have standards of living worldwide.  The percentage of people living in absolute poverty has plummeted as populations have skyrocketed.  Our future is bright I think.
Posted in:
Noah's ark makes no sense
Noah's ark makes no sense.  My contentions with Noah's ark are:

1) Noah's ark takes up less space than the titanic, yet holds 4x the passenger count.  The titanic was built by many people with great technology.  Noah was the sole builder of the ark and he did not have access to the same amount of technology.  He probably did not have enough time even in his long life to build the ark.

2) In the Titanic, all the passengers used the bathroom.  All the animals on the other hand, pooped on the floor.  Noah would have to pick up the poop of tens of thousands of animals.  He did not have enough time to get this done and he and his crew would have been overrun with poop picking up all on their own.

3) Noah and his crew would have to pick up the poop of tens of thousands of animals every single day, probably twice a day or so all in the dark.  Electricity was not invented back then, and there was no light getting into the ark except from maybe a window even though window were invented after the flood supposedly happened.

It is because of this that I'm now an atheist.

Thoughts on this?
Posted in:
why should we improve our world due to climate change?
Nuclear power is what I support to deal with climate change, but let the states decide how to tackle climate change.
Posted in:
Bill gates and depopulating with vaccine's
More people means things get produced faster because there are more people to do productive things in society.
Posted in:
pinkfreud/littlecookie/skittlez AMA
Thoughts on nuclear power?  I support it as a means of dealing with climate change.
Posted in:
Bill gates and depopulating with vaccine's
Since the planet is overpopulated, advocacy for smaller populations is just common sense.
Or we can increase the carrying capacity without killing endangered species.  #IndoorFarming.
Posted in:
which causes more problems for black folks? white racism or black culture itself?
Posted in:
Black diversity according to Joe Biden
I agree with Joe Jorgenson on the size of our military (to an extent) and immigration policies.  As for if the immigrants would accept our values, we can't kick people out of the country because we don't like how they vote.  Otherwise, we would have to expel every single democrat because they do the same thing.
Posted in:
When will the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church ever end?
Even though the bible advocated for women to be 2nd class citizens in the past, what if the Christian God/Jehovah isn't all knowing and any time in the bible he says he is is just Jehovah being metaphorical?  Then, it's possible that he doesn't advocate this anymore?
Posted in:
BLM must be stopped
I think BLM should advocate for ending the war on drugs instead of the socialist racial reparations that they advocate for.
Posted in:
Black diversity according to Joe Biden
What do you think of Joe Jorgenson (Libertarian candidate)?
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Pew research says 10% more likely, which isn't very substantial.
10% MORE likely to start businesses means that they already have some chance of starting a business, and then they are a little more likely to start a buisiness then native born people.  Also, where's your link?

The economic impact of immigration is largely a transfer of wealth away from the workers and in to the hands of immigrants in the form of wages and their employers in the form of cheaper labor costs.
There are also immigrant employers that hire native born people and this helps reduce unemployment.

Remember that the government is to be loyal to the interests of its citizens, not foreigners who wish to enter and work. Their interests don't matter.
The citizens would benefit as well because they would have an easier time paying off the debt with lower taxes because there would be more taxpayers in the nation to pay it off.  Moreover, they can get more jobs since there are some immigrants who would own businesses and these businesses would be disproportionately more common than US born businesses.  I guess when your accused of taking people's jobs, your more likely to generate them.

Occasionally there are bona fide labor shortages in particular sectors of the economy justifying the importation of labor, like healthcare workers, tech workers, or seasonal farmhands. Though, I'm rather skeptical whenever companies or special interest groups lobby for more immigrants. Bill Gates always wants more H1-B visas. Gee I wonder why.
He wants more labor for his company.  I think that open borders, or practically open borders would benefit the following:

-Immigrants, whether they own a business or don't, because they can settle here.
-Native born businesses, because of the more plentiful labor that they can enjoy to expand their business.
-Native born workers, because they have more job opportunities that are provided by immigrant businesses.

Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Then drugs still come in, just via foreigners lol.
How would they if the drug addicts get filtered out and if the drug dealers aren't allowed entry?

Vast majority of Latin Americans don’t have the funds to do drugs anyways.
If that's true, then the vast majority of Latin Americans coming in won't be drug addicts.

Take innocent people and tell them to deliver the load to the other side.
What if we just checked everyone who was from Latin America if they had drugs and if they didn't, they were let into the nation?

It’s cheaper to transport Colombian cocaine and Mexican marijuana to the United States than to México.
Why?  If your main concern is drugs, then why can't we have open borders with Africa for example since Africa isn't as loaded with illicit drugs as Mexico is?

Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
This is bad for American workers, who, at 157 million are roughly half the population. People will migrate from low-wage economies to high-wage economies. Immigrants compete with the workers who are already there and depress wages. You've said that immigrants start their own businesses. Well, that's true, but they also work. 
They are more likely to start their own businesses than native born people are, so they create more jobs on a per capita basis than native born workers.  More jobs means more demand for labor, which means more salary for the workers.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
You kinda changed my mind a little bit.  What if we had open borders with the whole world except for Latin America with the only requirement for entry from Latin America being you can't be a drug addict and if you are a drug addict, then you have to go through rehab before you come into the US?  Other places in the world don't have drug problems to nearly the same extent as Latin America.

In 2016 the vast majority of illegal immigrants came through the Southern border and they were disproportionately Hispanic.
This is because they can't access plane tickets if they are here illegally.  If we loosen our immigration requirements and let more Latin American immigrants here, then more people will come on planes, so less enter through Texas and more enter through places like NY.

Culturally it’s different and the amount of drug access is significantly lower in the first place. There are so many diverging factors.
How are we culturally different from Portugal to a relevant degree?  The war on drugs has failed and has resulted in more drug use.

Posted in:
my outlook on life just changed alot my junior yr
I know the vibe.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
How’s that working in Mexico right now? Imagine the lawlessness in Mexico rn within the borders of America and tell me you’re going to put these people in jail. El Chapo escaped from a maximum security prison in Mexico. 
Mexico is very prone to bribes.  At this point, I'd probably shoot El Chapo since he constantly escapes jail.

That’s my point. They will. What are you going to do then?
I don't think they will infiltrate every US institution.  We should get rid of the drug cartels in the US, maybe shooting the leaders.  Moreover, most immigrants (like over 99% of them) want nothing to do with El Chapo.  They are fleeing the drugs and want nothing to do with them.  Most people that would come to the US with open borders aren't even Hispanic, so the notion that they would bring a bunch of illegal drugs here I don't see that happening, especially since we can and should rehab the drug users so they don't end up addicted to drugs again.  Whatever Portugal did to ease their drug problem worked, so I'd try the portuguese method in terms of eliminating the illicit drug use in this country.  My state is a sanctuary state and we don't have a huge drug problem, so I don't think the notion that the immigrants would turn the US into Mexico is accurate.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
And they also take plenty of lives, crash cars, etc that would require a need for blood transfusions. 
I'm pretty sure the deaths caused by car crashes don't exceed the number of lives that they save by means such as blood donation.  The solution to the car crash deaths could be training the immigrants the same way you train anyone else to drive a car.

You're obsessed with blood donation lol.
Well, it saves lives so I'd say the obsession is justified.

 if you let in 50 million Latin Americans into the Southwestern US
Most of the Latin Americans wouldn't settle in the south west.  Most would settle in big cities (like NY), and so would other immigrant groups.  Since there would be no common first language amongst the Latin Americans, the sub saharan africans, the arabs, and other groups, they would use English as a lingua franca just as immigrants did during the time of WWI when they settled in the US from Eastern Europe.  If they don't know English, either the immigrants themselves or their children would learn English on their own.

There aren't currently many areas of the US where you need to speak Spanish to get by, you are correct. But that is right now, when we have 1,000,000 immigrants per year. Now, if you let in 50x that from south of the border, that is obviously going to change.
If we let in 50x that from south of the border and if we let in other groups in superior numbers that do have English proficiency (such as immigrants from sub saharan Africa), then these immigrants and the native population will assiliminate the non English speakers within time.

How would they easily learn English if neither of their parents are proficient in the language?
Because they would learn it in our education system by bilingual immersion.  If your from Lebanon, being bilingually immersed in English in addition to Lebanese Arabic (which has a lot of English in it) would cause the immigrants to be bilingual in the event that their parents don't know English.  Moreover, in the event that their parents don't know English, translators exist which should allow for interlinguistic communication.

This is why I support banning welfare for everyone living inside the US.  If welfare is banned, any immigrant that came here to monch off of welfare would leave on their own if welfare were to be banned, which I support.

Immigrant-owned firms have $435,000 in average annual sales and receipts,which is roughly 70 percent of the level of non-immigrant owned firms at$609,000. Examining the full distribution of sales reveals that 11.4 percent of iiiimmigrant firms have sales of $500,000 or more, which is similar to thepercentage of non-immigrant firms at this level.

4. Immigrant-owned businesses are slightly more likely to hire employees than arenon-immigrant owned businesses, however, they tend to hire fewer employees onaverage. Among immigrant owned businesses that hire employees these firms hirean average of 8.0 employees with an average payroll of $253,000. Employer firmsowned by non-immigrants hire an average of 11.9 employees with an averagepayroll of $429,000.
Time for some math.

If your making 70% the salary and 67% the employees of native born businesses, but your over twice as likely to own a business to begin with:

7/10*2/3=14/30.  Multiplying by 62/28 (the proportionalized ratio of immigrant to non immigrant businesses), and you get 868/840.  Immigrant businesses tend to produce about the same number of jobs as a group as native born businesses.

Not saying I think this is necessarily a good point, but it is true that sales taxes are regressive taxes, meaning they harm the poor and are lenient on the rich.
The poor spend a lot on goods, but the rich spend a lot on investments, so having a sales tax and a capitol gains tax evens things out.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
 open borders would remove their biggest stumbling block. 
I don't think open borders has a correlation as to whether or not drug cartels come here.  They come whether or not we have border security and often the people coming to the US are fleeing the drug cartels.  It's better to jail all the people involved with MS 13 rather than deporting them, maybe show the members where better jobs are so they don't have to resort to selling drugs illegally and without a permit in order to survive and let that expand our economy.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
you think tribalism is bad now LOL open up the borders and watch. 
Tribalism didn't happen when we had open borders with Europe.  I doubt it would come with open borders with the whole world.

talk about chaos, power grabbing and kingdom building. 
Not going to happen.

There are many religions which are compatible with each other.  Even with the current borders etc Christianity spreads.  Open borders you may as well kill off your competition while you convert. 
I don't care if people become Christian because of open borders.

Imagine the blackmarket profiteers, their main stumbling block is borders and border security, now if that was gone?
We punish them for operating black market stuff.  What is the black market anyways?  It's off topic, but still.

Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Before you respond, I want to respond to the other people.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
You bring Mexico to the US and El Chapo and everyone escapes from prison.
We could jail all the violent drug dealing gangs and then there would be no one to bail the gangs out.

 What are you going to do when a bunch of Hispanics paid with cartel money that vastly outnumber Americans show up at your doorsteps and in front of prisons.
Most Hispanics aren't bribed by the cartels.  The ones that are get jailed.

If Cartel money supply goes away they resort to even more violence like extortion. 
How?  They won't have the money to do extortion.

You can’t throw them all in jail cause they’d just be freed with the help of their buddies who’d infiltrate every institution in the US.
The cartels haven't infiltrated every US institution.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
I'll respond to yall later.  I don't think I have much more time on my end.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Guns also save a ton of lives.
So do immigrants, like when they are blood donors.

You know what happened after that Ellis Island wave of immigration? We stopped letting in new immigrants.
That was done to make sure that the immigrants learn English.  Granted, if we opened up our borders with the whole world, many of the immigrants would already know English since the English language is incredibly widespread amongst the world population.  More people know English than the number that know Chinese(around 20%).  Also, there is some instinctual assilimination that immigrants as a group already go through that would ensure that this number is over 20%.  I say this because here is my line of thinking:

-The US doesn't filter on the basis of religion.  Despite that, immigrants from India are more likely to be Christian if they reside in the US (around 20%) than if they aren't immigrants (around 2%).

I therefore think that if the US didn't filter on the basis of English proficiency, we would still get more English knowledge among the immigrants than random earthlings would present.  Immigrants tend to in many respects emulate the country they immigrate too.

A constant flow, if you look at the Southwestern US, doesn't allow that. There are areas in the US that you must speak Spanish to get by.
There aren't that many areas in the US where this is the case.  There are some, but not many.  Most people in CA and TX know only English in terms of languages.  Moreover, with open borders, people are mostly going to live in big metropolitan cities, far from the US border, and other immigrants would come so English would be used as a lingua franca and eventually as a primary language amongst the descendants of immigrants.

And Middle Eastern culture mixing with Latin American culture is not American culture.
A lebanese person and a Bolivian person having a kid will mean that the kid will easily learn ENglish and may be bilingual, but English would be their primary language.

By forcing them to compete with slave wages.....

All this helps is businesses in cutting down wages and immigrants getting slightly better wages than their home country.
Immigrants are more likely to own businesses than native born people.

Business formation rates are even higher among immigrants than the nonimmigrant. The business formation rate per month among immigrants is 0.62percent (or 620 out of 100,000). This monthly rate of business formation is muchhigher than the non-immigrant rate of 0.28 percent (or 280 of 100,000).

We can easily pay off the debt with what who we have.
Then why haven't we?

Plus, most of the people flooding in from Central and South America are going to have little education and will be very poor, so our current tax code wouldn't apply to them, either.
I'd abolish the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and a capitol gains tax.  Anyone that buys anything for any reason would have to pay a tax on it.  This applies to native born people and immigrants.  I'd show them how to get good paying jobs with the education they have (there are so many jobs you can get with no college education, so hook the immigrants and anyone else who needs one with a job and they should be set).  They also could own a business, creating jobs for many other people (which immigrants are more likely to do) and unemployment would plummet.

Posted in:
Should pro life males get vastectomies?
 If you are pro-life, shouldn't you support sterilization of pro-baby murder people?
The pro choice people are consistent.  Moreover, the sterilization is temporary, until you get the vasectomy reversed.
Posted in:
Should pro life males get vastectomies?
the chances of offspring decrease 10 fold even if you reverse it
I am unsure if this is accurate.  Do you have a source?

Moreover, if reproduction is impossible, anyone wishing for a kid may adopt one from overseas.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
I mean, if you want to bring crime
Not going to happen.  Guns kill more people than immigrants do on a per capita basis and I'm pro 2nd amendment.

a destruction of American culture
Not going to happen because the immigrants would assimilate on their own or if they don't, their kids will end up doing that.  Open borders means every person in the entire world can come to the US.  There will be multiple different cultures, which will mix and their culture will be American by default.  This is why despite NYC being heavily influenced with Italians, there is no mafia, and the region is American.

obliterate the working and middle class
How?  It would expand the middle class if anything.

then go on ahead and support the worst policy anybody could ever fathom.
It's not a bad policy; I've met plenty who support the idea.  It's consistent small government ethic, and gets us out of debt with low taxes as well since there would be more taxpayers in the nation, making the tax burden per American less.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
 Give him a few questions and he will quickly run or dodge.
When did I do this?

Why do you think there are gangs worth fleeing in the countries they're from?
Because they got something pretty bad in Latin America, just like they did in Europe with WWI.  Immigrants often don't emulate the countries they are from, otherwise NYC would be heavily run by the Italian Mafia.  This is not the case to this day.

If our borders were open, what would stop those gangs from following those fleeing people into America?
The gangs would come, but they would be punished under US law if they do any crimes within the US (except for coming here without a license).  They murder someone; they get sentenced to the LAG penalty.

Would everyone be able to vote? How would we document anyone if people are flowing in and out of the country?
I don't see why the immigrants can't vote if they are of age.  Why would we want to document where people are going exactly?

What would stop criminals from escaping to bordering countries after crimes and returning at will later to repeat their crimes?
The same thing that would happen if I committed a crime in NY, and moved to Kansas to flee NY.  I would get caught and punished for the crime.  If someone commits a crime in China and flees to the US, the Chinese police would come and arrest the person if the US consents to the arrest (granted this wouldn't be the case if the person does something that's legal in the US, but illegal in China like protesting against the government).
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Where are you gonna put all the drug offenders? You’re easily gonna run out of room. Not to mention it would likely be a violation of the 8th Amendment at a smaller level of vending drugs.
I'd rehab the drug users but the drug sellers would be small in number so jailing them would be feasible.

Why let it happen in the first place when we can prevent it as much as possible. You’re giving criminals candy by leaving the borders open.
The way we prevent it is by rehabbing all the non violent drug users, so it leaves the drug cartels powerless since anyone they try to get addicted to their drugs would get rehabbed instead of jailed.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Can't have open borders with open welfare anyway without bankrupting the country.

Pick one or the other.
Okay.  We open the borders and eliminate welfare for everybody.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
And then when they complete their sentences you deport them and then they come back again.
The punishment for selling drugs without a license should be life in jail without parole, so they aren't getting released if they sell drugs without a permit on American soil.

 If borders disappear thousands of criminals pour into the nation from around the world 
If they commit a crime in the US, then they get tried for that crime as if they did it in the US.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Open borders means that nation can be culturally appropriated by another nation.
In the situation of the US, not accurate.  Open borders means open borders with the whole world.  There would be Hispanic immigrants, but there would also be immigrants from Sub saharan Africa, the Muslim world, India, and China.  With no clear nationality to settle on, American would be the default nationality and English would be the default language picked by the immigrants.

The kind of appropriation that was inflicted on practically all the native populations in the Americas and Australia.
They had lack of disease resilience.  But in this globalized world, the odds of an immigrant bringing in some foreign disease that wipes out 90% of the US population is practically not there anymore.  With vaccines and medicine, any diseases that might hop ship to the US would easily be taken care of.

What also happened to Rome when they lost control of their borders.
Rome fell because they failed to assimilate non Romans that they conquered.  With America, the immigrants will assimilate on their own and if they don't, their kids will.

Roman language Latin is now a dead language due to open borders.
Latin is a dead language because only the elites knew the language.  With English, this won't be the case since the elite's language is the same language as the language of the common people in the US (English).

Open borders would ensure America would become 100% Hispanic speaking within 5 generations.
Also not accurate.  Most immigrants won't even be from Latin America with open borders since many Sub Saharan Africans, Muslims, Indians, and Chinese would also come and assimilate on their own.  These groups will have a strong tendency to know English, and America has the power to assimilate all immigrants virtually within 2 generations or so, causing the nation to thrive.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
The foreign ideologies imported with mass 19th century immigration resulted in large numbers of riots and terrorist attacks
19th century immigration didn't result in that many terrorist attacks and statistically speaking, guns kill more people than terrorist attacks.  Freedom is dangerous as hell, but its worth it, otherwise we would be living in a nanny state.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
Imagine cartel violence on steroids. Open borders helps El Chapo and El Mayo along with the Colombians.
The people coming here are fleeing the gangs.  I live in a sanctuary state, and the undocumented immigrants aren't destroying the economy.  What we should do with the gangs is jail them for selling drugs without a license, and rehab them if they are using bad drugs recreationaly.
Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
I don't think that is accurate.  When the US had practically open borders with war filled Europe in the early 20th century, we didn't get war in the US.  The people fled the war; they hated war and they didn't want to bring that war here.  I think the same would apply to Latin American immigrants.

Posted in:
I support open borders change my mind
If you disagree with open borders, I want to know why because open borders seem pretty good to me.  One comment at a time though, I don't want to be spammed.
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel
If your referring to the minimum wage, I oppose the minimum wage as well, did a segment on that.  Forgot where it was though.  But try and stay on topic.
Posted in:
Should pro life males get vastectomies?
Vasectomies are reversible, so just reverse it when your ready to have kids.  Seems easier than forcing a woman to be pregnant for 9 months in order to prevent an abortion.
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel
When he has Congress at his heals there’s only so much he can do legally.
He could pull troops out of the middle east and if the democrats try to accuse him of something from it, he could respond, "Well, you asked for it, so here you go".  The GOP is basically Trump's party so they ought to go along with the pulling out of troops.  He could dejustify US intervention in other countries and hopefully that works.
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel
These people know how to fight the radical Islamists because they’ve been doing it for years.
What they have been telling us hasn't worked.  We have been in Iraq for 18 years or so and ISIS still isn't destroyed.  I think the more we fight in the middle east, the more ISIS gets recruitment because although most Muslims see ISIS as bad, they see the US involvement in the middle east as worse.  When we have killed more innocent civilians than ISIS has, it's easy to see their point.  

The War on terror is a counterproductive failure that has resulted in more terror because of US involvement.  If we pulled out of the region, the locals would hate us less, and things would eventually go back to the way they were, more or less.  I think the War in Iraq is more like the Vietnam war than the Korean war.

The Iraq war is certainly not putting America first either since we spend trillions on a war that is dragging us further into debt.  Trump said he would put America first and he has yet to do that with the Iraq War.
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel
How is Israel being an ally beneficial to the United States?  They don't give us anything in return.  All they do to the US is they use our taxpayer money and we don't get anything out of it.  If anything, our relationship with the middle east is being harmed by it, with exceptions going to Saudi Arabia.  Why we are allies with Saudi Arabia, I have no idea either.  Lets not be allies with any nation that takes tax dollars from the US and doesn't give us anything in return.
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel
Seems like a waste of money to me.
Posted in:
Should pro life males get vastectomies?
I did a similar topic before, but to me it seems like it's consistent pro life ethic.
Posted in:
The Flat Tax
The rich would get taxed by alternative means, like the capitol gains tax.
Posted in:
The Flat Tax
I see a liberal and conservative argument to abolish the income tax.

The conservative argument for it is it discourages income production.

The liberal argument for it is the rich people (whom the income tax is designed to tax) will try and succeed in finding ways to dodge it no matter how many loopholes you try to close.

Posted in:
The Flat Tax
Abolish the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and a capitol gains tax.
Posted in:
Albania vs Serbia on Kosovo
I can see that, but if there was a state in the US that was 95% Mexican and had 95% of it's population speaking Spanish, should that state go to Mexico?  I don't think so.