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Total topics: 6

All of us that are high-up climbed there primarily by noobsniping or even if we didn't we climbed in a far more liberal rating era and environment. If this update is to actually stop people climbing by noobsniping, the only way to do that is to completely reset the entire rating system to 1.5k for all (or whatever the new seed for default rating is).
51 14
We can see the USM is afraid to make a move. Terrified, paralysed and trembling as a Novice and a Madman come for the throne he has rested idle upon for much longer than deserved.

Will the champ make a move or silently wither away? The era of cowards sitting still at the top is soon to be abolished; move or perish, rise or fall that is the way of the competitive debater.

I wonder what would happen if Mike, the admin/owner, introduced Rating decay for every 14 days of debate inactivity muahahaha what would the ex-champs turned timid sideline sitters do?

This is the new era! A new #1 soon, perhaps new #2 above USM.
12 7
I can no longer optimally gamble on noobsniping.

Despite what Oromagi and some say, once you're in the 1800s you gain way too little from wins vs noobs to make the risk vs reward healthy. I can no longer healthily hope to use my level of participation to carry me past a loss here and there. It's just not optimal.

I want regular clashes vs debaters nearer to 1600 than 1500. I will take you up on challenges, let me know. I'll require long Rounds, I want proper, decent clashes that let real life healthily interact with tough debates.

This is going to be beyond anything DDO ever had from any debater. I am going to be doing quality debate after quality debate, 1-week or 2-week Rounds, no mercy, no excuses proper clashing.
24 5
I understand the following:

  1. This site is on life support. The dead userbase do not enjoy voting.
  2. Voters tend to prefer you attacking opponents' ideas so much so that offense is defense because if the opponent stays defensive, voters either do not vote or vote against the defender.
  3. To launch successful attacks, stick to semantics, get the opponent furious as you gaslight them about what they are really trying to say and tell voters that the opponent has dropped points, constantly, even if the point is shit.
  4. Learn and practise this method so much so that one can do it across 18 debates at once pote tially. Just read what the opponent says, link it wrongly to definitions, write antithetical contentions and syllogisms even if rebuttals are ruled out. As in make your constructive inherently attack theirs 'accidentally, and never waste effort preemptively defending.
  5. Over time, you will find that the impulsive members who have the passion to vote, vote for you because they fall in love with your way of attacking.
  6. Avoid accepting challenges from tough opponents, let them come to you, learn to debate ordinary topics ridicupously aggressive and well. Nearly plagiarise ideas from the cookie cutter round 1s and then just stick to pure offense.
I predict this approach is actually the best.

If you notice, all bad debaters have different things making them bad but all good-rated debaters here are either accidentally or intentionally adhering to this ethos, just focusing less on quantity (except Novice).

I will be surprised if my analysis is proven wrong. Do expect some losses incoming, after that, watch me annihilate.
7 4
I was completely illegitinately robbed of several free wins by Bsh1 because Ramshutu cried about me getting them from an alt of Type1.

This also led to a crackpot conspiracy theory later that me, the guy who kept telling the mods who Type1 was on his alts despite they and Ramshutu doubting and ridiculing me as they doubted it was Type1 the entire time, was actually in cohorts with him.

I had easily 7 if not more wins robbed from me.

Right now Novice is getting 12 or so free wins from Mall, whose elo is elevated because Wylted gave him a wrong win by a troll vote on a mutual FF where he gave Mall a win.

How the fuck is that better just because Mall is not a banned user, they are all letting Novice pick the debate topic and sides too?
63 14
You will be ranked upon several factors. There is no such thing as a truly ideal debater, everyone makes sacrifices in their playstyle.

I'll start off with some who I think won't have an issue with me rating them, if you want to be rated let me know.

Ratings in each category are out of 10


Originality: 8
Depth of Research: 10
Effort vs Margin of Guaranteed Victory: 3
Intimidation Factor ~ Makes Opponents Forfeit/Concede: 9
Intimidation Factor ~ Unpredictability Drives Opponents To Argue Chaotically: 5
Intimidation Factor ~ Reputation Brings The Utmost Stress and Effort in Opponents: 10
Ingenuity of Debate-Structure Manipulation: 4
Eloquence: 6
Rebuttal Factor  ~ Brushing off many paragraphs with 2-3 sentences: 1
Rebuttal Factor ~ Meshing rebuttals with contentions: 8
Rebuttal Factor ~  Constructing arguments that are extremely difficult to rebuke without hurting one's own case in some way: 8
Rebuttal Factor ~ Tendency to understand how voters interpret rebuttal-vs-contention interaction and strength: 10
Quality of Presentation: 7


Originality: 6
Depth of Research: 8
Effort vs Margin of Guaranteed Victory: 7
Intimidation Factor ~ Makes Opponents Forfeit/Concede: 7
Intimidation Factor ~ Unpredictability Drives Opponents To Argue Chaotically: 7
Intimidation Factor ~ Reputation Brings The Utmost Stress and Effort in Opponents: 10
Ingenuity of Debate-Structure Manipulation: 8
Eloquence: 9
Rebuttal Factor  ~ Brushing off many paragraphs with 2-3 sentences: 7
Rebuttal Factor ~ Meshing rebuttals with contentions: 10
Rebuttal Factor ~  Constructing arguments that are extremely difficult to rebuke without hurting one's own case in some way: 10
Rebuttal Factor ~ Tendency to understand how voters interpret rebuttal-vs-contention interaction and strength: 10
Quality of Presentation: 9

Let me know if you want me to rate you or another user, I will first make sure I have permission to rate everyone in this way.

65 17