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The midterms are today. Go vote, then come here and post all your darkest fears, then watch the results come in, then cry hysterically about America's future. Ready? Here we go!
210 19
If you are voting Airmax and want an Axolotl profile pic, answer the following:

  1. Why Airmax?
  2. What kind of image do you want?
  3. What vibe?
  4. Cartoony or Realistic?

29 9
I drop out, officially.

I endorse Airmax1227, semi-regrettably and want to say the full reasoning why you (my solid support base) and even you (my extended support base who are bit 'maybe, maybe not') should vote Airmax1227 this election.

The President role really is useful for 2 things:

  1. Stopping mod abuse
  2. Officially holding site events
At first, I was really skeptical about his return, why did he come back now right? Just to win? 

And yeah, if you ask me he kind of did, he has a 'thing' for being in power on an Internet Fiefdom perhaps.

Then, I ask myself what happens if he gets into the President's seat? Honestly, it doesn't matter to me that he's there, the President has only 2 functions and I feel he'd do function 2 with events quite well given his latest promises in the thread he just made.

So, I am left wondering now, what good would happen if I won? The DDO guys will get upset, leave and say 'fuck you RM'. How does that benefit the website? The whole reason I ran was to make it alive. The reason I think it's dead is that so many threads and posts are so toxic and undermoderated that it becomes a horrible wasteland appearing unpleasant for others to join but if Airmax can counteract that by spreading awareness of this website far and wide, then I'm all for it.

The only thing I don't get is why he never did that for the past 3.5 years, why did he ditch us until power came his way like blood to a shark's nose? 

If you ask me, there is a blatant power thing for him, even an ego thing and if you properly read the fine-print in the Presidency even though it says 'more than 1 successful term' it's actually 2-term limit, not a 1-term limit because that's a criteria stopping you running for site president, not a criteria overall (so 1+1 = 2 duh) and we're looking at 2-year President here.

I need to accept the reality that my supporters do like me, I chatted with a few of them privately about me dropping out and they were disheartened. It wasn't campaigning, I didn't break a rule, it was a genuine question. I will like to say that 3RU7AL doesn't deserve to win a Presidency election against either myself or Airmax1227, it's not a position for someone as socially uninvolved as them (profile doesn't specify gender, so using 'them' pronoun). 3RU7AL is a fine user of the website but wouldn't properly do either function, especially not function 2.

To my supporters, I want you to know that I have remembered all of you, by username. I know you would have stuck by me through to my defeat or victory and I owe you even though I dropped out. 

To name the ones that I mean:

Oromagi, Zedvictor4, Intelligence_06, Outplayz, Polytheist-Witch, Lunar108, FLRW and I kind of presume Reece101 was a supporter as well.

If I left your name out, I totally get if you're offended and am truly sorry!

I also appreciate EtrnlVw and Lemming for implied support though it was just asking me about what I'd do or certain things about me, allowing me to further advocate for myself.

I also want to thank IlikePie5 for being an honest opponent who ended up screwed over by several events during this, I'm not going to name names as honestly Airmax himself is to blame for Wylted dropping out, despite Pie having himself dropped out due to Wylted running.

Do not vote Hammer (I frankly think it's a joke campaign) and do not vote 3RU7AL.

Please listen to me, my supporters and vote for Airmax1227. It will be a genuine benefit to the website even if he is a little power-hungry.

Thank you all, this was a wonderful event that made me thrilled and perhaps a little anxious but certainly stimulated throughout.

Yours faithfully

~ex-candidate RM~

Vote Airmax1227
45 9
Just so that people are aware, you are not actually electing the winner yet, you're nominating and the top 3 nominees then make it into the general election stage.

What's about to come up is a nomination, not the actual election.
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