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I am actually not a fan of David's he almost destroyed this site completely. Hopefully we have people in a position that will undo his damage, which will take a while.


He isn't going to rematch me


The bad guys have always followed the laws and the good guys decided they were better than the laws. That's how the underground railroad worked. It's how The United States broke off from the persecution of the UK. All of our heros are rule breakers. Ghandi broke laws.

Nazis followed the rules. The killing fields occurred because people followed the rules of their leader. The people who break the laws of North Korea by helping It's citizens escape are heros.

You won't see people who are heroic as slaves to the laws.

Also Picard had this kantian view that just is stupid. The show was good because of showing how it dealt with great philosophical problems, but Picard was a bitch, and the show was worse when it lost lieutenant Yar.. he was brave when it came to dealing with existential threats to his and his crews existence, but to bow down to authority like that is unacceptable.

To be fair also, now that I used that example of Kirk, I am thinking of all kinds of times where Picard broke rules, and did disrespect authority. The ideal is when I think of the "great man" in philosophical terms, Kirk more easily fits it. Just as Ghandi more easily fits this great man. All heros do, and the world would lose heros if we decided that American laws were superior to American heros.


"This goes back to the philosophical disagreement.

That's correct: democracy vs.autocracy. Is SupaDudz greater than DART or is DART greater than SupaDudz"

This is where the great man theory comes in. If kirk would have actually given a shit about the prime directive, he would have had very little positive impact.


"If candidates are interested in running please shoot a DM about it."

"This brand new "check in with SupaDudz first" rule is not within the scope of the MEEP and is a new authority over the election asserted only by you. Why?"

Asking people to please check in, to make your job easier, is different than commanding them to check in.


Supa may have thought we had to check in because I did. I did only to confirm my eligibility to run. The rules had some gray areas and I didn't know if I was eligible.

I can tell you, that the rules were not followed when it came to the election, on the parts of the mods.

I can tell you that it is not acceptable that the reasons are "for the better of the community". Reason being is you can do anything and cite that as the reason. Just like why we shouldn't let the government overstep the law for the good of the community in terms of covid19. If they haven't overstepped the law, than the bill of rights has let us down. I assume knowing oromagi's stance on covid mandates and his philosophically opposing stance on moderation, it will be I threshing to see his cognitive dissonance at play

With that said. The mods have a life hopefully and probably more important shit to do other than impose rules in a loose fashion.


"Well, I think then, the black pill should be determinism, but not defeatism. According to what I think of your definition, "Ugly people do have it harder than handsome people" is black-pill."

Not really. The emphasis you are hearing might not quite be what I am trying to put out there it's not just moderately harder. Go Google the elephant man.

Seriously look at an image of him. Is that somebody who should be wasting his short life trying to find love or get pussy? Or would he be better off acknowledging that women are human and care about looks, and acknowledging he will always be ugly and instead living his life to the fullest.

You can say things like defeatist or determinism, but I'm going to tell you defeatist and determinism is the same thing. They both mean you become resigned to your fate.

"making peace with oneself instead of striving hard for unrealistic goals. Is that perhaps really the black pill is? If so, did a perfectly good idea get twisted by incels?"

It hasn't been twisted by incels. This is what they believe. Your ideal of incel has probably come from watching videos about then or reading commentary on them. Maybe you think that since elliot rodger was inspired by their ideology that he was incel. However, why Don't you actually talk to an incel. Maybe hear straight from the horses mouth what they believe?

I know it's easy to shit on incels. The media shits on them, people not studying their ideology but explaining it to others shits on them, hell even life shits on incels. They aren't this caricature created by the media though. I can probably get you contact details for some, but people are literally hating on these guys, for claiming that they are ugly and unfuckable.


"Then, is "I am a failure at life because I am ugly and it will not get better" a black-pill statement or am I wrong about it all along?"

Perhaps that is a blackpill statement. I think you miss the point a bit. I'll explain the terminology a but better, because black pill stands in contrast to the other ideologies of the manosphere. These are ideogies specific to the sexual market place it should be noted.

Blue pill = just be yourself and you'll find the right girl eventually.

Redpill= lift, make money and show confidence to get women.

Purple pill= the redpill is true but threatens western values, and institutions of monogamy.

Black pill= women care about looks more than what society thinks, and being ugly, short or just awkward means that you won't likely find somebody to love you. They differ from the typical redpill thinker, by not believing that money, Confidence or game will be enough to overcome their ugliness.

I think you have a hidden premise here, you are failing to acknowledge. You think it would somehow make somebody some sort of loser to think it's not worth the effort to pursue relationships, because they are ugly and their options are very limited. I hazard to guess, you probably think this because a part of you puts the pussy on a pedestal.

It's okay to be single or ugly and you can live a very fruitful life as an ugly person and die happy.

This notion that you have to think of yourself as good looking or having a winning personality, to feel good about yourself is wrong.

I don't know why society is painting incels as hating women. They are literally just stating that women care about looks and prioritize it more than society would have you believe.

I can acknowledge a lot of truth in that statement. I have had it easy with women, because of my looks. People want to say incels are incelibate merely because of shyness or not trying, but I am literally a person who has never had to pursue sex with women and slept with a lot of the. I am very very reserved and yet women approach me.

For good looking guys, we don't have to actually try at all. There are average looking guys that probably need a moderate amount of effort to sleep with women. Incels on the other hand, are so ugly they might have to dedicate their lives to it, and even when they manage to get one, they'll likely be a terrible partner, as even ugly women have no problem getting into relationships with average looking guys. So an ugly one available to incels will probably also be some sort of crazy and that is after the incel has been rejected by 1000 ugly women, in their pursuit of love.

This doesn't make women bad. It doesn't mean incels hate them. It just means that the one in a million chance they find love is probably wasted effort when they can be doing productive things with their time like learning a new language, or skill. Going to school for medicine etc. This is a similar thing to MGTOWs who just want to stay single, but with frequent sex.


"Even people without arms can still run and swim and play the drums. Why is it good that people just not try when they clearly can?"

Probably because the reward is not worth the effort. If said unarmed person thinks the effort is worth the reward, than fine they should pursue that. However they should probably take the black pill and realize, they'll have a harder time than others


"As a student I will no longer study since I think calculus and microeconomics are way too hard and I will make peace with my grade anyways."

I think it's more relevant to say something like.

"Math is harder for me than the average person, and I will take the black pill to accept that. I will study harder with this realization and find creative ways to learn that my more talented class mates wouldn't need to do"

In black pill terminology it might be a thought such as

"I acknowledge that I look like the elephant man and can not very easily get pussy. Actually it will take considerable work to find a pussy to put my dick in"

Once the realization is made, then it is up to the incel to decide whether gaining gaining LTR with a woman they are attracted to is worth all the effort or not. If it is worth the effort than than the incel will do what's called "looks maxing ". It can involve dressing well, wearing lift shoes, mewing and getting their teeth fixed.

If they decide it isn't worth the effort than the result is likely to lead to them, realizing they are enough and living their best life as a celibate single person.


"Well, incels could work towards transforming themselves, working out or hustling or being a good guy in general. They would be much better than those who lock themselves in grievance caused by the "black pill"."

Why do you think the black pill means grievance or batching or moaning? It just means resigning yourself to your fate, which can be a positive thing that helps you focus on what you can control.


"you are someone who used a flat earth conspiracy site in a debate, which is in no way credible, so how are we gonna trust you?"

I really wish they had an IQ test for this site. What thing did I say, that requires trust?


Bro, use citations. You brought up a lot of facts, cite them nigga.


Dude, why did you take that stupid tactic with this debate. The alternative theory to the black pill is that ugly dudes can find love, if they put in work to look their best, become successful and respect themselves. Your response was some stupid shit like

"Well some ugly people get lucky, so I guess it's untrue" also your first paragraph in round one is basically big fuck you to pro, because you try to take the topic off course


Round one is probably going to be spent talking about how Trump is so great. If I was con, I would just capitalize on that, by explaining how Trump was better than Reagan, thus forcing pro to attack Trump and contradict himself.


Anyone curious about my feedback, can PM lunatic for a copy and past of the PM. I just refrained because I think I was leaning towards awarding a controversial win and my vote wouldn't have altered the result anyway.


Thanks, I appreciate that


And I want to keep it that way, thanks


Let's try to use closer to 10k characters please. Nobody is going to want to read 30k


Let's try to use closer to 10k characters please. Nobody is going to want to read 30k


mine too, and I'm not even sure who I am voting for, despite reading the debate 3 times.


I already spent 2 hours on judging this debate. I'll see what type of progress I can make with my RFD tomorrow


"By our moral standard, there appears to be nothing overtly or inherently immoral about these 5 commandments. However, these commandments are laid out alongside more important commands, such as "thou shall not kill" - yet the bible offers no distinction between the prohibition of murder and working on a saturday, thus from a Christian perspective, they are both equally immoral"

This is true. From God's POV, you are no better than somebody who murders, if you break any of the other commandments as well. This has nothing to do with how the laws should be, enforced because prison is meant to keep society safe as well as punish. However both the blasphemer and the murderer are condemned to hell. That is unless they accept Jesus christ as their lord and savior


I am trying, but this is a tough read. Kinda boring to me. I am the best kind of voter though. Disinterested and unbiased


Roblox is better. I have played both and it is easier to get into roblox and seems to be as complex or a simple as you want. I haven't played much, but my 6 year old loves roblox. I say the one advantage of mine craft, is that it is a bit easier to play on Linux, which I appreciate


The black pill is absolutely true. I have a good looking face, and even when I balloon up in weight, I still get massive pussy (not massive as in fat chicks). These ugly dudes, even when thin, just cannot compete with me.


I like looking at dislikes, because a lot of times it alerts you to a title that is just click bait.


I wish I actually did this debate. Especially after seeing those arguments. Sorry David

I noticed you focused a lot on whether the new testament is God Given. I think it's much more important just to take it as eyewitness testimony that was written like 20 to 30 years after the event.

The resurrection being true, is the important part, not the minor discrepancies if they are in fact discrepancies. Also you compared the historical capturing of the event with the crossing of the Rubicon. The historical accounts of Caesers life also have some wierd supernatural and clearly untrue shit in them as well. For example tales of animals coming out of the sky and the sun stopping for Caesar. Crazy things. Jesus was a peasant not a famous statesman like Caesar. There will be less amounts of Jesus.

David, Jesus is your messiah. I have failed you, by not taking this debate more seriously. Perhaps I have cost you immortality with your heavenly father in eternal paradise. I am truly sorry. I hope I find some time at some point to provide you proper rebuttals, and hopefully you actually have the time to look over my rebuttals, though I have mentioned a few above


Forgot about thos debate. Surprised I have time to post


people need to start both arguing for the win if the debate is abusive and set up that way and voting to award the win to players who fight against abusive terms that make a debate one sided


Will you promise to stop being Jewish when I win this debate?


Why do you guys nitpick over his terms. Just sort it out in the debate


You blocked me for some reason so I can't respond directly, but here is my explanation.

because I like debating, so I keep trying. However I really don't have time for it.


just read your comment. The kid was raped. Don't take the word molestation too literal.


Even theists agree there bgg is no end. It would take more processing power than the universe has for a computer to know everything


You know I only give a shit about the debate right? Proving your nonsense wrong here is only o interest to me.

I also think hen a person like you is incorrect itnis impossible to change their mind. You coincidentally believe the stuff about gender dysphoria that make you feel good, and we are in a society where academics will not even publish studies that will offend SJWs because SJWs are scared of the truth and will attack or ruin the lives of academics who do publish inconvenient studies


Do you really have to respond to my arguments 5 minutes after ai make them to annoy me.


Than why do the counter vote bomb?


Much better this debate. Thank you


I like how you are so paranoid you locked one alleged alt of mine which was no way similar to me and in fact was such an SJW they thought computers were racist, but you leave this obvious alt alone.


Whose alt are you? Which debate are you trying g to vote on for your alt account? I assume drlebromski


Sterilizing everyone actually does harm. Banning people from owning a single type of inbred dog, causes no harm. In a cost benefit analysis mass sterilization makes no sense and banning pitbulls does. Not sure why you are debating that here though when you could just do a rated debate to get something closer to my best argument


It's called using context clues. I understand English is disgusting and turning into an extremely low context language, but let's be civilized and treat it like a high context language (such as Japanese), while we can.

You mentioned that a study showed 2% regret transitioning. Obviously the ones who commit suicide before they can detransition is what I was referring to. Also, not all people who regret getting their dick cut off, think detransitioning is a viable option.

Transitioning happens for 2 reasons.

The 1st and most rare one is that the person is sexually attracted to the ideal of being a woman. It makes them hard to think about it. Not much different than people who are attracted to being handicapped and want to lose their limbs.

The second reason people transition, is because they hate themselves. They think if they can erase themselves and become a woman, it will make them happy. However, even after the transition, they realize they are still themselves and now they have mutilated themselves. This is why transgender suicide rates are so high post op.

You don't cure gender dysmorphia by cutting your dick off. Or sewing some sort of nasty flesh dildo onto your vagina.


why are you asking people to vote. It is unrated. it's not just to save 20 lives, there also lots of attacks that don't end in death and other considerations. However I think the families of those 20 people who died, assuming your numbers are correct, would disgree that saving 20 lives with a ban that actually does no harm would be beneficial.


I said the remaining ones who regret it, not all transgenders. Nice intellectual honesty though


You should have said that easily disprovable stuff in the debate. Instead you dropped arguments.


I don't care. the debate is unrated


What about this one where israel admits foreknowledge

"Israel literally warned the U.S. of imminent attacks. It’s true. The biggest reason we know they had foreknowledge is because they quite literally warned the United States government about an impending attack on the twin towers.

Early in August Israel warns the United States

“50 to 200 al-Qaeda terrorists are inside the US and planning an imminent "major assault on the US" aimed at a "large scale target"

Later the same month they send another warning saying the following

“Israel gives the US a list of 19 terrorists inside the US planning an imminent attack, the list names at least four of the hijackers, including Mohamed Atta, Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi”
